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Re: Praying

Post by EssentialSacrifice »

i wish my prayer life was more like that....i find i dont pray because i find it frustrating....i like to hear someone talk back....and to feel like im not the only one in the room...i know what you mean bout not wanting it to feel forced..... and praying feels forced for me....but i think the real problem is this... i dont believe it makes a difference.
Because Christians must always put others in front of self... in corporal acts of kindness and ethereal acts of prayer ... i dont believe it makes a difference can never be true. Our prayers are meant for the "others" of the world who are all in need of God's help and mercy. Our fervent prayers for them will never go unanswered, will never leave you feeling frustrated, lonely or forced in to action.

Any prayer for self can be helpful for that moment, but life usually does not end at that moment... what is good today for you in your eyes may not be so tomorrow. We cannot know this, as we only have the grace from God for the present, but God does... and to save us from a greater pain, He does not hear our prayer. Only those who have a faith that is weak or dying fear "not being heard" by God. They do not take in the future possibilities of the " I want" prayers as possibly not the best thing for themselves, but prayer is not meant for themselves, as God already knows what you need, to Him. IMO, the important thing is us showing His love to others in corporal and ethereal works available to us while here on earth.

And prayer is the most intimate of all conversations with God for others or ourselves. Whether we know it makes a difference or not.
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Re: Praying

Post by B. W. »

Nessa wrote:i wish my prayer life was more like that....i find i dont pray because i find it frustrating....i like to hear someone talk back....and to feel like im not the only one in the room...i know what you mean bout not wanting it to feel forced..... and praying feels forced for me....but i think the real problem is this... i dont believe it makes a difference.

i believe when others pray it can sometimes make a difference though. esp prayers in the bible

Here ii a link on the basics regarding why pray...

Take your time and review it as it lays forth a foundation and gives basic clarity on what prayer is and does. From there, after this, we can discuss further your comments if prayer makes a difference or not, why we pray, what i looks like, how to actually pray, etc...

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Re: Praying

Post by Kurieuo »

B. W. wrote:
Nessa wrote:i wish my prayer life was more like that....i find i dont pray because i find it frustrating....i like to hear someone talk back....and to feel like im not the only one in the room...i know what you mean bout not wanting it to feel forced..... and praying feels forced for me....but i think the real problem is this... i dont believe it makes a difference.

i believe when others pray it can sometimes make a difference though. esp prayers in the bible

Here si a link on the basics regarding why pray...

Take your time and review it as it lays forth a foundation and gives basic clarity on what prayer is and does. From there, after this, we can discuss further your comments if prayer makes a difference or not, why we pray, what i looks like, how to actually pray, etc...

Sorry B.W., but I disagree with a lot of thoughts in those two articles.
And knowing you are often more grace-leaning, I'm a little surprised.

The first just adds to the baggage that shouldn't be there.
Prayer is most definitely not commanded. I kind of sped read the remainder.

The second accepts a premise, that just should not be true.
And if it is, then I question why? Because it just shouldn't.
But, the article then goes into prayer shenanigans and what is right/wrong.

To merge a message between both articles,
Perhaps prayer is so hard because people make it a commandment.
They turn it into a matter of whether they're saved and truly love God.
The Accuser couldn't be more pleased with such.
And those two articles feed his message.

When ultimately prayer should be personal and about us and God.
Being real with God, often means loosing religious baggage.
Not adding to it through some formalisation.
God desires the heart, not ritual.

Some people may like however prayer being more formal and even commanded.
The freedom of just being in God is just too scary. So if it makes one feel better having boundaries around prayer, or the right and wrong ways, etc.
Then I guess having such will fulfill their tic, making them feel less anxious and more at ease.
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Re: Praying

Post by Nessa »

thanks for the links..informative

I think actually at the root of it... beyond whether it makes a difference the ultimate least for hurts to pray. We usually are drawn away from things that make us feel bad and pulled towards the things that make us feel better
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Re: Praying

Post by Kurieuo »

Hurts? Does someone whack your knuckles with a stick if you do it wrong? ;)
Seriously, what do you mean.
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Re: Praying

