Bible Study, Genesis Chapters 1-3

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Re: Bible Study, Genesis Chapters 1-3

Post by christianwarrior »

Here are answers to common questions/objections to Genesis 3:

1. Why did God plant the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, knowing that Adam and Eve would partake of the fruit: In order to answer this question, some theologians have developed a theory that God limited his knowledge of the future by giving humanity free-will. According this theory called Open Theism, God by giving humanity free-will he had limit his foreknowledge and therefore cannot completely know the future. If this was true then it would be a great answer. However Ephesians 1 and 1 Peter 1 eliminates this answer.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. Ephesians 1:3-6

If you address as Father the One who impartially judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth; 18 knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ. For He was foreknown before the foundation of the world, but has appeared in these last times for the sake of you who through Him are believers in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God. 1 Peter 1:17-21

Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross was not Plan B. The Father God knew that he would be sending his only begotten Son to redeem before the creation of the heavens and earth. God had foreknowledge about the fall of humanity.

"Skeptics often complain that God set Adam and Eve up to fail. However, God had to give Adam and Eve a choice. Without free will to choose, Adam and Eve would have been mere puppets. True love always requires choice. God wanted Adam and Eve to choose to love and trust Him. The only way to give this choice would have been to command something that was not allowed. Since God had planted in the garden all the different trees from which we now get fruit,1 the test was not too difficult. Adam and Eve had plenty to eat and a large variety of fruits from which to choose, and could have chosen to believe God. They were only commanded not to eat from one tree out of the many."

Faith and trust are the foundations of any relationship. In a romantic relationship if one distrusts the other then that relationship is doomed. ... ples-apart In a family relationship if the children do not trust the parents the family is dysfunctional. ... ing-trust/ In a corporation distrust in leadership will destroy the company. ... -business/ A properly functioning church will be one where there is trust in each other.

And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. Hebrews 11:6

Adam and Eve's lack of faith in the Garden are why they are not included in the Hall of Faith (Hebrews 11). Their son Abel is though. Christians who reject Adam and Eve as literal have not been able to explain why Abel is listed in Hebrews 11. Which people in Hebrews 11 are real which ones are fables?

Now this opens up a can of worms because if God knew that Adam and Eve would lack faith, does free-will exist? The Bible says that human beings have moral choice and are responsible for their actions. It also states that God foreknows those choices and that his plans incorporate those choices. ... ation.html ... hosen.html
If your college philosophy professor has determined that is not truly free-will, then okay we should find a different word for being morally responsible agents who are accountable for our actions.

2. If God knew that Adam and Eve had eaten of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Eve why does God ask them if they had eaten the fruit (Genesis 3:11): Same reason why parents ask their children if they broke the lamp when the parents are perfectly aware who did it. Same reason why my parents asked me who kicked a hole in the door. God was seeing if Adam and Eve would admit their guilt and take responsibility for it. Adam and Eve do not. Adam blames Eve. Eve blames the serpent.

3. Didn't Adam and Eve find it strange that a serpent was talking: The text does not indicate how exactly how long Adam and Eve been in the Garden but it seems like it was not a long time. They likely did not a reference for what was strange and what was normal.

4. God was the bad guy because he wanted to deny Adam and Eve knowledge,in fact Satan was the good guy because he wanted humanity to gain knowledge: This is common view point among atheist thinkers. God wanted to keep Adam and Eve ignorant. In his book, "God and Politics", Chuck Colson recounts that as Special White House Counsel in the Nixon Administration he visited the Soviet Union. There he witnesssed a ballet where God enslaves Adam and Eve in the Garden but Satan frees them. God did not deny Adam and Eve knowledge. He was in the Garden and he walked with them.
"They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden." Genesis 3:8
God is the true source of knowledge and wisdom. "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding." Proverbs 9:10 God was walking with them and talking to them directly. If they had a question they could ask him directly. God wanted them to trust in Him and seek knowledge through Him. Instead they listened to the serpent and begin to seek knowledge on their own thus gaining the knowledge through experience of evil, Genesis 4 shows the tragic result of this when Cain murders Abel. *Sidenote: People who wonder where Cain got his wife must have skipped Genesis 5:4: "Then the days of Adam after he became the father of Seth were eight hundred years, and he had other sons and daughters."
Those other sons and daughters are not named in Genesis 5 because their descendants were the evil people who died in the Flood. Genesis 5 is focused on Noah's family line (another topic for another day)*

