How can we know if we know we have absolute truth?

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Re: How can we know if we know we have absolute truth?

Post by Kenny »

RickD wrote:
Byblos wrote:
Kenny wrote: Getting back on subject; the OP implied an uncertainty concerning truth. I think this type of uncertainty is the result of trying to believe truth is objective; yet nobody seems to know what it is! I believe to acknowledging truth as subjective will clear up a lot of that confusion and uncertainty.
The contradictions are so glaring l wouldn't know what parts to highlight so I left it as is. The subjectivity of truth clears up uncertainty. Wow, this is truly sad. :shakehead:

As jlay wrote:
jlay wrote:
You are confusing the epistemological question of morality with the ontological question. You are assuming that we must agree on morals for them to be objective. That argument doesn't follow.
As long as Ken doesn't understand this, he's going to repeat the same nonsense.
Epistemological vs ontological is not a source of confusion with me; I just disagree with what you guys are saying.
You shouldn’t assume when someone disagrees with you, that they are doing it out of ignorance.

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Re: How can we know if we know we have absolute truth?

Post by Kenny »

Byblos wrote:The contradictions are so glaring l wouldn't know what parts to highlight so I left it as is.
By all means; tell me what you find contradictory.
Byblos wrote:The subjectivity of truth clears up uncertainty. Wow, this is truly sad. :shakehead:
Is that what I said? C'mon! I said we need to ACKNOWLEDGE that truth is subjective. How can you call morality/truth objective without a single moral/truth base?

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Re: How can we know if we know we have absolute truth?

Post by jlay »

Kenny wrote:I’ve never made such a claim. I have always said morals must be DEMONSTRABLE to be objective.
You are saying you haven't made the claim that people must agree on morals? Seriously?
Morals are demonstrable.
Can gravity be demonstrated? Of course!
But what about those in space and on the moon? I guess gravity is subjective. Pardon my snarkiness, but I'm trying to demonstrate that our subjective experience of gravity doesn't change objective reality.
I will use the example I used with you last time:
If I were thirsty and were about to drink water from a puddle, and you told me the water was poisonous, that is a demonstrable truth because I can get a sample of the water, do a chemical analysis, and let’s say I find the water contains traces of “Ethylene glycol”. this chemical is poisonous to mammals and because humans are mammals, it is poisonous to me.
I don't ever recall this example, but it's a non sequitur and quite frankly odd. It doesn't prove your point in the least. If chemical analysis didn't exist or hadn't been discovered yet, the puddle would still be poisoned. It wouldn't be poisoned only if it were demonstrable.
If I choose a different interpretation of this truth and decide it is safe, I will get sick and die anyway. And it doesn’t only apply to humans, it applies to any mammal; if a dog , cat, or any mammal drinks of the water, they will die as well. This is an example of “objective truth” because it can be demonstrated, it applies to everything; not just humans; and there is no debating involved.
Again, this doesn't follow. Whether something can be demonstrated has nothing to do with its existence. Humans discovered radio waves, but did this suddenly become objective parts of reality only when they were demonstrated? Uh, no. Radio waves always existed. Even if humans (or any being with the capacity) never existed, they would still exist.
Is Killing wrong? Yes! How about if I kill an intruder who entered my house armed with a knife and I shoot him because I felt my life was in danger? How about if he didn’t have a knife but he was bigger than me and I was afraid he would kill me with his bare hands? How about if he didn’t enter my house but he was on my property?
Okay so we say murder is wrong. Murder is malicious killing of an innocent human. So who decides guilty or not? The killer just before he pulls the trigger?
Murder is wrong. The dilemmas you present only affirm OM. If there is no OM, then there is no dilemma. Kill whoever you want, when you want. After all, there is nothing objectively wrong with killing someone. Every dilemma you present is appealing to another moral absolute.
You mentioned “rape”. Rape is defined as “non consensual sex. Does this apply to animals? Animals cannot consent so how do they reproduce? Okay so we only apply it to humans. The age of consent in the state of California is 18; next door in Nevada is 16, so if a 17 yr old has sex in California it is rape, but if he goes next door to Nevada, it is okay!
No, it doesn't appeal to animals. I've never heard anyone argue such. OM would only apply to moral creatures. Are you now saying that rape (human rape, just in case you need clarity) is morally justified as a reason to propagate the species? If you are rejecting OM, then you'd have to consent that this is the case.

Regarding the age of consent. Again, you blow up your own position. The age of consent is a subjective interpretation. But of what? It is an interpretation that says there is a way humans OUGHT to act regarding sexuality. The age is irrelevant as is the ability to agree on what age.
These are all interpretations. How can you call something with that many interpretations objective?
How can you say something with that many interpretation is subjective? You are saying someTHING is being interpreted. What THING? You are smuggling in an objective notion in an attempt to shoot it down. An interpretation requires a THING to be interpreted.

I recently purchased my daughter a series on math solutions. It applies unconventional methods to arrive at the correct answers. Although the method is different it arrives at the correct answer. You couldn't do this unless there was an objectively correct answer. You could say it's an interpretation.

