Is there a God?

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Re: Is there a God?

Post by Kurieuo »

You are entitled to your opinions Min,
and others can and will decide for themselves over what I've presented.

Truth is, I was working with Kenny and we found much agreement.
The post that you responded to and chose to poke a hole in simply an illustrative point, was really the last in a discussion that Kenny and I were having.
A discussion that Kenny and I have both actually enjoyed, although we're under no misunderstanding of each other's beliefs.

While I could push back point by point on your philosophical conclusions that touch upon science, I see something more at play here.
What I am seeing is that when I evaluate the impact upon your scientific statements to my last post to Kenny, I still draw my same philosophical conclusions.
How is this possible? Am I being unscientific? Or just still drawing different philosophical conclusions to you?

I actually feel that what you debating as "science" is really me presenting my own philosophical conclusion based upon what we observe.
Like those facts you mentioned of Salmon swimming upstream and evidence of animals sacrifice themselves for others.
And you know what, that too shows signs of transcendence to me. ;)

These facts though are not facts of science, anymore than seeing an apple fall from a tree.
So even if I'm unaware to them, then that doesn't mean I'm scientifically uneducated.
These things might however inspire scientific investigation to understand why it happens and how it is physically possible.
Like discovering the law of gravity and how it works, or understanding Salmon find their way back to their spawning point after so long.

BUT, people can draw different conclusions on facts whether simply observed or revealed through scientific investigation.
I've simply drawn different philosophical conclusions to you, and I clearly identified them as my own personal judgement.
You disagree fine, but I don't believe that means I'm unscientific just because you only view natural philosophical conclusions as acceptable.

I feel that that because you believe nature is all there is, you see it as "unscientific" to even draw a philosophical conclusion beyond the realms of the physical world.
And this dictating of what is or isn't an acceptable philosophical conclusion says to me that you may actually be mixing Philosophical Naturalism in with your Science.
And so it seems your "science" is being clouded by your philosophical position, such that you see anything that goes against your philosophical stance as being "unscientific".

Science itself is neutral on these matters of opinion and doesn't itself prove/disprove God's existence.
Rather people drawing philosophical conclusions decided whether scientific facts do/do not.
And what I see our differences of opinion really boiling down to is our difference in philosophical conclusions.

Finally, out of respect to you and myself, I want to deal with another issue head on.
You seem so hard. Unwilling to listen or give on anything. Push back at every turn.
I really don't have the slightest how to carry a discussion like this with you.

You've studied biology quite hard. I really respect that you are bright.
You are perhaps a different stock to most of us here with the way you were raised and all.
You know, Tiger Mom and all that. It's given me some insight. Seriously.

But, do you really think that I am too stupid and uneducated to discuss these matters?
Do you really think I have zero understanding of true science?
Maybe I'm just being overly sensative, but this is the feeling that you keep leaving me with.

If you truly do think either of those things, then why even bother conversing with me here?
Or is it just that you feel a need to put me in my uneducated and unscientific place?
If you truly do believe any of these things, then well I think I've got thick skin... but it actually hurts a tad given our other talks.
But obviously, if that is how you feel about me due to what I see as my different philosophical conclusions, then I really can't change that.
I don't expect to change what you truly believe about me, but I'd prefer you just didn't bother to humour me in any discussions where you clearly think me stupid. :(
I'll just concede I'm too stupid on any such matters and walk away Min.

Kenny, if you're still reading this, then I'd love to continue our conversation (from my post before Audie's first response).

PS. @ Min, I was actually being sarcastic about looking forward to your next critique. :P
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Re: Is there a God?

Post by Kurieuo »

Audie wrote:Well, yes, my family was in Hong Kong for the invasion. The appalling behaviour of people does more to argue against divine origin of this special moral quality than it does to argue for it.

People have the ability to override all kinds of things, their rational intellect, their moral instincts among them. The human mind and body are a whole long way from perfect!

Obviously we are clever, and good at manipulating things. Rerun the invasion of HKin your mind, and point out the transcendence.
On WWII, I mentioned it because I guessed it'd have some significance to you. Figured it might be a common bond of sorts. Don't know why.
It was somewhat significant to Amy in that book I'm reading, which I why I thought of it.

My grandfather fought in the war. Was sent to the Philippines. He came back with certain psychological issues not dealt with, and Dad and his siblings had an unsettling upbringing. It is amazing that the repercussions can span generations.

And as for transcendence, it is only a belief in something Transcendent that can provide any ultimate meaning to such tragedies.
By what measure do you call what some Japanese did as really wrong? "Nature", as you say, "does not have the capacity to care."
Do you think what happened was truly meaningless?

Furthermore, people move on, will forget and the world keeps spinning until it reaches its heat death.
Rendering anything previous going on forgotten and without true meaning.
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Re: Is there a God?

Post by Audie »

Kurieuo wrote:You are entitled to your opinions Min,
and others can and will decide for themselves over what I've presented.

Truth is, I was working with Kenny and we found much agreement.
The post that you responded to and chose to poke a hole in simply an illustrative point, was really the last in a discussion that Kenny and I were having.
A discussion that Kenny and I have both actually enjoyed, although we're under no misunderstanding of each other's beliefs.

While I could push back point by point on your philosophical conclusions that touch upon science, I see something more at play here.
What I am seeing is that when I evaluate the impact upon your scientific statements to my last post to Kenny, I still draw my same philosophical conclusions.
How is this possible? Am I being unscientific? Or just still drawing different philosophical conclusions to you?

I actually feel that what you debating as "science" is really me presenting my own philosophical conclusion based upon what we observe.
Like those facts you mentioned of Salmon swimming upstream and evidence of animals sacrifice themselves for others.
And you know what, that too shows signs of transcendence to me. ;)

These facts though are not facts of science, anymore than seeing an apple fall from a tree.
So even if I'm unaware to them, then that doesn't mean I'm scientifically uneducated.
These things might however inspire scientific investigation to understand why it happens and how it is physically possible.
Like discovering the law of gravity and how it works, or understanding Salmon find their way back to their spawning point after so long.

