Evangelism without the Cross

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Evangelism without the Cross

Post by B. W. »

There are several new waves of teaching within the body of Christ that are subverting sound Christian Doctrine and replacing Christian Theology with peculiar modes of thinking.

I have posted several already and please feel free to add to any of these if you so choose.

Another teaching that has a current effect on the modern Church is Evangelism without the message of Cross

Evangelism without the message of Cross is a new wave of Christian evangelism that seeks after signs and wonders as the means to evangelize the lost and win them to Christ.

It has more to do with motivational speaking as well as promising health and wealth. The message of the cross, sin, and need of God's forgiveness is rarely mentioned. The emphasis is on signs, wonders, miracles. If gems fall, or gold dust appears, the emphasis is on the jewels and the the gold and not on Christ Jesus. I am not saying that God cannot do these things in order to test the human heart to reveal to a person that their heart is relying on the wrong things, and thus exposing idols. He can. When signs and wonders are the sole means of evangelism then, discipleship, mercy, personal relationships are done away with. It seems as if the signs and wonders will win the masses to Christ - the ends justify the means. However, such miracle meetings leads no one to mourn with you, or pray with you when the chips are down and life runs over you with a dump truck driven by the devil. All you get is platitudes and self help pop psycho babble passed off with a few scriptures tacked on to legitimize it with some sort of credibility.

How has this influenced the modern Church?

Well, how much of what is taught in the modern Church based on motivational speaking, doctor feel good exhortation, and the promises of God presented as a sales pitch to hook a new convert to Christ?

How has the modern evangelism model emphasize the need of only signs and wonders and miracles and healings as the sole means to win folks to Christ Jesus?

The character of a person is neglected, grace is cheapened, sin ignored, and lives not transformed are the main result. I went to check on an area where there were signs and wonders manifest a few years ago and guess what, it is a spiritual desert now. Mass crowds once came to see all the happenings and hear the greatest praise music. However, the cross, forgiveness of sins and Resurrection of Jesus was not mentioned during these meetings. It was all - signs, singing - people acting weird, the old all is well and everything is just blessings prophesy was boldly spoken without interruption. Was Christ Jesus exalted and lifted up? NO... Just the soothing prophecy, signs, wonders, music, and man. The leader was later anointed by other men as a great leader in the church and then was caught committing adultery, even during the revival, and it was passed off to justify divorce... shame!

What kind of effect does this have on the church?

Division, pride, self exaltation - what do you see?

Miracles, signs, wonders, and healings mentioned in the New Testament glorified Jesus and honored him, honored the saving message of the cross, and the grace of the Holy Spirit was shared. People burned their idols and denounced their paganism. Sinners repented and rejected former lifestyles, customs, ways, and behaviors. Then these folks were discipled by learning to trust God by having their faith built upon the Lord. That is the way God has always done things in a grand fashion that cements people to the Lord.

Have signs and wonders, etc, become an easy way to make converts to Christ without the heart ache of discipleship of learning what true faith in God is?

Evangelism without the Cross is not true evangelism in any shape or form...
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Re: Evangelism without the Cross

Post by 1over137 »

B.W., I read your series and it ... makes me sad. :(
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Re: Evangelism without the Cross

Post by melanie »

B. W. wrote:There are several new waves of teaching within the body of Christ that are subverting sound Christian Doctrine and replacing Christian Theology with peculiar modes of thinking.

I have posted several already and please feel free to add to any of these if you so choose.

Another teaching that has a current effect on the modern Church is Evangelism without the message of Cross

Evangelism without the message of Cross is a new wave of Christian evangelism that seeks after signs and wonders as the means to evangelize the lost and win them to Christ.

It has more to do with motivational speaking as well as promising health and wealth. The message of the cross, sin, and need of God's forgiveness is rarely mentioned. The emphasis is on signs, wonders, miracles. If gems fall, or gold dust appears, the emphasis is on the jewels and the the gold and not on Christ Jesus. I am not saying that God cannot do these things in order to test the human heart to reveal to a person that their heart is relying on the wrong things, and thus exposing idols. He can. When signs and wonders are the sole means of evangelism then, discipleship, mercy, personal relationships are done away with. It seems as if the signs and wonders will win the masses to Christ - the ends justify the means. However, such miracle meetings leads no one to mourn with you, or pray with you when the chips are down and life runs over you with a dump truck driven by the devil. All you get is platitudes and self help pop psycho babble passed off with a few scriptures tacked on to legitimize it with some sort of credibility.

