Umm...Ever heard of the U. S?Mel wrote:
I have never been aware of any government freely opening their borders without any discernment as to whom they allow to enter.
It is a mute point. It doesn't happen.
That's the basis for any American who doesn't want tens of thousands of refugees allowed into the US. Unfortunately, our country's extremely lax policy on who is allowed in, leads to terror cells from within the country.
Most Americans are tired of a govt who doesn't care enough about the citizens who pay their wages. The govt. is supposed to protect the citizens from enemies, foreign and domestic. And that can't happen when they allow anyone into the country, as they've been doing. And unfortunately, extremists use things like this refugee crisis, to sneak into countries, to perform acts of terror.
So, that leads to anger, and sometimes overreactions, like what ACB is saying. Muslims move into countries, and don't conform to the host country's rules. As the Muslim population grows in that country, they take over more and more, until finally Sharia law totally replaces the law of the land.
That is the goal of everyone who follows the Koran. Make the whole world subject to Islam.