Introduction to Biblical Nonsense Part 1: Noah's Ark

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Re: Introduction to Biblical Nonsense Part 1: Noah's Ark

Post by Kenny »

RickD wrote:Humor me for a moment. In order for the Flood story to be true, we have to believe God exists.

So, for the sake of the story as it's written in Genesis, assume God exists. According to the story, God told Noah how to build the ark. So, assuming God exists, is it out of the scope of reality to believe that God would know how to have Noah build an ark?
If we assumed a miracle working God instructed Noah to build an ark of the proportions listed in the Bible; without any steel reinforcements; it would require God provide them with the following

A miracle to get this structure to float,
A miracle to prevent food (for them and the animals) from spoiling without any refrigeration on the vessel
A miracle to prevent disease from spreading without any way of getting rid of the waste from all those animals locked up for a year (God had the key, there was no way in or out)
A miracle to allow the salt water to separate from the fresh water once the water rescinds
A miracle to allow all those Kangaroos and Kola Bears to get from the Mountain in Turkey (where the Ark landed) to Australia without leaving a trail

And a lot more that I can’t think of right now. Seems to me it would have made more sense to just take Noah and his family up to heaven at that time, and allow the earth to remain barren; especially when you consider God knew eventually Noah’s seed would eventually become as corrupt as the people he destroyed.

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Re: Introduction to Biblical Nonsense Part 1: Noah's Ark

Post by Audie »

You forget the one essential ingredient: gopher wood.
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Re: Introduction to Biblical Nonsense Part 1: Noah's Ark

Post by RickD »

Audie wrote:
RickD wrote:Humor me for a moment. In order for the Flood story to be true, we have to believe God exists.

So, for the sake of the story as it's written in Genesis, assume God exists. According to the story, God told Noah how to build the ark. So, assuming God exists, is it out of the scope of reality to believe that God would know how to have Noah build an ark?
is it outside the scope of reality that he couldda made talking pongids?

The point is whether it happened, not whether a theoretical god couldda did somthing.
Talking pongids? I suppose He could have. He made a donkey talk!


My point to Kenny was that it wasn't impossible to make an ark that would float properly, if the master designer gave Noah the plans to build it. Of course it seems ridiculous to you because you don't believe God exists.
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Re: Introduction to Biblical Nonsense Part 1: Noah's Ark

Post by RickD »

Kenny wrote:
RickD wrote:Humor me for a moment. In order for the Flood story to be true, we have to believe God exists.

So, for the sake of the story as it's written in Genesis, assume God exists. According to the story, God told Noah how to build the ark. So, assuming God exists, is it out of the scope of reality to believe that God would know how to have Noah build an ark?
If we assumed a miracle working God instructed Noah to build an ark of the proportions listed in the Bible; without any steel reinforcements; it would require God provide them with the following

1) A miracle to get this structure to float,
2) A miracle to prevent food (for them and the animals) from spoiling without any refrigeration on the vessel
3) A miracle to prevent disease from spreading without any way of getting rid of the waste from all those animals locked up for a year (God had the key, there was no way in or out)
4) A miracle to allow the salt water to separate from the fresh water once the water rescinds
5) A miracle to allow all those Kangaroos and Kola Bears to get from the Mountain in Turkey (where the Ark landed) to Australia without leaving a trail

And a lot more that I can’t think of right now. Seems to me it would have made more sense to just take Noah and his family up to heaven at that time, and allow the earth to remain barren; especially when you consider God knew eventually Noah’s seed would eventually become as corrupt as the people he destroyed.

I numbered your points, and I'll address them that way.

1) Kenny, God told Noah how to build the ark. That in itself is a miracle.

2) there was no refrigeration anywhere at that time. The food issue would have been no different than if he wasn't on an ark. Plants could have been grown aboard, and animals provided food as well.

3) ever heard of windows, Kenny?

4) salt water and fresh water? What on earth are you talking about?