5. It is unfair that we deal with the consequences of our ancestor's Adam and Eve's guilt: Whether fair or not, does not absolve us from our responsible to deal with the problem. I have genes from my parents for high pressure. I can either focus on how unfair it is to be stuck with those genes or I can focus on exercising and eating well. ... fruit.html However it is not unfair to be stuck the consequences of a fallen humanity. God has given us a choice to choose or reject Him. God allowed us to deal with consequences of a fallen world because He wants us to know what happens when we reject God. Heaven is the complete immersion of God's presence while Hell is the complete absence of God's blessing. By having us live in a fallen world we can get a little preview of what is like when God is taken out of the equation. Our lives on Earth are somewhere in between Heaven and Hell. True choice requires consequences for that choice. We are born separated from God but we can still have see the manifestations of his presence through our moral conscience (Romans 2), love (1 John 4), and being created in His Image. We can choose to break the curse of fallen humanity through Jesus.

1 Corinthians 15:45 So also it is written, “The first man, Adam, became a living soul.” The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.

Through Jesus, the human race will be redeemed. ... ation.html The consequences of Adam and Eve's misdeed can be undone. Just like we inherit a flawed physical body we have a flawed spiritual being that needs fixing from the Holy Spirit. Humanity is fallen. We see the evidence all over us in war, corruption, murder, stealing, and mistreatment of people. This is why many of the revolutions did not improve the situation and caused an increase in violence. The new guy in charge gets corrupted and becomes just like the bad guy they replaced (Chinese Communist Revolution, Russian Revolution, French Revolution, etc.) We need a Jesus Revolution. ... nally.html I am so glad to be a part of the redemption of humanity.
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Re: Bible Study, Genesis Chapters 1-3

Post by B. W. »

Storyteller wrote:Have only just seen this thread, give me a while to read through.
Take your time...Story

This involves identifying symbols, biblical number meanings, and meaning of names to uncover layered meaning in related bible text. Genesis creation days provide the best illustrations to learn the basics. It is quite different to the linear grammar methods most often used and by no means takes away from these. In fact, they reveal Jesus Christ and the plan of redemption!

And thank you Christianwarrior for the chapter 3 comments.

Let's continue and see what the fifth creation day reveals...
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Re: Bible Study, Genesis Chapters 1-3

Post by B. W. »

Fifth Creation Day

For the lesson on layered meanings from the fifth day of creation, we will continue to use the easiest method involving learning to identify the Hebrew pictograph symbol described in the text. Genesis chapter one is perfect for this method. We will go verse by verse and at the end of a verse point of the Hebrew pictograph letter’s symbol.

Here is a link to the pictograph symbols with only a sparse meaning: ... hchart.gif

Also do a search using the Hebrew Otiot for more details and the links provided earlies on tis thread pages one and two concerning biblical numerics.

Let’s Begin and note that I am inserting the number values used for the Hebrew letters (Otiot):

Gen 1:20 Then God (1) said (80), "Let the waters (40) teem with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens."

The statement ‘God said’ in pictograph for consist of the Aleph (Ox-1) and Pey (Mouth 80) and waters Mem (Waters of…40)

Gen 1:21 God 1 (Aleph 1 Tav 400) created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind; and God (1) saw (70) that it was good.

God (hidden Aleph Tav used here after God but is not translated in text) and ‘God saw’ which is Aleph 1 and 70 Ayin. Also note that the text is broken by the pharse “saw it was good”. This helps to note something important that need identifying by bible numeric total so far befoe continuing. Think of it as a break, pause, needed to reveal something important as we shall soon see. Pay attention to details.

Gen 1:22 God (1) blessed them, saying (80), "Be fruitful and multiply (50), and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth (50)."

Statement ‘God blessed - saying’ in pictograph for consist of the Aleph (Ox-1) and Pey (Mouth 80) and context of verses 20-22 concerns making two kinds of animal activity to multiply which shows the letter Nun (seed, activity 50) Used twice 50+50=100

Gen 1:23 There was evening and there was morning (100), a fifth day.

The Fifth day reveals the Hebrew pictograph letters Qaf 100 (numeric meaning concerns: Election) and Hey 5 (Behold, revelation, grace/goodness). So you have the following Hebrew pictograph letter symbols identified in the text along with their numeric number values broken into two sections:

Aleph 1, Pey 80, Mem 40, Aleph 1, (Hidden Aleph 1 and Tav 400), Aleph 1, Ayin 70=total 594

Aleph 1, Pey 80, Nun 50 used twice so another Nun 50, Qaf 100, and lastly Hey 5= total 286

now add the sums together 594+286=880

As for the larger numbers please note definitions are from the best sources so 594 means: A Precious Sacrifice, next 286 means to Confess Sin, and sum total 880 means The Son’s Resurrection in bible numerics.

