"Debunking Christian Circular Arguments and Assumptions"

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Re: "Debunking Christian Circular Arguments and Assumptions"

Post by Audie »

May I request, then, that all who wish to talk of juvenile, uneducated, typical etc atheists likewise define their terms?

I am of course aware that creationists are a subset of Christians, and that they are further subdivided into any number of schools of thought. Mostly OEC and YEC, I guess.

Something like this is the usual definition, taken of course from ye web

creationism definition. A literal belief in the biblical account of Creation as it appears in the Book of Genesis. Creationists believe that the creation of the world and all its creatures took place in six calendar days; they therefore deny the theory of evolution.

the belief that the universe and living organisms originate from specific acts of divine creation, as in the biblical account, rather than by natural processes such as evolution.
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Re: "Debunking Christian Circular Arguments and Assumptions"

Post by Rob »


I don't post much, but I lurk a lot.
I just wanted to say that I really appreciate your presence at this forum. You are polite, thoughtful, and you really seem like a sincere seeker.

I apologize if you feel insulted.
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Re: "Debunking Christian Circular Arguments and Assumptions"

Post by jlay »

Audie wrote:Is it good Christian practice to try to boost yourself
with any sort of mean spirited insults and falsehoods for
people you dont know, just because they dont happen to
buy into your religion?
Hmm, me thinks I detect a mean spirited, vacuous attack against people who seek to defend their religious beliefs.
Nice try!!
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Re: "Debunking Christian Circular Arguments and Assumptions"

Post by Audie »

Rob wrote:Audie,

I don't post much, but I lurk a lot.
I just wanted to say that I really appreciate your presence at this forum. You are polite, thoughtful, and you really seem like a sincere seeker.

I apologize if you feel insulted.

No, not at all. People who dont know me have no capacity to insult me, tho they can speak ill of someone they invented.

If people want to talk that way, so much the worse for them.

If people wish to post their negative stereotypes, and others want to back and defend them in it, so much the worse for the quality of the form.

Thanks for your thoughts.
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Re: "Debunking Christian Circular Arguments and Assumptions"

Post by RickD »

creationism definition. A literal belief in the biblical account of Creation as it appears in the Book of Genesis. Creationists believe that the creation of the world and all its creatures took place in six calendar days; they therefore deny the theory of evolution.
No Audie. That would be part of Young Earth Creationism. I can see why there's confusion if you're using that definition.

Take the word "calendar" out, and in a nutshell, that's creationism.
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Re: "Debunking Christian Circular Arguments and Assumptions"

Post by Audie »

RickD wrote:
creationism definition. A literal belief in the biblical account of Creation as it appears in the Book of Genesis. Creationists believe that the creation of the world and all its creatures took place in six calendar days; they therefore deny the theory of evolution.
No Audie. That would be part of Young Earth Creationism. I can see why there's confusion if you're using that definition.

Take the word "calendar" out, and in a nutshell, that's creationism.

I just cut and pasted from the dictionary, and of course I know there is also OEC, etc, as I did make a point of saying.
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Re: "Debunking Christian Circular Arguments and Assumptions"

Post by bippy123 »

Danieltwotwenty wrote:
bippy123 wrote:
Audie wrote:Is it good Christian practice to try to boost yourself
with any sort of mean spirited insults and falsehoods for
people you dont know, just because they dont happen to
buy into your religion?
No but it is very good Christian practice to expose arguments made against Christianity from almost pure emotion .
But the again Audie we know ur extremely unbiased and neutral right :)
I think also that people hold theists to a higher standard, like they are meant to be more moral or something, I'm afraid that we are just as fallible as people of no belief and there are just as many nasty Christians as there are nasty atheists. Read my signature if you don't believe me, I am the worst of sinners, thank God for Christ, because I damn well need him like I need oxygen.
Good point Daniel, many times I tend to in my passions forget . Thank you for the reminder my friend :)
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Re: "Debunking Christian Circular Arguments and Assumptions"

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

Audie wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:
Audie wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:
Audie wrote:Is it good Christian practice to try to boost yourself
with any sort of mean spirited insults and falsehoods for
people you dont know, just because they dont happen to
buy into your religion?
No, it is a sign of NOT ENOUGH Christ in our lives.
Of course I know that it is not good practice. I do know a fair number of Christians who I admire very much for their character and how they put their faith into practice.

Some nominal Christians are everything that is being said here, about all atheists.

In general this forum seems to be a lot better calibre than to host a thread like this one.
The thread subject is perfectly fine Audie.
Many Christians do not know how to answer these issues by skeptics, even though none of them are new and have been addressed many times over the ages.

Sometimes people simply don't know how to do the research needed, that'a all.
I was not saying there is anything wrong with the subject.

The calibre I was referring to was all the "typical atheist..." "typical of how atheists..."
"I cant get these atheists to..." "theists to a higher standard". Four legs good, two legs bad.

Those, and the dig at me personally are what I was commenting on. Its not on topic, and its hardly necessary as an element of counterargument.
Its just indulgence in stereotyping.
Im sure that would be clear enough if I indulged in counter examples of brainless things that I observe from some, and present thos as being 'typical Christian".

Its not the quality of discourse I was coming to expect to see here.
I am not sure why you included my quote in that bunch, I was siding with you and agreeing that the behaviour is wrong, but we definitely are held to a higher standard and ultimately we fail to reach that standard. I don't see why that is a personal dig at you, but I do apologise if that's the way you took it. :D
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: "Debunking Christian Circular Arguments and Assumptions"

Post by Audie »

No Dan no apology remotely called for. It was in no way taken as a personal thing, the one who stooped to that wasnt you.

I dont know who holds theists to a higher standard of what than whom, or any basis for it.

