Answers in Genesis (AIG), Its Views on Creation Days, Etc.

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Re: Answers in Genesis (AIG), Its Views on Creation Days, Etc.

Post by Philip »

When I click on your AIG link in the OP on my iPhone, there's a video at the top of the page entitled, "Millions of Years Undermines Every Major Doctrine of the Bible".
Well, don't blame the one revealing AIG's rhetoric. People aren't sure what they actually believe or say, so I figured it would be an easy reference and snapshot at what they teach. And, clearly, they are going FAR beyond just what they believe about the time issue, to trying to tar anyone who doesn't agree with them the "heretic" or "evolution lover" tag. So, yeah, but please, don't kick your doggie! Maybe throw darts at your Ken Hamm poster or whatever.
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Re: Answers in Genesis (AIG), Its Views on Creation Days, Etc.

Post by RickD »

Philip wrote:
When I click on your AIG link in the OP on my iPhone, there's a video at the top of the page entitled, "Millions of Years Undermines Every Major Doctrine of the Bible".
Well, don't blame the one revealing AIG's rhetoric. People aren't sure what they actually believe or say, so I figured it would be an easy reference and snapshot at what they teach. And, clearly, they are going FAR beyond just what they believe about the time issue, to trying to tar anyone who doesn't agree with them the "heretic" or "evolution lover" tag. So, yeah, but please, don't kick your doggie! Maybe throw darts at your Ken Hamm poster or whatever.
After I kick my dog, I think I'll beat my wife. :boxing: :fryingpan:
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Answers in Genesis (AIG), Its Views on Creation Days, Etc.

Post by abelcainsbrother »

They are also implying gap theorists reject Noah's flood by bringing up Buckland who was a Christian geologist/paleontologist who discovered the very first dinosaur and he became Oxford's very first geology professor teaching the gap theory at Oxford,imagine that today and this was before Charles Darwin wrot On the origin of species and every since then the modern scientific elite have been hoodwinked by evolution.They bring up Lyell who they say was taught by Buckland and we know Buckland got help from Thomas Chalmers about the gap theory.Thomas Chalmers was preaching the gap theory atleast 50 years before Darwin published his book and it is a shame how the evidence discovered by Christians was hyjacked by Darwin to accomodate evolution.Darwin said that scientists should find many fossils showing transformation or his theory was wrong and they never did.

Gap theorists actually teach Noah's flood biblically true but also scientifically viable and if YEC's did not teach Noah's flood like they do,not so many people would not believe it.And perhaps Day Agers would'nt be thinking of a local flood.The way they teach it is not even biblical with the "water canopy"an imagininary dome of water circling the earth.This is not even biblical because the bible tells us that the water on this earth came from inside the earth.And in Genesis it tells us the great fountains of the deep had broken up and it did not start raining when the windows of heaven were opened until 7 days after the fountains of the earth were broken up.

And scientists have now discovered inside the earth more water inside the earth to fill the earth 10 times over exactlylike the bible said.You see the fountains of the deep were broken up and the heated water inside the earth shot up out of the earth out of the Atlantic Ocean where scientists have discovered no crust and a big gap at the bottom.This would explain the fountains of the deep that were broken up.

Water shot up out of the earth into the atmosphere it cooled condensed into rain and 7 days later it started to rain.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Answers in Genesis (AIG), Its Views on Creation Days, Etc.

Post by Kurieuo »

RickD wrote:
Philip wrote:
When I click on your AIG link in the OP on my iPhone, there's a video at the top of the page entitled, "Millions of Years Undermines Every Major Doctrine of the Bible".
Well, don't blame the one revealing AIG's rhetoric. People aren't sure what they actually believe or say, so I figured it would be an easy reference and snapshot at what they teach. And, clearly, they are going FAR beyond just what they believe about the time issue, to trying to tar anyone who doesn't agree with them the "heretic" or "evolution lover" tag. So, yeah, but please, don't kick your doggie! Maybe throw darts at your Ken Hamm poster or whatever.
After I kick my dog, I think I'll beat my wife. :boxing: :fryingpan:
I think you're onto something Rick.
Either we believe in a young earth or beat our wives. :shakehead:
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Re: Answers in Genesis (AIG), Its Views on Creation Days, Etc.