How has this influenced the modern Church?

Well, how much of what is taught in the modern Church based on motivational speaking, doctor feel good exhortation, and the promises of God presented as a sales pitch to hook a new convert to Christ?

How has the modern evangelism model emphasize the need of only signs and wonders and miracles and healings as the sole means to win folks to Christ Jesus?

The character of a person is neglected, grace is cheapened, sin ignored, and lives not transformed are the main result. I went to check on an area where there were signs and wonders manifest a few years ago and guess what, it is a spiritual desert now. Mass crowds once came to see all the happenings and hear the greatest praise music. However, the cross, forgiveness of sins and Resurrection of Jesus was not mentioned during these meetings. It was all - signs, singing - people acting weird, the old all is well and everything is just blessings prophesy was boldly spoken without interruption. Was Christ Jesus exalted and lifted up? NO... Just the soothing prophecy, signs, wonders, music, and man. The leader was later anointed by other men as a great leader in the church and then was caught committing adultery, even during the revival, and it was passed off to justify divorce... shame!

What kind of effect does this have on the church?

Division, pride, self exaltation - what do you see?

Miracles, signs, wonders, and healings mentioned in the New Testament glorified Jesus and honored him, honored the saving message of the cross, and the grace of the Holy Spirit was shared. People burned their idols and denounced their paganism. Sinners repented and rejected former lifestyles, customs, ways, and behaviors. Then these folks were discipled by learning to trust God by having their faith built upon the Lord. That is the way God has always done things in a grand fashion that cements people to the Lord.

Have signs and wonders, etc, become an easy way to make converts to Christ without the heart ache of discipleship of learning what true faith in God is?

Evangelism without the Cross is not true evangelism in any shape or form...
I understand and agree with you. It is what I call churchianity not Christianity and it is running rampant throughout the "church". I resonate with not only this thread but the others you posted on today, it is a perversion and degradation of the word of God. It is unfortunately not the result of just a few people who are a little misguided but meaning well which Is what I had thought for many years but a deliberate and calculated act by far too many to preach a form of Christianity but with no Christ, and without the true message of salvation. So why would this happening within the "church"?
Because it is prophecy, the greatest battle for people's souls is happening within the church not outside it.
Satan is the author of lies and leader of confusion, he is attacking from the inside. Perverting the true message. Orchestrating layer upon layer of deceit to appeal to all avenues of well meaning "Christians" who bury their head in the sand, believing what the "church" dictates to them not what scripture or Our father tells us.
In particular the blending of the true message with a new age modern gnostic form of Christianity. This I have seen firsthand, and it is far too widespread and gaining momentum. Those seeking fulfilment through psychic, Wiccan, new age spirituality, egyptionology, the occult ect whilst attempting to blend these beliefs within the message of Jesus.
They can claim The Almighty but he does not know them, they can preach of God but HE does not condone them, they can pray in the name of Jesus but he does not hear them.
From what I have seen, and through the grace of my father what he has shown me many wear the badge of Christianity with no light of Christ residing within them.
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Re: Evangelism without the Cross

Post by B. W. »

Hana, yes it is sad, however, the real Church is not defeated. Things I brought up need to be discussed and exposed so that people can repent from these false teachings or at least recognize them and not be taken in by Evangelism without the Cross, Christian Universalism, Open Theism, Hyper Grace, Hyper Holiness, and a few others I haven't got to yet..such as Cessationsim and Intellectual Asleep-ism.

