Here is another excellent article which points to possible evidences to something unnatural happening .
Evidence of “Resurrection of Jesus” in the Shroud of Turin
by Joseph Amalraj
2.Spectra and photography have confirmed that the entire image was formed by the same
mechanism . So this either should have been a contact mechanism or a non-contact
mechanism. If part of the Shroud was touching the body when the image was formed and another part of the Shroud was not touching the body, then the portions of the image where the Shroud touched the body would appear different than the portions of the body where the Shroud did not touch the body. As the Shroud could not have touched the whole body, the image should have been formed when the entire Shroud was not touching the body.
3 3.IsabelPiczek hasfoundthat
• The Shroud face shows no distortions
• The back of the body, which has lying on rocks, also shows no depression
from rocks.
Based on the above findings, she says that it is not possible for the image to have formed on the cloth as shown in figure 1.
But the image would have formed when the body was hovering (suspended in weightlessness) between the upper portion of the cloth and the lower portion of the cloth. And both the upper and lower portions of the cloth would have been absolutely flat when the image was formed (figure 2).
The image was formed in the same manner in which it is viewed now i.e. when it is stretched flat. Otherwise there would be too many distortions.
4. Peter Schumacher , Eric Jumper and John Jackson were able to get a 3 dimensional
5 image from the Shroud when it was placed in a VP-8 Image Analyzer. Aldo Guerreschi
using Photo-Relief technique was also able to get a 3 dimensional image from the
6 Shroud.Inthe2008OhioShroudconference,Dr.PetrusSoons explainshowheand
others were able to produce a hologram from the Shroud. A hologram is also 3 dimensional.
A 3 dimensional image of a body can only be formed on an object (like cloth) when there is a distance from the body and the cloth (i.e. when the body is not touching the cloth). It is not possible to have a 3 dimensional image on the portions of the cloth where it is touching the body.
The above figure represents the tip of the nose on which the Shroud would have rested. The points A and B are close together but the point B is lower that point A. If both the points on the Shroud are touching the nose, then the intensity of the image on both points should be the same if the image was formed when the nose was touching the Shroud.
If the image was formed when the Shroud was not in contact but stretched flat, then the distance of the Shroud from point A would be less than the distance of the Shroud from point B. In the Shroud the intensity of the image for the points closer to the Shroud (such as A) is more than those that are further away (such as B). There is a relationship and correlation between the intensity of the Shroud image and the distance of the Shroud from the body. This is also true for the portion of the Shroud image under the body – one more reason which shows that the Shroud was not in contact with the body when the image was formed.
The article shows how there is evidence of Resurrection in the Shroud of Turin. It shows that within a short time of the burial, an event occurred, when the body was floating inside the Shroud (which was held flat) and the image on the Shroud was produced. This should be considered as evidence to the Resurrection of Jesus and it corroborates the account of the gospel writers in the Bible.
The rest of the article talks about the double slit experiment and it's correlation to the Harold image . This is something that 1over137! Would understand better as it's way above me. Physics is not my area of expertise