Shroud of Turin

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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by bippy123 »

Philip wrote:
Bip wrote: "The most fascinating aspect of this video in my opinion are the blood clots .
Remember they are anatomically perfect , unsmeared and unbroken . When you wrap a bloodied body with a burial shroud it firms a light bond with the body . Once This happens , if grave robbers steal the body off the burial shroud what happens to the blood clots ? Well they either smear if they haven't fully dried or if they have dried they are broken . Also if the man of the shroud just suddenly gets up and walks off the shroud the blood clots will also be either smeared or broken . There is no evidence of smearing or the breaking if any of the blood clots , which means that the man of the shroud got off that shroud in an unnatural way ."
Bip, I'm so glad you emphasized these points about the unbroken, unsmeared contact points of the blood. This also well debunks any notion that a corpse was somehow wrapped and unwrapped to produce the Shroud. It also eliminates all possibility that ANY paint-like substances or liquid processes could have been used to create it, as they would have produced broken apart or smeared evidence as well. Really, if this had been a mere artist's clever fake from the medieval period, then it would have been instantly exposed as such. And let's not forget, this STURP team isn't just a bunch of Sunday School teachers eager to validate their much-believed-in relic, these are scientists of renowned expertise in their respective fields: The team has included a nuclear physicist, thermal chemists from Los Alamos National Laboratory, one from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, a biophysicist, an optical physicist, electric power experts, and a forensic pathologist. These guys are no dummies. And they weren't all Christians, either - several for which disproving the Shroud would have been more than satisfying. Not to mention their reputations were on the line. Not one would have wanted to risk their professional credibility by validating and obvious or highly dubious, FAKED artifact.
Philip, its a shame that most newbies to the shroud miss this point about the blood stains, and that's probably because the image is the so called "sexy" part of the shroud as it has garnered most of the attention from shroud researchers, but this is probably one of the most mysterious parts of the shroud and as Philip says one of the evidences against it being a painting.

Sturp also did many sophisticated analysis on it and found that the image wasn't composed of any added substances to the cloth but from a chemical change by some momentous event.

I also found another little tidbit that shows that this cant be a painting, and it was something uncovered by Ray Rogers, the brilliant thermal chemist from los Alamos labs.
The primary goal of STURP was to test the hypothesis that the Shroud's image was
painted, as claimed by Bishop d'Arcis in 1389. If it had been painted, some colored material had
to be added to the cloth, but the colored material would have gone through the fire of 1532. The
pigments and vehicles would have suffered changes in response to the heating, the pyrolysis
products, a nd the water used to put the fire out. No changes in image color could be observed at
scorch margins.
We tested all pigments and media that were known to have been used before 1532 by
heating them on linen up to the temperature of char formation. All of the materials were changed
by heat and/or the chemically reducing and reactive pyrolysis products. Some Medieval painting
materials become water soluble, and they would have moved with the water that diffused
through parts of the cloth as the fire was being extinguished. Observations of the Shroud in 1978
showed that nothing in the image moved with the water.
So when the 16th century fire burned parts of the shroud (including image areas) the image area absolutely didn't smear and no changes in image color was seen at the scorched areas, and all pigments were tested by burning them on linen and non of them responded like the image did on the shroud.

Sturp did other tests
The Shroud was observed by visible and ultraviolet spectrometry, infrared spectrometry, x-ray fluorescence spectrometry, and thermography. Later observations were made by pyrolysis- mass-spectrometry, lasermicroprobe Raman analyses, and microchemical testing. No evidence for pigments or media was found. Your eye sees colors when the surface absorbs some wavelengths of light and reflects others. A red surface absorbs all visible wavelengths other than red. Each chemical compound absorbs wavelengths that are characteristic of its chemical structure. The best way to determine the properties of a color is by measuring its spectrum. Reflectance spectrometry was one of the most important contributions of the STURP observations. The reflectance spectra in the visible range for the image, blood, and hematite are shown in the figure. The image could not have been painted with hematite or any of the other known pigments. The spectrum of the image color does not show any specific features: it gradually changes through the spectrum. This proves that it is composed of many different light-absorbing chemical structures. It has the properties of a dehydrated carbohydrate.
out of the many fine research both scientific and historical were done by agnostics. Ray Rogers chemical work was invaluable in invalidating the only evidence against the shroud's authenticity and that was the 1988 c14 tests. Ian Wilson is an expert shroud historian who was agnostic at the beginning of his shroud research and became a Christian later.

