Every Knee shall bow.....

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Re: Every Knee shall bow.....

Post by EssentialSacrifice »

was recently popularized by Hal Lindsey in The Late Great Planet Earth. It is theorized that each week represents seven years,
Yes ST, (thanks :wave: ) this is, as i had said a little earlier in another post is where I am sure I got the idea. I read this book, as a prelude to my trip with Christ in 1977. I cannot really use this as good example for a biblical reference because, as I said it is all author conjecture and not really valid in terms of biblical reality.

Really, as I was interested in end times prophecy, I was unaware until later that even trying to figure this stuff out is a waste of time, and even biblically though verse . Time well spent is time spent with God in his bible, prayer, discernment of His word... this is the way to eternal happiness, by the grace of God and one's willingness to listen.2 Thessalonians 2:1-2

Matthew says:But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
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Re: Every Knee shall bow.....

Post by Mallz »

Sorry if I caused a stir
No stir, just talking. I think you're taking possibly having misinformation too seriously :mrgreen:
I was unaware until later that even trying to figure this stuff out is a waste of time
It's totally not a waste of time. I think it's one of the most important things Christians should know. Especially as a good portion of the Bible is dedicated to His second return and we miss out of the big picture point not understanding it.
I'm a bit confused now :? the seven years you were talking about was the regeneration after the tribulation, right?
Because the tribulation is seven years; the time of Jacobs trouble where YHWH turns His attention from the church age back to the Jews to bring the remnant of them in before His feet touch the ground at the end of the trib.

I'll have to look again, but I don't think there is a time frame mentioned between Jesus coming physically to the Earth for Armageddon and the regeneration of the Earth. I figured it would be near instant as our Kings reign will start after Armageddon... but I'll have to look into it again.
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Re: Every Knee shall bow.....

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Bride - Everybody knows my name. Get ready to crank it up and rock!

Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Every Knee shall bow.....

Post by EssentialSacrifice »

I think you're taking possibly having misinformation too seriously :mrgreen:
It's totally not a waste of time
your right, I was too severe .. a waste of time it is not, but a better use of time there is. I've spent a lot of time with it and can tell you there are so many possibilities in interpretation that it feels overwhelming, in the end. It is however, a very good use of biblical, in depth searching that leads to all kinds of tremendous insight. Insight you'd never find or even have reason to if not for this exploration.

The seven years I was thinking of was after the destruction of the earth from the book of revelation's description.
I don't think there is a time frame mentioned between Jesus coming physically to the Earth for Armageddon and the regeneration of the Earth.
Agreed, but this is basically the time frame I was thinking of. What I have found is that although God certainly could do the renewal instantaneously He allows for the act of nature to take place and that time frame, although not seen as miraculous can be seen as an act of God. For instance, the making of the universe and that natural time frame would seem incongruous with 7 days of creation... but it is not, and is still certainly seen as an act of God.

All that being said, I cannot confirm an actual time frame for the renewal and in fact have found in my search lately that the renewal may not even be a part of this (after Armageddon) time frame at all. Again, there is always another door to open and you can see why some have dedicated lifetimes to the understanding of Revelations.
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Re: Every Knee shall bow.....

Post by Nicki »

It seems to me that in Christianity the definition of faith as 'trust and confidence in someone' is just as important as 'belief without proof'. So if the idea of 'people end up where they want to be, either in heaven or hell' is true, at the judgement those who trusted in God will continue to, whereas presumably many if not all of the others, although unable to deny God's existence, will still not want to put their trust in him. They will have to acknowledge Christ's lordship but will still be in rebellion to him, and so, in that sense, lack faith.
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Re: Every Knee shall bow.....

Post by RickD »

Nicki wrote:It seems to me that in Christianity the definition of faith as 'trust and confidence in someone' is just as important as 'belief without proof'. So if the idea of 'people end up where they want to be, either in heaven or hell' is true, at the judgement those who trusted in God will continue to, whereas presumably many if not all of the others, although unable to deny God's existence, will still not want to put their trust in him. They will have to acknowledge Christ's lordship but will still be in rebellion to him, and so, in that sense, lack faith.

I think the definition of faith as 'trust and confidence in someone' is more important than as 'belief without proof', because "trust and confidence" is the biblical meaning of faith, when we talk about faith is Christ.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Every Knee shall bow.....

Post by Nicki »

RickD wrote:
Nicki wrote:It seems to me that in Christianity the definition of faith as 'trust and confidence in someone' is just as important as 'belief without proof'. So if the idea of 'people end up where they want to be, either in heaven or hell' is true, at the judgement those who trusted in God will continue to, whereas presumably many if not all of the others, although unable to deny God's existence, will still not want to put their trust in him. They will have to acknowledge Christ's lordship but will still be in rebellion to him, and so, in that sense, lack faith.

I think the definition of faith as 'trust and confidence in someone' is more important than as 'belief without proof', because "trust and confidence" is the biblical meaning of faith, when we talk about faith is Christ.
Yes, they both go together. 2 Corinthians 5:7 - 'we live by faith, not by sight' - believing in God even if we don't see or otherwise sense him. But it's not enough just to believe - we have to obey him by putting our trust in Christ, who is absolutely trustworthy.
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Re: Every Knee shall bow.....

Post by Kurieuo »

Kenny wrote:I believe it was Paul who said every knee shall bow, every tongue confess My question is, what will cause this? Will freewill be taken away at this time? Will absolute proof be provided dismissing the need for faith? If so, why not do it now before it's too late?

Interesting question.
Let me see if I can provide an interesting response.

I'd ask you, can anyone look at the Sun without it burning their retinas? No.
Or, how about standing on the Sun's surface...? We could try, but would obviously melt even before we got there.
Does this fact inhibit our free will? Not really, but we are limited by our natures.

At the end of the day, we are a creature (created being).
We have not always existed like God but were made by Him.
That is, after all, what Theism is about and is being assumed in your question.

So you could try to resist Christ as legitimate Lord of all if you like, but at the end of the day Jesus Christ is Lord whether you like it or not.
He created all, is Creator of all -- nothing that came into existence, has existence except through Him.
THAT, is part of the Christian message in John 1.

So having found out Christ is rightful Lord of all, and standing in His direct presence, is there any point in resisting further?
You can if you like in the same way you might make a stand on the Sun. But, you'll just melt away anyway.
For you are only a creature, and your existence whether you like it or not is dependent upon God's existence.

There is a reason why I see a place away from God must necessarily exist.
It exists for those who reject God as their Lord and so cannot dwell in His full direct presence (God's kingdom).
Yes, such may be a punishment, but it is also necessary place if God wishes to honour our decision to denounce Christ as Lord without just snuffing us out.
Only those in Christ will get to live on the "Sun's surface" (in God's direct presence) being eternally shielded by Christ.
"Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Romans 10:13)
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