Struggle with Faith

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Struggle with Faith

Post by dorkmaster »

Hey all, I have been struggling recently with my faith. I have found myself in a dark place where I can't stop thinking about death and what that actually means. As it happens, my grandfather suffered a stroke recently. It was a minor one, but my "once invincible" grandfather is showing serious signs of aging. I've become quite depressed over this. I have been praying to God for a sign, but I don't know what to look for. What, in your opinion, constitutes a sign? How do I go about trying to notice one? Any advice and input is greatly appreciated.
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Re: Struggle with Faith

Post by PaulSacramento »

The loss of my father to ALS a year ago hit me hard.
It even caused me to re-visit my faith because I felt that God was not there when I needed Him, that He did n't answer my prayers and heal my dad in the beginning and, at the end, end it quickly before he lost so much of himself to that disease.
I realized that I had pushed God away because of what my dad was going though, I had shut Him out and put a wall up.
He had always been there and that was what allowed me to be the rock, the solid foundation for my whole family as my dad went though all this and finally, I was there when my Dad died and was able to prepare my mother and be there for her, to strengthen and comfort her.
Sometimes the sign we want is not the sign we need.
The signs were there during the illness ( though I never saw them, others did), how I was able to handle and deal with it all, to be there for my mother and siblings and my dad, how he was able to go in peace because he knew I would take care of everything.
The signs were there and I didn't see them because they were not the ones I wanted.
After I understood, He showed me why it happened the way it happened and why He died that very day.
Whereas I though that he had been silent though all this, the reality is that he had done what I needed, He gave me the strength that I needed AND my family needed.
Faith isn't asking for a sign or even knowing the sign for what it is, faith is trusting that God is there, has always been there, will always be there.
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Re: Struggle with Faith

Post by B. W. »

dorkmaster wrote:Hey all, I have been struggling recently with my faith. I have found myself in a dark place where I can't stop thinking about death and what that actually means. As it happens, my grandfather suffered a stroke recently. It was a minor one, but my "once invincible" grandfather is showing serious signs of aging. I've become quite depressed over this. I have been praying to God for a sign, but I don't know what to look for. What, in your opinion, constitutes a sign? How do I go about trying to notice one? Any advice and input is greatly appreciated.
Through my father's battle with alzheimer's and seeing others age as well as myself looking for signs but only found one. I am more convinced that this life is not where it is at. There is a hereafter to come and as a christian, we can face that knowing that once entered all will be healed and made well. WE have God's word on this. This life is temporary and we live like it isn't.

Jesus in John 14:1-4 speaks of a better place and that place within God he paid for by the cross so we too can enter where he is now that is the best sign. I am thankful my dad was a christian in mortal life and now remains forever in heaven. I will see him there in due time. It is those that that are not christian that I am concerned about, therefore, d-master, is you granddad a christian? Maybe the sign is in the bible - in John 14:1,2,3,4 ? Do you believe? Have you conveyed that to him?

I know my words may sound harsh to some the reality is what it is. Have we proclaimed the sign to those loved ones of ours? Most of us have in some degree or another. We may not now know the final result of the words we spoke to them about Jesus had on them during their last moments when words cannot be spoken audibly. We maybe surprised to see them greeting us in heaven with a hug and thank you!

Heaven is eternal, and Jesus opened the door for us to walk other through, maybe that is your sign...
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Re: Struggle with Faith

Post by dorkmaster »

My grandfather identifies as a Baptist. I suppose at this point in my life, I'm just not sure what I believe. I've read so much about various issues facing modern religion, and I suppose I just don't what to do at this point. I'm certainly feeling lost at this stage.
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Re: Struggle with Faith

Post by abelcainsbrother »

dorkmaster wrote:My grandfather identifies as a Baptist. I suppose at this point in my life, I'm just not sure what I believe. I've read so much about various issues facing modern religion, and I suppose I just don't what to do at this point. I'm certainly feeling lost at this stage.
What are you expecting?I mean I'm not trying to minimize your pain or whatever but,what are you expecting? Are you praying for God to heal him and he is not being healed and so it depresses you? Or are you just depressed seeing him like this? I don't know if there is anything anybody can say to make you not hurt. Are you seeing signs of Christian persecution coming and don't know how you'd face it?Are atheistic friends convincing you to give up God that its a myth and they are pulling you down instead of you pulling them up?Nothing atheism offers you should be appealing,none of the atheist leaders make much sense and every strory in the bible is far easier to believe than what they believe.Atheism only offers a person death. I could not imagine losing my faith in God and so I'm just trying to better understand what is causing this for you. Maybe I think different than others but I know and understand that trajedies can strike at anytime and to anybody.None of us are promised tommarow however we are promised eternal life and a new glorified body in heaven.No health ailment or death in my family could cause me to lose my faith. Both of my parents would just go to heaven and be in a better place.My Grandma is in a rehabilitation center and is not strong enough to progress to come home and she wants to come home so bad,yet cannot even walk.She seems to be slowly fading away at this time however if she does? She'll be in heaven.It is not looking good for her at this time but it is in the Lord's hands and she is old and has lived a blessed life if it is her time to go.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Struggle with Faith

Post by theophilus »

dorkmaster wrote: I have been praying to God for a sign, but I don't know what to look for. What, in your opinion, constitutes a sign? How do I go about trying to notice one? Any advice and input is greatly appreciated.
God has already given you a sign. You will find it in the Bible.

For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
(Matthew 12:40 ESV)

Jesus died but came back from the dead. Your grandfather will die someday but that will not be the end of him. If he is a believer in Jesus he will be raised from death and never die again.
I've read so much about various issues facing modern religion, and I suppose I just don't what to do at this point.
Stop reading what people think about religious issues and spend a lot of time reading the Bible. Filling your mind with human opinions will only lead to confusion; filling your mind with what God says will lead to understanding and faith.
God wants full custody of his children, not just visits on Sunday.
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