Anyone that believes Rogers was a pro shroudie doesn't know him very well. Rogers even stated on video that he doesn't believe in miracles that defy the laws of nature.

In fact it was Rogers himself saying that the image on the shroud couldn't have come about by any kind of radiation, but a great research article by Stephen Jones shows why Rogers was wrong about this, but in Rogers defense they never tested this theory with ultra violate lasers until a few years ago. Ill make this point in my next post. :)
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by bippy123 » ... e-get.html
This possibility has been discounted in the past by Raymond Rogers, a member of the Shroud of Turin Research Project (Sturp) which examined the fabric in the 1970s, who said: "If any form of radiation degraded the cellulose of the linen fibers to produce the image color, it would have had to penetrate the entire diameter of a fiber in order to color its back surface", but that the centres of the fibres are unmarked.

Ray Rogers' 2002 claim that:

"If any form of radiation (thermal, electromagnetic, or particle) degraded the cellulose of the linen fibers to produce the image color, it would have had to penetrate the entire diameter of a fiber in order to color its back surface. Some lower fibers are colored, requiring more penetration. Radiation that penetrated the entire 10-15-μm-diameter of a fiber would certainly color the walls of the medulla. All image fibers show color on their surfaces but not in the medullas." (Rogers, R. & Arnoldi, A., 2002, "Scientific Method Applied to the Shroud of Turin - A Review")

is simply wrong! If Chivers bothered to Google translate the ENEA report and then read it, he would discover that it explains why the high-energy, narrow frequency, ultraviolet light of the ENEA experiments coloured only the "outer skin is called the primary cell wall" of the flax fibrils which is made of hemicellulose, while leaving the "inner (medulla) of pure cellulose" unaffected:

"Each linen thread is made up of about 200 elementary fibers having a cylindrical structure with an average length of 30 mm and average diameter of 20 micrometers, called fibrils. Each linen fiber has an inner (medulla) of pure cellulose, and a thin (0.2 μm [micrometers]) external film composed of hemicellulose, cellulose and other minor components. This outer skin is called the primary cell wall. The ... color of the extremely superficial image on the Shroud was formed by an unknown process that caused oxidation, dehydration and conjugation of the structure polysaccharide of flax fibers, to produce a conjugated carbonyl group as a chromophore. In other words, the color is the result of a process of accelerated aging of linen. [There are] two different chemical transitions probably involved in forming the image on the linen of the Shroud. .... There are two possible transitions ... that convert the cellulose and hemicellulose in a chromophore consisting of carbonyl groups married after undergoing processes of oxidation and dehydration. The double bonds ... are the main responsible for the yellow image of the fibers of the Shroud of Turin. ... The different thicknesses of staining obtained with lasers and excimer XeCl ARF ... can be due to different wavelength. In fact, a shorter penetrates less into the tissue and consequently the energy absorbed per unit volume is greater.

However ... there [is] only a 11% difference in absorption between the flax 0.193 and 0.308 μm ...Then you must find an additional mechanism to explain the different thicknesses of light penetration fibrils and in different color, ie yellow or yellow-sepia after irradiation to 0.193 μm -or light brown after irradiation at 308 μm. This mechanism could be promoted by additional absorption band at 0.260 μm below the ketone carbonyl groups ... that promote yellowing of the hemicellulose in primary cell wall. In other words, the VUV radiation at 0.193 μm is absorbed by the ketone carbonyl and leads to photolytic degradation of hemicellulose, causing the dissociation of molecular bonds that promotes the chemical reaction ... At the macroscopic level, such reactions produce the yellow-like Shroud ... Note that the UV radiation at 0.308 μm is too long to fit in the absorption band of carbonyl ketone, while it can be absorbed by the aldehyde groups ... Thus, the UV radiation is not able to begin the process with many steps that leads to yellowing of the above-described cellulose and hemicellulose." (pp.19-20)

That is, it is the chemical structure of the hemicellulose of the flax fibril's "outer skin" or "primary cell wall" that absorbs the energy of "VUV radiation at 0.193 μm [which] leads to photolytic degradation of hemicellulose, causing the dissociation of molecular bonds that promotes the chemical reaction" and "At the macroscopic level, such reactions produce the yellow-like Shroud." The flax fibril's "inner (medulla) of pure cellulose" does not absorb the VUV energy and therefore its chemical structure is not changed so does not change colour.

There are many hypotheses about how the images could have been made, and they have each come in and out of favour. Without wanting to be too cocky, when the ENEA scientists say that radiation is the "only" way the image could have been made, I imagine that many of their fellow researchers will say it's the only way that they managed it.