BUT, people can draw different conclusions on facts whether simply observed or revealed through scientific investigation.
I've simply drawn different philosophical conclusions to you, and I clearly identified them as my own personal judgement.
You disagree fine, but I don't believe that means I'm unscientific just because you only view natural philosophical conclusions as acceptable.

I feel that that because you believe nature is all there is, you see it as "unscientific" to even draw a philosophical conclusion beyond the realms of the physical world.
And this dictating of what is or isn't an acceptable philosophical conclusion says to me that you may actually be mixing Philosophical Naturalism in with your Science.
And so it seems your "science" is being clouded by your philosophical position, such that you see anything that goes against your philosophical stance as being "unscientific".

Science itself is neutral on these matters of opinion and doesn't itself prove/disprove God's existence.
Rather people drawing philosophical conclusions decided whether scientific facts do/do not.
And what I see our differences of opinion really boiling down to is our difference in philosophical conclusions.

Finally, out of respect to you and myself, I want to deal with another issue head on.
You seem so hard. Unwilling to listen or give on anything. Push back at every turn.
I really don't have the slightest how to carry a discussion like this with you.

You've studied biology quite hard. I really respect that you are bright.
You are perhaps a different stock to most of us here with the way you were raised and all.
You know, Tiger Mom and all that. It's given me some insight. Seriously.

But, do you really think that I am too stupid and uneducated to discuss these matters?
Do you really think I have zero understanding of true science?
Maybe I'm just being overly sensative, but this is the feeling that you keep leaving me with.

If you truly do think either of those things, then why even bother conversing with me here?
Or is it just that you feel a need to put me in my uneducated and unscientific place?
If you truly do believe any of these things, then well I think I've got thick skin... but it actually hurts a tad given our other talks.
But obviously, if that is how you feel about me due to what I see as my different philosophical conclusions, then I really can't change that.
I don't expect to change what you truly believe about me, but I'd prefer you just didn't bother to humour me in any discussions where you clearly think me stupid. :(
I'll just concede I'm too stupid on any such matters and walk away Min.

Kenny, if you're still reading this, then I'd love to continue our conversation (from my post before Audie's first response).

PS. @ Min, I was actually being sarcastic about looking forward to your next critique. :P

You made a couple of common mistakes in your understanding of evolution. None of that spin off about stupid etc is so.

I sort of thought you were being sarcastic but chose the path of faith, that it was not.
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Re: Is there a God?

Post by Kenny »

Sorry it took so long to respond; I was having problems getting on this site for the last couple days for some reason.

Hi Ken,

I've reflected a bit on our discussion here.

Really, I think it is a hard push to believe that moral feelings have any imperative like I see moral values would.
It took me a while to realise this, but I see a clear distinction between the two.
Whether or not you agree, allow me to try unpack this distinction.

It seems a given, that without God one must accept what we call "morals" somehow evolved.
These morals at best are "feelings". It seems hard to see whether feelings arrived at by chance ought to be considered really as "moral values".
Of course, for practical purposes in discussion we may refer to them as "moral values", even if it is believed they are shared feelings that evolved.

However, strictly speaking, "value" actually seems to point to an existence in its own right.
The way I see it, evolution cannot provide "moral values" but it can provide "moral feelings".
The former is an "object" existing in its own right, the latter a mental state.

For example, consider numbers and colours.
Where do these exist? If no mind or light existed, then would they exist?
These are considered abstract objects. Moral values are abstract objects.
If you've never read up on "abstract objects" then I'd encourage you to do so.
It is an interesting philosophical discussion.

I agree!

For this reason, I remain unconvinced that morality can be naturally explained.
Feelings perhaps. But then, why prefer a "desire for peace" as a "moral" and a "desire to experience the greatest pleasure" not?
Humans seem to desire pleasure more than peace. Hedonism. You know?
Moral values have an extra qualitative feel to them that general feelings or desires do not.

I think this goes back to humans being social creatures. If I as an individual sought the greatest immediate pleasure and desire; I would want to take stuff that doesn’t belong to me; (along with a host of other antisocial behaviors) because it is easier to steal than work for it myself, (and cheating is easier than playing fair). But when I look at the big picture, I will employ empathy and understand if I behave this way nobody will want to associate with me. Now because associating and building emotional relationships with other people is more important than the immediate desire of antisocial behavior, I will put my immediate desires aside for the long term desire of living in a society with others, and all that comes with it.

Also consider that a more compatible moral feeling if we evolved would be survival.
Self-sacrifice just doesn't seem like a good trait to evolve. Or perhaps some other moral actions we consider to be good.

I think this happens when we build emotional relationships with others. It is natural for emotionalr relationships to cause us to put the good of others before our own good. This even happens to an extent in the animal world; even though not to the extent as it does for us.

That said, let me assume that you still remain unconvinced.
Why "a desire for peace" as the most foundational?
It seems to me that this itself if derived from a desire for "love" itself.
That is, our desire for peace seems to be built upon Love.

Love can encompass friendship, family, companionship, romantically, erotically...
But, the most purest form of love is perhaps one of an unconditional love. Self sacrifice.
What is commonly referred to as Agape.

In Christianity, we believe this is the type of love that God has for us, and desires for us to have for each other.
Surely, your identifying a "desire for peace" is built upon this?
To live peacefully, often requires a measure of self-sacrifice.
In any case, it seems Agape is more evidently closer to "the fire".

I agree! When I spoke of emotional relationships, I was refering to love.

And you know what? The irony is on me,
Because initially I thought your words suspect.
But, you find odd support from Christian quarters for basing moral duties on one moral value.