5) kangaroos and koalas weren't indigenous to the Mesopotamia region which was most likely the region where the flood was.

We've been over this before. The biblical text does not necessitate a global flood, where 2 of every kind of animal around the globe would've had to have been on the ark.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Introduction to Biblical Nonsense Part 1: Noah's Ark

Post by Audie »

RickD wrote:
Audie wrote:
RickD wrote:Humor me for a moment. In order for the Flood story to be true, we have to believe God exists.

So, for the sake of the story as it's written in Genesis, assume God exists. According to the story, God told Noah how to build the ark. So, assuming God exists, is it out of the scope of reality to believe that God would know how to have Noah build an ark?
is it outside the scope of reality that he couldda made talking pongids?

The point is whether it happened, not whether a theoretical god couldda did somthing.
Talking pongids? I suppose He could have. He made a donkey talk!


My point to Kenny was that it wasn't impossible to make an ark that would float properly, if the master designer gave Noah the plans to build it. Of course it seems ridiculous to you because you don't believe God exists.

That is not the reason.How about if you just change "float" to "fly". Is it still just because, for either pov?
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Re: Introduction to Biblical Nonsense Part 1: Noah's Ark

Post by Audie »

RickD wrote:
Kenny wrote:
RickD wrote:Humor me for a moment. In order for the Flood story to be true, we have to believe God exists.

So, for the sake of the story as it's written in Genesis, assume God exists. According to the story, God told Noah how to build the ark. So, assuming God exists, is it out of the scope of reality to believe that God would know how to have Noah build an ark?
If we assumed a miracle working God instructed Noah to build an ark of the proportions listed in the Bible; without any steel reinforcements; it would require God provide them with the following

1) A miracle to get this structure to float,
2) A miracle to prevent food (for them and the animals) from spoiling without any refrigeration on the vessel
3) A miracle to prevent disease from spreading without any way of getting rid of the waste from all those animals locked up for a year (God had the key, there was no way in or out)
4) A miracle to allow the salt water to separate from the fresh water once the water rescinds
5) A miracle to allow all those Kangaroos and Kola Bears to get from the Mountain in Turkey (where the Ark landed) to Australia without leaving a trail

And a lot more that I can’t think of right now. Seems to me it would have made more sense to just take Noah and his family up to heaven at that time, and allow the earth to remain barren; especially when you consider God knew eventually Noah’s seed would eventually become as corrupt as the people he destroyed.

I numbered your points, and I'll address them that way.

1) Kenny, God told Noah how to build the ark. That in itself is a miracle.

2) there was no refrigeration anywhere at that time. The food issue would have been no different than if he wasn't on an ark. Plants could have been grown aboard, and animals provided food as well.

3) ever heard of windows, Kenny?

4) salt water and fresh water? What on earth are you talking about?

5) kangaroos and koalas weren't indigenous to the Mesopotamia region which was most likely the region where the flood was.

We've been over this before. The biblical text does not necessitate a global flood, where 2 of every kind of animal around the globe would've had to have been on the ark.
Better take a poll, world wide or.......
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Re: Introduction to Biblical Nonsense Part 1: Noah's Ark

Post by RickD »

Audie wrote:
RickD wrote:
Audie wrote:
RickD wrote:Humor me for a moment. In order for the Flood story to be true, we have to believe God exists.

So, for the sake of the story as it's written in Genesis, assume God exists. According to the story, God told Noah how to build the ark. So, assuming God exists, is it out of the scope of reality to believe that God would know how to have Noah build an ark?
is it outside the scope of reality that he couldda made talking pongids?

The point is whether it happened, not whether a theoretical god couldda did somthing.
Talking pongids? I suppose He could have. He made a donkey talk!


My point to Kenny was that it wasn't impossible to make an ark that would float properly, if the master designer gave Noah the plans to build it. Of course it seems ridiculous to you because you don't believe God exists.