Post by Philip »



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Re: Answers in Genesis (AIG), Its Views on Creation Days, Etc.

Post by theophilus »

Philip wrote:As GOD ordained and was PLEASED by the slitting of lambs and goats throats, subsequently burned upon His altars - again, how can the killing of animals be bad?
The sacrifice of animals wouldn't have been necessary if Adam hadn't sinned. Sin must be atoned by the shedding of innocent blood. It was necessary for Jesus to die so we could be forgiven. The death of Jesus was the supreme evil in the world but God because it was necessary for our forgiveness. If God allowed that evil, why wouldn't he allow and even command the lesser evil of killing animals so the people who lived before Christ would understand the cost of redemption?
God wants full custody of his children, not just visits on Sunday.
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Re: Answers in Genesis (AIG), Its Views on Creation Days, Etc.

Post by RickD »

theophilus wrote:
Philip wrote:As GOD ordained and was PLEASED by the slitting of lambs and goats throats, subsequently burned upon His altars - again, how can the killing of animals be bad?
The sacrifice of animals wouldn't have been necessary if Adam hadn't sinned. Sin must be atoned by the shedding of innocent blood. It was necessary for Jesus to die so we could be forgiven. The death of Jesus was the supreme evil in the world but God because it was necessary for our forgiveness. If God allowed that evil, why wouldn't he allow and even command the lesser evil of killing animals so the people who lived before Christ would understand the cost of redemption?

You're saying that the death of Christ, by which Jesus demonstrated the greatest act of love, by laying his life down for us, justified us, reconciled us to God, reconciled all things, cancelled out our sin debt, redeemed us, fulfilled prophecy, etc., you're saying THAT was the supreme evil?

I can see why I have such a problem with YEC theology, if that's the case!

Can't you see that what to you seems like supreme evil, is actually what God did as the ultimate good? Christ's death was the ultimate act of grace and love!!!!!!!
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Answers in Genesis (AIG), Its Views on Creation Days, Etc.

Post by theophilus »

RickD wrote:Can't you see that what to you seems like supreme evil, is actually what God did as the ultimate good? Christ's death was the ultimate act of grace and love!!!!!!!
Christ's willingness to die was an act of grace and love but those who actually killed him were committing the most evil act that ever took place, Jesus said that the one who betrayed him would be better off if he had never been born.
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Re: Answers in Genesis (AIG), Its Views on Creation Days, Etc.

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Here are giant deer that lived in the former world and the only real difference between the deer in the former world and the deer in this world is the deer in this world are smaller.

This lines up perfect with this scripture Genesis 1:24-25. ... nt-in.html
Last edited by abelcainsbrother on Wed Aug 05, 2015 6:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Answers in Genesis (AIG), Its Views on Creation Days, Etc.

Post by Philip »

The sacrifice of animals wouldn't have been necessary if Adam hadn't sinned. Sin must be atoned by the shedding of innocent blood. It was necessary for Jesus to die so we could be forgiven. The death of Jesus was the supreme evil in the world but God because it was necessary for our forgiveness. If God allowed that evil, why wouldn't he allow and even command the lesser evil of killing animals so the people who lived before Christ would understand the cost of redemption?
First place, it is GOD Who determined the sacrificial system that involved the killing of animals. PETA is no fan of God! Notice, also, that unlike the cults, ONLY animals were to be sacrificed. And you're comparing what God ALLOWED/but did not CAUSE (the realized evil from the heart of men in the killing of Jesus) with the directive to sacrifice animals/soulless creatures (of which God IS the director, orchestrator and overseer of - even with specifics as to HOW? God does NOT cause or tempt ANYONE to ANY evil act. Evil acts ALL spring from the dark hearts and minds of men. But your "the lesser evil of the killing of animals" is asserting that God is directing a widespread and ritualistic EVIL. Which is untrue, unScriptural and unthinkable!
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Re: Answers in Genesis (AIG), Its Views on Creation Days, Etc.