Jesus replied when asked the question, "What is the greatest law?":
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

So when you stated that you see "a desire to live peacefully" as the most foundational principle...
Well, this actually isn't as foolish as I first thought (and kept silent on ).
As you realised, I was hoping that you would see the source as God. No doubt, Hana was too when she asked her question.

But thinking on it, I saw that Jesus also seems to acknowledge one can fulfill all moral commands if they just Love because they're all based upon this!
So although I still believe there is a Divine source where they came from, it's not so silly to think most of morality is based upon one principle.
You'll probably find that a welcomed acknowledgement on my part I'm sure.

On your previous reply; I think you made an excellent point when you said; “It seems we've walked to the same water spot, but we're drinking from different areas

I think it's an easy step from your "desire for peace" to a "desire for Love".
Again, a desire for peace seems like it would be more based upon love, rather than a desire for love being based upon peace.
And then now, well, you're on solid ground with Christ.

Obviously as an Atheist (I'm not sure I've actually ever directly asked though??),
you don't acknowledge a moral value like "Love" being rooted in God.
But rather human moral feelings being rooted in evolution.

As I said before, Because I don’t see any evidence of the existence of God, if I were to put God on the table before I saw the evidence it would be akin to as my Grandmother used to say “putting the cart before the horse”

As I touched on earlier in this post, I'd expect our main shared moral values to be quite different if an unintelligent source was the cause.
That is, a loving intelligence seems to make greater sense to me that it would desire us "to live peacefully" and "love one another".

I don’t think I would say an unintelligence source is the cause of the love of we experience; I believe the source is intelligent; just not God but human intelligence; warts and all! I believe flawed, imperfect, and often misguided human intelligence is the source of our flawed, imperfect, and often misguided human love. I suspect if a perfect God were the source, our love would be a lot more perfect than it is now.

RickD wrote
"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence".
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Re: Is there a God?

Post by Kurieuo »

Many do see the moral argument as evidence for God, when properly framed.
Though I haven't desired to properly frame it here in preference for dialogue.

I could never put it as pointedly as William Lane Craig who as you probably know has debated using this argument 100 times over.
If you don't mind a "light" read, I'd be interested in your overall take from your position, reading over Craig's article: Can We Be Good without God
I'd be interested to know where you personally feel there is an unfairnesses or weakness in the argument.

It is great however, from my point of view, that you have something in common with Jesus' own words. ;)
Shows truth is truth no matter our positions on the matter. And that's what I love about reason.

BUT, I think we truly have reached the water but drink from different spots.
There's really nothing more I can do I think to push you on morality's origin over to God.
If you don't see an obvious connection like I do then that's it really.

HOWEVER, I would like to tap you for an issue that is related.
I'll leave it however until after your final response here.

All the best!
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Re: Is there a God?

Post by Kenny »

Kurieuo wrote:Many do see the moral argument as evidence for God, when properly framed.
Though I haven't desired to properly frame it here in preference for dialogue.

I could never put it as pointedly as William Lane Craig who as you probably know has debated using this argument 100 times over.
If you don't mind a "light" read, I'd be interested in your overall take from your position, reading over Craig's article: Can We Be Good without God
I'd be interested to know where you personally feel there is an unfairnesses or weakness in the argument.

It is great however, from my point of view, that you have something in common with Jesus' own words. ;)
Shows truth is truth no matter our positions on the matter. And that's what I love about reason.

BUT, I think we truly have reached the water but drink from different spots.
There's really nothing more I can do I think to push you on morality's origin over to God.
If you don't see an obvious connection like I do then that's it really.

HOWEVER, I would like to tap you for an issue that is related.
I'll leave it however until after your final response here.

All the best!
Yes I will read over William Lane Craigs's article and give my take on it. It is a rather long article so it might take a day or two to wrap my brain around all of it, but as soon as I read all of it, I will give you my take on it.

RickD wrote
"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence".
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Re: Is there a God?

Post by Kurieuo »

Kenny wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:Many do see the moral argument as evidence for God, when properly framed.
Though I haven't desired to properly frame it here in preference for dialogue.

I could never put it as pointedly as William Lane Craig who as you probably know has debated using this argument 100 times over.
If you don't mind a "light" read, I'd be interested in your overall take from your position, reading over Craig's article: Can We Be Good without God
I'd be interested to know where you personally feel there is an unfairnesses or weakness in the argument.

It is great however, from my point of view, that you have something in common with Jesus' own words. ;)
Shows truth is truth no matter our positions on the matter. And that's what I love about reason.

BUT, I think we truly have reached the water but drink from different spots.
There's really nothing more I can do I think to push you on morality's origin over to God.
If you don't see an obvious connection like I do then that's it really.

HOWEVER, I would like to tap you for an issue that is related.
I'll leave it however until after your final response here.

All the best!
Yes I will read over William Lane Craigs's article and give my take on it. It is a rather long article so it might take a day or two to wrap my brain around all of it, but as soon as I read all of it, I will give you my take on it.

Thanks Ken, that's cool...

There are some thoughts that could take time to unpack to understand too, but I'm looking forward to your take.
Appreciate that you want to spend some time to try an unpack all of what Craig is saying -- sometimes quite a task!

You may reject the moral argument still, that'd be my expectation given our discussion here, but nonetheless I'm interested in your honest comments.
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Re: Is there a God?

Post by Kenny »

Hello Kuriuo.
I posted the entire article, I put my replies in bold, and the specific part of his article that I was responding to I put in Italics and I left the rest of the article in standard print so you could see the context of what was said and what I was responding to.

Can We Be Good without God?

