End times prophecy checklist...

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End times prophecy checklist...

Post by cubeus19 »

Hey, I'm trying to figure out which of all the various end times prophecies that have already been fulfilled, are being fulfilled right now, and the ones that haven't been fulfilled yet. So let's see...

1. Isreal is a nation (happened in 1948)
2. Christians are being fiercely persecuted.
3. People are acting more meaner and more selfish in this day and time more than ever.
4. We are experiencing all kinds of natural disasters (ie earthquakes, floods, famines, and other natural disasters)
5. The gospel has almost been preached nearly everywhere on earth (let me know if this is correct or not)
6. There have been wars and rumors of wars.
7. Major increase in knowledge
8. Things are almost fully in place for a one world government, currency, and people monitoring system (cameras in outer space and micro chip insertion)

So to me the only things that need to be fulfilled are the rapture (for those who believe in a rapture), the appearing of the antichrist, the tribulation period, armegeddon, and Christ's second comming.

Let's see is there anything I missed? And do you all agree or disagree on any of my observations?
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Re: End times prophecy checklist...

Post by Gman »

Looks good...

I would add that the Jewish temple is ready to be built, including all the vessels for temple worship. The blueprints were just finished this past January.

http://discussions.godandscience.org/vi ... 13&t=35137

And new possible coming signs in the heavens.

http://discussions.godandscience.org/vi ... 193#p79697
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Re: End times prophecy checklist...

Post by cubeus19 »

Wow, I did know that the Jews in Israel were wanting to build a new temple but I didn't know they are in the process of building it. That's some very big news.
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Re: End times prophecy checklist...

Post by neo-x »

Hey, I'm trying to figure out which of all the various end times prophecies that have already been fulfilled, are being fulfilled right now, and the ones that haven't been fulfilled yet. So let's see...

1. Israel is a nation (happened in 1948)
2. Christians are being fiercely persecuted.
3. People are acting more meaner and more selfish in this day and time more than ever.
4. We are experiencing all kinds of natural disasters (ie earthquakes, floods, famines, and other natural disasters)
5. The gospel has almost been preached nearly everywhere on earth (let me know if this is correct or not)
6. There have been wars and rumors of wars.
7. Major increase in knowledge
8. Things are almost fully in place for a one world government, currency, and people monitoring system (cameras in outer space and micro chip insertion)

So to me the only things that need to be fulfilled are the rapture (for those who believe in a rapture), the appearing of the antichrist, the tribulation period, armegeddon, and Christ's second comming.

Let's see is there anything I missed? And do you all agree or disagree on any of my observations?
Well, Im sure we are near the end if not at the brink of it. but I think a lot things are still not decisively apparent.

1. Isreal is a nation (happened in 1948)...agreed.

2. Christians are being fiercely persecuted....not conclusive, its been like this since the last 800 years. the rate of persecution fluctuates.

3. People are acting more meaner and more selfish in this day and time more than ever....I think medieval times were much meaner.

4. We are experiencing all kinds of natural disasters (ie earthquakes, floods, famines, and other natural disasters)...partially agree, two tsunamis in a century but even that cant be ruled as an exception. i have read that such phenomena is documented back till the 1600's. you can Google it up though.

5. The gospel has almost been preached nearly everywhere on earth (let me know if this is correct or not)... not really sure about that either. there is also a question as to whether the gospel is being preached everywhere or to everyone. and whether that might actually affect the second coming of Christ?

6. There have been wars and rumors of wars....our entire history is this.

7. Major increase in knowledge... i think each and every civilization on earth thinks that they have been at the pinnacle of technological knowledge. 4000 yrs ago, the Egyptians thought they had a major increase. although there is one slight thing i would like to mention. I assume you have taken this point of the book of Daniel (last chapter).

"But you, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." (American KJV)

if so. you might want to check some background info on that. i think i read once that the word used for "knowledge" in the original text means "wickedness".

8. Things are almost fully in place for a one world government, currency, and people monitoring system (cameras in outer space and micro chip insertion)...although it is a widespread belief i don't think this is what the book of revelation refers to as the mark of the beast. it doesn't have to be purely economical. just my opinion though. the one world government view depends on how to interpret the hierarchy of world powers.

And last of all the major issue here is that no one seems to take into account the 7thunders in Rev 10.

Revelation 10:4 “And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.”

and because of the above, datelining anything without the possibility of error becomes impossible. since we don't know what happened in the 7 thunders? what kind of era and time period they might encompass? it can be 10 years, 100 or even a thousand 1000, who knows. we can only assume we have past them if and when the Antichrist rises to power, hence for that matter any prophecy which surpasses the 7thunders have to hold true.

