Why can`t I hear God?

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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by 1over137 »


Enjoy God. He is awesome. Wherever you are. :wave:
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

I think you are hearing from God and this is why you seem to want to know more about him through his word.I think the Holy spirit is trying to quide you in the right direction,I mean perhaps you'd say you're just curious,but the Holy Spirit draws us to Jesus and gives us a desire to know about him, if we follow ,but it will not make us do it.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by thesign »

RickD wrote:
thesign wrote:
...I'm glad you wrote your post the way you did, RickD. I know from personal experience that for 1,925 years I was unable to hear God,...
Christ said that the time is coming when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of Man and shall come out of their tombs (graves).
St. Elijah (cf. §784, Catholic Catechism),
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by Mallz »

I know from personal experience that for 1,925 years I was unable to hear God
Are you saying you've been alive for 1,925 years?
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by thesign »

Mallz wrote:
I know from personal experience that for 1,925 years I was unable to hear God
Are you saying you've been alive for 1,925 years?
I was dead for that long.
St. Elijah (cf. §784, Catholic Catechism),
St. John the Baptist (cf. §785, Catholic Catechism),
Edward Palamar (cf. §786, Catholic Catechism)
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by melanie »

Okay thesign
You have been very cryptic
I asked in another thread, perhaps you didnt see? Or didn't want to answer, that's ok,
But you stated that you were on a third mission from God
What is your mission?
you have just made an outrageous claim! Again that's ok by me, slightly bonkers, and odd I can handle, but just spit it out!
Get to the point, cause you have one
What are you getting at??
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by Storyteller »

Yes, I know God is everywhere. I have always felt Him, I was looking for Him and yes abel I think the Holy Spirit drew me here so I can find the answers to my questions. I cannot express how much the threads on here are helping me on my path.

Hana... I`m from the UK :)

I`m finding that posters here are expressing what I feel, in a way far better than I can at the moment. I`m thinking that`s because I`m new to God and all it entails. I know that I am saved because I`ve accepted Christ as my Saviour, all I need to do now is listen to God, allow the Holy Spirit guide me and try and unravel the mystery and wonder of it all.

Thanks guys, all of you, for the welcomes, the pm`s, the threads and just for helping me on my path to God.

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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by thesign »

melanie wrote:But you stated that you were on a third mission from God
I went back and responded to your post in the introductions. I finally found the 'subscribe' button this morning, again, else I might have responded sooner. I figured for a while that the 'subscribe' button was disabled (out of view), and that anything further would come to light in due course. Thank you for being patient.

The time between the 2nd and 3rd missions is roughly 1,925 years. I was beheaded c. 31 A.D. as John, in a prison. On the morning of June 25, 1956 A.D. (P. = Parousia), I found myself taking my first breaths again (for the third time by the way) in the Chester County Prison-to-be (it was under construction) right here in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. For a few of those 1,925 years, I was in Sheol (aka Hades, Hell, the Abyss, etc.). But when Christ died things changed, but I remained in a long sleep, for that is what death is to Christ, He said so concerning Lazarus, whom He also raised. My death as John is much like those who came out of their tombs when Christ died, and then also went back to rest, not unless some still have remained, as all things shall be possible with God.

God speaks through every person, place, and thing. He is the Cause of all, and not out of necessity, but freely Willed.
St. Elijah (cf. §784, Catholic Catechism),
St. John the Baptist (cf. §785, Catholic Catechism),
Edward Palamar (cf. §786, Catholic Catechism)
Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman, cf. St. Malachy Prophecy)
the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven (Matt. 24:30)
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by RickD »

thesign wrote:
melanie wrote:But you stated that you were on a third mission from God
I went back and responded to your post in the introductions. I finally found the 'subscribe' button this morning, again, else I might have responded sooner. I figured for a while that the 'subscribe' button was disabled (out of view), and that anything further would come to light in due course. Thank you for being patient.

The time between the 2nd and 3rd missions is roughly 1,925 years. I was beheaded c. 31 A.D. as John, in a prison. On the morning of June 25, 1956 A.D. (P. = Parousia), I found myself taking my first breaths again (for the third time by the way) in the Chester County Prison-to-be (it was under construction) right here in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. For a few of those 1,925 years, I was in Sheol (aka Hades, Hell, the Abyss, etc.). But when Christ died things changed, but I remained in a long sleep, for that is what death is to Christ, He said so concerning Lazarus, whom He also raised. My death as John is much like those who came out of their tombs when Christ died, and then also went back to rest, not unless some still have remained, as all things shall be possible with God.

