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Post by Believer »

BGoodForGoodSake wrote:Your parents, are Athiests?
No, were did you get this from? My family doesn't follow false religions BGoodForGoodSake. So that is an insult.
BGoodForGoodSake wrote:You need spiritual guidance. Go seek a pastor nearby. He will help you with your spiritual wounds which a psychiatrist may not see.
This is an insult as well coming from a person who thinks seeking spiritual guidance and seeking a nearby pastor is a myth, a fantasy, a stupid persons thing to do that doesn't have strength. Atheists LOVE to say religious people use religion as a crutch because they aren't "strong enough", and you know what? We do use it as a crutch, a crutch of all kinds, but what we don't use it as a crutch for is for a false religion. Atheists have their own problems anyways, they just try harder because this is all that they think we have, they think we just came from some glob from the kitchen sink. Atheists aren't even close to being perfect, let only good enough, they have problems just as much as religious people do and probably more since they wallow in self-pride and materialism and it STILL isn't good enough. I wouldn't be more motivated to follow Christ if it wasn't for the many evidences available for His existence (in human) as well as Gods (the divine). You insulting me and telling me to go seek help while the right thing to do, is not good advice coming from an unbelievers mouth since you see it as a "weak persons" last resort, that is foolish and insulting.
BGoodForGoodSake wrote:You will be in my thoughts.
What good does a thought do over prayer? What can a thought do? You think about someone, but is that REALLY thinking about them, or just kinda? Insult.
BGoodForGoodSake wrote:Forgiveness, is a never-empty vessal, it does not run out. If you have committed something wrong, make up for it, and ask for forgiveness. It is never too late. It can only be too late if you wish to do nothing.
While this is true, this sounds an awful lot like what Jesus Christ said, always ask for forgiveness, (but you forgot) and forgive others as well, someone you don't follow for some reason.

While I found your post to be an insult to me, the only kind of good paragraph was the last, but that still wasn't full forgiveness. It is a circle of forgiveness, not a half-circle of forgiveness. There is no such thing as Plurism (ALL religions take you to some great spiritual realm upon death), this is simply not true, the Jewish nation will have thousands that will be saved, they are the promised, and Christians will be saved for whoever calls upon Jesus Christ which is also a part of God, making Him God already, and then there will be others who really did accept Jesus Christ eventually, like atheists, agnostics, non-believers, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and whatever else is out there.
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Post by BGoodForGoodSake »

I asked if your parents were athiests because you spoke of not attending a church, and your parents likewise.
This is an insult as well coming from a person who thinks seeking spiritual guidance and seeking a nearby pastor is a myth, a fantasy, a stupid persons thing to do that doesn't have strength.
This is not the case. I am not the person you described.
I truly think that this will help you.
What good does a thought do over prayer? What can a thought do? You think about someone, but is that REALLY thinking about them, or just kinda? Insult.
There are many who think of you and care about you. Maybe you can find peace in knowing that you are not ignored.
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Post by Judah »

Orthodox Christianity teaches that Jesus is the fullest revelation of our Creator God whom we call our Father.
John 10: 30 I and the Father are one.

John 14:10 Don't you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. 11 Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves.
So as Christians, we find our greatest wisdom through our relationship with Christ and the teaching of the Holy Spirit as we study the Scriptures and live in obedience to God's will for us.

However, others are still able on a human level to express love and concern, and may give us valuable insights from their own lives.
Compassion, caring, kindness, thoughtfulness, and all of those good things come from God through all of His creation. We are all part of His creation, Christians and non-Christian alike.

As I understand it, BGoodForGoodSake is speaking from a desire to help and in this way is showing caring and concern.

Brian, you often ask for help, and on this thread you have asked for it urgently.
We can only do so much with our words, although probably a lot more with our prayers since God is the true healer and it is to Him we direct our requests on your behalf with humility and thanks.

As God uses all of His creation for good, so too can He use a non-Christian... be that someone who posts to this forum, or a Jewish psychiatrist, or someone in the street who helps you should you ask directions, or just smiles a greeting to you as you walk by.

It is appropriate to seek help from a psychiatrist when the problem is a psychiatric disorder, and OCD symptoms can definitely be ameliorated by skilled professional medical intervention.
It is also appropriate to talk with a Christian pastor for spiritual guidance and support.
And of course, it is also appropriate to commune with God in all of these matters. Prayer has a uniquely important place of its own.

Sometimes someone on the outside can offer an insight that might have been missed by someone closer to the situation.
However, all advice needs to be weighed carefully and those who are not close to the situation usually don't have all the information upon which to base their advice. Therefore some advice may not be helpful at all.
I am very aware of that, Brian, when I have posted my comments for you. In all things, we are told... Thessalonians 5:21 "Test everything. Hold on to the good."
Sometimes I have nothing further to add to what I have already said, especially when the same issues repeat and it appears my words have not been much use to you.
But I believe all the responses here have been offered to you with some measure of concern and caring. Not all may be "hitting the nail on the head" but all were offered with good will.
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Post by Jbuza »

I understand your struggle to a point, Brian, I also get urges to do things that are bad, wrong, sin. I also hear in my head voices that accuse me and I get thoughts that are dark indeed. There is a spiritual battle waging around us, there is no doubt of that. We are told to make ourselves living sacrifices, we are told that sin has pleasure for a season. Christ calls us to resist temptation and strive to live like he did, and we fail, and we fail, and we fail. Yet the mercy of God is sufficient for us. Satan and his minions want to discourage us, they want to tell us lies, they want us to turn away from God. IT is promised that if we resist they will flee from us. Brian, I will keep you in my thoughts and in my prayers. I want to just leave this gem for you to hold onto. Romans 8:15 - For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
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Re: Thoughts

Post by Believer »

Jbuza wrote:I understand your struggle to a point, Brian, I also get urges to do things that are bad, wrong, sin. I also hear in my head voices that accuse me and I get thoughts that are dark indeed. There is a spiritual battle waging around us, there is no doubt of that. We are told to make ourselves living sacrifices, we are told that sin has pleasure for a season. Christ calls us to resist temptation and strive to live like he did, and we fail, and we fail, and we fail. Yet the mercy of God is sufficient for us. Satan and his minions want to discourage us, they want to tell us lies, they want us to turn away from God. IT is promised that if we resist they will flee from us. Brian, I will keep you in my thoughts and in my prayers. I want to just leave this gem for you to hold onto. Romans 8:15 - For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
Thank You! :cry:
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