Melanie mentioned a point I was going to bring up which reminds me of C S Lewis' ' Screwtape Letters' where two demons talk about how to distract and sabotage the church. Jesus mentioned a principle within the bible in Matthew 12:25, "...and any city or house divided against itself will not stand," This describes the tactic of the evil within the church community. Such false teachings divide, bring in strife, and all manner of mischievous works that stain the name of Christ. So let's combat these and bring division into the evil one's camp. The devil s united to bring us down but Jesus did say that the gates of hell will not prevail over the Church, so in in that, we should trust.

So please do become discouraged but rather rise up for Christ wherever he has assigned you in life and charged you with doing. Live like a believer saved by grace and led by grace and changed by God's grace. Have compassion on those who have been led astray by Evangelism without the Cross, Christian Universalism, Open Theism, Hyper Grace, Hyper Holiness, Cessationism, and Intellectual Asleep-ism as sheep without the Shepherd Jesus Christ. He may use us as his instrument in some fashion to find these straying sheep and bring them back to his fold, such is the heart of God. If we do not raise a standard by which folks can rally too, discuss, debrief, and mourn over, and laugh about, how can we carry on? You see the enemy seeks to isolate us Christians and dishearten us too. However, let's raise the standard for a rally point where by folks can get things off their proverbial chest and discover Christ again. We are not alone. It is time we realize this and become fully all Christ desires for us to be wherever and whatever our vocation is. Feel free to discuss any of these topics and their effects upon you.

Evangelism without the Cross, Hyper Holiness, Cessationsim and Intellectual Asleep-ism, are several reasons why people turn away from following Christ and turn into disbelievers. Many have come here to this forum and haggle over the reason they no longer believe. Learn to probe and you'll discover there was an influence within the church that turned them off. Like the parable of Jesus, the Good shepherd will leave the flock to seek and find 'that' one lost sheep, lift them upon his shoulders, and carry them back to His fold. This is my main purpose for bringing these topics up.
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Re: Evangelism without the Cross

Post by 1over137 »

B.W. wrote:So please do become discouraged but rather rise up for Christ wherever he has assigned you in life and charged you with doing. Live like a believer saved by grace and led by grace and changed by God's grace. Have compassion on those who have been led astray by Evangelism without the Cross, Christian Universalism, Open Theism, Hyper Grace, Hyper Holiness, Cessationism, and Intellectual Asleep-ism as sheep without the Shepherd Jesus Christ. He may use us as his instrument in some fashion to find these straying sheep and bring them back to his fold, such is the heart of God. If we do not raise a standard by which folks can rally too, discuss, debrief, and mourn over, and laugh about, how can we carry on? You see the enemy seeks to isolate us Christians and dishearten us too. However, let's raise the standard for a rally point where by folks can get things off their proverbial chest and discover Christ again. We are not alone. It is time we realize this and become fully all Christ desires for us to be wherever and whatever our vocation is.
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
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Re: Evangelism without the Cross

Post by Silvertusk »

B. W. wrote:There are several new waves of teaching within the body of Christ that are subverting sound Christian Doctrine and replacing Christian Theology with peculiar modes of thinking.

I have posted several already and please feel free to add to any of these if you so choose.

Another teaching that has a current effect on the modern Church is Evangelism without the message of Cross

Evangelism without the message of Cross is a new wave of Christian evangelism that seeks after signs and wonders as the means to evangelize the lost and win them to Christ.

It has more to do with motivational speaking as well as promising health and wealth. The message of the cross, sin, and need of God's forgiveness is rarely mentioned. The emphasis is on signs, wonders, miracles. If gems fall, or gold dust appears, the emphasis is on the jewels and the the gold and not on Christ Jesus. I am not saying that God cannot do these things in order to test the human heart to reveal to a person that their heart is relying on the wrong things, and thus exposing idols. He can. When signs and wonders are the sole means of evangelism then, discipleship, mercy, personal relationships are done away with. It seems as if the signs and wonders will win the masses to Christ - the ends justify the means. However, such miracle meetings leads no one to mourn with you, or pray with you when the chips are down and life runs over you with a dump truck driven by the devil. All you get is platitudes and self help pop psycho babble passed off with a few scriptures tacked on to legitimize it with some sort of credibility.

How has this influenced the modern Church?