That is not the reason.How about if you just change "float" to "fly". Is it still just because, for either pov?
Not sure what you mean. If God told Noah how to make a plane, then I guess. I don't think He would have told Noah to build a floating vessel if Noah was supposed to fly.
John 5:24
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Re: Introduction to Biblical Nonsense Part 1: Noah's Ark

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Audie wrote:
HappyFlappyDeist wrote:His point is irrelevant, audie. The bible dates the flood to apx. 2300 BC, he's changing the time period about 3000 years to fit with even the slightest hint of evidence for a global flood. Again, the dust in the record is from a climate change event, If I remember correctly this climate change was brought on by an eruption? Maybe my history is off, feel free to call me out if I'm wrong.

Edit: I'm right, volcano eruption did happen 5200 years ago (probably causing the climate change event and the dust in the ice record).
perfectly good info, but I need ABC to respond, and there is great relevance in this.
How can you say 5200 years ago does not date to the time of Noah's flood?All I've been doing so far is making this point.It seem that you and others want to look at this climate change that dates to Noah's flood as having nothing to do with Noah's flood.Why? I realize scientists don't consider the bible but I believe it did have to do with Noah's flood.Keep in mind,this is science that discovered this.

And how can you not see how a global flood would cause climate change?Is it really so hard to believe that this climate change had something to do with Noah's flood even if scientists are looking at this climate change that dates to Noah's flood from a secular view point?

I have not got into the evidence for a global flood I'm just first showing that scientists detect climate change,a world wide drought that produced dust in the ice sheets,in the oceans,etc.I think this needs to be established first before we get into the evidence for a global flood.
I realize some only believe in local floods but gap theorists believe in a global flood,we just use science,geology,etc to explain it.You'll not hear any "water dome" theories that once surrounded the earth,which is nonsense and not biblical.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Introduction to Biblical Nonsense Part 1: Noah's Ark

Post by Audie »

abelcainsbrother wrote:
Audie wrote:
HappyFlappyDeist wrote:His point is irrelevant, audie. The bible dates the flood to apx. 2300 BC, he's changing the time period about 3000 years to fit with even the slightest hint of evidence for a global flood. Again, the dust in the record is from a climate change event, If I remember correctly this climate change was brought on by an eruption? Maybe my history is off, feel free to call me out if I'm wrong.

Edit: I'm right, volcano eruption did happen 5200 years ago (probably causing the climate change event and the dust in the ice record).
perfectly good info, but I need ABC to respond, and there is great relevance in this.
How can you say 5200 years ago does not date to the time of Noah's flood?All I've been doing so far is making this point.It seem that you and others want to look at this climate change that dates to Noah's flood as having nothing to do with Noah's flood.Why? I realize scientists don't consider the bible but I believe it did have to do with Noah's flood.Keep in mind,this is science that discovered this.
IAnd how can you not see how a global flood would cause climate change?Is it really so hard to believe that this climate change had something to do with Noah's flood even if scientists are looking at this climate change that dates to Noah's flood from a secular view point?

I have not got into the evidence for a global flood I'm just first showing that scientists detect climate change,a world wide drought that produced dust in the ice sheets,in the oceans,etc.I think this needs to be established first before we get into the evidence for a global flood.
I realize some only believe in local floods but gap theorists believe in a global flood,we just use science,geology,etc to explain it.You'll not hear any "water dome" theories that once surrounded the earth,which is nonsense and not biblical.

So the dust shows up in the ice, dated 5200 years ago?
That is from your world wide flood, right?
How do they know the year?

One more thing...was everything under water?

Easy questions.
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Re: Introduction to Biblical Nonsense Part 1: Noah's Ark

Post by Audie »

RickD wrote:
Audie wrote:
RickD wrote:
Audie wrote:
RickD wrote:Humor me for a moment. In order for the Flood story to be true, we have to believe God exists.

So, for the sake of the story as it's written in Genesis, assume God exists. According to the story, God told Noah how to build the ark. So, assuming God exists, is it out of the scope of reality to believe that God would know how to have Noah build an ark?
is it outside the scope of reality that he couldda made talking pongids?

