Hearing His Voice

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Hearing His Voice

Post by PaulSacramento »

I don't usually go this personal into discussions but I was wondering:

Anyone hear the voice of Christ?
And by that I mean Hear His voice and speak with Him?
If so, how do you view the authority of the bible as opposed to what He says to you?

As some of you may know, I have heard His voice, a few times.
I ask Him questions and voice some concerns and while he doesn't always reply, when He does it is very clear that His Word is THE Word.
Not to go into too much detail at this point BUT there are times when was he says is at "odds" with what SEEMS to be written in the bible.
Not contrary mind you, but simply not there with an obvious reading.

I still hold the bible in a very high regard of course, very high ( far higher than others that Hear His Voice), I just don't hold the interpretation that others have of what the bible says over what He says.

Anyone else?
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Re: Hearing His Voice

Post by Mallz »

You actually heard His voice? voice voice?? With ears!? I'm jealous...
Would you mind sharing some things He's said?

He's led my mind, instilled knowledge and wisdom through facts and thoughts way beyond me guiding me to truth. I feel Him at times in my heart as an indescribable radiating joy (this is something that has been acquired this last year). I've experienced timelessness watching Him act around and through me in many ways. I've never had dreams, visions, never seen Him, never heard Him. :esad: So I can't help with that one.
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Re: Hearing His Voice

Post by Philip »

I would say that ANYTHING God actually says to someone cannot be in conflict with what Scripture teaches about Him and what it says His established Character and values are. We are told to test the spirits. I'd be extremely careful if I thought I'd heard God's voice and the message appears to conflict with Scripture. To me, that's a huge red flag! Just think about the enormous rarity of ANY one person actually hearing God's voice. Really, I only have a few times heard of such. But when this very rare thing appears to have happened AND the message seems not in line with Scripture, I'd see that as extremely odd.
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Re: Hearing His Voice

Post by EssentialSacrifice »

I've not communicated directly or been communicated directly to (by God) but one thing i am absolutely sure of is God has a plan. Nothing ever happens that happens, just because it did ... it's all a part of His plan and if you've heard from Him then that is part of the plan... however, if you have, you should be looking forward to the plan's complete and final execution, as you are unique among men, which was apparently always a part of the plan. ;) y*-:) y[-o<
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Re: Hearing His Voice

Post by jlay »

A specific example and scripture would be helpful.
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Re: Hearing His Voice

Post by PaulSacramento »

Philip wrote:I would say that ANYTHING God actually says to someone cannot be in conflict with what Scripture teaches about Him and what it says His established Character and values are. We are told to test the spirits. I'd be extremely careful if I thought I'd heard God's voice and the message appears to conflict with Scripture. To me, that's a huge red flag! Just think about the enormous rarity of ANY one person actually hearing God's voice. Really, I only have a few times heard of such. But when this very rare thing appears to have happened AND the message seems not in line with Scripture, I'd see that as extremely odd.
Read my post, I didn't say that it conflicted with scripture.
I plainly stated:
Not to go into too much detail at this point BUT there are times when was he says is at "odds" with what SEEMS to be written in the bible.
Not contrary mind you, but simply not there with an obvious reading.
He has never said to me, "that bible passage is wrong" or " That has been written incorrectly".
He has reminded me to always remember to WHOM it was written to and under what circumstances.
He has always given me an understanding that I could, well...understand.
As for testing the spirits, always BUT hearing His voice ( not voices mind you) is, well, lets just say there isn't much of a gray area that it is Christ.
And it isn't as rare as you may think my friend.
Realize that we ALL hear Him, there are just times that for me, it is very clear that it is Him and not just simply my conscience for example.
Again, I am not not alone and it is far more common.
It is just that because of the reaction, many juts keep it to themselves.
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Re: Hearing His Voice

Post by PaulSacramento »

Mallz wrote:You actually heard His voice? voice voice?? With ears!? I'm jealous...
Would you mind sharing some things He's said?