Math is demonstrable. Why? Because everybody agrees math is to be based on the number 10. If some people interpret math to be based on 12, 15, or some other number, then you couldn't call it objective
Sure, somethings in math are demonstrable. Some things in morality are demonstrable.
Can the same be said for morality? Truth? Good/Bad? What base are you going to use? Your God? Problem is the next guy is going to use HIS God as the moral base, then someone like me will use no God at all; which results in nobody agreeing on good/bad, right/wrong.
I'm not using my God. Either objective moral values and duties exist or they don't. There are even atheists, such as Sam Harris, who believe in OM. The source is another issue all together. Again, you claim to understand the ontological and epistemological distinctions, but your comments betray a different story. Sure, The existence of OM gives us sound reason to infer a moral law giver. The fact that you don't like that conclusion doesn't change anything. That's all you've really said here. You don't like where it points. That is an emotional objection.
If you could get everybody to agree on a single moral base, and this moral base gave everybody the same information; you would have a case for morality to be objective. But as long as there is as much interpretation as we have concerning truth and morally; it has to be called subjective.
Wait a minute? You just said, "I’ve never made such a claim (agreement). I have always said morals must be DEMONSTRABLE to be objective."
Note; I am not saying objective morality means everyone will agree, (there will always be some nut-job who will deny the obvious) I’m saying the fact that so many people disagree should be a hint that maybe it isn’t objective.
Sure you've said it, and you've done it multiple times. But no, I've already given you an example. If the class gets the math problem wrong, it doesn't mean that the correct answer isn't objective. What it might hint at is that our methods are faulty, or perhaps our reasoning is faulty. Just like a faulty receiver or antennae may cause us to wrongly interpret those radio waves. If you knew of a society that advocated the torture of puppies as a form of pleasure, would you think that something was wrong with their reasoning? If you are going to be consistent with your position, you'd have to say, no.
Getting back on subject; the OP implied an uncertainty concerning truth. I think this type of uncertainty is the result of trying to believe truth is objective; yet nobody seems to know what it is! I believe to acknowledging truth as subjective will clear up a lot of that confusion and uncertainty.

Really? Is that objectively the case?
It's not a matter of trying. You do believe OM. You're examples undermine your own position. You made contradictory statements and then try to back peddle out. You pout because you don't like where OM points. Sorry. The arguments for OM are natural theology arguments. It's not a circular argument. Your comments indicate that this is how you see the argument.
Objective moral values exist, therefore the Bible is true.
That isn't the argument.
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Re: How can we know if we know we have absolute truth?

Post by Jac3510 »

Kenny wrote:there will always be some nut-job who will deny the obvious
If I can say one thing about Kenny's argument, it's that at least he has demonstrated this. ;) :twisted: 8-}2
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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Re: How can we know if we know we have absolute truth?

Post by Kenny »

You are saying you haven't made the claim that people must agree on morals? Seriously?
Morals are demonstrable.

If I have show me when I’ve said it. And while you’re at it, present a moral situation that is demonstrable; that is not left up to interpretation.

But what about those in space and on the moon? I guess gravity is subjective. Pardon my snarkiness, but I'm trying to demonstrate that our subjective experience of gravity doesn't change objective reality.

Go into space, go to the moon; if there is gravity there, it can be demonstrated.

I don't ever recall this example, but it's a non sequitur and quite frankly odd. It doesn't prove your point in the least. If chemical analysis didn't exist or hadn't been discovered yet, the puddle would still be poisoned. It wouldn't be poisoned only if it were demonstrable.

There is a ways a way to demonstrate poison; even to the extent of feeding it to other mammals. But just because one doesn’t have the tools to demonstrate; doesn’t mean it isn’t objective; it simply mean they have no way of determining it as objective.
Can you think of a tool or technology that can demonstrate morality?

Murder is wrong. The dilemmas you present only affirm OM.

The dilemmas I presented indicate interpretation. Interpretation indicates subjectivity.

If there is no OM, then there is no dilemma. Kill whoever you want, when you want. After all, there is nothing objectively wrong with killing someone.

Why do you keep equating subjective morality with no morality at all?

Every dilemma you present is appealing to another moral absolute.

So if someone is on your property, is it okay to shoot and kill them? No questions asked?

No, it doesn't appeal to animals. I've never heard anyone argue such. OM would only apply to moral creatures. Are you now saying that rape (human rape, just in case you need clarity) is morally justified as a reason to propagate the species? If you are rejecting OM, then you'd have to consent that this is the case.

Again; why do you keep equating subjective morality with no morality at all?

Regarding the age of consent. Again, you blow up your own position. The age of consent is a subjective interpretation. But of what? It is an interpretation that says there is a way humans OUGHT to act regarding sexuality. The age is irrelevant as is the ability to agree on what age.

Rape is a legal term. The age is often the determining factor of weather it is rape or not. If rape were objective, it would be rape no matter what age.

How can you say something with that many interpretation is subjective?

Subjective means it is up to interpretation.

You are saying someTHING is being interpreted. What THING?