Now note the context along with the action and descriptive words in verses 20-23 as these help decipher the meanings. I am including the number to help identify the Hebrew letter pictograph and using the numeric meanings associated with the letters.


God 1, the only strong one, speaks words 80 that produce living waters 40 for life to teem in. God 1, the strong one, the Beginning and the End Alpha and Omega 401, creates what he, the strong one 1, foresees 70 best for goodness/soundness= by 594 a precious sacrifice

The only Strong one 1, God, blesses by speaking 80 fruitfulness to multiply living seed 50 after its kind, to keep life vivified 50 for multiplying the election of children of light out from amongst those who are children of darkness/death 100, by his goodness and grace (5) by =286 confession of sin due to the = 880 The Son’s Resurrection

Recall the context of Genesis day five refers to Goodness therefore Qaf’s numeric means 100 (election: election of the children of light). The pictograph is of the sun rise on life or setting in death so it means the election of children of light out from amongst those who are children of darkness/death. Day Five in verse 22 refers to the Hebrew number 5 which means the revelation/light beholding of goodness/grace… or according to context it is used in and who it refers too.

Rather interesting how each of the creation days hint of Jesus and the plan of redemption. No human mind could have derived this, nor can random chance. Stick with actions and descriptive words used in the text and the overall meaning remains the same. Also The Gospel of John has so much imagery of the Otiot and numerics within its pages, it astounding!

Now lets add in days 1-4 findings so far

Interpretations from Genesis creation days so far...

Day One – God revealing that He is the only all Powerful One, who creates for his own purposes in his own ordered ways

From two different numeric systems

God, the only strong all powerful one creates, fashions, shapes by the Holy Spirit stirrings that examines/tests, and by (God) speaking forth perfecting functioning order into what he sees for shaping the rise and setting of created life (for) the anointed one’s election to life or death separating by humility, to the only true strong one, God by God’s own witness of truth that verifies if one belongs in God’s household or not.

By Grace, God fashions by, Holy Spirit who will move toward unity, soundness, perfection that separates by witness of truth about who remains in his house or not remains spoken forth by Grace from a witness of truth of God’s household to (see through/bring about) divine completeness/wholeness (reconciliation) by the wisdom of faith, in God’s creative redemptive act.

Day Two – God building habitations for himself (he lives within his people and has no part of those that forsake him).

Otiot symbol method reads: God’s words moves toward perfection, made by revealing Grace, that calls forth a witness of truth that separates by Grace, from the Arm (of God) that extends Grace, by extending truth’s witness, (to) the Arm that brings about spiritual perfection through the parting/separating work of God’s plough/weapon that breaks ground.

Numeric method reads: God speaks forth completion/perfecting unity to himself, made/shaped by Grace, by calling/naming a witness of truth to see who will be in or out of his household, who extends Grace/goodness, so there is a new life by salvation, to separate by truth those who enter or not enter God’s house, so heavenly Total Victory (over enemy/pride) is completed.

Both numeric and otiot definitions with sum totals used too reads:

The strong one 1+1+1 (Godhead) 200+by first born heir will send sufficiency or insufficiency, as a 2+ witness to the truth concerning those in his house (God’s)+5 revelation of grace/goodness during the 210+ Time of Jacobs trouble .

210+ Time of Jacobs trouble, 2+bears witness to the truth for those not in his house that 212+ God’s commands (responsibilities were) forsaken

Third Day of Creation: God moves things towards a completed state of union to himself.

God by His word Created, fashioned his Grace/Goodness to be revealed, by bringing forth a testimony of law/order, to gather all who will attach themselves to God’s call (name), so they will have a new beginning to life to produce according to their kind, that stops departure, by the uniting work of God’s vision of the blessings of Covenant relationship (32).

Fourth day of creation: Creative works/pathway/entry way

Basic Otiot method: Strong One (God) speaks forth the light and darkness of seasons to fashion known experiential knowledge (for the) entrance/pathway to man’s leadership/governance.

Mid-level Otiot: Elohim speaks forth the light and darkness of seasons/time to make visible Elohim’s knowledge/ways (for the) entrance/pathway recounting of a servants deeds.

Complex Otiot symbols: God’s spoken word reveals the light his goodness/grace to govern the election of children of light separating children of darkness God’s makes visible during the sunrise and sunset of life’s seasons by his hand on a teacher.