God speaks through every person, place, and thing. He is the Cause of all, and not out of necessity, but freely Willed.

Ok thesign aka Apostle John,

What is your purpose for being here on this board?
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by thesign »

Storyteller wrote:Okay, I definitely believe in God and accept Jesus as my Saviour but I do have doubts, tears and a lot of questions.
From this statement alone, along with the title you chose for the topic, it seems more strongly than not that you are a resurrected saint, particularly one who was aborted during normal term. If one takes the time to face the cruelty of such sudden end that many children suffer, one might also ask, "What is God going to do about it?", "How can He raise the dead who have been so mutilated?"

The answer lies in the teaching that the body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. For those that believe there was a first man, Adam, it is easiest to see that God will use His Temple to resurrect the fallen. As God's Only-Begotten Son was dedicated in the Temple of Jerusalem, He gained power to rededicate us at the Resurrection, for His Death was not in vain, nor His Walk with us.

One of the tenets of Christian Creed is to look for the resurrection of the dead. The reason we look rather than argue, debate, and that sort of thing, is because in 1 Thess. 4:13-18 we are taught that those not yet resurrected will in no way have an advantage over those who have fallen asleep. To challenge this basic teaching is to challenge : the Holy Spirit, through Whom all things were made, Who gave us such prophecy : Jesus Christ, Himself, Who sent the Holy Spirit from the Father in His Name : and the Father, too, from Whom the Holy Spirit proceeds.

The Resurrection is part of what the Church calls "the Mystery of Faith". We are assured that the Eternal King of the Universe, Jesus Christ, will right every wrong, and save that which was lost.
St. Elijah (cf. §784, Catholic Catechism),
St. John the Baptist (cf. §785, Catholic Catechism),
Edward Palamar (cf. §786, Catholic Catechism)
Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman, cf. St. Malachy Prophecy)
the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven (Matt. 24:30)
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by Rob »

Starhunter wrote:It is just my opinion that the NIV is a false version. Time to change to the unchanged original the old King James, not the new KJ. You can only give it a try and see what happens.
1611 or 1769?

If KJV onlyists would merely read the introduction by the translators, their position would be refuted. Why should we use the KJV over the Vulgate which was in use long before 1611?

Btw, the KJV is great. I love the beauty of the language and know most of my memorized verses in it.
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by RickD »

A resurrected saint? Really, thesign?


Please don't let this nutjob who thinks he's The apostle John reincarnated, ruin your impression of this board, or the members here.

Most of us are pretty normal people.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by Storyteller »

A ressurected saint?

Nope, just a child of God finding my way back to Him.

Death, in itself, isn't cruel. Our perception of it defines that. And God has done all he needs to do about it.

I feared death until very recently, now I accept it as an essential part of my journey home to God. Not that I'm quite ready to go home yet!

And Rick? I trump you being a saint! Captain Cook indeed :D
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by Storyteller »

Rob wrote:
Starhunter wrote:It is just my opinion that the NIV is a false version. Time to change to the unchanged original the old King James, not the new KJ. You can only give it a try and see what happens.
1611 or 1769?

If KJV onlyists would merely read the introduction by the translators, their position would be refuted. Why should we use the KJV over the Vulgate which was in use long before 1611?

Btw, the KJV is great. I love the beauty of the language and know most of my memorized verses in it.
To be honest I'd rather read a 'false' version than none at all. I will try and get a few versions but right now I have a NIV version and at least I can get an idea of God's Word.
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Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Post by RickD »

Storyteller wrote:A ressurected saint?

Nope, just a child of God finding my way back to Him.

Death, in itself, isn't cruel. Our perception of it defines that. And God has done all he needs to do about it.

I feared death until very recently, now I accept it as an essential part of my journey home to God. Not that I'm quite ready to go home yet!

And Rick? I trump you being a saint! Captain Cook indeed :D

It's a pleasure having new members like yourself, that are interested in reasonable discussions. Unfortunately, we occasionally have members who try to "help" new members by giving outrageous answers to questions. And sometimes members with questions here, are baby Christians who can be influenced by strange, unbiblical beliefs. Moderators and other members here try our best to bring these strange doctrines and beliefs to the surface so we all can see them for what they are.

And I hope you understand that my Captain Cook comment to Mel(in mini chat) was sarcasm. Once you get to know my posting style, you'll understand my sarcasm. :D
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

St. Richard the Sarcastic--The Patron Saint of Irony
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