I recently purchased my daughter a series on math solutions. It applies unconventional methods to arrive at the correct answers. Although the method is different it arrives at the correct answer. You couldn't do this unless there was an objectively correct answer. You could say it's an interpretation.

Math by design allows various methods used to get the same answer. That does not equate subjectivity.

Sure, somethings in math are demonstrable. Some things in morality are demonstrable.

Some things? Perhaps you can give an example of math that can’t be demonstrated, and an example of morality that can

I'm not using my God. Either objective moral values and duties exist or they don't.

I’m saying they don’t.

The existence of OM gives us sound reason to infer a moral law giver.

No! the existence of objective morality REQUIRES a moral law giver. As I said time and time again; if everybody could agree on a single moral law giver; you would have a case! But when you look out into the real world; do you see a single moral law giver that mankind recognizes? I don't. Are you seeing something I don't see? Or do you see something that isn't there.

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Re: How can we know if we know we have absolute truth?

Post by 1over137 »

Just a quick question
Go into space, go to the moon; if there is gravity there, it can be demonstrated
Have you been to the moon?
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Re: How can we know if we know we have absolute truth?

Post by Storyteller »

Can I add that rape has nothing to do with age, it's about consent.
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Re: How can we know if we know we have absolute truth?

Post by jlay »

Ken, sorry, but nothing you state follows.
It's fruitless discussion.
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Re: How can we know if we know we have absolute truth?

Post by Kenny »

Storyteller wrote:Can I add that rape has nothing to do with age, it's about consent.
Consent has to do with age. If a 20 yr old person has sex with a 17 year old person in the State of California, that is defined as rape; even if both parties are willing participants.

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Re: How can we know if we know we have absolute truth?

Post by Kenny »

jlay wrote:Ken, sorry, but nothing you state follows.
It's fruitless discussion.
Your response doesn’t surprise me. A lot of people here seem to tell me my opinions are fruitless, stupid, senseless, and a host of other colorful adjectives; too many to list, but they neglect to explain why. I’m sorta getting used to it now.
Good luck my friend; it’s been nice exchanging with you.

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Re: How can we know if we know we have absolute truth?

Post by Kenny »

1over137 wrote:Just a quick question
Go into space, go to the moon; if there is gravity there, it can be demonstrated
Have you been to the moon?
No I have not; I haven't been to the United Kingdom either! What does all this have to do with the question at hand?

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Re: How can we know if we know we have absolute truth?

Post by Jac3510 »

Kenny wrote:
jlay wrote:Ken, sorry, but nothing you state follows.
It's fruitless discussion.
Your response doesn’t surprise me. A lot of people here seem to tell me my opinions are fruitless, stupid, senseless, and a host of other colorful adjectives; too many to list, but they neglect to explain why. I’m sorta getting used to it now.
Good luck my friend; it’s been nice exchanging with you.

This reminds me of certain coaches who keep having terrible losing seasons everywhere they go even while they insist they are great coaches. It's always someone else's fault, of course.

Maybe the fact that everyone keeps telling you that your opinions are fruitless, stupid, senseless, and other such things might be on to something. And maybe they have been explaining why, but you're refusing to listen.

And by "maybe," I mean that's what is actually happening. Learn some humility, kenny. You are out of your depth. You don't know what you are talking about, and the more you talk, the more you demonstrate that. Who was it that said it is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you're a fool than to open it and remove all doubt? Seriously, just stop it. You are wrong on almost everything you talk about. Stop arguing. Start learning. If someone tells you that you are wrong, then rather than defending yourself, retract the statement and correct your mistake. Be teachable.

Or don't. Continue and think that you are right and everyone else is wrong, which is exactly what you'll do. And that's fine, because you will be the only one in your world who thinks that way. All the rest of us will continue seeing you exactly for what you are . . . an emperor with no clothes who would be mortified at how he's presenting himself if only he weren't so arrogant. Such a shame. :shakehead:
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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Re: How can we know if we know we have absolute truth?

Post by jlay »

Read my comments. I didn't personally attack you. I said your replies don't follow. So, it is a fruitless discussion.
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Re: How can we know if we know we have absolute truth?

Post by Kenny »

Jac3510 wrote: And maybe they have been explaining why, but you're refusing to listen.
I listen and I refute what they say. If they were able to present a counter argument, they would; but instead they call it fruitless and walk away.
Jac3510 wrote:And by "maybe," I mean that's what is actually happening. Learn some humility, kenny. You are out of your depth.
That goes both ways Chief! For you and anybody who disagrees with me; listen to what I actually have to say! I am constantly correcting people who claim I have said one thing when I have not, and they build an entire argument around this false claim, and I have to correct them on what I’ve actually said. This indicates people aren’t listening.

The rest of what you said was a repeat of the same bloviating drivel I’ve heard from you time and time again; and it just isn’t worth commenting on any more

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Re: How can we know if we know we have absolute truth?

Post by Kenny »

jlay wrote:Kenny,
Read my comments. I didn't personally attack you. I said your replies don't follow. So, it is a fruitless discussion.
I did not take what you said as a personal attack; sorry if I gave that impression, it was not my intent.

RickD wrote
"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence".
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