Elohim spoken word reveals the light goodness/grace to govern the election of children of light separating children of darkness Elohim makes visible during the sunrise and sunset of life’s seasons by The Good shepherd’s atonement

Day Five of Creation: Revelation. behold, grace and goodness of God

Basic Otiot/number meaning read: God, the only strong one, speaks words that produce living waters for life to teem in. God , the strong one, the Beginning and the End - Alpha and Omega, creates what he, the strong one, foresees best for goodness/soundness by a precious sacrifice.

The only Strong one, God, blesses by speaking fruitfulness to multiply living seed after its kind, to keep life vivified for multiplying the election of children of light out from amongst those who are children of darkness/death, by his goodness and grace by confession of sin due to the Son’s Resurrection.

Each of the definitions match the number meanings of each creation day in some form or another, look again at these...
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Re: Bible Study, Genesis Chapters 1-3

Post by Philip »

Just to add on to and reiterate a point brought up by ChristianWarrior: It is IMPOSSIBLE for God to have limited knowledge about ANYTHING! Else, He would not inhabit the attributes Scripture tells us He has. There has never been and never will be ANYTHING past, present or future that God hasn't ALWAYS known about! He cannot be both sovereign in ALL things and yet also be limited in ANY knowledge or ability. He cannot be ALL knowing and yet be limited (by self or otherwise) in knowledge of the smallest detail about ANYTHING. This ALL-knowing attribute of God means He cannot ever have an "original" thought about anything - He cannot be surprised, nor can He ever surprise Himself! He has always known EVERYTHING He will EVER do! God is a "simple" Being, in that, He simply IS ALL He is. He contains ALL POSSIBLE KNOWLEDGE, ALL at once! Of course, such attributes are impossible for a mere mortal to comprehend. y>:D<
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Re: Bible Study, Genesis Chapters 1-3

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Philip wrote:Just to add on to and reiterate a point brought up by ChristianWarrior: It is IMPOSSIBLE for God to have limited knowledge about ANYTHING! Else, He would not inhabit the attributes Scripture tells us He has. There has never been and never will be ANYTHING past, present or future that God hasn't ALWAYS known about! He cannot be both sovereign in ALL things and yet also be limited in ANY knowledge or ability. He cannot be ALL knowing and yet be limited (by self or otherwise) in knowledge of the smallest detail about ANYTHING. This ALL-knowing attribute of God means He cannot ever have an "original" thought about anything - He cannot be surprised, nor can He ever surprise Himself! He has always known EVERYTHING He will EVER do! God is a "simple" Being, in that, He simply IS ALL He is. He contains ALL POSSIBLE KNOWLEDGE, ALL at once! Of course, such attributes are impossible for a mere mortal to comprehend. y>:D<
Thank you Phillip for pointing this out.

One thing studying symbols, numerics, name meanings, as discussed so far, point out very clearly God foreknew all along, everything :wave:

Before we get into the sixth day creation day cycle. Here is a question:

From Genesis 2:19,20 we can deduce that this event occurred on the sixth creation day (Gen 1:24.25,26). So, how long would it take to name all these animals? 24 earth hours or longer? Recall the the concept of name means ascribing characteristics to what is named. In other words, naming according to character traits of the animal named.

Again, how many animals are out in the animal kingdom? Is it possible to name all these during a 24 hour earth day cycle?

I don't think so...Therefore the creation days of God are quite different in duration than our earth days are! Also recall there must have so many animals that God made a helper, Eve, to help with this work. Think on this a bit, Adam was put to sleep during the day so Eve could be made, how many hours would this add to the delay on a 24 hour day to name all the animals?

Before we proceed to explore the sixth creation day layered meaning let me mention that these comprise of 7 long verses split up in two phases by the words - God saw it was good in Verse 25 and verse 31, it was very good. This helps bring out the meaning more clearly using the basic method shown prior.
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Re: Bible Study, Genesis Chapters 1-3

Post by Philip »

