Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by Silvertusk »

Mallz wrote:
First thing - Do not be so quick in wishing for the rapture - yes if it does happen Jesus is on his way back and that is amazing - but I still know too many people in my family and close friends who are not Christian. I do not want to hurry their eternal damnation.

People who are wishing for the end of the world are kind of wishing for the suffering of millions when you think about it so my advice is - do not get excited about it.
Perhaps those are the people you are used to. But that in no way represents me. If you'd like to know, ask. I hope the rapture happens ASAP and I trust Elohim explicitly that He has everything under His control through love, justice and mercy.

Also, there are many people who are put in the generation of the tribulation because it is the only thing that will wake them up. It is a blessing, not a curse to be given such an obvious slap in the face to come to Him. Which is why it's good to prepare those around us for what is coming so they know who to run to when it starts. And how to avoid deception.

Of course that is only if it happens the way you think it will happen. Don't be so sure you have the correct interpretation of the end-times.
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by Mallz »

Don't be so sure you have the correct interpretation of the end-times.
*sigh* Silver, I'm not trying to make war with you or anyone. I'm just trying to have an interesting discussion. I don't know why eschatology has to have so many assumptions with its players and people are so ready to camp each other. I never said I was 'so sure I'm correct', if anything my words of
am open to being corrected.
reveal my nature. Even if I didn't say those words there's no reason to think anything about me with what was written.

So... for the continuation of this discussion, let's: not assume anything about anyones position, motivations or beliefs unless it's stated by a player.
Let's explore each other, our beliefs and motivations thereof so we can come excitingly together to explore the Word.
We all want to know the truth. We all want to be interpreting the Word correctly. We all love Elohim and are His children. I think we are meant to study together as the Spirit of Truth reveals things to all people and together, as members of His church put together, is when I believe a clear picture can emerge.
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by Mallz »

I do think alot of us want to go home and it is important to be ready. However,it bothers me when I hear prophecy teachers saying Jesus is coming soon and the thing about it is I used to do it too. But as I read more and more I started realizing that more has to be fulfilled first. I mean,we know the tribulation is 7 years long and if it is 7 years long how can all that happens in the tribulation be fulfilled if the rapture happened now? It could'nt. We know Ezekiel 38 has to be fulfilled,we know a jewish temple has to be built and the jews sacrificing animals because the anti-christ goes into this temple stops the sacrificing and declares he is God,And also the anti-christ takes over the one world government and turns it into the mark of the beast system and yet if the rapture happened now,we must cram these unfulfilled prophecies into the 7 year tribulation,plus all of the other things that happen during the tribulation and all these thingsjust cannot happen that fast.
Underlined #1 I'm not understanding the question, which shows me we hold different beliefs surrounding the timing of rapture.
I'm confused. The tribulation is 7 years. Which prophecies are unable to fit in it? The Ezekiel 38 could be Post-rapture pre-trib, I lean more toward that direction. I don't see a Jewish temple being built to be much of a time issue, what are your thoughts surrounding it?

There could be a timeframe between rapture and tribulation. Could be Rapture, Psalm 83 war, Ezekiel 38 kicking of trib, continuation...

One of my questions I need to further research is: All the nations of the Psalm and Ezekiel war are islamic save Rosh if you believe it is Russia which very well could be. I think the Ottoman Empire is a better fit in prophetic description than the European Roman and we are seeing the revival of it today. Islam Mahdi and Jewish Mashiah theological fits to be one person, it's a possibility. BUT, if Islam is practically wiped out by those two wars, does that confirm or deny the antichrist being jewish/muslim? The head of the beast being cut off, then revived after almost being destroyed? Peace treaty to save remaining muslim territories giving total security to Israel who knows the Elohim of the Torah is real and with them? Or is Islam wiped out and antichrist comes from...?

I'll respond more a little later.. Anyways, let's try to convince each other. Let's team up on this and see what we can learn with each other.