The point is whether it happened, not whether a theoretical god couldda did somthing.
Talking pongids? I suppose He could have. He made a donkey talk!


My point to Kenny was that it wasn't impossible to make an ark that would float properly, if the master designer gave Noah the plans to build it. Of course it seems ridiculous to you because you don't believe God exists.

That is not the reason.How about if you just change "float" to "fly". Is it still just because, for either pov?
Not sure what you mean. If God told Noah how to make a plane, then I guess. I don't think He would have told Noah to build a floating vessel if Noah was supposed to fly.
In a novel sure.
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Re: Introduction to Biblical Nonsense Part 1: Noah's Ark

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Audie wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Audie wrote:
HappyFlappyDeist wrote:His point is irrelevant, audie. The bible dates the flood to apx. 2300 BC, he's changing the time period about 3000 years to fit with even the slightest hint of evidence for a global flood. Again, the dust in the record is from a climate change event, If I remember correctly this climate change was brought on by an eruption? Maybe my history is off, feel free to call me out if I'm wrong.

Edit: I'm right, volcano eruption did happen 5200 years ago (probably causing the climate change event and the dust in the ice record).
perfectly good info, but I need ABC to respond, and there is great relevance in this.
How can you say 5200 years ago does not date to the time of Noah's flood?All I've been doing so far is making this point.It seem that you and others want to look at this climate change that dates to Noah's flood as having nothing to do with Noah's flood.Why? I realize scientists don't consider the bible but I believe it did have to do with Noah's flood.Keep in mind,this is science that discovered this.
IAnd how can you not see how a global flood would cause climate change?Is it really so hard to believe that this climate change had something to do with Noah's flood even if scientists are looking at this climate change that dates to Noah's flood from a secular view point?

I have not got into the evidence for a global flood I'm just first showing that scientists detect climate change,a world wide drought that produced dust in the ice sheets,in the oceans,etc.I think this needs to be established first before we get into the evidence for a global flood.
I realize some only believe in local floods but gap theorists believe in a global flood,we just use science,geology,etc to explain it.You'll not hear any "water dome" theories that once surrounded the earth,which is nonsense and not biblical.

So the dust shows up in the ice, dated 5200 years ago?
That is from your world wide flood, right?
How do they know the year?

One more thing...was everything under water?

Easy questions.
Actually Audie there is a lot more science behind it than you may realize and all of it together dates to the time of Noah's flood,we are talking about even evidence of certain people and how it effected them because of this climate change.Like this. ... 9.abstract

And yes altogether it dates to Noah's flood.How do they know the year? Ice core samples.Yes I believe a global flood world wide flood happened even if science rejects it.They are not looking for evidence of a flood they are just discovering a world wide climate change and see it as that,having nothing to do with a flood or Noah's flood.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Introduction to Biblical Nonsense Part 1: Noah's Ark

Post by Kenny »

Audie wrote:
RickD wrote:
Kenny wrote:
RickD wrote:Humor me for a moment. In order for the Flood story to be true, we have to believe God exists.

So, for the sake of the story as it's written in Genesis, assume God exists. According to the story, God told Noah how to build the ark. So, assuming God exists, is it out of the scope of reality to believe that God would know how to have Noah build an ark?
If we assumed a miracle working God instructed Noah to build an ark of the proportions listed in the Bible; without any steel reinforcements; it would require God provide them with the following

1) A miracle to get this structure to float,
2) A miracle to prevent food (for them and the animals) from spoiling without any refrigeration on the vessel
3) A miracle to prevent disease from spreading without any way of getting rid of the waste from all those animals locked up for a year (God had the key, there was no way in or out)
4) A miracle to allow the salt water to separate from the fresh water once the water rescinds
5) A miracle to allow all those Kangaroos and Kola Bears to get from the Mountain in Turkey (where the Ark landed) to Australia without leaving a trail

And a lot more that I can’t think of right now. Seems to me it would have made more sense to just take Noah and his family up to heaven at that time, and allow the earth to remain barren; especially when you consider God knew eventually Noah’s seed would eventually become as corrupt as the people he destroyed.