BW: Again, how many animals are out in the animal kingdom? Is it possible to name all these during a 24 hour earth day cycle?
This is one of the reasons I find the LITERAL discernment of 24-hour days very problematic. God is an ETERNAL being. He is exceptionally patient with man. He has suffered through untold time (since Adam's creation) the sinfulness and massive disappointments of man, and only after an enormous period of time, did Jesus come into the world. Since then, God has also not been in a hurry for events (HE has orchestrated) which have played out, very slowly, agonizingly, methodically. He reacts to us and allows us to experience events naturally and in real-time - there's no Divine Hand on some FF button! And yet, we're to believe that God, for Whom time is but a tool, necessarily put in a LITERAL speed week of creating, does all of these things, even involving Adam, that would seem like a giant blur of lightening-fast events, a seemingly impossible blur, at least time-wise. God has all the time He needs, He's not been a mega-hurry, since - so why THEN? Was it to confound the "wisdom" of man, those who would later find this supposed literal 24-hours involving Adam highly implausible? Did He do it to seem more "God-like" to us? Here, this first man, Adam, is barely learning how to pee and learn how to walk without falling, and he's almost immediately set to a mind-boggling session of coming up with names for animals, when he's only been speaking for less than a day? Think any of US could come up with all those names so fast? I guess, thus the musing that Adam, pre-Fall, had Superman like abilities? Then, the dude is LONELY and in need of a helpmate THAT quickly? All this to say that what seems completely unnatural - if impossible - is asserted because a 24-hour Creation Day necessitates it.

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Re: Bible Study, Genesis Chapters 1-3

Post by PaulSacramento »

RE: the Tree of Knowledge.

Human development could NOT have happened without the tree of knowledge and the fall.
Choice is what makes humans distinct, makes us in the "image of God".
Free will, the ability to choose to do something because we want to not because our instincts drive us to and we have no control.
Some say free will is an illusion, of course to believe that IS a choice of free will, just as it is NOT to believe it.

God knew that Adam and Eve would fall because they had to in order to fully develop humanity via CHOICE.
Humans come to God not because we are created to but because we CHOOSE to.
We choose to hear the voice of the Good Sheppard that is Christ or we choose not to and don't lie to yourself, we DO choose.

Only by choosing to know evil and good AND DO Good are we in His Image.

God warned them what would happen, they knew and God knew that would still sin because it was their nature to learn from experience.

God didn't set them up, he allowed His creation to be what it needed to be so they would come to HIM of their OWN accord.
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Re: Bible Study, Genesis Chapters 1-3

Post by Philip »

Paul: God didn't set them up, he allowed His creation to be what it needed to be so they would come to HIM of their OWN accord

So true! God doesn't FORCE people to love Him (forced love - perhaps, the ultimate oxymoron). That's why He stands at the door knocking for "ANYONE" who desires to invite Him in (Revelation 3:20). And, notice, He doesn't knock the door down and drag into his arms one who is resistant to the fact that He's even been knocking on their door!
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Re: Bible Study, Genesis Chapters 1-3

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i am still working on the best and easiest method to use to explore Day Six Creation Day. The Otiot symbol identification way is easiet. The Numeric method that adds up totals for repeating words is goo too. There are other methods too and all the results all verify each other and stick with what the bible reveals about Jesus and redemption. Amazing!

Hope to have a posting soon...
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Re: Bible Study, Genesis Chapters 1-3

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The Sixth Creation Day

Now we will do the simple method of identifying Hebrew letter pictograph symbols word pictures identified in each verse of Gen 1:16-31. Next, we will apply the numeric value and apply both the pictograph and numeric meanings along with the action words for each verse to see what we shall see. For the larger numbers, I will add in the numeric meanings for you and then apply the meaning of the numeric values using the actions words in the verses in a sentence for you per verse. The underlined segments identify the Hebraic pictograph symbols in the text.

Let’s begin:

Gen 1:24 Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind"; and it was so.

1+80+50=131 means children of God

God’s word brings forth new life to the children of God


Gen 1:25 God (Aleph Tav) made the beasts of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind; and God saw that it was good.

1+401+50+1+70=522 means Retreat, retreat before the enemy or retreat away from the anointed one

God, Holy One who Saves, made living seed to follow after their kind as God saw a period of trial of faith after a retreat before enemy.


Gen 1:26 Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

1+80+200=281 means denying justice or Justice Denied

God’s word to the firstborn/rulers (man): exercise dominion by not denying Justice…


Gen 1:27 God (Aleph Tav) created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

1+401=402 means Lament for the fallen, or as in lament for a fallen King/ruler/leader

God, Holy One who Saves, laments for the fallen…


Gen 1:28 God blessed[/b] them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."

1+20+1+80+200+50=352 means Partner/companions with darkness, or companions of darkness

God, blesses/redeems them. God’s word to the Ruler’s seed to rule over the companions of darkness


Gen 1:29 Then God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; Gen 1:30 and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to everything that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food"; and it was so.

1+80+50=131 means Children of God

God’s word restores, revivifies life to the children of God.