Can we be good without God? At first the answer to this question may seem so obvious that even to pose it arouses indignation. For while those of us who are Christian theists undoubtedly find in God a source of moral strength and resolve which enables us to live lives that are better than those we should live without Him, nevertheless it would seem arrogant and ignorant to claim that those who do not share a belief in God do not often live good moral lives—indeed, embarrassingly, lives that sometimes put our own to shame.

But wait! It would, indeed, be arrogant and ignorant to claim that people cannot be good without belief in God. But that was not the question. The question was: can we be good without God? When we ask that question, we are posing in a provocative way the meta-ethical question of the objectivity of moral values. Are the values we hold dear and guide our lives by mere social conventions akin to driving on the left versus right side of the road or mere expressions of personal preference akin to having a taste for certain foods or not? Or are they valid independently of our apprehension of them, and if so, what is their foundation? Moreover, if morality is just a human convention, then why should we act morally, especially when it conflicts with self-interest? Or are we in some way held accountable for our moral decisions and actions?

If morality is a human convention, humans will enforce it and hold the immoral accountable. The reason to act morally would be to live peacefully along side other humans.

Today I want to argue that if God exists, then the objectivity of moral values, moral duties, and moral accountability is secured, but that in the absence of God, that is, if God does not exist, then morality is just a human convention, that is to say, morality is wholly subjective and non-binding. We might act in precisely the same ways that we do in fact act, but in the absence of God, such actions would no longer count as good (or evil), since if God does not exist, objective moral values do not exist. Thus, we cannot truly be good without God. On the other hand, if we do believe that moral values and duties are objective, that provides moral grounds for believing in God.

Consider, then, the hypothesis that God exists. First, if God exists, objective moral values exist. To say that there are objective moral values is to say that something is right or wrong independently of whether anybody believes it to be so. It is to say, for example, that Nazi anti-Semitism was morally wrong, even though the Nazis who carried out the Holocaust thought that it was good; and it would still be wrong even if the Nazis had won World War II and succeeded in exterminating or brainwashing everybody who disagreed with them.

What does it mean to say something is wrong weather someone disagrees or not? Suppose I were thirsty and I were about to drink from a bucket of water; and someone told me the water I were about to drink was contaminated and would make me sick. If I were to object because to refrain from drinking goes against my agenda of relieving my thirst, I will get sick anyway! The same will go for dog, cat, or any other creature that drinks of the water; anybody who objects will be proven wrong. But how can this be applied to morality in order to call it objective?

If a person of another religion said according to his God slavery is okay and Craig said according to his God slavery is wrong, How can Craig prove himself right? It’s not like drinking contaminated water whereas he will be proven right inspite of what this guys God says, so what does he mean when he says something is objectively wrong weather someone disagrees or not?

Of course when I say something is subjectively wrong, I am saying it is my opinion that it is wrong and I recognize another person equal to me might object. But Craig seems to believe morality is more than opinion; so what more is it?

On the theistic view, objective moral values are rooted in God. God’s own holy and perfectly good nature supplies the absolute standard against which all actions and decisions are measured. God’s moral nature is what Plato called the “Good.” He is the locus and source of moral value. He is by nature loving, generous, just, faithful, kind, and so forth.

Moreover, God’s moral nature is expressed in relation to us in the form of divine commands which constitute our moral duties or obligations. Far from being arbitrary, these commands flow necessarily from His moral nature. In the Judaeo-Christian tradition, the whole moral duty of man can be summed up in the two great commandments: First, you shall love the Lord your God with all your strength and with all your soul and with all your heart and with all your mind, and, second, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. On this foundation we can affirm the objective goodness and rightness of love, generosity, self-sacrifice, and equality, and condemn as objectively evil and wrong selfishness, hatred, abuse, discrimination, and oppression.

Finally, on the theistic hypothesis God holds all persons morally accountable for their actions. Evil and wrong will be punished; righteousness will be vindicated. Good ultimately triumphs over evil, and we shall finally see that we do live in a moral universe after all. Despite the inequities of this life, in the end the scales of God’s justice will be balanced. Thus, the moral choices we make in this life are infused with an eternal significance. We can with consistency make moral choices which run contrary to our self-interest and even undertake acts of extreme self-sacrifice, knowing that such decisions are not empty and ultimately meaningless gestures. Rather our moral lives have a paramount significance. So I think it is evident that theism provides a sound foundation for morality.

Contrast this with the atheistic hypothesis. First, if atheism is true, objective moral values do not exist. If God does not exist, then what is the foundation for moral values?

The foundation for moral values is to live peacefully with our neighbors.

More particularly, what is the basis for the value of human beings? If God does not exist, then it is difficult to see any reason to think that human beings are special

Human beings are only valuable to other human beings. It’s not like other wild animals are going to see us as superior to them, they see us as just another animal and will kill us at the drop of a hat.

or that their morality is objectively true. Moreover, why think that we have any moral obligations to do anything? Who or what imposes any moral duties upon us?

Our neighbors.

Michael Ruse, a philosopher of science, writes,
The position of the modern evolutionist . . . is that humans have an awareness of morality . . . because such an awareness is of biological worth. Morality is a biological adaptation no less than are hands and feet and teeth . . . . Considered as a rationally justifiable set of claims about an objective something, ethics is illusory. I appreciate that when somebody says ‘Love they neighbor as thyself,’ they think they are referring above and beyond themselves . . . . Nevertheless, . . . such reference is truly without foundation. Morality is just an aid to survival and reproduction, . . . and any deeper meaning is illusory . . . .1

As a result of socio-biological pressures, there has evolved among homo sapiens a sort of “herd morality” which functions well in the perpetuation of our species in the struggle for survival. But there does not seem to be anything about homo sapiens that makes this morality objectively true.

Moreover, on the atheistic view there is no divine lawgiver. But then what source is there for moral obligation?

If humans are the supreme beings of the Universe (that we know of) any source of morality would have to come from us. I realize to those who believe there is something above mankind (theists) this isn’t good enough; but to the atheist this is all we have to work with and it seems for the most part to be working out just fine.