Post by Nessa »

Kurieuo wrote:Hurts? Does someone whack your knuckles with a stick if you do it wrong? ;)
Seriously, what do you mean.
because some of us are filled with baggage..hurts....distortions about God and who he he feels about us....we are filled with un answered questions that are painful to face and to pray is almost like coming face to face with it all . especially when theres alot of silence...that old question..i know God is good but rather what good is he..

and no one would dare hit me with a stick with having a sore knuckle at just wouldnt be pretty ;)
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Re: Praying

Post by B. W. »

Kurieuo wrote:
B. W. wrote:
Nessa wrote:i wish my prayer life was more like that....i find i dont pray because i find it frustrating....i like to hear someone talk back....and to feel like im not the only one in the room...i know what you mean bout not wanting it to feel forced..... and praying feels forced for me....but i think the real problem is this... i dont believe it makes a difference.

i believe when others pray it can sometimes make a difference though. esp prayers in the bible

Here is a link on the basics regarding why pray...

Take your time and review it as it lays forth a foundation and gives basic clarity on what prayer is and does. From there, after this, we can discuss further your comments if prayer makes a difference or not, why we pray, what i looks like, how to actually pray, etc...

Sorry B.W., but I disagree with a lot of thoughts in those two articles.
And knowing you are often more grace-leaning, I'm a little surprised.

The first just adds to the baggage that shouldn't be there.
Prayer is most definitely not commanded. I kind of sped read the remainder.

The second accepts a premise, that just should not be true.
And if it is, then I question why? Because it just shouldn't.
But, the article then goes into prayer shenanigans and what is right/wrong.

To merge a message between both articles,
Perhaps prayer is so hard because people make it a commandment.
They turn it into a matter of whether they're saved and truly love God.
The Accuser couldn't be more pleased with such.
And those two articles feed his message.

When ultimately prayer should be personal and about us and God.
Being real with God, often means loosing religious baggage.
Not adding to it through some formalization.
God desires the heart, not ritual.

Some people may like however prayer being more formal and even commanded.
The freedom of just being in God is just too scary. So if it makes one feel better having boundaries around prayer, or the right and wrong ways, etc.
Then I guess having such will fulfill their tic, making them feel less anxious and more at ease.
Odd, but I do not see what you see in the articles. They contain the basic concepts of prayer and why pray at all. I don't see formalizations but merely bullet point pointers or talking points mentioned. It is true that better wording should have been used but in all I just do not see your objections the way you do. Maybe I need new glasses :lol:

The condition and state of the modern church proves that most do not pray or see the need and the accuser of the brethren couldn't be more happy and pleased about this sad state too. Anyways, maybe a cross cultural language of Yankee speak and Aussie speak thing going on here. In my opinion the articles just give an overview of talking points on prayer and attempt help folks learn how to start praying...
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Re: Praying

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Here are two examples on what to pray and how...

Mat 6:5-13, NASB "When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. 6 "But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. 7 "And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words. 8 "So do not be like them; for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him. 9 "Pray, then, in this way: 'Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. 10 'Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. 11 'Give us this day our daily bread. 12 'And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 'And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. [For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.]'

John 17:1-26 expresses what to you on how one prays?

Also, what does prayer mean to you?
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Re: Praying

Post by 1over137 »

Nessa wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:Hurts? Does someone whack your knuckles with a stick if you do it wrong? ;)
Seriously, what do you mean.
because some of us are filled with baggage..hurts....distortions about God and who he he feels about us....we are filled with un answered questions that are painful to face and to pray is almost like coming face to face with it all . especially when theres alot of silence...that old question..i know God is good but rather what good is he..

and no one would dare hit me with a stick with having a sore knuckle at just wouldnt be pretty ;)
Maybe reading the four gospels would help. I do not know. Just thinking.
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
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Re: Praying

Post by B. W. »