Gen 1:31 God (Aleph Tav) saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

1+401+70+100+6=778 means Good Shepherd who restores new beginnings

God, The Holy one who Saves, brings forth experience with life/death to the children of promise to behold the Good Shepherd’s restoration to new beginnings

Or due to the word – Behold used in this verse you can add the number 5 in proper sequence for: 1+401++70+5+100+6=783

783 means Good Shepherd, the word, the High priest who brings divine unity/wholeness...

God, The Holy one who Saves, brings forth experience of life death to the children of promise to behold grace from the Good Shepherd, the word, the High priest who brings divine unity/wholeness to completion

In Completed form it reads thusly:

God’s word brings forth new life to the children of God. God, Holy One who Saves, made living seed to follow after their kind as God saw a period of trial of faith after a retreat before enemy.

God’s word to the firstborn/rulers (man): exercise dominion by not denying Justice. God, Holy One who Saves, laments for the fallen…God, blesses/redeems them.

God’s word to the Ruler’s seed (Adam’s seed) to rule over the companions of darkness were given God’s word that restores, revivifies life to the children of God.

God, The Holy one who Saves, brings forth experience with life/death to the children of promise to behold the Good Shepherd’s restoration into new beginnings.

Or reads adding in the number for Behold - 5 Grace reads…

God, The Holy one who Saves, brings forth experience of life death to the children of promise to behold grace from the Good Shepherd, the word, the High priest who brings divine unity/wholeness to completion.

Now using only the larger variables numeric meanings they together paint another layered meaning as follows:

131 children of God, 522 retreat before the enemy, 281 deny justice, 402 Lament for a fallen King/ruler/leader, 352 Partner with darkness, 131 Children of God, 778 Good Shepherd restores new beginnings, 783 Good Shepherd, the word, the High priest who brings back to divine unity/wholeness

Let us add the action words of Gen 1:24-31:

The children of God bring forth after their kind, retreat before the enemy, deny justice in their dominion, create lament for a fallen leader to multiply and rule as partners with darkness. But behold - given to the Children of God, was made a Good Shepherd who restores new beginnings.

…or reads: But behold - given to the children of God was made a Good Shepherd, the word, the High priest who brings back to divine unity/wholeness.

Closing comments:

Test these findings by comparing where else in the bible the bible speaks of such things revealed in the layered meanings described here…
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Re: Bible Study, Genesis Chapters 1-3

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I just now found this thread -- very interesting.
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Re: Bible Study, Genesis Chapters 1-3

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crochet1949 wrote:I just now found this thread -- very interesting.
Thanks you!

Here are two links to the ancient Hebrew pictograph Letters and numeric values for reference ... hchart.gif

As you read the bible, in certain areas, the word pictures that correlate to the Otiot (Letters) image, definition, and numeric values will be seen. Next, you note the theme of the text these are found in and note the action words to apply to letter and numeric matrix and definitions. What emerges is a coherent contextual flow that brings out layered meanings and truths that connect to other portions of the bible in a fastening way. I have been looking into this, testing this out, and discovered that it clearly appears that no human being could have written this book without divine inspiration.

I will soon post day seven of creation...
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Re: Bible Study, Genesis Chapters 1-3

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The Seventh Creation Day

Gen 2:1-3, Thus the heavens and the earth were completed, and all their hosts. By the seventh day God completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done . 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made... NASB

I am using the NASB due to its translation mirroring the Hebrew grammar and emphasis very well. But before we get into the layered meansing please notice that the phrase used in all six creation days is missing in the 7th. That phrase is, And there was evening and there was morning, a seventh day.

Why is that? Has anyone ever noticed this before?

Is it possible that we are still living in this seventh creation day?

This would help make Hebrews 4:4,5,6,9,10,11 make more sense... as well as indicate that God's days of creation and days as God counts them them are a lot longer than a 24 hour cycle and this might help explain the the new beginnings, the 8th day mentioned in Rev 21:1-4 when it begins. Please note the truth about God in Isaiah 40:28.

Add to this the Six Day of creation, if it were a 24 hour day and that during those 24 hours, Adam would have named all the animals, been put to sleep and operated on, then the fall... Come on now, that was one heck of a 24 hour period wasn't it?

How many animals could Adam have named during a 24 hour day with the only rest being put to sleep by God and operated on by God then Eve and then the Fall... See Gen 2:7-9, 15-25 and then Genesis chapter three?

With there being no indication of the Seventh day Creation Day ending as the other Six days indicated by the phrase And there was evening and there was morning the... day. How long then are God's creation days?


