Alien Mega structure found.

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Alien Mega structure found.

Post by Silvertusk »

Sensationalism or has this one got some bite? It is all around the net at the moment. ... 151014.htm
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Re: Alien Mega structure found.

Post by Philip »

There are several possibilities. Of COURSE, the hype comes from the usual crowd so certain of GODLESS evolution, that "if it happened HERE, and if the conditions are condusive, if there is WATER there..., etc." The other hype is so often by those related to programs that constantly need justification for their funding (like NASA, SETI). Aliens are the last thing I would suspect (although I don't see any certain Scriptural basis to rule out life elsewhere). The same crowd described above, and for many of the same reasons, just cannot accept that life here is - or even might be - exclusive to earth. But the existence of aliens - IF they exist - owes nothing to evolution or the massive size of the universe (Typical Q: "What are the odds that we're the ONLY life forms in the entire universe???!!!"). It all comes down to whether God so desired to put other beings in other places. Or NOT.
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Re: Alien Mega structure found.

Post by theophilus »

Here is another opinion about the structure:
The award for strangest star in the universe just went to KIC 8462852.
And while some are saying that this star could be harboring a giant structure built by an advanced alien civilization, the scientists behind the hype are saying otherwise.

Business Insider recently spoke with two of these astronomers to find out what's really going on and if this structure really is proof of alien intelligence or a complete hoax.

For some background: A postdoctoral graduate at Yale, Tabby Boyajian, and Penn State astronomer Jason Wright, recently discovered a bizarre and mysteriously giant structure orbiting the star that's unlike anything they've ever seen.

And now they're doing what scientists do best: weighing all of the possible explanations until more data comes in that can rule out the wrong reasons in favor of the right one.

Right now, there are many options on the table, including a giant swarm of comets, left-over chunks from a broken-up planet, and last but certainly not least an alien-built megastructure. But we won't know for sure until more data is collected. ... 09741.html
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Re: Alien Mega structure found.

Post by Philip »

Nice find, Theophilus! Guess the astronomers behind this find and one of their comments doesn't make for sexy headlines:

As Penn State astronomer Kimberly Cartier told Business Insider about the coverage: "It's gotten a bit out of hand." What's more, she said that the probability of this exciting, yet wildly confusing, observation being aliens is "very low."

She also emphasized: "Just to clarify, neither [my colleague] Jason [Wright] or myself ... are advocating that it is an alien megastructure, but we also can't completely rule it out."

And I can't rule out the possibility that bats might fly out of my wazoo, but, who knows?
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Re: Alien Mega structure found.

Post by dfnj »

Silvertusk wrote:Sensationalism or has this one got some bite? It is all around the net at the moment. ... 151014.htm
Here's a really good talk on how to detect extraterrestrial life using spectral analysis:

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