Richard Taylor, an eminent ethicist, writes,

The modern age, more or less repudiating the idea of a divine lawgiver, has nevertheless tried to retain the ideas of moral right and wrong, not noticing that, in casting God aside, they have also abolished the conditions of meaningfulness for moral right and wrong as well. Thus, even educated persons sometimes declare that such things are war, or abortion, or the violation of certain human rights, are ‘morally wrong,’ and they imagine that they have said something true and significant. Educated people do not need to be told, however, that questions such as these have never been answered outside of religion.2

He concludes,
Contemporary writers in ethics, who blithely discourse upon moral right and wrong and moral obligation without any reference to religion, are really just weaving intellectual webs from thin air; which amounts to saying that they discourse without meaning.3

Now it is important that we remain clear in understanding the issue before us. The question is not: Must we believe in God in order to live moral lives? There is no reason to think that atheists and theists alike may not live what we normally characterize as good and decent lives. Similarly, the question is not: Can we formulate a system of ethics without reference to God? If the non-theist grants that human beings do have objective value, then there is no reason to think that he cannot work out a system of ethics with which the theist would also largely agree. Or again, the question is not: Can we recognize the existence of objective moral values without reference to God? The theist will typically maintain that a person need not believe in God in order to recognize, say, that we should love our children. Rather, as humanist philosopher Paul Kurtz puts it, “The central question about moral and ethical principles concerns this ontological foundation. If they are neither derived from God nor anchored in some transcendent ground, are they purely ephemeral?”4

If there is no God, then any ground for regarding the herd morality evolved by homo sapiens as objectively true seems to have been removed. After all, what is so special about human beings? They are just accidental by-products of nature which have evolved relatively recently on an infinitesimal speck of dust lost somewhere in a hostile and mindless universe and which are doomed to perish individually and collectively in a relatively short time. Some action, say, incest, may not be biologically or socially advantageous and so in the course of human evolution has become taboo; but there is on the atheistic view nothing really wrong about committing incest. If, as Kurtz states, “The moral principles that govern our behavior are rooted in habit and custom, feeling and fashion,”5 then the non-conformist who chooses to flout the herd morality is doing nothing more serious than acting unfashionably.

The objective worthlessness of human beings on a naturalistic world view is underscored by two implications of that world view: materialism and determinism. Naturalists are typically materialists or physicalists, who regard man as a purely animal organism. But if man has no immaterial aspect to his being (call it soul or mind or what have you)

There is a big difference between what we call your soul and what we call your mind. The soul we object to; the mind; everyone agrees. Even the most hard core naturalist will agree with the existence of ideas, numbers, thoughts, etc.

, then he is not qualitatively different from other animal species. For him to regard human morality as objective is to fall into the trap of specie-ism. On a materialistic anthropology there is no reason to think that human beings are objectively more valuable than rats.

We are more intelligent than rats, more accomplished, there are a million reasons to consider ourselves superior to rats; even though I doubt the rats will agree. Though then I doubt the rats will agree with the Craigs claims either.

Secondly, if there is no mind distinct from the brain, then everything we think and do is determined by the input of our five senses and our genetic make-up.There is no personal agent who freely decides to do something.

We are the free agent who uses our mind to do stuff.

But without freedom, none of our choices is morally significant. They are like the jerks of a puppet’s limbs, controlled by the strings of sensory input and physical constitution. And what moral value does a puppet or its movements have?

Thus, if naturalism is true, it becomes impossible to condemn war, oppression, or crime as evil. Nor can one praise brotherhood, equality, or love as good. It does not matter what values you choose—for there is no right and wrong; good and evil do not exist. That means that an atrocity like the Holocaust was really morally indifferent. You may think that it was wrong, but your opinion has no more validity than that of the Nazi war criminal who thought it was good.

That would only be true if everybody thought all opinions were equal; nobody believes that. Everybody believes their opinion is better than all the others and as long as this is the case; those who disagree with war, crime, oppression and all that other stuff you mentioned will speak out against it.

In his book Morality after Auschwitz, Peter Haas asks how an entire society could have willingly participated in a state-sponsored program of mass torture and genocide for over a decade without any serious opposition. He argues that
far from being contemptuous of ethics, the perpetrators acted in strict conformity with an ethic which held that, however difficult and unpleasant the task might have been, mass extermination of the Jews and Gypsies was entirely justified. . . . the Holocaust as a sustained effort was possible only because a new ethic was in place that did not define the arrest and deportation of Jews as wrong and in fact defined it as ethically tolerable and ever good.6

Moreover, Haas points out, because of its coherence and internal consistency, the Nazi ethic could not be discredited from within. Only from a transcendent vantage point which stands above relativistic, socio-cultural mores could such a critique be launched. But in the absence of God, it is precisely such a vantage point that we lack. One Rabbi who was imprisoned at Auschwitz said that it was as though all the Ten Commandments had been reversed: thou shalt kill, thou shalt lie, thou shalt steal. Mankind has never seen such a hell. And yet, in a real sense, if naturalism is true, our world is Auschwitz. There is no good and evil, no right and wrong. Objective moral values do not exist.

Moreover, if atheism is true, there is no moral accountability for one’s actions. Even if there were objective moral values and duties under naturalism, they are irrelevant because there is no moral accountability.

I disagree! You are accountable to your neighbors. When your immoral actions impose upon your neighbors, they will hold you accountable. Remember; the US, Great Brittan, and Russia didn’t stop Hitler because God told them to; the stopped him because it was in their best interest to do so.
An argument can be made that the neighbors wrath is more of a “crime deterrent” than God’s wrath because your neighbors wrath is doled out immediately in the physical world; not some future world sometime after death, and you probably won’t be getting a “get outta jail” card for confessing your sins or repenting.

