What happens to Christians who join Masons?

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What happens to Christians who join Masons?

Post by Liffa »

My son knows a lot about cults - I was in one for awhile and rededicated my life to Christ after leaving. He was raised to love Jesus, was saved at around age 9, baptized, and is a believer. In fact he recently reaffirmed that to my sister. He has been decieived by friends and recruited into Masonry. He is reluctant to talk to me and his father about it because he knows we feel it is a false religion. He agreed to read a book we have for him and have a conversation about it but is now trying to back out. I have been successful at getting people out of cults, in fact it was my life's work for many years and I am so crushed this happened to my own son. I know it is hard for family members to exit counsel their own loved ones and sometimes a third party is necessary - kids, even grown ones never like to hear from their parents that they have made mistakes, so I know my husband and I have our work cut out for us. I have read information about Masonry until my eyes are bloodshot. We are praying and have prayer support from others. But what if we fail to convince him to withdraw from the group? I know he is saved - no doubt in my mind, but isn't following a false religion going apostate and won't he lose his salvation? I believe in eternal security, but isn't apostasy an exception?

I have no more tears left to cry and am numb at the thought we won't spend eternity together. We are a close family and this is tearing us apart but my husband and I can simply not condone this action and we are going to present the truth in love to him. Can anyone tell me if my son is in danger of hell if he remains in this idolatrous group even though I have absolutely no doubts he was saved as s young boy and continued to walk with the Lord. Thank you.
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Re: What happens to Christians who join Masons?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Liffa wrote:My son knows a lot about cults - I was in one for awhile and rededicated my life to Christ after leaving. He was raised to love Jesus, was saved at around age 9, baptized, and is a believer. In fact he recently reaffirmed that to my sister. He has been decieived by friends and recruited into Masonry. He is reluctant to talk to me and his father about it because he knows we feel it is a false religion. He agreed to read a book we have for him and have a conversation about it but is now trying to back out. I have been successful at getting people out of cults, in fact it was my life's work for many years and I am so crushed this happened to my own son. I know it is hard for family members to exit counsel their own loved ones and sometimes a third party is necessary - kids, even grown ones never like to hear from their parents that they have made mistakes, so I know my husband and I have our work cut out for us. I have read information about Masonry until my eyes are bloodshot. We are praying and have prayer support from others. But what if we fail to convince him to withdraw from the group? I know he is saved - no doubt in my mind, but isn't following a false religion going apostate and won't he lose his salvation? I believe in eternal security, but isn't apostasy an exception?

I have no more tears left to cry and am numb at the thought we won't spend eternity together. We are a close family and this is tearing us apart but my husband and I can simply not condone this action and we are going to present the truth in love to him. Can anyone tell me if my son is in danger of hell if he remains in this idolatrous group even though I have absolutely no doubts he was saved as s young boy and continued to walk with the Lord. Thank you.
He never found his calling with God it sounds like and masonry gives him something to do to fulfill it.I also have family members who loved Jesus but became masons and we tried to warn them but they would'nt listen,it really seems to hook people into it.My uncle who loved Jesus got involved but he died before getting too much involved in it.Masons do good things for people but it still does'nt change that its a cult.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

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Re: What happens to Christians who join Masons?

Post by 1over137 »

Liffa wrote:My son knows a lot about cults - I was in one for awhile and rededicated my life to Christ after leaving. He was raised to love Jesus, was saved at around age 9, baptized, and is a believer. In fact he recently reaffirmed that to my sister. He has been decieived by friends and recruited into Masonry. He is reluctant to talk to me and his father about it because he knows we feel it is a false religion. He agreed to read a book we have for him and have a conversation about it but is now trying to back out. I have been successful at getting people out of cults, in fact it was my life's work for many years and I am so crushed this happened to my own son. I know it is hard for family members to exit counsel their own loved ones and sometimes a third party is necessary - kids, even grown ones never like to hear from their parents that they have made mistakes, so I know my husband and I have our work cut out for us. I have read information about Masonry until my eyes are bloodshot. We are praying and have prayer support from others. But what if we fail to convince him to withdraw from the group? I know he is saved - no doubt in my mind, but isn't following a false religion going apostate and won't he lose his salvation? I believe in eternal security, but isn't apostasy an exception?

I have no more tears left to cry and am numb at the thought we won't spend eternity together. We are a close family and this is tearing us apart but my husband and I can simply not condone this action and we are going to present the truth in love to him. Can anyone tell me if my son is in danger of hell if he remains in this idolatrous group even though I have absolutely no doubts he was saved as s young boy and continued to walk with the Lord. Thank you.
If he believes that Jesus Christ is our Saviour and not some Supreme Being (as Free Masonry seems to believe in Supreme Being and deny exclusivity of Jesus) then he is saved. I do not know his heart. I do not know whether he relies on Christ.
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Re: What happens to Christians who join Masons?

Post by Liffa »

Yes, he believes Jesus is his Savior and told my sister that a few weeks ago when she was questioning him. When an friend of his died last year before he joined masonry he was upset about whether his friend had accepted Jesus or not. I have no doubt my son is saved. Is he going apostate by joining this group and is it an exception to eternal security?
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Re: What happens to Christians who join Masons?