Next, I am posting the NASB of Gen 2:1-3 along with identifying the Letter pictograph symbols and numeric and numbers mentioned seen within the text for the next part of the study on layered meanings:

Gen 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were completed, and all their hosts. (Bet - 2 notice Gen 1:6-13 as it refers to making an abode)

Gen 2:2 By the seventh day God (1 Aleph or 86 for Elohim) completed His work (Dalet - 4) which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work (Dalet - 4) which He had done.

Gen 2:3 Then God (1 Aleph or 86 Elohim) ( A hidden Aleph-Tav 401 is used here) blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work (Dalet- 4) which God (1 or 86) had created and made.

From this, there are several matrix's used as we shall see in next time that reveal layered meanings that go along with the ones noted so from from the six creation days...
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Re: Bible Study, Genesis Chapters 1-3

Post by B. W. »

Seventh Creation Day - Part One

In the ancient Hebrew, letters, numbers, colors, certain items, metals, and names have meanings and definitions. Being able to identify these according to the context of scripture they are seen in reveal layered meanings. These meanings do not present any secret revelation but rather bring to light insights from the text concerning the text itself that connects to other parts of the bible in profound ways. In other words, God left his intelligent finger prints all over and in the bible.

Learning how to identify these things within bible text and deciphering them according to the context they are used in will cause one to admire the Lord of all creation more and more in humble adoration.

In this study from Genesis chapter one we have been examining the layered meanings of biblical text by identifying the ancient Hebrew pictograph letter within the Genesis text and also applying the numeric values associated with the Hebrew letters. By noting the context of the text itself, we next identify the theme, action words used, and apply these to what is revealed by the letter symbols, numeric, along with any colors, names, and other symbols that have biblical meaning.

I am using the basics of this method so you can learn how to do this. From text, and its context, you will discover several numeric/letter matrixes that bring out layered meanings. What I found, is that this reveal a commentary within the scripture written that reveals intent, purpose, and plans that connect in other parts of the bible.

We will look at several of these matrixes concerning the Seventh Day of creation mentioned in Genesis 2:1-3. I am using the NASB of Gen 2:1-3 below along with identifying the Letter pictograph symbols and numeric and numbers mentioned seen within the text for the next part of the study on layered meanings.

What I found amazing is how the plan of redemption is revealed in seven creation days and a few other things that pertain to salvation and Jesus. So please look at how this is done and learn.

Thus begins with the Gen 2:1-3 text and identifying the letter (Otiot) symbols and number association below along with a few notes:

Gen 2:1, Thus the heavens and the earth were completed, and all their hosts.

(Bet - 2 notice Gen 1:6-13 as it refers to making an house and Bet also refers to the host of a household being tested, this is a hidden variable)

Gen 2:2, By the seventh day God (1 Aleph or 86 for Elohim) completed His work (Dalet - 4) which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work (Dalet - 4) which He had done (7).

Gen 2:3, Then God (1 Aleph or 86 Elohim) ( A hidden variable Aleph-Tav 401 is used here) blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work (Dalet- 4) which God ( Elohim 1 or 86) had created and made.

There are hidden variables found in these verses due to these being not easily seen in the text as in verse one and verse three. These can be added in or left out from a matrix. For example, Matrix One below does not use Elohim number 86 nor the Aleph/Tav number nor verse one’s hidden number two due hidden variables but later these will be added in.

Also, I am using the numeric meanings as well as Letter meanings. More on how to know the numeric meanings later and where to find the best meanings on line. For now, some of the number meanings are listed.

Next, note the action words used in the text such as: completed, done, all the, rest, blesses, sanctify, created, by, all, the, which, on, and, etc…

These action words are used to translate the layer meanings we will discover from the different matrixes. Also note that these words also have a Hebrew word definition to them that can be used for more clarity such as:

Complete means: Consummate, finish, a favorable conclusion, Next done means: made to accomplish for a distinct purpose/to continue on for a purpose. Next Create means: form, establish, fashion, shaped

I will first simply place the numeric/letter meanings and roughly place the action words so you can learn how this is done. Later, at the end, I will post a fuller cleaner translations.

Let’s begin in next frame:
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(by B. W. Melvin)

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Re: Bible Study, Genesis Chapters 1-3

Post by B. W. »

Continued from above frame

Seventh Creation Day - Part Two - work page for deciphering

Matrix One: Reads numerically as: 7+1+4+7+4 (Zaryin+Aleph+Dalet+Zaryin+Dalet) =23

(By his) 7 perfection’s plough, 1 God the strong one, (competes his) 4 creative works, (done for the purpose of) 7 perfection, (completed by), 23 death and resurrection, (caused - fashioned by) 13 rebellion, hubris, apostasy

Next notice that the context of verses 1-2 is broken into two parts by the break, thus two sentences.

