Day Age Theory: What Makes a Day?

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Day Age Theory: What Makes a Day?

Post by 1thess5v21 »

The Day Age Theory for Genesis promotes that the best interpretation of the word "yom" (day) in Genesis is "a long but finite period of time." What makes these "days" distinct to separate them into six days instead of just one? I see two possible options (maybe there is another), but I'm not sure which the view would promote.

1. The days are separated by the introduction of the events themselves. God mentions key events in a sequential format, when the next key event is introduced it is considered the beginning of the next day.
2. The days are separated by God's active work. God actively works on each event for one period of time and when He stops actively working on that event and moves to another it is considered the next day.

* Additionally I'm wondering if the view may suggest pauses of time between the creation works that could account for an "evening" rest that would be analogous to man's evening rest on a work day.
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Re: Day Age Theory: What Makes a Day?

Post by Starhunter »

Good question.
Last edited by Starhunter on Wed Jan 14, 2015 2:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Day Age Theory: What Makes a Day?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

1thess5v21 wrote:The Day Age Theory for Genesis promotes that the best interpretation of the word "yom" (day) in Genesis is "a long but finite period of time." What makes these "days" distinct to separate them into six days instead of just one? I see two possible options (maybe there is another), but I'm not sure which the view would promote.

1. The days are separated by the introduction of the events themselves. God mentions key events in a sequential format, when the next key event is introduced it is considered the beginning of the next day.
2. The days are separated by God's active work. God actively works on each event for one period of time and when He stops actively working on that event and moves to another it is considered the next day.

* Additionally I'm wondering if the view may suggest pauses of time between the creation works that could account for an "evening" rest that would be analogous to man's evening rest on a work day.
I can see how day agers can see it like they do,although I do not agree with it as this time,I still agree with them on most of what they believe,but if you look into science what they teach is very similar to what Genesis 1 says.Do this go to YouTube look up National Geographic:the story of the earth but get out your bible and open it to Genesis 1 and if you ignore the implication it happened on its own and evolution without a creator,you'll see once the earth is there it lines up with what God does on each day and in order with what science teaches,it is very similar to what science teaches with the earth being covered with water,then the continents rising up,etc,etc,it is very similar.

I noticed this one day watching National Geographic:the story of the earth one day on TV and I remembered Hugh Ross's testimony about how only the bible out of all other holy books lined up with science and how it drew him to Christ.

But from my perspective believing the gap theory I think with the exception of the heavens and earth being old man has interpreted the evidence in the earth wrongly because of evolution and because everything in the earth is looked at from an evolution perspective they have to go back millions of years for the sake of evolution and so they overlook the gap 2nd Peter 3:3-7 prophecied and warned us about in the last days

And it is a fulfilled bible prophecy because of evolution science and it is because of evolution the gap is overlooked today.Evolutionists overlook the gap and cram all of the evidence for a former world that perished into their evolution science and must keep life surviving even in times when life goes extinct,some life always survives in order to evolve for millions of years.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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