There are indeed, "many hypotheses about how the images could have been made, and they have each come ... out of favour"! That is because, as the ENEA report itself states, none of them until now had been able to reproduce "one of the most distinctive features of the Shroud image" it is "extremely thin, one-fifth of a thousandth of a millimeter":
This shows how Ray Rogers, although very thorough and honest in his chemical analysis also bent over backwards to try to explain how the shroud image could be explained simply and naturally and this could have been one of the reasons why he didn't buy the nuclear or radiation theory of the image formation because that would start to touch on an explanation that simply was unbelievable to believe given the lack of technology in first century Jerusalem to have a nuclear reactor or any kind of radiation producing equipement :mrgreen:
But as Stephen Jones showed the ENEA research shows that Rogers was wrong in saying that no radiation could have produced this image because it would have penetrated deeper into the shroud.
The ENEA team of scientists produced an image as thin as one-fifth of a thousand of a millimeter, as they did with UV lasers.

But heres the kicker, their UV lasers only had the power to produce a tiny part of an image. In order to produce an image the size of the image on the shroud they would need

The Shroud image is "extremely thin, one-fifth of a thousandth of a millimeter ... corresponding to the thickness of the primary cell wall of a single linen fiber" (pp.4,8). Clearly no medieval or earlier forger could make even a single mark on linen that thin, let alone create the image of a man, front and back, on a linen sheet, of that extreme thinness.

•The "total power of the VUV [vacuum ultraviolet] radiation required to instantly color the surface of linen corresponding to a human body of medium height is equal to 34 thousand billion watts" and "this power can not be produced by any light source VUV built to date (the most powerful available on the market come to several billion watts)" (p.22).

•It would require "a battery of ten thousand excimer lasers to accurately reproduce the image on the Shroud" (p.22). That is, instantaneously. And, although the report does not says it, they would have to be directed by a computer which followed a digitized map of the Shroud.

The implication, of course, is that a divine light shone when Jesus's body was resurrected, and that this emitted a burst of high-frequency photons which burned an image on the cloth around him.

The implication is indeed, that "when Jesus's body was resurrected, and that this emitted a burst of high-frequency photons which burned an image on the cloth around him." As Ian Wilson pointed out as far back as 1978, the evidence was pointing to the Shroud image being "a literal `snapshot' of the Resurrection":

"Even from the limited available information, a hypothetical glimpse of the power operating at the moment of creation of the Shroud's image may be ventured. In the darkness of the Jerusalem tomb the dead body of Jesus lay, unwashed, covered in blood, on a stone slab. Suddenly, there is a burst of mysterious power from it. In that instant the blood dematerializes, dissolved perhaps by the flash, while its image and that of the body becomes indelibly fused onto the cloth, preserving for posterity a literal `snapshot' of the Resurrection." (Wilson, I., "The Turin Shroud," Book Club Associates: London, 1978, p.210). ... e-get.html
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by bippy123 »

Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
1over137 wrote:Please, express yourself in minichat.Would be pitty to derail this nice thread of Bippy.
Yes, you are right, Doctor. I won't do it again as long as that Australian tea drinker keeps the peace.

I'm at page 38 of this topic. I have to commend Bippy for being very patient with that Tetelesti guy, the one with the Israeli flag avatar.

In all Fairness FL, Tetelesti had some bad experiences that he was afraid of getting into again with the shroud . He meant well and I can understand why he would have reservations with the way secular institutions are always trying to trip up believers. It has to be tough on our Christian youth these days and I must commend them for sticking to their guns. So telelesti, wherever he is May he always be under the protection of our lord.

I tried a while ago debating the shroud on yahoo answers but I stopped after the 70th atheist as when they start finding out that the evidence is stacked against them they block my email :mrgreen: or start calling the shroud a dirty old rag that will never amount to anything.

One atheist got so desperate he resorted to casting a spell on me :pound:
Last edited by bippy123 on Mon Nov 03, 2014 6:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by Byblos »

bippy123 wrote:One atheist got so desperate he resorted to casting a spell on me :pound:
Now that's rich. :pound:
Let us proclaim the mystery of our faith: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.