Next verse: 1+7+4+1= 13 (then add in sequence 7+1=8 8+4, etc to find the sums: see below)

1 God the strong one blesses 7 perfection’s ploughing, (sanctifying his) creative works, (to rest in) 12 the harmony of (his) governing order

Sequence of totaling Sums from Matrix One: 8, 12, 19, 23 Break 8, 12, 13

8 New beginnings, new birth, (completes the) 12 harmony of governing order, (by resting in the) 19 wisdom of faith, (Completed by) 23 death and resurrection, (made for distinct purpose to sanctify).

8 New beginnings, (by the) new birth, 12 (rests in the) harmony of (God’s) governing order, (made to set apart from) 13 rebellion, hubris, apostasy

Matrix Two: adds in the gematria value for the hidden Aleph/TaV (401) and using the word picture of letter Bet-household- 2 due God’s habitation from verse one:

Reads: 2+7+1+4+7+4=23 break 1+401+7+4+1=414 (then sequence of sums 2+7=9 etc see below)

2 Verifying the union or division in the household (by all) 7 perfection’s ploughing, 1 God the strong one, (competed his) 4 creative works, (done for continuing on too his) 7 perfection, (by means of) 23 death and resurrection.

1 God the strong one, 401 the Holy One that saves blesses by, 7 perfection’s plough (sanctifying his) creative works, (to rest in) 12 the harmony of governing order (for purpose that) 413 sins can be repented of, 414 fashioned by sorrow from breaking down walls of fellowship.

Sequence of Sum Totals from Matrix Two: 9, 10, 14, 21, 25 break 402, 409, 413, 414

9 God’s gifts to move the heart to him, (to complete) 10 divine order/responsibility written, (to complete) 14 salvation, deliverance release from prison, (done for the) 21 exceeding sinfulness of sin, (by means of) 25 blessings that forgiveness and repentance bring forth.

(So) 402 lament for the fallen King, (who blesses by) 409 fulfilling promise to supply greatest needs, (done for) 413 sins openly repented of, 414 fashioned by sorrow from breaking down walls of fellowship.

Matrix Three uses the gematria number Elohim (86)

7+86 +4+7+4= 108 break 86+7+4+86=183

7 perfection’s plough, 86 Elohim, (finishes) 4 creative works/pathway, (to complete his) 7 perfecting, 4 creative works (by)=108 keeping/obeying commands of YHWH

86 Elohim, completes 7 perfection, (by) 4 creative works of, 86 Elohim, (by creating a or finished by =183 deadly blow to the king of the Jews

Matrix Three sequencing of sums: 93, 97, 104, 108 break 93, 97, 183

93 bring low by God’s might, 97 fire burns enemies as payment for sins, (done planned for) 104 workers who divided the assembly, (into host that) 108 keep/obey commands of YHWH and who obey shameful Lust.

93 bringing low by God’s might, 97 fire burns enemies as payment for sins, (for) 183 deadly blow to the king of the Jews

Matrix Four: 2+7+86 +4+7+4= 110 break 86+401+7+4+86=584 (next add in sequence 2+7=9 etc see below)

2, testing the household by truth (consummates) 7 perfection’s plough, 86 Elohim, (finishes) 4 creative works/pathway, (to complete his) 7 perfecting, 4 creative works (by) =110 Day of Wrath and darkness (for house that exchanges grace for sin)

86 Elohim, 401 The Holy One, (completes) 7 perfection, (by) 4 creative works pathways, (finished by) 86 Elohim who establishes by =584 A Judge who does right/the King of Kings/ by ransoming prayer or condemning prayer

Matrix four sequencing of sums: 9, 95, 99, 106, 110 break 487, 494, 498, 584

9 Gift, 95 voice of God, Champion of God, (consummates) 99 God’s Glory sealing the challenger that steps up, (to) 106 injustice/and faith abused, (fashions a) 110 Day of Wrath and darkness to the house that exchanges grace for sin

487, those that forget God fall (from) 494 unspoiled inheritance (are set apart by) =498 the King’s Anointing, (resting) 584 As Judge who does right/the King of Kings

Continued below - clean translations...
Science is man's invention - creation is God's
(by B. W. Melvin)

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