1over137 wrote:
Nessa wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:Hurts? Does someone whack your knuckles with a stick if you do it wrong? ;)
Seriously, what do you mean.
because some of us are filled with baggage..hurts....distortions about God and who he he feels about us....we are filled with un answered questions that are painful to face and to pray is almost like coming face to face with it all . especially when theres alot of silence...that old question..i know God is good but rather what good is he..

and no one would dare hit me with a stick with having a sore knuckle at just wouldnt be pretty ;)
Maybe reading the four gospels would help. I do not know. Just thinking.
While reading ask, ie pray - Lord help me understand what I reading ... and see what happens...
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Re: Praying

Post by Kurieuo »

Nessa wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:Hurts? Does someone whack your knuckles with a stick if you do it wrong? ;)
Seriously, what do you mean.
because some of us are filled with baggage..hurts....distortions about God and who he he feels about us....we are filled with un answered questions that are painful to face and to pray is almost like coming face to face with it all . especially when theres alot of silence...that old question..i know God is good but rather what good is he..

and no one would dare hit me with a stick with having a sore knuckle at just wouldnt be pretty ;)
DS, has there been a time when you felt God? For example,
whether you felt God ministering to your spirit or you just bask in God's presence.
If so, do you mind sharing your experience/s?
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Re: Praying

Post by Nessa »

Kurieuo wrote:
DS, has there been a time when you felt God? For example,
whether you felt God ministering to your spirit or you just bask in God's presence.
If so, do you mind sharing your experience/s?
I have never felt God or experienced him as such.. I'm sure part of that is growing up going to church in a non christian home.. and seeing God
as a 'thing' behind the clouds and has no relevance on day to day living.. just when you die etc. The thing I remember most bout going to church on a sunday as a kid is the doughnuts afterwards. Now that I could experience ;)
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Re: Praying

Post by Storyteller »

Nessa wrote:thanks for the links..informative

I think actually at the root of it... beyond whether it makes a difference the ultimate least for hurts to pray. We usually are drawn away from things that make us feel bad and pulled towards the things that make us feel better
Oh Nessa, I so wish I could give you a hug right now. Do you know how many times I have cried, in fact, sobbed when I have been praying? It seems at times that the only thing I feel when praying is pain BUT the difference is that you are sharing your pain with the only entity on earth who guaranteed knows how you feel.

Formal prayer isn`t right for me just yet and neither is praying in a group, it`s just me and God. It can be any time of day too, can be a few words or a whole dialogue. I have been known to be chatting away to Him until the early hours.

Offer up all your pain, all your doubt, tell Him what you feel, He really does care.

If you ever want to talk privately about anything, feel free to pm me, my box is always open.

Personally, I don`t think there is a right or a wrong way to pray, God knows what`s in your heart and your intentions.
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Re: Praying

Post by Nessa »

Last edited by Nessa on Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Praying

Post by Nessa »

Storyteller wrote:
Nessa wrote:thanks for the links..informative

I think actually at the root of it... beyond whether it makes a difference the ultimate least for hurts to pray. We usually are drawn away from things that make us feel bad and pulled towards the things that make us feel better
Oh Nessa, I so wish I could give you a hug right now. Do you know how many times I have cried, in fact, sobbed when I have been praying? It seems at times that the only thing I feel when praying is pain BUT the difference is that you are sharing your pain with the only entity on earth who guaranteed knows how you feel.

Formal prayer isn`t right for me just yet and neither is praying in a group, it`s just me and God. It can be any time of day too, can be a few words or a whole dialogue. I have been known to be chatting away to Him until the early hours.

Offer up all your pain, all your doubt, tell Him what you feel, He really does care.

If you ever want to talk privately about anything, feel free to pm me, my box is always open.

Personally, I don`t think there is a right or a wrong way to pray, God knows what`s in your heart and your intentions.
you are so sweet. I really appreciate the caring....and you reminded me of something years ago
..... this lady was ministering to me at church and everytime i saw her she kept hugging me like ALOT. I felt kinda weird....she said she could feel Gods love for me and it made her emotional...another time someone prayed for me and they just cried and said the same thing about Gods love and could feel some of what God was feeling.
Last edited by Nessa on Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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