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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by bippy123 »

Byblos wrote:
bippy123 wrote:One atheist got so desperate he resorted to casting a spell on me :pound:
Now that's rich. :pound:
Hehe, yea Byblos , it was right after I caught him trying to misrepresent Walter mccrone's research as peerbreviewed when Mccrone actually published it in his own magazine of which he was the owner and editor of. He initially thought that a quick 5 minute googling from a few shroud skeptic site and voila , problem solves . I just hope they keep those skeptic sites online forever , it just makes things so much easier :mrgreen:
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by Philip »

Hey, Bip, maybe you could start your own Discovery Channel Show: "SHROUD Myth-Busters" :D
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by bippy123 »

Philip wrote:Hey, Bip, maybe you could start your own Discovery Channel Show: "SHROUD Myth-Busters" :D
hehe one day Philip :mrgreen:
Just wish I had the time. If I ever did I know DRDS would be my shroud video finder. By the time im looking for them hes already found em.
HE must have some Sherlock holmes DNA in him :mrgreen:

But I owe most of my knowledge on the shroud to Stephen Jones. He has amazing detail on his shroud blog that im still finding something new everytime I search through his old blog posts.
He is a tireless shroud researcher.
Philip that would be nice if we all got together and made a series like this one day.

But I would start the show with this video for a good laugh :pound:
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by Philip »

But I would start the show with this video for a good laugh :pound:
Well, Bip, I think I know what that "nothing" that Dawkins nonetheless says must be "SOMETHING pretty mysterious" that had "to give rise to the origin of the universe" is. :pound: And although his mumbo-jumbo and meaningless/nonsensical assertions are truly laughable, give a man a PhD, a British accent, and a way with weaving words, let him write a few books filled with often-theoretical, evidentially bankrupt, immensely implausible conjecture, and there will always be some who will think him absolutely brilliant. I guess at least his ridiculous assertions are more entertaining than some uneducated dullard who just plainly admits, "I just don't know how the universe began," if not quite so honest.
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by bippy123 »

Philip wrote:
But I would start the show with this video for a good laugh :pound:
Well, Bip, I think I know what that "nothing" that Dawkins nonetheless says must be "SOMETHING pretty mysterious" that had "to give rise to the origin of the universe" is. :pound: And although his mumbo-jumbo and meaningless/nonsensical assertions are truly laughable, give a man a PhD, a British accent, and a way with weaving words, let him write a few books filled with often-theoretical, evidentially bankrupt, immensely implausible conjecture, and there will always be some who will think him absolutely brilliant. I guess at least his ridiculous assertions are more entertaining than some uneducated dullard who just plainly admits, "I just don't know how the universe began," if not quite so honest.
Hehe yea Philip. I guess if Dawkins wants to believe in magic so be it :ewink:
I guess the audience thought they were going to watch a debate but instead they ended up with comedy hour :mrgreen:

Dawkins ended up being the laughing stock of Australia . I just know that he made Hitchens so very proud lol, but ur right , his assertions were hilariously entertaining .

But the 64,0000 dollar question now .
Is Richard Dawkins himself nothing or something ? :mrgreen:
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by PaulSacramento »

From some research that I have done, it seems tome that the issue of radiation is very crucial here.
I think that there may be something to the reason why the high priest would adorn himself in gold ( especially the head and chest area) when He had to go into the holiest of holies and why Moses' face was shinning after He saw God, why it was warned that any man that sees Gods "face" would die, why Jesus' transfiguration and His "son of man" imagery states that He shines and so forth and that is the intense radiation that spiritual beings of that caliber ( God) give off.
I think that the moment His body was transformed from mortal flesh to resurrected "flesh" that the intense radiation was so great that it embedded his image on the shroud as it was and I also think there MAY have been some distortion of sorts too.
I think that eventually we may find out the right TYPE of radiation and that it will be the "founding energy" of the universe that came from God.
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by bippy123 »

