Nicki wrote:My question would be, if the earth was flat, how would it be possible to fly over both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans between the continents? I think airline pilots would be aware they were flying in some kind of arc to stay over the ocean and give the illusion of traversing either of those oceans, if it was not possible to actually circle the globe.
You are all FOOLS!
I am a commercial pilot, though not an
airline pilot. Today, I flew a medevac over 2 degrees of lattitude, or 120+ nautical miles, and then I flew back to my departure airport. I can assure all of you that at no point in the flight did the earth gently curve from under me. The autopilot was set at 8,500 feet and we stayed at that altitude until a descent was commanded. Now, you foolish believers in a spherical earth would have a pilot constantly adjusting the altitude
up until he reached the zenith of his route, then contantly adjusting the altitude
down to continue on his path to destination.
Can you see the senselessness in that?!
As for your «...airline pilots would be aware that they were flying some sort of arc...» comment, may be it known to you (and other Phillistines) that «Great circle routes» are taught in ground school.
Lastly, Ricardo's Flat Earth map is correct except that it omits Antarctica. Antarctica forms the rim of our Flat Earth! The antarctic continent serves to keep all ocean water on the earth. This omission is an
underhanded and
deceitful attempt to discredit the Flat Earth Society.

Hold everything lightly. If you don't, it will hurt when God pries your fingers loose as He takes it from you. -Corrie Ten Boom
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If they had a social gospel in the days of the prodigal son, somebody would have given him a bed and a sandwich and he never would have gone home.
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