Post by 1over137 »

Reading this link http://www.gotquestions.org/free-masonry.html
I worry about Masons leading Christian into blasphemy, an unpardonable sin.

I do not know whether your son will hold Christ very dearly as he does now. It is danger for him to join Free Masonry.
When his friend died not knowing wheter he accepted Jesus...

I will pray for your son to not be lead off the Christian route.
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
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Re: What happens to Christians who join Masons?

Post by Halsoft »

I think in situations like this it is important to remember our own limitations in working with others. The old adage "You can lead a horse to water but you can not make it drink" comes to mind. You can only help people who wish to be helped. God has a plan for all of us. The darkest times of my life have led to me seeking God in a way that I wouldn't have otherwise. Even if we don't understand God's plan for all of us it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I like to picture life as a cross stitch. On the back it appears to be a jumble of threads all going in different directions, not really creating anything understandable, but on the other side; what God can see, is something beautiful. We are but a single thread in the Great Work. Seek to show the way to your child but trust that God has good things intended for him. All things with time, his will not ours be done.
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Re: What happens to Christians who join Masons?

Post by RickD »

The old adage "You can lead a horse to water but you can not make it drink"

Sorry. I always wanted to use that emoticon. It seemed to fit the quote... Kinda. :mrgreen:
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: What happens to Christians who join Masons?

Post by Philip »

What happens when a Christian becomes a Mason? He remains a Christian who happens to be a Mason. Hopefully, he will have his eyes opened to problems inherit within Masonry. But a Christian cannot lose his salvation. Many, if not most, Christians have some false theological understandings or wrong beliefs. But if they truly ever embraced and came to Christ, that is FOREVER. That doesn't mean that repercussions from harmful beliefs won't be incurred, but this will not change the fact they are saved, as the question of one's salvation rests upon ONE thing, only: That they received Jesus, through faith.

For more on the eternal security of Believers, read this: http://www.godandscience.org/doctrine/s ... iever.html
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Re: What happens to Christians who join Masons?

Post by RickD »

I haven't followed the entire thread, but why does one who builds with bricks and stone, have a problem being Christian? Jesus himself was a carpenter.

John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
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Re: What happens to Christians who join Masons?

Post by IceMobster »

RickD wrote:I haven't followed the entire thread, but why does one who builds with bricks and stone, have a problem being Christian? Jesus himself was a carpenter.

Tell me that's sarcasm :D
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Re: What happens to Christians who join Masons?

Post by RickD »

IceMobster wrote:
RickD wrote:I haven't followed the entire thread, but why does one who builds with bricks and stone, have a problem being Christian? Jesus himself was a carpenter.

Tell me that's sarcasm :D
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

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Re: What happens to Christians who join Masons?

Post by IceMobster »

RickD wrote:
IceMobster wrote:
RickD wrote:I haven't followed the entire thread, but why does one who builds with bricks and stone, have a problem being Christian? Jesus himself was a carpenter.

Tell me that's sarcasm :D
"A Mason (or Freemason) is a member of a fraternity known as Masonry (or Freemasonry). A fraternity is a group of men (just as a sorority is a group of women) who join together because: There are things they want to do in the world."
It has nothing to do with building with bricks or stone.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me.


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Re: What happens to Christians who join Masons?

Post by Nicki »

IceMobster wrote:
RickD wrote:
IceMobster wrote:
RickD wrote:I haven't followed the entire thread, but why does one who builds with bricks and stone, have a problem being Christian? Jesus himself was a carpenter.

Tell me that's sarcasm :D
"A Mason (or Freemason) is a member of a fraternity known as Masonry (or Freemasonry). A fraternity is a group of men (just as a sorority is a group of women) who join together because: There are things they want to do in the world."
It has nothing to do with building with bricks or stone.
I think it was sarcasm - don't worry, you'll get used to Rick ;)
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Re: What happens to Christians who join Masons?

Post by RickD »

Nicki wrote:
IceMobster wrote:
RickD wrote:
IceMobster wrote:
RickD wrote:I haven't followed the entire thread, but why does one who builds with bricks and stone, have a problem being Christian? Jesus himself was a carpenter.

Tell me that's sarcasm :D
"A Mason (or Freemason) is a member of a fraternity known as Masonry (or Freemasonry). A fraternity is a group of men (just as a sorority is a group of women) who join together because: There are things they want to do in the world."
It has nothing to do with building with bricks or stone.
I think it was sarcasm - don't worry, you'll get used to Rick ;)
You think it was sarcasm? I must do a better job of disguising my sarcasm. y:-?

In all seriousness...

To the OP,

I agree with what Philip said here.
What happens when a Christian becomes a Mason? He remains a Christian who happens to be a Mason. Hopefully, he will have his eyes opened to problems inherit within Masonry. But a Christian cannot lose his salvation. Many, if not most, Christians have some false theological understandings or wrong beliefs. But if they truly ever embraced and came to Christ, that is FOREVER. That doesn't mean that repercussions from harmful beliefs won't be incurred, but this will not change the fact they are saved, as the question of one's salvation rests upon ONE thing, only: That they received Jesus, through faith
And continue to pray for him, that God will lead him back. :D
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

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Re: What happens to Christians who join Masons?

Post by Audie »

The real question is, "Where do old cowboys go when thry die?"
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