But never mind that, its the claim- not made by you- that Christians achieve moral superiority that would properly be in the list
of bigoted remarks.

And from me, apology for any discomfort I caused you with what I wrote, and thanks for
both this post and you support, earlier.
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Re: "Debunking Christian Circular Arguments and Assumptions"

Post by abelcainsbrother »

y:O2 Atheists are very hard to reach but I like the challenge myself,it is not for every Christian as God uses us in different ways but I actually like the challenge and I think you have to,they have their talking points down and some know the bible better than Christians and they twist the bible all out of context to try to show the bible is wrong and how evil God is but if you are a Christian strong in faith and know the word of God well I think it is good to be challenged about what we believe and you get better at defending your faith the more you do it.When I first started debating atheists my whole approach was wrong but over time I've gotten better and it has actually strengthened me because it requires one to research things which I like to do anyway as I'm a non-fiction reader who loves to do research to learn something new but don't be fooled atheism is very persuasive and brings a formidable opponent to our faith and what we believe and we have lost some of the faith to their tactics.

The atheists
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: "Debunking Christian Circular Arguments and Assumptions"

Post by ItBeMacKenzie »

Thanks for the responses, everyone. I'm currently looking into counterarguments that address all of the points made in this book, though it's taking a while to sift through all of the material. And sorry that I haven't been very active on the forum! I've just started my second semester of college and I'm a little bit busy at the moment...
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Re: "Debunking Christian Circular Arguments and Assumptions"

Post by Audie »

abelcainsbrother wrote:y:O2 Atheists are very hard to reach but I like the challenge myself,it is not for every Christian as God uses us in different ways but I actually like the challenge and I think you have to,they have their talking points down and some know the bible better than Christians and they twist the bible all out of context to try to show the bible is wrong and how evil God is but if you are a Christian strong in faith and know the word of God well I think it is good to be challenged about what we believe and you get better at defending your faith the more you do it.When I first started debating atheists my whole approach was wrong but over time I've gotten better and it has actually strengthened me because it requires one to research things which I like to do anyway as I'm a non-fiction reader who loves to do research to learn something new but don't be fooled atheism is very persuasive and brings a formidable opponent to our faith and what we believe and we have lost some of the faith to their tactics.

The atheists
Always good to see more stereotypes. Have you heard that all Chinese have buck teeth, and talk funny?
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Re: "Debunking Christian Circular Arguments and Assumptions"

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

Audie wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:y:O2 Atheists are very hard to reach but I like the challenge myself,it is not for every Christian as God uses us in different ways but I actually like the challenge and I think you have to,they have their talking points down and some know the bible better than Christians and they twist the bible all out of context to try to show the bible is wrong and how evil God is but if you are a Christian strong in faith and know the word of God well I think it is good to be challenged about what we believe and you get better at defending your faith the more you do it.When I first started debating atheists my whole approach was wrong but over time I've gotten better and it has actually strengthened me because it requires one to research things which I like to do anyway as I'm a non-fiction reader who loves to do research to learn something new but don't be fooled atheism is very persuasive and brings a formidable opponent to our faith and what we believe and we have lost some of the faith to their tactics.

The atheists
Always good to see more stereotypes. Have you heard that all Chinese have buck teeth, and talk funny?
Yea and all Aussies are sun kissed beach bums, who are rippling with muscles. Well in my case that is actually true. :pound:
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: "Debunking Christian Circular Arguments and Assumptions"

Post by Audie »

Danieltwotwenty wrote:
Audie wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:y:O2 Atheists are very hard to reach but I like the challenge myself,it is not for every Christian as God uses us in different ways but I actually like the challenge and I think you have to,they have their talking points down and some know the bible better than Christians and they twist the bible all out of context to try to show the bible is wrong and how evil God is but if you are a Christian strong in faith and know the word of God well I think it is good to be challenged about what we believe and you get better at defending your faith the more you do it.When I first started debating atheists my whole approach was wrong but over time I've gotten better and it has actually strengthened me because it requires one to research things which I like to do anyway as I'm a non-fiction reader who loves to do research to learn something new but don't be fooled atheism is very persuasive and brings a formidable opponent to our faith and what we believe and we have lost some of the faith to their tactics.

The atheists
Always good to see more stereotypes. Have you heard that all Chinese have buck teeth, and talk funny?
Yea and all Aussies are sun kissed beach bums, who are rippling with muscles. Well in my case that is actually true. :pound:
Im emigrating right away. Is there room for a thick-glasses nerd?
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Re: "Debunking Christian Circular Arguments and Assumptions"

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

Audie wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
Audie wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:y:O2 Atheists are very hard to reach but I like the challenge myself,it is not for every Christian as God uses us in different ways but I actually like the challenge and I think you have to,they have their talking points down and some know the bible better than Christians and they twist the bible all out of context to try to show the bible is wrong and how evil God is but if you are a Christian strong in faith and know the word of God well I think it is good to be challenged about what we believe and you get better at defending your faith the more you do it.When I first started debating atheists my whole approach was wrong but over time I've gotten better and it has actually strengthened me because it requires one to research things which I like to do anyway as I'm a non-fiction reader who loves to do research to learn something new but don't be fooled atheism is very persuasive and brings a formidable opponent to our faith and what we believe and we have lost some of the faith to their tactics.

The atheists
Always good to see more stereotypes. Have you heard that all Chinese have buck teeth, and talk funny?
Yea and all Aussies are sun kissed beach bums, who are rippling with muscles. Well in my case that is actually true. :pound:
Im emigrating right away. Is there room for a thick-glasses nerd?

I think you might be bitterly disappointed, but you are sure welcome, we are a cultural melting pot here. :ebiggrin:
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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