I think there is a lot of things still to come, just my opinion, we are nearer to end than the time of Jesus and Paul but still a lot of prophecy is left unfulfilled.

As for the temple, it must be built according to the prophecy. but as for plans and building schemes they have been underway for nearly half a century. not sure when and how their plan can actually be implemented? there is still a lot of resistance in that land for something to be built like that. the dome of the rock is one major issue which seems to overlap some of the original site of Herod's temple.

what do u all say?
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Re: End times prophecy checklist...

Post by cubeus19 »

In other words you think we have millions of years yet to go. :/
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Re: End times prophecy checklist...

Post by neo-x »

No, my point is, unless we have the the complete picture, it is nearly impossible to ascertain. As I said, unless a prophecy that appears after the events of Rev chp 10 (7 THUNDERS) gets fulfilled, we are in a blank as we don't know how much time period was covered in that.
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Re: End times prophecy checklist...

Post by thesign »

You missed one (two).

Daniel 12:12 - "Blessed is he who cometh unto 1,335 days."

That day is specifically prophesied as the First Sunday of Judgment, May 8, 2016 A.D. (P.)

The 1,290 days of Daniel 12:11 ends on Holy Thursday, May 24, 2016 A.D.

The starting period for both is Wednesday, September 12, 2012 A.D.
St. Elijah (cf. §784, Catholic Catechism),
St. John the Baptist (cf. §785, Catholic Catechism),
Edward Palamar (cf. §786, Catholic Catechism)
Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman, cf. St. Malachy Prophecy)
the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven (Matt. 24:30)
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Re: End times prophecy checklist...

Post by MrSpock »

cubeus19 wrote:Hey, I'm trying to figure out which of all the various end times prophecies that have already been fulfilled, are being fulfilled right now, and the ones that haven't been fulfilled yet. So let's see...

1. Isreal is a nation (happened in 1948)
2. Christians are being fiercely persecuted.
3. People are acting more meaner and more selfish in this day and time more than ever.
4. We are experiencing all kinds of natural disasters (ie earthquakes, floods, famines, and other natural disasters)
5. The gospel has almost been preached nearly everywhere on earth (let me know if this is correct or not)
6. There have been wars and rumors of wars.
7. Major increase in knowledge
8. Things are almost fully in place for a one world government, currency, and people monitoring system (cameras in outer space and micro chip insertion)

So to me the only things that need to be fulfilled are the rapture (for those who believe in a rapture), the appearing of the antichrist, the tribulation period, armegeddon, and Christ's second comming.

Let's see is there anything I missed? And do you all agree or disagree on any of my observations?
ISRAEL being back in their land and running Jerusalem is huge. The clock is now ticking very quickly. I'm not sure if the generation that sees this will not pass away, but if you add 70 years to 1948 you get 2018, which may or may not mean much, depending on your exegesis of that parable Jesus uttered in Matthew 24-25.
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Re: End times prophecy checklist...

Post by PaulSacramento »

Or we can simply take the advice of the Son of God:
Acts 1: 7

He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority;
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Re: End times prophecy checklist...

Post by UsagiTsukino »

We don't know when he is going to come back. Also you forget Day 1 Damascus will be destroyed to no longer be a city. Damascus has never been not a city.
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Re: End times prophecy checklist...

Post by PaulSacramento »

Or we can remember that the end of times prophecies are about ONE thing:
The return of Christ.
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Re: End times prophecy checklist...

Post by abelcainsbrother »

The thing that gets tricky about end-time bible prophecy is the birth pains Jesus spoke of,as it can get tricky but we must think of the signs as labor contractions these signs get stronger and more intense so that a number of things are happening all together and get more intense and stronger.

This stumps a lot of people the birth pains but it is the key to ends time bible prophecy.I believe we are in the last days but still have more prophecies to be fulfilled before the rapture and Jesus's return.We are not as close as a lot of people think and yet we need to be ready regardless.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: End times prophecy checklist...

Post by EssentialSacrifice »

nothing to say ... it's just the right thread for this numbered post. :esurprised:
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Re: End times prophecy checklist...

Post by Mallz »

lmao, very nice E.S. :lol: :clap:
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Re: End times prophecy checklist...

Post by Storyteller »

And God really does move in mysterious ways. Been thinking about, and reading about this.

Never really thought about it. Now, I'm curious.
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