He's led my mind, instilled knowledge and wisdom through facts and thoughts way beyond me guiding me to truth. I feel Him at times in my heart as an indescribable radiating joy (this is something that has been acquired this last year). I've experienced timelessness watching Him act around and through me in many ways. I've never had dreams, visions, never seen Him, never heard Him. :esad: So I can't help with that one.
Yes, with ears LOL.
It is a voice that I realized had always been there.
A distinct voice but it isn't so much what He says but what I feel AS he says it, can't describe it but the best way I can put it is:
You hear/feel/sense/know it is Him and it is truly like "coming home".
And it is always surrounded by a profound and intense feeling of love.
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Re: Hearing His Voice

Post by Philip »

Paul, wasn't meaning to be judgmental about YOUR experience. Just curious and cautious, that's all.
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Re: Hearing His Voice

Post by Nessa »

PaulSacramento wrote:
Mallz wrote:You actually heard His voice? voice voice?? With ears!? I'm jealous...
Would you mind sharing some things He's said?

He's led my mind, instilled knowledge and wisdom through facts and thoughts way beyond me guiding me to truth. I feel Him at times in my heart as an indescribable radiating joy (this is something that has been acquired this last year). I've experienced timelessness watching Him act around and through me in many ways. I've never had dreams, visions, never seen Him, never heard Him. :esad: So I can't help with that one.
Yes, with ears LOL.
It is a voice that I realized had always been there.
A distinct voice but it isn't so much what He says but what I feel AS he says it, can't describe it but the best way I can put it is:
You hear/feel/sense/know it is Him and it is truly like "coming home".
And it is always surrounded by a profound and intense feeling of love.
So why can't all christians hear his voice like that?
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Re: Hearing His Voice

Post by melanie »

PaulSacramento wrote:I don't usually go this personal into discussions but I was wondering:

Anyone hear the voice of Christ?
And by that I mean Hear His voice and speak with Him?
If so, how do you view the authority of the bible as opposed to what He says to you?

As some of you may know, I have heard His voice, a few times.
I ask Him questions and voice some concerns and while he doesn't always reply, when He does it is very clear that His Word is THE Word.
Not to go into too much detail at this point BUT there are times when was he says is at "odds" with what SEEMS to be written in the bible.
Not contrary mind you, but simply not there with an obvious reading.

I still hold the bible in a very high regard of course, very high ( far higher than others that Hear His Voice), I just don't hold the interpretation that others have of what the bible says over what He says.

Anyone else?
I think it goes hand in hand Paul.
We read scripture through the lens of our spiritual eyes and ears. This grows, changes and develops as our relationship with God strengthens.
Trust in your relationship with Christ.
I say let Him lead you.
It will not be the same as everyone else, I think that is where it can get very ambiguous. God reveals to us what we need, an understanding, a growth that is so personal that it can seem to conflict with others. I think it does because as ES said we all have our own personal path that God is navigating. He knows what we need, He reveals to each according to His plan.
I think what you are saying is nothing revealed to you conflicts with scripture but perhaps the interpretation that others hold does not always line up with yours. You believe Christ has given you an understanding that conflicts with popular opinion or others opinion.
Trust in Him.
I feel the same and sometimes it has been an understanding that came in stages, as that is what I needed to grow until I came to an understanding that in the end fitted in quite comfortably with main consensus. There have been other times when I don't believe this to be the case, I trust in His guidance. I always keep in mind though, that it is all part of the journey and perhaps my understanding is a growth in progress. But I trust Him and I trust our journey together.
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Re: Hearing His Voice

Post by Mallz »

Yes, with ears LOL.
It is a voice that I realized had always been there.
A distinct voice but it isn't so much what He says but what I feel AS he says it, can't describe it but the best way I can put it is:
You hear/feel/sense/know it is Him and it is truly like "coming home".
And it is always surrounded by a profound and intense feeling of love.
Ahh very similar to what I get, but no voice. Fore me, it's more mind communication and feeling connection, 'knowing' each other in a living sense, don't know how to fully describe it. It's a unique experience. Don't get it all the time, lately I've felt disconnected and I don't know why. So I look within and above and listen to what I'm supposed to do/learn right now. I would like to feel Him in my heart right now and to communicate how we do, but right now there is silence. :? But that too is for a reason..
I want to know what He said to you! Pretty please? Maybe it was so you could talk about it with your brothers and sisters? Maybe It's something He wants shared?
So why can't all christians hear his voice like that?
Because we aren't all the same. We have different purposes and functions. Those that hear His voice do so for a reason for His glory and for fulfillment of His plans. And what one has isn't necessarily better or worse than another. Maybe from the perspective of a sinful mortal self that constantly tries to idolize the self. Don't think someone is 'more special' or anything like that. Just different. A different flavor and spice to fulfill His will.
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Re: Hearing His Voice

Post by PaulSacramento »

Nessa wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:
Mallz wrote:You actually heard His voice? voice voice?? With ears!? I'm jealous...
Would you mind sharing some things He's said?