*edited for clarification and probably not enough
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Mallz wrote:
I do think alot of us want to go home and it is important to be ready. However,it bothers me when I hear prophecy teachers saying Jesus is coming soon and the thing about it is I used to do it too. But as I read more and more I started realizing that more has to be fulfilled first. I mean,we know the tribulation is 7 years long and if it is 7 years long how can all that happens in the tribulation be fulfilled if the rapture happened now? It could'nt. We know Ezekiel 38 has to be fulfilled,we know a jewish temple has to be built and the jews sacrificing animals because the anti-christ goes into this temple stops the sacrificing and declares he is God,And also the anti-christ takes over the one world government and turns it into the mark of the beast system and yet if the rapture happened now,we must cram these unfulfilled prophecies into the 7 year tribulation,plus all of the other things that happen during the tribulation and all these thingsjust cannot happen that fast.
Underlined #1 I'm not understanding the question, which shows me we hold different beliefs surrounding the timing of rapture.
I'm confused. The tribulation is 7 years. Which prophecies are unable to fit in it? The Ezekiel 38 could be Post-rapture pre-trib, I lean more toward that direction. I don't see a Jewish temple being built to be much of a time issue, what are your thoughts surrounding it?

There could be a timeframe between rapture and tribulation. Could be Rapture, Psalm 83 war, Ezekiel 38 kicking of trib, continuation...

One of my questions I need to further research is: All the nations of the Psalm and Ezekiel war are islamic save Rosh if you believe it is Russia which very well could be. I think the Ottoman Empire is a better fit in prophetic description than the European Roman and we are seeing the revival of it today. Islam Mahdi and Jewish Mashiah theological fits to be one person, it's a possibility. BUT, if Islam is practically wiped out by those two wars, does that confirm or deny the antichrist being jewish/muslim? The head of the beast being cut off, then revived after almost being destroyed? Peace treaty to save remaining muslim territories giving total security to Israel who knows the Elohim of the Torah is real and with them? Or is Islam wiped out and antichrist comes from...?

I'll respond more a little later.. Anyways, let's try to convince each other. Let's team up on this and see what we can learn with each other.

*edited for clarification and probably not enough

I guess it is possible that there could be a time frame between the rapture and the tribulation however that is not a pre-trib position. The pre-trib position is that the rapture happens as the trib is starting and I thought you said you were pre-trib. However I still think it makes no difference as I still see more prophecies that must be fulfilled first.Like for instance the one world government,it is coming but is not here yet.It must be here for the anti-christ to take it over and turn it into the mark of the beast system which represents the ten toes on the statue image in Nebachadnezzars dream and the ten horns on the scarlet colored beast in the book of Revelations.

Also it is my understanding that it would take atleast three and a half years to build the jewish temple because there are alot of rituals that go along wth it. It is not as easy as just building a building and you start sacrificing. There are strict rituals that must be adhered to.What I see when I think of the rapture is alot more wickedness and deception coming so that it really tests our faith as Christians,yes even persecution of Christians that increasingly gets worse and worse until the rapture.The tribulation is a way of God giving the world exactly what it chose in its ignorance of the truth of God's word so that by the time the rapture happens the trap so to speak has been set.

As far as Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38. It is Psalm 83 that leads to Ezekiel 38 and yes the coalition or confederacy against Israel are Islamic countries and we are seeing this now,however in the war of Ezekiel 38 Russia is leading the attack with Iran and the other islamic countries along with Germany(Gomor)following along in the war. The land of Magog is now Russia. And as you know Russia is arming Iran.

I also too believe the anti-christ will be islamic however I don't like to use the word Islamic,I prefer a person from a muslim country and specifically Iraq which used to be Babylon. However I do believe the revised roman empire is ruling or leading the one world government until the anti-christ takes it over.Islam will not be totally wiped out by the Ezekiel 38 war,it is just their military attacking Israel that will be wiped out.I think Ezekiel 38 happens before the rapture and does'nt lead into the trib yet either.It will take some time.I don't set dates though.

This is just a brief over view of how I see and understand things but we could get more into it if you want.I know enough about bible prophecy to have a discussion about it but I'm not an expert,it used to be a hobby of mine but I'm not as focused on it as I used to be.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by B. W. »

After studying the end times chapter from Daniel chapter 7 and Revelations Four Horseman scenario's from a blank slate approach an purely archaeological and ancient history perspective without the bias of ethnocentric interpretations of end time prophesy sources. I have come to the conclusion that future events will blindside many.