If life ends at the grave, it makes no difference whether one lives as a Stalin or as a saint.

It matters to your neighbors who will hold you accountable if you choose to live as Stalin instead of a saint!

As the Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky rightly said: “If there is no immortality, then all things are permitted.”7
The state torturers in Soviet prisons understood this all too well. Richard Wurmbrand reports,
The cruelty of atheism is hard to believe when man has no faith in the reward of good or the punishment of evil. There is no reason to be human. There is no restraint from the depths of evil which is in man. The Communist torturers often said, ‘There is no God, no hereafter, no punishment for evil. We can do what we wish.’ I have heard one torturer even say, ‘I thank God, in whom I don’t believe, that I have lived to this hour when I can express all the evil in my heart.’ He expressed it in unbelievable brutality and torture inflected on prisoners.8

Nobody scares me more than those who say that if not for their God, they would commit every atrocity imaginable, and only their faith is barely holding them back.

Given the finality of death, it really does not matter how you live. So what do you say to someone who concludes that we may as well just live as we please, out of pure self-interest?

You tell him to follow the rules of law or suffer the consequences that everyone else suffers who refuses to follow the rules of law. What does the William Craig say to such a person who has no respect for his God?

This presents a pretty grim picture for an atheistic ethicist like Kai Nielsen of the University of Calgary. He writes,
We have not been able to show that reason requires the moral point of view, or that all really rational persons should not be individual egoists or classical amoralists. Reason doesn’t decide here. The picture I have painted for you is not a pleasant one. Reflection on it depresses me . . . . Pure practical reason, even with a good knowledge of the facts, will not take you to morality.9

Somebody might say that it is in our best self-interest to adopt a moral life-style. But clearly, that is not always true: we all know situations in which self-interest runs smack in the face of morality. Moreover, if one is sufficiently powerful, like a Ferdinand Marcos or a Papa Doc Duvalier or even a Donald Trump, then one can pretty much ignore the dictates of conscience and safely live in self-indulgence. Historian Stewart C. Easton sums it up well when he writes, “There is no objective reason why man should be moral, unless morality ‘pays off’ in his social life or makes him ‘feel good.’ There is no objective reason why man should do anything save for the pleasure it affords him.”10

There isn’t an objective reason, but there is a subjective reason for doing these things.

Acts of self-sacrifice become particularly inept on a naturalistic world view. Why should you sacrifice your self-interest and especially your life for the sake of someone else?

You do it because you love that someone else.

There can be no good reason for adopting such a self-negating course of action on the naturalistic world view. Considered from the socio-biological point of view, such altruistic behavior is merely the result of evolutionary conditioning which helps to perpetuate the species. A mother rushing into a burning house to rescue her children or a soldier throwing his body over a hand grenade to save his comrades does nothing more significant or praiseworthy, morally speaking, than a fighter ant which sacrifices itself for the sake of the ant hill. Common sense dictates that we should resist, if we can, the socio-biological pressures to such self-destructive activity and choose instead to act in our best self-interest. The philosopher of religion John Hick invites us to imagine an ant suddenly endowed with the insights of socio-biology and the freedom to make personal decisions. He writes:

Suppose him to be called upon to immolate himself for the sake of the ant-hill. He feels the powerful pressure of instinct pushing him towards this self-destruction. But he asks himself why he should voluntarily . . . carry out the suicidal programme to which instinct prompts him? Why should he regard the future existence of a million million other ants as more important to him than his own continued existence? . . . Since all that he is and has or ever can have is his own present existence, surely in so far as he is free from the domination of the blind force of instinct he will opt for life—his own life.11

Now why should we choose any differently? Life is too short to jeopardize it by acting out of anything but pure self-interest. Sacrifice for another person is just stupid. Thus the absence of moral accountability from the philosophy of naturalism makes an ethic of compassion and self-sacrifice a hollow abstraction. R. Z. Friedman, a philosopher of the University of Toronto, concludes, “Without religion the coherence of an ethic of compassion cannot be established. The principle of respect for persons and the principle of the survival of the fittest are mutually exclusive.”12

Religion is not necessary in order for us to have love for one another.

We thus come to radically different perspectives on morality depending upon whether or not God exists. If God exists, there is a sound foundation for morality. If God does not exist, then, as Nietzsche saw, we are ultimately landed in nihilism.
But the choice between the two need not be arbitrarily made. On the contrary, the very considerations we have been discussing can constitute moral justification for the existence of God.

For example, if we do think that objective moral values exist, then we shall be led logically to the conclusion that God exists. And could anything be more obvious than that objective moral values do exist? There is no more reason to deny the objective reality of moral values than the objective reality of the physical world. The reasoning of Ruse is at worst a text-book example of the genetic fallacy and at best only proves that our subjective perception of objective moral values has evolved. But if moral values are gradually discovered, not invented, then such a gradual and fallible apprehension of the moral realm no more undermines the objective reality of that realm than our gradual, fallible perception of the physical world undermines the objectivity of that realm. The fact is that we do apprehend objective values, and we all know it. Actions like rape, torture, child abuse, and brutality are not just socially unacceptable behavior—they are moral abominations. As Ruse himself states, “The man who says that it is morally acceptable to rape little children is just as mistaken as the man who says, 2+2=5.”13 By the same token, love, generosity, equality, and self-sacrifice are really good. People who fail to see this are just morally handicapped, and there is no reason to allow their impaired vision to call into question what we see clearly. Thus, the existence of objective moral values serves to demonstrate the existence of God.

Why is it when people try to justify the existence of objective moral values; they use easy examples that everyone agrees on like; Rape, or Genocide? Why don’t they use some of the more complicated moral issues like; premarital sex, or Stem Cell research?

