I found this debate to be very interesting and educational..
A proper idea of God, in order to satisfy scripture, must have:
1- One Person Who is God
2- A trinity
3- An explanation of why Jesus prayed to the Father as if He were a separate and distinct person.
When Jehovah inhabited His natural body, Jesus, He had a dual personality, His own and the personality He inherited, or took upon Himself, from us through Mary. This personality prayed to Jehovah. This nature was able to be tempted with evil whereas Jehovah cannot.
Matthew 4:1 “Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.”
James 1:13 “...God cannot be tempted with evil...”
The fallible nature which could be tempted with evil was in the process of being made divine, or to say it another way, Jehovah was in the process of deifying the sinful nature which He inherited from us through Mary. In a sense, Jehovah completely separated from His lower nature ( My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Matthew 27:46) while still retaining it, but deifying it (“...all power is given unto me [Jesus] in heaven and in earth.” Matthew 28:18).
Now that Jehovah has deified His human ( “...it is finished...” John 19:30), God has become man and man has become God in the person Jesus Christ, the one and only God of heaven and earth. Jesus is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, the only object of our worship. He is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, omnipresent, almighty, and omniscient. The nature which prayed to the Father and could be tempted with evil is no more.
[In our regeneration, we are called upon to crucify our sinful nature by withdrawing from it also. However, we cannot withdraw to the degree that Jehovah did, we will eternally be in the process of being perfected.]
The Holy Trinity consists of God's Eternal Essence (Father), God's Divine Human (Son) and That which proceeds (Holy Spirit). We are created in His image and also have an essence, a body and that which proceeds.
Now we have an explanation which satisfies scripture. The idea which you have proposed presents Jesus as having lived from eternity and as being fully God while on earth. If so, why could he be tempted with evil?
If you will be prayerful and open minded about this, I believe that you have been presented with enough evidence to see why it is so important to abandon the wrong idea of three separate and distinct divine persons.
Your friend and brother,
Link ~> http://community.beliefnet.com/go/threa ... it_up?pg=1