PaulSacramento wrote:From some research that I have done, it seems tome that the issue of radiation is very crucial here.
I think that there may be something to the reason why the high priest would adorn himself in gold ( especially the head and chest area) when He had to go into the holiest of holies and why Moses' face was shinning after He saw God, why it was warned that any man that sees Gods "face" would die, why Jesus' transfiguration and His "son of man" imagery states that He shines and so forth and that is the intense radiation that spiritual beings of that caliber ( God) give off.
I think that the moment His body was transformed from mortal flesh to resurrected "flesh" that the intense radiation was so great that it embedded his image on the shroud as it was and I also think there MAY have been some distortion of sorts too.
I think that eventually we may find out the right TYPE of radiation and that it will be the "founding energy" of the universe that came from God.
Paul, yea Moses and also the transfiguration were always in the back if my head. There was a lady at a nuclear power plant that actually radiated linen cloth there and got a yellow sepia image similar to the shroud, but there had to have been some X-ray radiation involved because in enhanced images they could see individual bones in the wrists and hands as well as part of the skull , bones and teeth and this so why these scientists and doctors believed that the light had to have come from within the body.
The Shroud as a snapshot of Jesus’ Resurrection.
Ralph Graeber, a nuclear engineer connected to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission’s laboratory in Lemont, IL, has written: “To space-age scientists, it is quite obvious that images [on the Shroud] were formed by radiation processes.” It’s as if “the linen was scorched by the Nova,”69 a sudden, very bright flash of light. Most scientists and other Shroud researchers now believe that some form of light or heat (radiation) caused the images on the Shroud—or as Turin physicist Luigi Gongella describes it, “a burst of collimated [parallel] rays of radiant energy.”70 Giles Carter, a professor emeritus of Eastern Michigan University and a specialist with X-rays, first pointed out (1984) that finger bones were visible on the Shroud negatives. Then the American physicist John Jackson and physician Alan Whanger noted part of a forehead skull, and the surgeon August Accetta found traces of a hidden thumb and of teeth on the right side.71

British nuclear physicist Kitty Little (1978) noted that the light that illuminated the Shroud body must have come from inside the body, since no outside light source appears present.72 Light either travels in a straight line (like sunlight) or extends outward from its source (as from a light bulb), but the light which produced the image on the Shroud cloth seems neither kind, of outside light. Instead its forms seem impressed and delicately nuanced by light from another dimension.73 Earlier, Little (in general research) had radiated different cellulose fibers at a nuclear reactor at Harwell, England, and noted that proteins and alpha particles caused a straw-yellow discoloration at 40o Centigrade (104o Fahrenheit). Since these particles have a short range in air and in solids, they deposit their energy only on the topmost fibers of the cloth; and over time an oxidized, dehydrated and conjugated effect would produce an image discoloration.74

John Jackson (1991), in his “cloth collapse theory,” held that while the body of the Shroud man dematerialized, the cloth fell through the body region while electromagnetic radiation photosensitized the body image onto the cloth (which later darkened), recording various skeletal and other hidden body parts. He suggested that this is the only hypothesis that can explain all of the characteristics of the Shroud cloth and image—although he would not speculate beyond this what caused the body to disappear.75

Paul the theory that ur talking about was put forth by dame Isabelle piczek who is a world renowned artist and a theoretical physicist specializing in time in which she noted a few things I do understand and a many I don't :mrgreen:
Maybe 1over can look through this link and explain this better, but what is so understand is that piczek claims that there is no compression on the dorsal image of the shroud which of course means there was no gravity of the body in the tomb at the time if image formation . Imagine the body floating 2 inches in between the top inside part of the shroud and the bottom inner part of the shroud . The rest I'll leave to someone more knowledgable in this field to figure out

Here is the link below ... -formation
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by bippy123 »

Remember also Paul that in the transfiguration the 3 disciples that were taken up the mountain with Jesus saw his face and garments suddenly glow brighter then the sun and yet they weren't harmed by this energy, and that is when Moses and Elijah appeared . It's not unreasonable to draw some parallels between the transfiguration and the resurrection . Light seems to be the connection here . :ewink:

What do scriptures say about God? That he is light and in him there is no darkness .
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by 1over137 »

I do not know yet whether it was mentioned in this thread, but here you can see the shroud youselves even maybe in 3D with 3D glasses. You tell me what you see as I was born such that I do not see 3D. My eyes do not cooperate.
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by bippy123 »

1over137 wrote:I do not know yet whether it was mentioned in this thread, but here you can see the shroud youselves even maybe in 3D with 3D glasses. You tell me what you see as I was born such that I do not see 3D. My eyes do not cooperate.
1over137, I'm not sure if this is 3d . I'm thinking this looks more like the 3d hologram done by doctor Petrus Soons . I think ths was the same as the photos in the DVD bonus section of the fabric of time DVD .it looks like a lot better to me with the 3d glasses on in the DVD . What I see right now is basically a different look at the Enrie pics on his negative plates .

I'm curious as to what progress doctor Soons and his holland lab team is making as far as deciphering how much holographic informatiion is on there . As I've been saying all along, that is whje the real fun stuff will start to happen . If there is holographic info encoded into the image (and doctor Soons believes there is) you will be able to make a complete full original shroud image out of even the tiniest piece of the shroud image. That means an image that will be able to show you the whole image before the 16th century fire that destroyed the should and arms part of the image , and who knows what more new info will be seen at that point.

