Why can`t I hear God?

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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by Storyteller »

Hi Cain:)

That`s the beauty of all of this!

I get the fact that it`s through grace, I know that I will never,ever, in this lifetime meet the standards of God but that`s the point isn`t it? That`s why this is all so mind blowing. Jesus took all of our sin so we can live with God. I know I will have to pay the wages of sin - death but because of the grace of God, through Jesus Christ I will have eternal life. That`s an awfully big thing to get my head around!

I am saved. I know I am.

The challenge now, is t live a more Godly life.

I`m just starting this, it`s thrilling and THE most important thing I can do.

I do think we need to try and "clean ourselves up" but only because it`s what we all really seek isn`t it? It`s not a "get out of jail free card". You can`t deliberately sin and claim salvation. It would be a contradiction. We need to admit we sin and accept forgiveness, not sin because we can get forgiveness.

God has always known what is in my heart, now I have found the road to Him :)

Thanks for the suggestions of where to start with the Bible, I shall read and absorb :)
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by bippy123 »

Storyteller wrote:Hi Cain:)

That`s the beauty of all of this!

I get the fact that it`s through grace, I know that I will never,ever, in this lifetime meet the standards of God but that`s the point isn`t it? That`s why this is all so mind blowing. Jesus took all of our sin so we can live with God. I know I will have to pay the wages of sin - death but because of the grace of God, through Jesus Christ I will have eternal life. That`s an awfully big thing to get my head around!

I am saved. I know I am.

The challenge now, is t live a more Godly life.

I`m just starting this, it`s thrilling and THE most important thing I can do.

I do think we need to try and "clean ourselves up" but only because it`s what we all really seek isn`t it? It`s not a "get out of jail free card". You can`t deliberately sin and claim salvation. It would be a contradiction. We need to admit we sin and accept forgiveness, not sin because we can get forgiveness.

God has always known what is in my heart, now I have found the road to Him :)

Thanks for the suggestions of where to start with the Bible, I shall read and absorb :)
Remember my friend that sometimes we can be too hard in ourselves . Remember our lord and savior said his yolk is easy .
Just try your best and let God take care of the rest . One of my friends is. Messianic Jew and he is a convert to Christianity from Judaism . He also suffers from schizophrenia , but he has a faith in Christ that is so strong and so poor and an amazingly loving heart . His mom thinks I'm doing a kind act when I fellowship with him , but it is in fact me that is benefitting . His love for Christ and the way he treats his fellow man is so amazing .

The reason I brought him up is to show you that we can also see Christ crystal clear in others , especially someone like him who has suffered every day of his life yet never once let go of his faith and love for The Lord . No matter how many times I describe him words cannot come close to how caring and faithful he is .

I'm sure you will also encounter people like this in your new found faith walk towards Christ . Once you meet them don't let go of them as they are truly gems put into our life by Christ .

As far as your last statement you are correct , but remember to try not to be so hard on urself . Remember, you have the most caring , forgiving ,loving and best friend in the universe , Jesus Christ

And don't worry about hearing him. You will sense him even more as your get deeper into ur journey . You already see him in your daughter , but yes it's also important to read the bible and to have a good one with commentary that will reach you in the way you are most comfortable with.

God bless u my friend .
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by Storyteller »

I most definitely do like it here :P

I am having an absolute ball reading the threads. I'm already finding some answers.

Look forward to getting to know you guys!

btw..... my name is Annette, live in the UK :)
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by 1over137 »

Storyteller wrote:I most definitely do like it here :P

I am having an absolute ball reading the threads. I'm already finding some answers.

Look forward to getting to know you guys!

btw..... my name is Annette, live in the UK :)
Am Hana from Slovakia. :wave:
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by Storyteller »

Hi Hana :wave:
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by bippy123 »

Hello Annette , bobby from sunny San Diego

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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by Storyteller »

Hi Bobby :wave:

The shroud guy :)

I'm on page 20 now, fascinating stuff!

A x
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by thesign »

RickD wrote:Thesign,

The meaning of conviction that Storyteller was using, is:
: the feeling of being sure that what you believe or say is true.
And storyteller,

You don't need to read the KJV of the bible. If it works for you, and you can understand the language, then fine. What's best is finding a translation that's easy for you to read. Maybe check out the NASB(New American Standard Bible). Maybe try reading the translation online before you decide if you want to buy a bible.
I'm glad you wrote your post the way you did, RickD. I know from personal experience that for 1,925 years I was unable to hear God, too, and some of that time was even worse than that. And influences can be very strong, and not necessarily in a good way. The Bibles you've listed err on Daniel 11:20-21. It may seem like a little thing now, and maybe was for some at the time they were written to be so, as well, but when prophecy concerning what Christ calls "the days of vengeance" actually comes around to be fulfilled, there is a conviction against such error. The exposure to that error has blossomed for hundreds of years, save for two versions which remain accurate, the Douay-Rheims and Wycliffe, as per the English Bibles at that site, concerning Daniel 11:20-21. All the others have ascribed the word "vile" to the king of Daniel 11:21, when in the reality of fulfillment, it is the description for the king of Daniel 11:20.

Such error leaves the door wide open to interpretations of other words in a manner inviting abuse. When I first read the Gospel of St. John the Evangelist concerning the things of which Christ spoke at the Last Supper, I realized a distinction in the way the Holy Spirit would henceforth come, specifically, in the Name of Jesus. That Christ specifically outlined the three courses that the Holy Spirit would have in convicting the worlds of sin, judgment, and justice, it ranks as a cornerstone of that active power of God to keep us free from error, even in our lives today.

