Amos 8:7

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Amos 8:7

Post by Christian2 »

7 The LORD hath sworn by the pride of Jacob: Surely I will never forget any of their works.

We all know that the LORD swears by Himself because there is nothing higher.

But here in Amos 8:7 He swears by the pride of Jacob.

What is the pride of Jacob?

Why is God swearing by the pride of Jacob?
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Re: Amos 8:7

Post by melanie »

I'm pretty sure God is referring to Himself, when He says 'pride of Jacob'.
I could be wrong, perhaps someone else can shed some more light but that's how I interpret it.
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Re: Amos 8:7

Post by Christian2 »

melanie wrote:I'm pretty sure God is referring to Himself, when He says 'pride of Jacob'.
I could be wrong, perhaps someone else can shed some more light but that's how I interpret it.
I think you are right, but would also like some more evidence from others.

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Re: Amos 8:7

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Christian2 wrote:7 The LORD hath sworn by the pride of Jacob: Surely I will never forget any of their works.

We all know that the LORD swears by Himself because there is nothing higher.

But here in Amos 8:7 He swears by the pride of Jacob.

What is the pride of Jacob?

Why is God swearing by the pride of Jacob?
It is just God declaring truth about Jacob and God being proud of them,he sees something he likes in them that makes him proud for them.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Amos 8:7

Post by Starhunter »

I'm not certain, because in Amos 6:8 It says "I abhor the excellency (pride) of Jacob, and hate his palaces."

It sounds like it is talking about Israel the inheritance of Jacob?

See Psalms 47:4.

Nahum 2:2 seems to say that Israel's excellency is an additional one to Jacob's.

The term "excellency" or "pride" indicates "the best of -, the highest of -, advantage to - etc"

Some of the Hebrew words for this term mean rising or growing in abundance. So it is not so much what Jacob or Israel had but what was happening with their prosperity.

At times God loved the prosperity because it caused the nation to be peaceful and generous, and at other times hated it, because the nation was ungrateful.
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Re: Amos 8:7

Post by B. W. »

To understand what is being said in Amos 8:7 please go back to Deut 28:15-61 and you will see what was sworn and why. Then you get to Deut 28:64,65,66c and from there is where Amos 8:7 is going as it moves into Amos chapter Nine the context streams to Amos 9:4,9. This involves the events from around 68 AD and the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD and stretches to around 135 AD when the last of the tribes of Israel were removed from the land. Amos 8 involves a time when the stiff necked people will not hear the words of the Lord anymore and Jesus shares on this a bit in Matthew 13:14,15, those that refuse to hear will go through a drought of the word of God. Amos 8 refers to the time of the Jewish revolt of the AD 70 period and the second scattering of the remnant into all the world as sworn by God brought on by the pride of Jacob.

Then in Amos 9:14,15 it mentions the second time Israel will be brought back into the Land as Isaiah 11:11. The events described n Amos 8 and 9 have often been confused with Babylonian captivity but the prophesies concerning that period are not here because these verses involve a deeper pride which Jesus uncovered when he walked on earth as the reference, never be removed again (vs14-15) points out to the second regathering which at the time of Babylonian captivity could not have possibly occurred.

The Pharisee traditions of the Middle Ages attempted to equate that Joseph family coming into Egypt was the first regathering and the second came after the Babylonian Captivity in order to thwart any notion that Jesus is the true Messiah due their bias against Jesus. Joseph's family was not a nation state at that time and thus cannot fit that mold. The emphasized scattering into the nations of the ancient Jewish nation was that of a Jewish Nation State, not 12 brothers of Joseph during a famine. There have been only two scatterings of the nation state of of Israel and two regatherings of the Jewish peoples mentioned in the bible back to where the Nation State was and now is.

So please keep these things in mind when studying Amos chapters 8 and 9. Amos 8:4,5,6 actually tie into directly what Jesus confronted in the gospel accounts. He rebuke the religious leaders regarding the context of Amos 8:4-6 many times and even overturned the money changers tables in the temple. So, as YHWH sworn, concern such pride, he did what was mentioned to Moses way back in Deut 28:64-65.

Hope this helps
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