Why do we argue with people who are firm in their beliefs

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Re: Why do we argue with people who are firm in their belief

Post by B. W. »


Why do we argue with people who are firm in their beliefs?


Why did Jesus argue with the Pharisees?

There is a time and season for every purpose under heaven...

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Re: Why do we argue with people who are firm in their belief

Post by Kurieuo »

You know, we are more than our minds.
Loving God with your mind is just one part.
Then there to love God with all your soul and heart.

We, and our beliefs, are a mix of both "reason", "passion" and "heart".
That is the reason why I believe you rarely see anyone change their position.

We believe things because they make sense to us.
We believe things because we strongly feel that they are right.
We believe things because we get emotional about them, or trust in others who we love and respect, etc.

So nurturing the mind of someone else is only one piece of the puzzle.
And Christians are told also give a reason for the hope that is within us.
We are also told to tear down anything that sets itself up against a knowledge of God.
So Christians have very good reasons for debating many issues that we do.

After I realised why people believe what they do I didn't post on the board for quite a while.
It was disheartening to think there was nothing I could say to help others see the truth that I see.

There is obviously some hope that we will make a difference.
But, really, we should also be making connections with the other person we talk with.
Ideally that is being there in person, a good friend, and showing Christ as much as talking Him.
Mix in the Holy Spirit and eventually change happens, it has to happen because we see it.

Something I have realised, is a lot of my own posts is simply because I like the intellectual stimulus.
Some people like solving crosswords, I like trying to resolve theological issues or the like.
But, it just become too much and then I need time out. So then I often disappear only to re-appear 3 or so months later.

Anyway, B.W. have a good day back! And everyone else too!
Don't strain your brains too much.
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Re: Why do we argue with people who are firm in their belief

Post by Storyteller »

You post that!
And ask me not to strain my brain?

No chance my friend :shock:
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Re: Why do we argue with people who are firm in their belief

Post by Oliwia88 »

It's very hard when someone don't believe in God and this person think that all Christians says something like fairytales... But when we talk and talk maybe this person change his thinks? Maybe in future... his life! Talk is important.
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Re: Why do we argue with people who are firm in their belief

Post by Storyteller »

Oliwia88 wrote:It's very hard when someone don't believe in God and this person think that all Christians says something like fairytales... But when we talk and talk maybe this person change his thinks? Maybe in future... his life! Talk is important.
Well said!
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Re: Why do we argue with people who are firm in their belief

Post by abelcainsbrother »

I honestly believe that brothers and sisters in Christ need to discuss these issues and even try to find common ground.I know it can be hard to change people's minds but it can be done if the evidence and reasons are clear.I am a Gap theorist for a reason and yes,if I can? I'd like to change your mind about it,if I can but I know how hard it can be.

But I don't like the implication that I'm not thinking right as a Christian because I reject evolution because I have very good reasons why I reject it besides the fact that if the Gap theory is true then it proves evolution is wrong and everything in the earth and all of the evidence has been looked at all wrong.I have reasons why I reject evolution and it is not because I don't know about it or the evidence used as evidence because I do know about it and can back it up if I need to.

But I have never attacked anybody for believing life evolves I have only tried to explain why I reject it and in a respectful and brother in Christ way.1st Corinthians chapter 13 I take very seriously as a Christian and I practice it the best I can but that does not mean I'm not passionate about what I believe in discussions and if you had good reasons to change my mind about it,you could but I'm not going to just accept evolution because you think I don't understand it or the evidence and just declare it is the right theory.I expect you to back it up like I do mine.

You may not know or understand the Gap theory and underestimate it but whether you accept it or not right now it is the only creation theory that can actually defeat evolution.It is not like YEC or OEC where evolution is rejected but tolerated it proves evolution is wrong if it is true something no other creation theory has been able to do.

If you accept evolution then I do not judge you or think you are not a Christian I just respectfully as a brother in Christ disagree with you.Change my mind if you can.A gap theorist will tell you that evolution has been deception by Satan to cover up the truth about the former world he ruled over so you should not take it personal when it is said.

How do you know evolution has not been state sponsered indoctrination to make future voters that vote for and tolerate non-God issues in society? I mean you can laugh off the idea of indoctrination but it has been done in the past and it can be done again and Jesus did warn greatly about great deception in the last days so much that the elect of God could be deceived so how do you remove evolution from the equation so easily?

Look at how many Christians have accepted it and how do you know you have not been deceived?In America prayer and bible reading was removed from public schools in 1962 and evolution was left in and they filled your head only with evolution,especially in college. So I don't see how you can remove it from the equation of deception in these last days so easily.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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