Or consider the nature of moral obligation. What makes certain actions right or wrong for us? What or who imposes moral duties upon us? Why is it that we ought to do certain things and ought not to do other things? Where does this ‘ought’ come from?


Traditionally, our moral obligations were thought to be laid upon us by God’s moral commands. But if we deny God’s existence, then it is difficult to make sense of moral duty or right and wrong, as Richard Taylor explains,

A duty is something that is owed . . . . But something can be owed only to some person or persons. There can be no such thing as duty in isolation . . . . The idea of political or legal obligation is clear enough . . . . Similarly, the idea of an obligation higher than this, and referred to as moral obligation, is clear enough, provided reference to some lawmaker higher . . . . than those of the state is understood. In other words, our moral obligations can . . . be understood as those that are imposed by God. This does give a clear sense to the claim that our moral obligations are more binding upon us than our political obligations . . . . But what if this higher-than-human lawgiver is no longer taken into account? Does the concept of a moral obligation . . . still make sense? . . . . the concept of moral obligation [is] unintelligible apart form the idea of God. The words remain, but their meaning is gone.14

It follows that moral obligations and right and wrong necessitate God’s existence. And certainly we do have such obligations. Speaking recently on a Canadian University campus, I noticed a poster put up by the Sexual Assault & Information Center. It read: “Sexual Assault: No One Has the Right to Abuse a Child, Woman, or Man.” Most of us recognize that that statement is evidently true. But the atheist can make no sense of a person’s right not to be sexually abused by another.

Canadian University Campus? It was probably an atheist who put up the sign! (LOL)

The best answer to the question as to the source of moral obligation is that moral rightness or wrongness consists in agreement or disagreement with the will or commands of a holy, loving God.

Does Craig really believe when Moses came down from Mt Sinai with the 10 Commandments; that mankind was totally unaware that stealing, killing, bearing false witness, etc was wrong? That nobody on Earth was aware that this type of behavior was wrong before God said so via his 10 Commandments? I would suspect he knows better than that. If primitive man could figure out basic right from wrong; why wouldn’t he assume modern man can do the same?

Finally, take the problem of moral accountability. Here we find a powerful practical argument for believing in God. According to William James, practical arguments can only be used when theoretical arguments are insufficient to decide a question of urgent and pragmatic importance. But it seems obvious that a practical argument could also be used to back up or motivate acceptance of the conclusion of a sound theoretical argument. To believe, then, that God does not exist and that there is thus no moral accountability would be quite literally de-moralizing,

"God does not exist" does not equal “no moral accountability”. We are accountable to our neighbors.

for then we should have to believe that our moral choices are ultimately insignificant, since both our fate and that of the universe will be the same regardless of what we do.

The Universe might be the same, but when our neighbors get done with us; our fate won’t be.

By “de-moralization” I mean a deterioration of moral motivation. It is hard to do the right thing when that means sacrificing one’s own self-interest and to resist temptation to do wrong when desire is strong, and the belief that ultimately it does not matter what you choose or do is apt to sap one’s moral strength and so undermine one’s moral life. As Robert Adams observes, “Having to regard it as very likely that the history of the universe will not be good on the whole, no matter what one does, seems apt to induce a cynical sense of futility about the moral life, undermining one’s moral resolve and one’s interest in moral considerations.”15 By contrast there is nothing so likely to strengthen the moral life as the beliefs that one will be held accountable for one’s actions and that one’s choices do make a difference in bringing about the good. Theism is thus a morally advantageous belief, and this, in the absence of any theoretical argument establishing atheism to be the case, provides practical grounds to believe in God and motivation to accept the conclusions of the two theoretical arguments I just gave above.
In summary, theological meta-ethical foundations do seem to be necessary for morality. If God does not exist, then it is plausible to think that there are no objective moral values, that we have no moral duties, and that there is no moral accountability for how we live and act. The horror of such a morally neutral world is obvious. If, on the other hand, we hold, as it seems rational to do, that objective moral values and duties do exist, then we have good grounds for believing in the existence of God. In addition, we have powerful practical reasons for embracing theism in view of the morally bracing effects which belief in moral accountability produces. We cannot, then, truly be good without God; but if we can in some measure be good, then it follows that God exists.

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Re: Is there a God?

Post by Kurieuo »

Thanks Kenny.

Some of the issues covered kind of looped back around on our discussion, but that was inevitable I suppose.

Having an approach where all argumentation is presented in an article seems to me a wrong approach to this issue.
Really think a conversationalist approach like we did allows for much richer dialogue and the discussion to go somewhere.
Also shows a respect for each other and that we're just not out to prove each other wrong.

For that reason, I kind of regret asking you to read that article.
But, it has I think enabled me to see where some differences lay between yourself and say the likes of Craig and myself -- so that has been enlightening.
I'll evaluate your comments more closely when I have some time, and present some differences that I see.

Should be helpful for any future discussion I think, not just with you but when I talk with others who don't believe God exists.

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Re: Is there a God?

Post by Kenny »

Kurieuo wrote:Thanks Kenny.

Some of the issues covered kind of looped back around on our discussion, but that was inevitable I suppose.

Having an approach where all argumentation is presented in an article seems to me a wrong approach to this issue.
Really think a conversationalist approach like we did allows for much richer dialogue and the discussion to go somewhere.
Also shows a respect for each other and that we're just not out to prove each other wrong.

For that reason, I kind of regret asking you to read that article.
But, it has I think enabled me to see where some differences lay between yourself and say the likes of Craig and myself -- so that has been enlightening.
I'll evaluate your comments more closely when I have some time, and present some differences that I see.

Should be helpful for any future discussion I think, not just with you but when I talk with others who don't believe God exists.

I actually didn't mind reading and commenting on the article; I found it quite interesting. I don't think I've ever read any of William Craig's work but it was a bit enlightening to see where many of the arguments I've heard from various theists origionate from. Also with other people looking on, perhaps they can get an idea of my perspective and will feel free to comment with their POV.