He's led my mind, instilled knowledge and wisdom through facts and thoughts way beyond me guiding me to truth. I feel Him at times in my heart as an indescribable radiating joy (this is something that has been acquired this last year). I've experienced timelessness watching Him act around and through me in many ways. I've never had dreams, visions, never seen Him, never heard Him. :esad: So I can't help with that one.
Yes, with ears LOL.
It is a voice that I realized had always been there.
A distinct voice but it isn't so much what He says but what I feel AS he says it, can't describe it but the best way I can put it is:
You hear/feel/sense/know it is Him and it is truly like "coming home".
And it is always surrounded by a profound and intense feeling of love.
So why can't all christians hear his voice like that?
I never could until I did and then realized that His Voice was always there.
I should note that He came to me NOT at a time when I felt I needed Him most BUT at a time of great peace, great positive emotion and at a moment when I truly realized how much He is love.

I don't know if that is the same for others, though some I have spoken to have shared their stories and they tend to be unique.
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Re: Hearing His Voice

Post by B. W. »

PaulSacramento wrote:I don't usually go this personal into discussions but I was wondering:

Anyone hear the voice of Christ?
And by that I mean Hear His voice and speak with Him?
If so, how do you view the authority of the bible as opposed to what He says to you?

As some of you may know, I have heard His voice, a few times.
I ask Him questions and voice some concerns and while he doesn't always reply, when He does it is very clear that His Word is THE Word.
Not to go into too much detail at this point BUT there are times when was he says is at "odds" with what SEEMS to be written in the bible.
Not contrary mind you, but simply not there with an obvious reading.

I still hold the bible in a very high regard of course, very high ( far higher than others that Hear His Voice), I just don't hold the interpretation that others have of what the bible says over what He says.

Anyone else?
Yes, but not as often as I like because I often get in the way and cause silence due to my own intellectual man-ism :horseman:trying to fix things all by myself.

He speaks in many ways, an inner inkling, static that says something that is not right, or he speaks plainly within the emotions in manner that cannot be described. He speaks from the bible by means of quiet revelation to you in diverse ways. He speaks through nature, seeing your own newborn baby for the first time, he speaks during our life's experiences and yes, he can speak directly to the heart in that still quiet voice.

It is our business, manners, ideas, biases against hearing anything, thought life, etc and etc that stop us from hearing as we should.

The phrase from the Psalms 46:10 - Be still and know that I am God hold a key on learning how to hear. Quiet your mind, be still, knowing who he is and that he desires to reason and speak with you. Test what you hear as it will not violate the royal law of love Jesus mentions in Matthew 22. I mention to folks on this using this nickname for being still called going vertical before the Lord. if you don't receiving anythings, don't fret, just wait.

Sometimes people report of feeling great comfort, love, compassion welling up on the inside midst the hardest of times when they go vertical before the Lord. After this, they tell me, and I can attest to too, that you never have the feeling that God is far away. You always have a sense of his presence though at times less and other times more based on one's distractions in life. I find that it is His presence that speaks - faith to endure storms in life, and that I need to change my ways to be a better witness for the Lord with my life and actions.

In other words living a repentant life that I live true to the change of mind repentance causes. This is often hard as I can be stubborn and to borrow Melanie's phrase on the chat section of form - I can be so tuff that I make onions cry... Gets in the way of hearing.

Ps 46:10 hold a key - learn to be still and look up to God in silent yearning to reach him and maybe folks will develop their spiritual antenna to hear the many ways He speaks to us all.

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Re: Hearing His Voice

Post by PaulSacramento »

I couldn't have said it or expressed it any better, thank you my friend.
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Re: Hearing His Voice

Post by RickD »

My wife tells me I have selective hearing. So, while God may have spoken to me, I probably wasn't paying attention anyways.
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