This was talked about in the fabric of time video.
I'll see if I could find that part of it for you.
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Re: Shroud of Turin

Post by bippy123 »

Here is a better set if photos 1over137 with good detail about the different findings including the blood spot that is floating over the top of the head that clarifies the crown of thorns as more of a ancient kings miser which is actually more accurate then the ringlet depicted in medieval art. This is just one if many reasons why it just was not realistic to believe that this image was made by any forger in medieval times . I don't know how to place the images on here ... -materials

2) On the 2D photographs a bloodspot appears to be floating above the area of the head. The holograms clarified that this BLOODSPOT was actually ON TOP OF THE HEAD. There are more bloodspots all around the head area, indicating that the crown of thorns was more helmet-like than only circular. (See picture 3).

3) WHIP MARKINGS FOLLOW THE CURVATURE OF THE BODY. In the holographic images, the marks caused by the dumb-bell shaped objects on the end of the leather strings (or ropes) of the Flagrum Taxulatum (whip) follow the curves on the sides of the sides of the upper and lower legs, as well as the shoulders and buttocks. On the 2D of of the upper and lower legs, the shoulders and the abdomen and in the 2D photographs they look straight. This cannot be the result of the work of a painter. (See picture 4).

This next part is a bit tougher for me to see , but it could be there

4) In the holograms we can clearly see the presence of TWO SMALL SOLID OBJECTS on top of the eyelids. There were however no more details visible on the surface. These objects are believed to be small coins (leptons) minted between 29 to 34 CE. (See picture 5).

In the holograms the POSITION OF THE ARMS is clearly visible. They are not in the position that you would normally expect on the side of the body. The arms appear to be rigid and oriented in an almost horizontal plane. The elbows are not inclined downwards, they rather seem to lie in this horizontal plane together with the lower arms, The anatomical left lower arm shows the elbow higher than the left hand, which is crossed over the right hand with a natural bending of the fingers . The right wrist is under the left hand on top of the space between the two upper legs. The right hand angles upward following the curvature of the upper left leg. The left hand is bent at the wrist and the fingers are in a downward direction. This position of the arms is a strong indication of rigor mortis and that this rigor was broken in the shoulders and the elbows. (See picture 6)

6) RIGOR MOTIS. The position of the arms is a strong indication of rigor mortis, as mentioned. Other signs of rigor mortis that are visible in the holograms are the abnormal raising of the chest area (thorax). The chest appears to be inclined in an upward position with respect to the pelvis area and abnormally expanded. Other signs are the head that is bent slightly forward and turned a little bit to the right anatomical side. The buttocks which are very tense, showing a total contraction of the muscles, although the weight of the body is very pronounced in that area, which would have caused a flattening of the buttocks. (See picture 6 and 7).

7) During the investigations of the holograms we also found a ROPE-LIKE SHAPE over the left wrist and a relief in the shape of a little ampulla near the fingers of the right hand. Maybe there was the presence of a rope that was used to keep the arms in a fixed position. However more research is needed to confirm these findings! (See picture 8 and 9).

On the back of the head we can see that part of the long hair has the shape of a PONY TAIL. (See figure 10).

Now this is a others fascinating tidbit that I didn't know about till now

""10) Looking at the holograms side-by-side of the front and the back of the body, it is obvious that we see here a bas-relief of the front part of the body and a bas-relief of the back part of the body. However, by estimating the depth of both bas-reliefs, it is evident that a “layer” of the middle part of the body is “missing” and there is an absolute absence of body-information of this part of the body. The missing layer is about 3” to 4”.Now if you measure on the Shroud the distance of the top of the head-front-image to the top of the head-back-image you see that that is about the same distance. MORE ABOUT THIS MISSING LAYER OF THE BODY IN THE CHAPTER OF IMAGE FORMATION—–ISABEL PICZEK. ""

12) In the holograms we found that under the beard in the neck area of the frontal image there is the presence of A SOLID OVAL-SHAPED FLAT OBJECT, measuring about 4.5 by 2.5 inches. In May of 2010 the presence of this solid object was scientifically confirmed by research done by Pete Schumacher with the VP-8 Analyzer (See picture 14).

This next part is also harder for me to see
my investigations I found that on the surface of this object there seem to be three Hebrew letters in relief. This is my PERSONAL observation. (See figures 15 and 16). FOR MORE ON THIS SUBJECT GO TO THE CHAPTERS—-SOLID OBJECT and—-LETTERS. (To see the next picture use 3D glasses)