Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

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Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by JurassicTerrorist »

Ok, first off i don't know if this topic fits in the "politics and world events" perfectly, but currently there is a prophecy that a asteroid will hit us in this week, or the next week. Some believe the world will end on the 28th september due to the blood moon esclipse.

In my personal opinion, i don't think we'll be hit by any asteroid, since NASA claims there are no asteroids currently on a collision course. However the blood moon esclipse might just worry me a tad, because the Bible does mention "blood moons" in Joel 2:30–31. Now i know blood moons has happened before, but there has been three blood moon esclipses "recently". two in 2014, and one so far in 2015.

For further information about the "supposed" doomday ... met-meteor.

But what do you guys think? y:-/
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by RickD »

This tells me all I need to know:
The claim appears to have its origins in a self-proclaimed prophet Rev Efraid Rodriguez, who says he wrote to Nasa warning of the strike after receiving a message from God.
John 5:24
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by PaulSacramento »

I take what Our Lord said to His Apostles before His ascension very seriously.
When asked when His Kingdom would come:
6 So when they had come together, they were asking Him, saying, “Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?” 7 He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority; 8 but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.”
The issue of these 'end of days" prophecies are that they are base don Revelation and Revelation, of course, speaks of specific things happening before the return of Christ.
( Matthew's writings speak of the fall of Jerusalem).
Of course the issue with revelation is that it is filled with poetic imagery and metaphor and typical Jewish apocalyptic writing style.

While Revelation mentions a specific asteroid/meteor issue ( Wormwood) I don't think that we can use it as a "count down list" to the second coming of Christ since that is not what it was written as ( just as neither was Isaiah or Daniel or Jeremiah or Ezekiel).
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by PaulSacramento »

RickD wrote:This tells me all I need to know:
The claim appears to have its origins in a self-proclaimed prophet Rev Efraid Rodriguez, who says he wrote to Nasa warning of the strike after receiving a message from God.
Here is the thing ( and I agree with Rick of course), ANY person the prophesizes and event and that event does NOT happen is, by the very definition, a false prophet.
There is no way around it.
One simply can not say, "oops, I made a mistake".
Once one says that they have heard the voice of God ( Christ) and they were told "X" and "X" does NOT happen, then they are false prophets.
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by JurassicTerrorist »

RickD wrote:This tells me all I need to know:
The claim appears to have its origins in a self-proclaimed prophet Rev Efraid Rodriguez, who says he wrote to Nasa warning of the strike after receiving a message from God.
Yeah i gotta admit when i first read that i knew something was sketchy. It also seems like a lot of Christians believe in this conspiracy.
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by RickD »

JurassicTerrorist wrote:
RickD wrote:This tells me all I need to know:
The claim appears to have its origins in a self-proclaimed prophet Rev Efraid Rodriguez, who says he wrote to Nasa warning of the strike after receiving a message from God.
Yeah i gotta admit when i first read that i knew something was sketchy. It also seems like a lot of Christians believe in this conspiracy.
I think the blood moon mumbo jumbo, has a lot of people sucked into it.
John 5:24
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by Philip »

There's only a few things ever true about such false predictions: Usually, one guy claims he's a genius and has decoded some unknowable mystery that confounds everyone else. They sell a lot of books, taking money from the gullibles' pockets and putting it into the deceiver's pocket. They cause a lot of unnecessary anxiety - and frequently, cause a lot of bad decisions based upon the acceptance of various deceptions.
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

JurassicTerrorist wrote:Ok, first off i don't know if this topic fits in the "politics and world events" perfectly, but currently there is a prophecy that a asteroid will hit us in this week, or the next week. Some believe the world will end on the 28th september due to the blood moon esclipse.

In my personal opinion, i don't think we'll be hit by any asteroid, since NASA claims there are no asteroids currently on a collision course. However the blood moon esclipse might just worry me a tad, because the Bible does mention "blood moons" in Joel 2:30–31. Now i know blood moons has happened before, but there has been three blood moon esclipses "recently". two in 2014, and one so far in 2015.