I numbered your points, and I'll address them that way.

1) Kenny, God told Noah how to build the ark. That in itself is a miracle.

2) there was no refrigeration anywhere at that time. The food issue would have been no different than if he wasn't on an ark. Plants could have been grown aboard, and animals provided food as well.

3) ever heard of windows, Kenny?

4) salt water and fresh water? What on earth are you talking about?

5) kangaroos and koalas weren't indigenous to the Mesopotamia region which was most likely the region where the flood was.

We've been over this before. The biblical text does not necessitate a global flood, where 2 of every kind of animal around the globe would've had to have been on the ark.
Better take a poll, world wide or.......
RickD wrote:2) there was no refrigeration anywhere at that time. The food issue would have been no different than if he wasn't on an ark. Plants could have been grown aboard, and animals provided food as well.
Lions eat 10-15 lbs of meat per day. Where is all that fresh meat going to come from? Oh yeah I forgot; a miracle.
RickD wrote:4) salt water and fresh water? What on earth are you talking about?
If everything is covered with salt water, why do we have fresh water lakes? Oh yeah; a miracle.
RickD wrote:5) kangaroos and koalas weren't indigenous to the Mesopotamia region which was most likely the region where the flood was.
They are indigenous to Australia, yet there is no record of a trail from Mesopotamia to Australia. How did that happen? Lemme guess.....
RickD wrote:We've been over this before. The biblical text does not necessitate a global flood, where 2 of every kind of animal around the globe would've had to have been on the ark.
Yes! That's right; I remember this discussion. I believe I ended with, it wasn't a global flood, they should have broke out the "ores" and paddle their way to shore; or better yet; instead of spending 100 years building an Ark and gathering animals, the infinite wise God should have had them spend that time packin' up and moving outside the "flood zone". But then if all of that happened; not so many miracles would have been necessary huh?

RickD wrote
"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence".
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Re: Introduction to Biblical Nonsense Part 1: Noah's Ark

Post by RickD »

Kenny wrote:
Audie wrote:
RickD wrote:
Kenny wrote:
RickD wrote:Humor me for a moment. In order for the Flood story to be true, we have to believe God exists.

So, for the sake of the story as it's written in Genesis, assume God exists. According to the story, God told Noah how to build the ark. So, assuming God exists, is it out of the scope of reality to believe that God would know how to have Noah build an ark?
If we assumed a miracle working God instructed Noah to build an ark of the proportions listed in the Bible; without any steel reinforcements; it would require God provide them with the following

1) A miracle to get this structure to float,
2) A miracle to prevent food (for them and the animals) from spoiling without any refrigeration on the vessel
3) A miracle to prevent disease from spreading without any way of getting rid of the waste from all those animals locked up for a year (God had the key, there was no way in or out)
4) A miracle to allow the salt water to separate from the fresh water once the water rescinds
5) A miracle to allow all those Kangaroos and Kola Bears to get from the Mountain in Turkey (where the Ark landed) to Australia without leaving a trail

And a lot more that I can’t think of right now. Seems to me it would have made more sense to just take Noah and his family up to heaven at that time, and allow the earth to remain barren; especially when you consider God knew eventually Noah’s seed would eventually become as corrupt as the people he destroyed.

I numbered your points, and I'll address them that way.

1) Kenny, God told Noah how to build the ark. That in itself is a miracle.

2) there was no refrigeration anywhere at that time. The food issue would have been no different than if he wasn't on an ark. Plants could have been grown aboard, and animals provided food as well.

3) ever heard of windows, Kenny?

4) salt water and fresh water? What on earth are you talking about?