Post by RickD »

theophilus wrote:
RickD wrote:Can't you see that what to you seems like supreme evil, is actually what God did as the ultimate good? Christ's death was the ultimate act of grace and love!!!!!!!
Christ's willingness to die was an act of grace and love but those who actually killed him were committing the most evil act that ever took place, Jesus said that the one who betrayed him would be better off if he had never been born.
So you're talking about Jesus' betrayal by Judas is the supreme evil? Because, didn't Jesus ask The Father to forgive them(those who were crucifying him) because they know not what they are doing?
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Answers in Genesis (AIG), Its Views on Creation Days, Etc.

Post by abelcainsbrother »

I don't want to think of this thread as a gang up on YEC thread but I do think it is a good thing to point out areas of disagreement with YEC and the problems that I have realized about it.

I can understand how if you read Genesis 1 and focus on it you will probably believe the earth is young and that God created the earth in a chaotic state and then decorated it.I can see how a person can think this however of you take the bible as a whole then these interpretations become a problem and contradicts what other parts of the bible say this is why I say that the YEC interpretation comes from a weak understanding of God's word.If you do believe God created the earth in a chaos state like in Genesis 1:2 and then decorated it you are ignoring other parts of the bible and besides this it makes God look weak because we know when things are created they are new and over time then sustain normal wear and tear and even damage.

Besides because of zircon crystals in the earth they are changing the scientific consensus that the earth started out as a molten lave hell as it developed by evolution into the earth we now have.But zircon crystals are showing the earth had water on it with oceans as far back as science can look and from the beginning and this would give credence to God not creating the earth in a chaotic state and then decorating it but it was brand new which is why the morning stars and the sons of God shouted for joy Job 38:7.Why would they shout for joy over a chaotic earth from the beginning?Also this would also include Lucifer shouting for joy too as Lucifer was a good angel in his beginning,he later rebelled against God. ... y-thought/

But also no where in the days of creation do they mention angels being created and yet angels are althroughout the bible both good angels and fallen angels but to be a YEC one must assume and make angels fit into one of the days of creation but then have Lucifer rebel against God only a short time after this when Adam and Eve were place in the garden of Eden and Satan was already there trying to decieve them so that YEC's exclude the whole rebellion process of Lucifer to Satan and just imagine it happened just for the sake of the YEC interpretation that does not even mention it or talk about it,it is pure speculation and all to hold to a young earth.

When if you take the bible as a whole and do a biblical study on angels,Lucifer,his rebellion,and what led to his rebellion this is where the gap theory really shines because you do not have to assume and you realize and know that angels were created before any type of creation of the heavens and earth but also Lucifer rebelled too and when you have a former world that he ruled over and his pride caused him to want to be the most high so he started trying to be God,even tried to create his own life like God did but failed but you realize his rebellion led to the former world perishing and it did.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Answers in Genesis (AIG), Its Views on Creation Days, Etc.

Post by Philip »

Rick: So you're talking about Jesus' betrayal by Judas is the supreme evil? Because, didn't Jesus ask The Father to forgive them(those who were crucifying him) because they know not what they are doing?
But WHAT is it they did not know they were doing? It's that they were actually killing the very Son of God that they did not know. And of those that did not know at Golgotha, many were soon to know the truth of exactly Who they had killed. But as for the lies they had told about Jesus, the other (non-blasphemy) trumped up charges, the false testimonies, Pilot giving the order to go ahead without seeing guilt - these, all of the perpetrators undoubtedly DID know. Of course, ultimately, we ALL put Jesus on that Cross.
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Re: Answers in Genesis (AIG), Its Views on Creation Days, Etc.

Post by RickD »

Philip wrote:
Of course, ultimately, we ALL put Jesus on that Cross.
I didn't. But then, I'm not as old as you are. :wheelchair:
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Answers in Genesis (AIG), Its Views on Creation Days, Etc.

Post by Philip »

I didn't. But then, I'm not as old as you are. :wheelchair:
Yes, Ricardo, but if this were a NASCAR race, you'd be the equivalent of riding my rear bumper at 200 mph! :lol: Compared to some here, you're practically a geezer!
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