For further information about the "supposed" doomday ... met-meteor.

But what do you guys think? y:-/
False prophecy.However I believe end-time bible prophecy can be understood with alot of prayer and bible study and it foretells the future.It is from my understanding of end-time bible prophecy that lets me know this is a false prophecy.There are prophecies that must be fulfilled that would not happen if this prophecy was true and we are in the last days but not as close to the rapture or the coming of Christ as these kinds of false prophets think.We are not in the tribulation yet and God will not pour out judgment until the age of grace/church age ends and we go into the tribulation period,then judgment will be poured out by God,but not before then.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by Mallz »

I'm still hopeful for a September rapture! But I think the psalm 83 war is most likely from how I see things forming (so nicely and snug fit how prophecy is unfolding in the middle east). And if it is signifying the psalm 83 war, then the question would be when does YHWH turn His eyes back on Israel? If psalm 83, I could see rapture connection, if Ezekial 38, we'll have to wait a little longer.
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Mallz wrote:I'm still hopeful for a September rapture! But I think the psalm 83 war is most likely from how I see things forming (so nicely and snug fit how prophecy is unfolding in the middle east). And if it is signifying the psalm 83 war, then the question would be when does YHWH turn His eyes back on Israel? If psalm 83, I could see rapture connection, if Ezekial 38, we'll have to wait a little longer.
Sorry bro, but I do have to ask why you think the rapture is so close?I mean atleast you believe in a rapture,that is good ,but the way I see it is more prophecies must be fulfilled first. I mean we have no jewish temple,Ezekiel 38 has not happened,the one world government is not fully here yet that the anti-christ takes over. I know we are supposed to be ready for the rapture but we cannot overlook clear prophecies that must be fulfilled. How could everything I just said happen in 7 years if the rapture happened in September? There is no way. We still have souls to win for the kingdom of God too.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by Mallz »

Sorry bro, but I do have to ask why you think the rapture is so close?I mean atleast you believe in a rapture,that is good ,but the way I see it is more prophecies must be fulfilled first.
Because of all the set-up for prophecies I see happening, and I want to go home :ebiggrin: :razzing:
Which propheices do you think need to be fulfilled before rapture? It's my understanding that when YHWH turns His attention back to Israel is when the time of Jacobs Trouble starts/church age ends/rapture before the trouble.
I mean we have no jewish temple,Ezekiel 38 has not happened,the one world government is not fully here yet that the anti-christ takes over. I know we are supposed to be ready for the rapture but we cannot overlook clear prophecies that must be fulfilled.
I don't see that the 3rd temple needs to be rebuilt b4 rapture, unless your midtrib? I lean heavily pre-trib but am open to being corrected.
How could everything I just said happen in 7 years if the rapture happened in September? There is no way. We still have souls to win for the kingdom of God too.
temple/ezekiel 38 and 1 world gov all in 7 years? I see it happening MUCH faster than that. The temples blue prints are done, almost everything for the temple has been prepared including the Jewish priests. Ezekiel 38 will happen fast and end fast imo. And 1 world gov will just take a traumatic experience worldwide to accomplish. Should happen fairly fast as well. But I don't see that even happening until later in the trib, surely not at the beginning and definitely not before, from my perspective. I'll get into much, much finer detail if we want to explore this.. sounds fun to me y>:D<
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by Silvertusk »

First thing - Do not be so quick in wishing for the rapture - yes if it does happen Jesus is on his way back and that is amazing - but I still know too many people in my family and close friends who are not Christian. I do not want to hurry their eternal damnation.

People who are wishing for the end of the world are kind of wishing for the suffering of millions when you think about it so my advice is - do not get excited about it.
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by Mallz »

First thing - Do not be so quick in wishing for the rapture - yes if it does happen Jesus is on his way back and that is amazing - but I still know too many people in my family and close friends who are not Christian. I do not want to hurry their eternal damnation.