Looking foreward to your evaluation of my comments

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Re: Is there a God?

Post by Squible »


The comments I am about to make are more going to address a perspective drawn from across multiple posts from various people.

Wow! there's a lot to read.... So I hope I haven't misinterpreted positions either..

Thank you Kenny for inviting others to comment.

If we grant evolution (as Audie proposed) as a basis for morality, the reality is, all that it explains is how we have come to obtain/know morality. At best on this front this is all that science can attempt to provide. As such this makes morality a deeper more philosophical issue. Having said that, science can also inform our moral decisions. We must always remember that science doesn't say but rather scientists do, and when they go beyond science, they inescapably start entering into the philosophical realm.

Explaining how we have come to know/obtain seems to miss the deeper point which is why is there a reality of moral existence at all?

This question highlights that the reality of moral existence is a different problem.

It seems that when we make moral judgments there is a sense of something objective that we use as a standard by which to compare. This is something evolution cannot account for. And neither does the assertion of "desiring peace" seem to solve since it seems to presuppose and use this standard. Also granting that other animals have harmony or as we observe some kind of "morality" doesn't in any way explain why there is a reality of moral existence in the first place, for this too seems to presuppose it. In addition attempting to say it is within our own nature no more explains the reality of moral existence itself.

Upon reflection on this over a few days I have come to realize Kenny that it seems that your position on peace seems to be more about taking a pragmatic view on the issue? If this is the case, then a possible problem with this is, that what works while it might have truth (small t) value, doesn't necessarily lead you to answer the actual Truth (capital T) of the matter. In fact it has the potential to avoid or miss it. It seems to me that the notion of peace is merely relative and for practical purposes for localized groups of people, based on what their definition of peace is. Also wanting to achieve peace no more explains what standard they are using in order to attempt to achieve that. And why it would be right/wrong for another group to impose itself on others.

I wish not to get into a debate over what I am about to say but a good example is the abortion problem. It could be argued that it is practical (and also peaceful) to allow abortion but it no more negates the Truth (capital T) that another life is being nullified.

Also in the previous post Kenny, you seem to rebut Craig by attempting to ground morality in humanity itself, it seems that perhaps a deeper point is being missed?

For another man (or group) to impose a wrong/right upon another person means they are appealing to some standard outside of humanity (otherwise it is relative and just merely a group of opinions in agreement, and it no more means it is in fact right or wrong). If it is grounded in humanity itself then why is it not different to saying I like banana ice cream and your wrong for liking chocolate ice-cream? This may seem simplified but it illustrates what I am trying to convey.
You see if we grant "our neighbors" will enforce action then by what standard are they using? What makes their standard better then another's if it is merely coming from them? What are they comparing against outside themselves in order to determine their position is "better"?

To finish up, based on introspection and as I said previously it seems whenever we make moral judgments there is some sort of objective standard (not in a practical sense) that we appeal to in order to know better/worse/good/evil and so on. There is a deep sense of a reality of a moral existence independent of humanity. Essentially the theist grounds the reality of moral existence in Gods existence.

Hopefully without running the risk of this being a loaded question, I guess then what standard are you using to decide bad/good, better/worse when it comes to making moral judgements (other then from humanity itself) in order to impose that upon another human?
Last edited by Squible on Sat Oct 18, 2014 5:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is there a God?

Post by Audie »

Hi S,

What is meant by the "reality of moral existence"?
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Re: Is there a God?

Post by Squible »

Audie wrote:Hi S,

What is meant by the "reality of moral existence"?
Hi Audie,

In philosophy there is the epistemological (how we come to know/obtain) and the ontological (the reality of something's existence) problem.

So the problem is split in two such that how we come to know/obtain something doesn't explain why it even exists at all and what it is grounded in. (the reality of its existence/ontological).

For example someone might say that they obtained their morality from their culture or parents and so forth, but this actually doesn't explain why it exists at all in the first place. Similarly evolution cannot account for the ontological problem, since it can only address how we obtained/come to know it, it can't tell you why it exists at all or what it's source is.

I hope it's not too technical but this goes quite deep.. I think it is important to see that there is a distinction...

Why is it we have a strong sense of right and wrong? What are we appealing to in order to determine this? Why should morality exist at all? What is it anchored in/what is its source? These are deep questions philosophers has been trying to answer for centuries.
Last edited by Squible on Sat Oct 18, 2014 6:20 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Is there a God?

Post by Byblos »

Squible wrote:
Audie wrote:Hi S,

What is meant by the "reality of moral existence"?
Hi Audie,

In philosophy there is the epistemological (how we come to know/obtain) and the ontological (the reality of something's existence) problem.

So the problem is split in two such that how we come to know/obtain something doesn't explain why it even exists at all and what it is grounded in. (the reality of its existence/ontological).

For example someone might say that they obtained their morality from their culture or parents and so forth, but this actually doesn't explain why it exists at all in the first place. Similarly evolution cannot account for the ontological problem, since it can only address how we obtained/come to know it.

I hope it's not too technical but this goes quite deep.. I think it is important to see that there is a distinction...

Why is it we have a strong sense of right and wrong? What are we appealing to in order to determine this? Why should morality exist at all? What is it anchored in/what is its source? These are deep questions philosophers has been trying to answer for centuries.
This is precisely the point Kenny and Audie keep missing. There's no escaping that dreaded P word Audie. :mrgreen:
Last edited by Byblos on Sat Oct 18, 2014 7:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is there a God?

Post by Starhunter »

Audie wrote:Hi Squible,

What is meant by the "reality of moral existence"?
Moral laws are as real as the physical laws, but some say that moral law is just a wish of the religiously conscious, and that it has nothing to contribute to the progress of life in evolution.
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