For example, one of the largest world empires to rule from Babylon, is ignored and not even mentioned. It was bigger than than Roman Empire. Which Empire is that? The Islamic Empire...

Enough said...
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by PaulSacramento »

B. W. wrote:After studying the end times chapter from Daniel chapter 7 and Revelations Four Horseman scenario's from a blank slate approach an purely archaeological and ancient history perspective without the bias of ethnocentric interpretations of end time prophesy sources. I have come to the conclusion that future events will blindside many.

For example, one of the largest world empires to rule from Babylon, is ignored and not even mentioned. It was bigger than than Roman Empire. Which Empire is that? The Islamic Empire...

Enough said...
I have study revelation more than I care to admit.
I know that at the time of writing most saw Babylon as the Roman Empire and I know that now, many see Babylon as the symbol for false religion ( some even associating it with the Vatican). Of course it may be that Babylon is simply and truly Babylon, the "persian empire", which we know today as Iran or in a much broader sense, the Islamic Empire that is coming into being right before our very eyes.

We are seeing it "drunk in the blood of martyrs", seeing Christians being killed for not denying Christ.

The signs are there...
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

B. W. wrote:After studying the end times chapter from Daniel chapter 7 and Revelations Four Horseman scenario's from a blank slate approach an purely archaeological and ancient history perspective without the bias of ethnocentric interpretations of end time prophesy sources. I have come to the conclusion that future events will blindside many.

For example, one of the largest world empires to rule from Babylon, is ignored and not even mentioned. It was bigger than than Roman Empire. Which Empire is that? The Islamic Empire...

Enough said...
If a person really wants to dig into bible prophecy it is a must to also study from an ancient historical perspective.I believe this is why many seem to misinterpret bible prophecy and it gives bible prophecy a bad name because of it.a person cannot just read the bible alone and understand bible prophecy fully.It is important to also study and understand ancient history also.Bible prophecy is a vast biblical subject and it requires alot of seeking and finding to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together,but once you do? You'll be amazed at how accurate it is.It is some of the greatest evidence the bible is true.

We as Christians studying bible prophecy need to learn from the mistakes of Christians of the past because until Israel became a nation again nobody should have thought Jesus was coming soon and yet they did.They got out ahead of prophecies that must be fulfilled,so we can learn from this and not get out ahead of prophecies just because we long to see Jesus.We have work to do and we need to let the prophecies be fulfilled in God's time instead of our time and let the prophecies be fulfilled when and as they do and not ignore prophecies.

Alot of people just skim over prophecies like they don't matter and it causes bad interpretations. We also need to be careful about prophesying and be very slow to prophesy because it is important to get it right according to God's word and if a person thinks they have a prophecy they must first make sure it lines up with scripture and make sure they are not ignoring other prophecies or overlooking them before they speak it.
Last edited by abelcainsbrother on Wed Sep 23, 2015 7:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

B.W. Brought up the four horsemen and the colors are red,black,white and pale(green)
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by B. W. »

abelcainsbrother wrote:B.W. Brought up the four horsemen and the colors are red,black,white and pale(green)

Here is one too, look at all the Flags of Islamic counties...
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by PaulSacramento »

For the 1st century reader it was probably quite clear that the Babylon of Revelation was Rome.
It was called that for one thing and they way it is described in Revelation is consistent with Rome.
Rome was viewed as the "whole world" in the ANE and AME ( by Rome I mean of course the Roman Empire).
That said, we also know that Prophecies have more than one level and a prophecy that is aimed at current and near-future situations CAN also refer to what may happen in the far distant future.
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by RickD »

For anyone who believes doomsday is coming this week or next, it would be a good time to take inventory of your money and possessions.

Since you believe you won't be needing your money any more, please pm me, I'll give you my address to send a bank check. Remember, doomsday means you won't need money any more. :mrgreen:
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by PaulSacramento »

RickD wrote:For anyone who believes doomsday is coming this week or next, it would be a good time to take inventory of your money and possessions.