People who are wishing for the end of the world are kind of wishing for the suffering of millions when you think about it so my advice is - do not get excited about it.
Perhaps those are the people you are used to. But that in no way represents me. If you'd like to know, ask. I hope the rapture happens ASAP and I trust Elohim explicitly that He has everything under His control through love, justice and mercy.

Also, there are many people who are put in the generation of the tribulation because it is the only thing that will wake them up. It is a blessing, not a curse to be given such an obvious slap in the face to come to Him. Which is why it's good to prepare those around us for what is coming so they know who to run to when it starts. And how to avoid deception.
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Mallz wrote:
Sorry bro, but I do have to ask why you think the rapture is so close?I mean atleast you believe in a rapture,that is good ,but the way I see it is more prophecies must be fulfilled first.
Because of all the set-up for prophecies I see happening, and I want to go home :ebiggrin: :razzing:
Which propheices do you think need to be fulfilled before rapture? It's my understanding that when YHWH turns His attention back to Israel is when the time of Jacobs Trouble starts/church age ends/rapture before the trouble.
I mean we have no jewish temple,Ezekiel 38 has not happened,the one world government is not fully here yet that the anti-christ takes over. I know we are supposed to be ready for the rapture but we cannot overlook clear prophecies that must be fulfilled.
I don't see that the 3rd temple needs to be rebuilt b4 rapture, unless your midtrib? I lean heavily pre-trib but am open to being corrected.
How could everything I just said happen in 7 years if the rapture happened in September? There is no way. We still have souls to win for the kingdom of God too.
temple/ezekiel 38 and 1 world gov all in 7 years? I see it happening MUCH faster than that. The temples blue prints are done, almost everything for the temple has been prepared including the Jewish priests. Ezekiel 38 will happen fast and end fast imo. And 1 world gov will just take a traumatic experience worldwide to accomplish. Should happen fairly fast as well. But I don't see that even happening until later in the trib, surely not at the beginning and definitely not before, from my perspective. I'll get into much, much finer detail if we want to explore this.. sounds fun to me y>:D<

I do think alot of us want to go home and it is important to be ready. However,it bothers me when I hear prophecy teachers saying Jesus is coming soon and the thing about it is I used to do it too. But as I read more and more I started realizing that more has to be fulfilled first. I mean,we know the tribulation is 7 years long and if it is 7 years long how can all that happens in the tribulation be fulfilled if the rapture happened now? It could'nt. We know Ezekiel 38 has to be fulfilled,we know a jewish temple has to be built and the jews sacrificing animals because the anti-christ goes into this temple stops the sacrificing and declares he is God,And also the anti-christ takes over the one world government and turns it into the mark of the beast system and yet if the rapture happened now,we must cram these unfulfilled prophecies into the 7 year tribulation,plus all of the other things that happen during the tribulation and all these thingsjust cannot happen that fast.

I lean toward a pre-trib rapture however,the difference is that I believe the anti-christ will be revealed first before the rapture. I think prophecy teachers overlook this that are pre-trib rapturists. i don'tmove the rapture to the middle of the trib though,I just know that the anti-christ will be revealed before the rapture.

If you can convince me how the prophecies above could be fulfilled,plus all of the other things that happen in the tribulation? You might change my mind but right now I think we need to atleast see the one world government first,and Ezekiel 38 too, I might could see how the jewish temple could be built during the trib but even if I disregard this one I still think we need to see the other two. There is no one world government for the anti-christ to take over yet.

I actually think Ezekiel 38 could lead to temple being rebuilt.After Russia,Iran and the other countries are defeated then I could see the anti-christ being revealed to help bring peace to the middle east after the war.I believe the anti-christ comes from Babylon which makes sense since Iran is defeated after Ezekiel 38.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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