Well, how much of what is taught in the modern Church based on motivational speaking, doctor feel good exhortation, and the promises of God presented as a sales pitch to hook a new convert to Christ?

How has the modern evangelism model emphasize the need of only signs and wonders and miracles and healings as the sole means to win folks to Christ Jesus?

The character of a person is neglected, grace is cheapened, sin ignored, and lives not transformed are the main result. I went to check on an area where there were signs and wonders manifest a few years ago and guess what, it is a spiritual desert now. Mass crowds once came to see all the happenings and hear the greatest praise music. However, the cross, forgiveness of sins and Resurrection of Jesus was not mentioned during these meetings. It was all - signs, singing - people acting weird, the old all is well and everything is just blessings prophesy was boldly spoken without interruption. Was Christ Jesus exalted and lifted up? NO... Just the soothing prophecy, signs, wonders, music, and man. The leader was later anointed by other men as a great leader in the church and then was caught committing adultery, even during the revival, and it was passed off to justify divorce... shame!

What kind of effect does this have on the church?

Division, pride, self exaltation - what do you see?

Miracles, signs, wonders, and healings mentioned in the New Testament glorified Jesus and honored him, honored the saving message of the cross, and the grace of the Holy Spirit was shared. People burned their idols and denounced their paganism. Sinners repented and rejected former lifestyles, customs, ways, and behaviors. Then these folks were discipled by learning to trust God by having their faith built upon the Lord. That is the way God has always done things in a grand fashion that cements people to the Lord.

Have signs and wonders, etc, become an easy way to make converts to Christ without the heart ache of discipleship of learning what true faith in God is?

Evangelism without the Cross is not true evangelism in any shape or form...
This sounds like the Toronto blessings and Todd Bentley, Benny Hinn etc.. You are absolutely right. The biggest warning sign should always be if Jesus is not mentioned - or the redeeming sacrifice of the Cross.
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Re: Evangelism without the Cross

Post by PaulSacramento »

Without the cross, without His Death AND His resurrection, we have nothing.
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Re: Evangelism without the Cross

Post by B. W. »

Yes there is some bad stuff out there that is passed off as the Gifts of the Holy Spirit but these don't produce exalting Jesus Christ and shaping personal character to reflect more of Jesus on earth than one's own will. What I see is what most of you see, people looking toward the leaders, or the phenomenon, than to Jesus. The kundalini spirit is one example of this deception and unfortunately, Todd Bentley, was duped by this.

When the real gifts happen, Jesus is the center of all, and the message of the cross and Resurrection as well as Jesus's Lordship is confirmed. When the fake happen, people go after signs and wonders only with no life changing effect from these. They come away with hype and no Christ in one's personal life.
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Re: Evangelism without the Cross

Post by 1over137 »

What I see is what most of you see, people looking toward the leaders, or the phenomenon, than to Jesus.
The real leader would told you not to depend on him, but on the biggest friend one can have - Jesus.
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
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Re: Evangelism without the Cross

Post by B. W. »

1over137 wrote:
What I see is what most of you see, people looking toward the leaders, or the phenomenon, than to Jesus.
The real leader would told you not to depend on him, but on the biggest friend one can have - Jesus.

:amen: :amen: :amen:
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Re: Evangelism without the Cross

Post by abelcainsbrother »

I too agree there are a lot of false things in the church but at the same time we should not forget this Mark 16:15-18 "And he said unto them,Go ye into all the world,and preach the gospel to every creature.He that believeth and is babtized shall be saved;but he that believeth not shall be damned.And these signs shall follow them that believe;In my name they shall cast out devils;they shall speak with new tongues;they shall take up serpents;and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them;they shall lay hands on the sick,and they shall recover."

I know the gifts are abused by the church but we should not forget that they are for signs when done properly.Sometimes though it comes down to what a persons denomination teaches rather than God's word and this is why people avoid these signs and gifts of the Holy Spirit and it really has more to do with following man instead of God's word based on their denomination and its doctrines of men.This means that they are going to automatically get uncomfortable when they encounter a person using these gifts in the name of Jesus and think it is some kind of wrong teaching or even prideful and showboating and not important even if they are being used properly.
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