Since you believe you won't be needing your money any more, please pm me, I'll give you my address to send a bank check. Remember, doomsday means you won't need money any more. :mrgreen:
:lol: t<):)
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by B. W. »

For you all out there...

Cameras catch Obama with...

The conspiracy theories will soon fly and new books written of the end times in the works...
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by RickD »

B. W. wrote:For you all out there...

Cameras catch Obama with...

The conspiracy theories will soon fly and new books written of the end times in the works...

*Please empty your bank accounts, and pm me for an address to send me your money. This is a subliminal message, and you will comply. y@-) y@-)
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by B. W. »

PaulSacramento wrote:For the 1st century reader it was probably quite clear that the Babylon of Revelation was Rome.
It was called that for one thing and they way it is described in Revelation is consistent with Rome.
Rome was viewed as the "whole world" in the ANE and AME ( by Rome I mean of course the Roman Empire).
That said, we also know that Prophecies have more than one level and a prophecy that is aimed at current and near-future situations CAN also refer to what may happen in the far distant future.
Here is one verse that is troubling...

Dan 11:38 "But instead he will honor a god of fortresses, a god whom his fathers did not know; he will honor him with gold, silver, costly stones and treasures." NASB

Ancient Rome assimilated other nations gods and attached their Latin names to the pantheon. They did not have a god their fathers did not know, Just finished a big history study on the ancient gods of Cypress, Canaan, Edom, Moab, Mindina; then Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. These all shared the same pantheon of gods and merely changed the names.

Interesting history is of Mecca and the black meteorite known as a place where the goddesses Al-Uzza/ Ishtar was worshiped along with the goddesses Al-Lat and Menat. Al-Uzza/ Ishtar are well known, even today. What makes a god not know by his fathers indicates and new religion. This religion will be war like as indicated by god of fortresses. It would have blended many of the pagan themes as there were three deities whose goal was to resurrect the serpent/dragon to take over the earth and universe. They shared the shapes of a lion with eagles wings and a man's heart/head, a Leopard with wings, and a Bear and were all related or bound to in some way to the the moon god Nanna / Sin.

Al-Uzza/ Ishtar stood on top of a lion and leopard and had both male and female side. The female side was worshiped and she loved to wade in blood, and behead folks, and go about in war. I find it interesting that Muhammad left the meteorite in Mecca intact and continues some of the same rituals like the walking around the stone and erotically kissing it. the Tenants of Islam is submission under the crescent moon and star symbol. Their colors are white, black, red, and green. However, Islam is a new religion made from old religious sources the chap's fathers in Daniel 11:38 would not have known because the sexual acts of worship were removed and saved, instead, for the afterlife 70 virgins in a land of delights. Islam also has one head god not many. Its one god is a form of the many pagan deities complied into one new one making it far worse than brutal Rome was.

Mecca was known as demon central as that is the area of Midina where according the pagan myth, a serpent /dragon came to land nearby and freed man from the great sky god's rule by giving man wisdom /knowledge in turn for service for him. Iron was forged there and metal smithing/arts of warfare spread. The other three deities mentioned above came with him along with their cohorts becoming the pagan pantheon you read about in history books.

In Islam, look up the Islam 'Green Man' in a google search and see what you shall see... and then look of the deity Nabu. Nabu was the prophet for Marduk (serpent dragon)... And the green man appears where and lives near...???

There has not been a religion like Islam in world history where all the ancient deities are untied as one for the purpose of the serpent dragon appearing. Now look in Rev 13:1-5 and you see a blended beast made from the parts of the three mentioned in Daniel chapter seven making one beast to stand before the dragon.... and then the Antichrist chap comes worshiping a god of fortresses, a god whom his fathers did not know...

Enough said...

These is a new picture out with Obama and the pope and Obama has horns...

However, I absolutely do not think these two are the false prophet or antichrist as some other folks may assume. While we look at that Rome connection, one can be blindsided from another direction which is common in the art of warfare. How all the players play out, remains to be seen, and we may just see the beginnings of the play and the stage is the Middle East and Rome a mere side show to draw attention away from the main blow mirroring the same prophetic themes because the world is under the sway of whom?
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