Having studied classical piano, I often heard the words, "play it with conviction". That never seemed right, even before I read those verses. In reverence to God's Holy Book, that is the equivalent of telling the Holy Spirit to play the piano, and leading astray students who honestly seek to play a musical instrument well.

On one occasion I responded with the question, "Do I have to be an ex-con first?" I was told that "that could be arranged, and has been already". I didn't know how real those two verses were in my life at the time. The error only serves to bolster the meaning of "one despised" in verse 21.

The same issue can be seen in "committed Christians", when often, involuntary commission is given to a Christian, and it amounts to nothing less than persecution, even being illegal. I have met one on the internet who tests positive for having the spirit of antichrist, and he didn't call himself a Christian. It helps to remember that the word "Christian" was first spoken by those foreign to the Church. But Christ said that this is how others will know that you are my disciples, by the love you have for each other. It was a description of observation which also confirmed Christ's Own Prophecy. But it was also foreigners who persecuted the early Church, thus making the label somewhat dubious. Until St. Ignatius of Antioch, the child whom Jesus lifted cautioning his disciples not to lead astray "one of these which believe in Me", actually wrote the word "catholic" to describe all the teachings of Christ, the early Church was also influenced as we are today by faulty translations.

I only present this as a word of caution.
St. Elijah (cf. §784, Catholic Catechism),
St. John the Baptist (cf. §785, Catholic Catechism),
Edward Palamar (cf. §786, Catholic Catechism)
Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman, cf. St. Malachy Prophecy)
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by bippy123 »

Storyteller wrote:Hi Bobby :wave:

The shroud guy :)

I'm on page 20 now, fascinating stuff!

A x
Hey Annette , hehe so your almost at the big debate that's coming up :mrgreen:
It's gonna get wild my friend lol
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by RickD »

thesign wrote:
...I'm glad you wrote your post the way you did, RickD. I know from personal experience that for 1,925 years I was unable to hear God,...
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by PaulSacramento »

Storyteller wrote:Okay, I definitely believe in God and accept Jesus as my Saviour but I do have doubts, tears and a lot of questions.

The thing I`m wrestling with at the moment is although I am totally convinced in my faith I don`t seem to be hearing God. I talk to Him all the time but I can`t hear Him!
Maybe I just haven`t learnt to listen properly or I`m missing something. I know He must be able to hear me and I ache for some clue that He is really listening.

Although I`m sincere in my beliefs I seem to lack the total conviction of committed Christians, is it possible that this is why I don`t seem to be having a personal relationship with God? Surely God wants us to question things?

When I chat to God I don`t say the things out loud, I`m figuring God knows what I`m thinking and He must know I`m talking to Him but maybe I need to say things out loud?

Any thoughts and guidance would be appreciated!
Our Lord tends to speak to us in ways that He knows we understand depending on what we may NEED at the time and what we will be ABLE to handle too.
Not every one hears His voice and just because some do, that does NOT make them any better or faithful than those that do.
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by Storyteller »

That makes sense :)

I have always, always questioned things, asking why? Why is myfavourite q. I prayed last night, asked God why, know what came to me? Because that's what drives me. I have this drive to learn and question. That's my gift.

Maybe I'm starting to ask why in the right places. And maybe I'm starting to understand.
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

God speaks to me through nature and particularly birds and other flying things (I kid not).

I run a lot and I live in the hills with a lot of bush so I see a lot of wild life as I run by, what is interesting however is that normally wildlife does the vamoose before I ever get anywhere near them. I use my time running meditating through the pain (I do long distance) and in meditative prayer, I talk to God about my problems and pour out my heart to him, sometimes I ask him questions and then amazing things start to happen. One day at church I had a run in with a Y.E.C creationist who lambasted me about believing in evolution, he was really nasty and attacking and he upset me greatly, basically he called me not a Christian in a subtle way (luckily he was just a Barry blow in and not a regular (our regulars are awesome, there is a wide variety of opinion but everyone is respectful)). So on my run I talked it over with God and I asked him whether this was an important issue that I should be worried about and to give me a sign, immediately after I asked, as I was running a song bird was in a bush right next to the path and he sung his song and watched me run by (normally being within a few meters of a bird it would have flown away, but I was centimetres from it), but this was not satisfactory to me the doubter, so I asked God again, does believing in evolution matter in any form whatsoever and again this time just around the corner a bird was on the path itself and did not budge as I ran past and just watched me run by, still this was not satisfactory to me, I mulled it over in my mind for a while and on the way back I asked again, God does believing in evolution make me not a Christian and somehow effect Christ's work on the cross as this man has said, if it is not the case give me one last sign and I will drop the subject and sure enough as I ran a bird flew across my path, not once, not twice but three times and then a bug of some description flew at eye level looking directly (at least that's how it seemed) at me and followed me for quite a distance. I was blown away, to say the least.

There are many other things that have happened on my runs and at other times in my life that I cannot explain with just coincidence or naturalistic explanations. The reason I am saying this is that I find God is really subtle a lot of the time and I now see him working through nature all the time, but sometimes if you ask, he may not be so subtle, especially when you may need it most. Learn to be quiet and still inside your soul and really listen to the world around you and you will see God, of that I am sure, God is existence itself and in your existence you will find him. :ebiggrin:
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by Storyteller »

Thanks dan :)

Just reading jacs thread on God being existence itself, something ive always felt.
I am finding God now, starting to see His answers. Its truly mind blowing.

Im starting to understand how He talks to me now.

Im finding Him here.
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

Storyteller wrote:Thanks dan :)

Just reading jacs thread on God being existence itself, something ive always felt.
I am finding God now, starting to see His answers. Its truly mind blowing.

Im starting to understand how He talks to me now.

Im finding Him here.
You may well find him here, but don't forget he is not confined to this place or a building or even the material world. :ewink:
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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