5) kangaroos and koalas weren't indigenous to the Mesopotamia region which was most likely the region where the flood was.

We've been over this before. The biblical text does not necessitate a global flood, where 2 of every kind of animal around the globe would've had to have been on the ark.
Better take a poll, world wide or.......
RickD wrote:2) there was no refrigeration anywhere at that time. The food issue would have been no different than if he wasn't on an ark. Plants could have been grown aboard, and animals provided food as well.
A) Lions eat 10-15 lbs of meat per day. Where is all that fresh meat going to come from? Oh yeah I forgot; a miracle.
RickD wrote:4) salt water and fresh water? What on earth are you talking about?
B) If everything is covered with salt water, why do we have fresh water lakes? Oh yeah; a miracle.
RickD wrote:5) kangaroos and koalas weren't indigenous to the Mesopotamia region which was most likely the region where the flood was.
C)They are indigenous to Australia, yet there is no record of a trail from Mesopotamia to Australia. How did that happen? Lemme guess.....
RickD wrote:We've been over this before. The biblical text does not necessitate a global flood, where 2 of every kind of animal around the globe would've had to have been on the ark.
D)Yes! That's right; I remember this discussion. I believe I ended with, it wasn't a global flood, they should have broke out the "ores" and paddle their way to shore; or better yet; instead of spending 100 years building an Ark and gathering animals, the infinite wise God should have had them spend that time packin' up and moving outside the "flood zone". But then if all of that happened; not so many miracles would have been necessary huh?

Ken I lettered your latest responses A-D. I will respond that way.
A) show me proof that lions were on the Ark. Do you even know if lions lived in the area of the flood at that time? Or, are you just choosing animals that weren't in the region(koalas, kangaroos) to make your argument sound like it makes sense?

B) I don't understand your point about salt water and fresh water. The salt water oceans would not have been affected by a flood in one specific area. Specifically the Mesopotamia region.

C) Kenny, there is no reason why animals that are indigenous to Australia, would have been on an ark in a flood that was in Mesopotamia. You do understand that, don't you? And yes, that also means that if there were bison in North America, they would not have needed to walk to the ark to avoid a flood that was thousands of miles away, across an ocean.

D) I'll answer with this quote:
If God had told Noah to just migrate away from the flood area, the people would not have been warned of the impending judgment. Ultimately, they were without excuse in their rebellion against God, since the impending judgment was proclaimed to them for 100 years before it happened. Likewise, God will send two preachers for 1260 days prior to the ultimate judgment of God.17 Those who get on God's ark (Jesus Christ) will be saved from the judgment and pass from death to eternal life.
Please read this article so you will understand why your flood arguments don't hold water( pun intended). ... flood.html

And Ken, I'm not discounting the miraculous in the flood story. And you are inconsistent if on one hand, you dismiss the miraculous when it comes to God, and on the other hand you can think that the universe may have begun by some means that is presently unknown. Both of those instances are unknown to you, yet you conveniently use the unknown when it suits you(beginning of universe). And you throw away an unknown to you(God), when His existence goes against your argument. At best, that inconsistent. At worst, that's intellectually dishonest.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Introduction to Biblical Nonsense Part 1: Noah's Ark

Post by Audie »

ABC, you say that there are sediments from a world wide flood that covered everything, including mountain tops, is that right?

Is this sediment found at the bottom of the ice, or it between layers?

When you post to me could you stick to the ideas, and skip all the editorializing?
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Re: Introduction to Biblical Nonsense Part 1: Noah's Ark

Post by jlay »

Let me get this straight. The miracle of Noah's flood isn't believable because God should have used a different miracle, or just had Noah move. Ok.

If the first miracle is true (creation) then all miracles are plausible.
-“The Bible treated allegorically becomes putty in the hands of the exegete.” John Walvoord

"I'm not saying scientists don't overstate their results. They do. And it's understandable, too...If you spend years working toward a certain goal and make no progress, of course you are going to spin your results in a positive light." Ivellious
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