Mallz wrote:I just don`t see all Muslims as mad killers bent on destruction. I just feel we are judging them all based on extremists. Any religion can be interpreted wrongly and abused, doesn`t mean the religion is at fault, just the individuals.
I don't see all Muslims as mad killers/terrorists either. But I do see that with Islam. It is in their creeds to conquer and submit everyone/everything to allah (like how we would say the Father's prayer). And taken seriously produces terrorists. And the thing that I see people keep missing (because they don't do any research upon the matter), is that Islam is the problem. Not necessarily Muslims. Many Muslims are cultural Muslims that enjoy their cultural heritage and expressions. W/e. They aren't following Islam. Guess what? Most people aren't following what they prescribe to and identify with either.
As Christians (and even non Christians) are we not guilty of prejudice and ignorance if we just assume that anyone who follows Islam is a terrorist?
Yes. But that's not what is being put forward. I don't see B.W. saying this, either.
There is one thing to consider, as with evil, there are two methods or tactics involved in conquering a people. One is the slow peaceful approach and the other the hard approach.
For example, the Marxist are split on their hard,
we have the guns, so let's take over approach, and the neo-Marxist soft approach of
let's take off the radical tee shirts slogans, wear a tie, and become part of the system in order to take it over- go slow and steady approach.
Islam's main objective is world domination and enforcement of Sharia law. How best to accomplish this? In this Islam is split between the hard core Jihadist approach and the soft slow but steady approach. The softies do not like the Jihadist methods and Jihadist hate the soft methods, however both share the same goals.
Historically, we also see two views of sharia law bouncing between the soft and hard approaches. For a period of time in an Islamic country, things appear okay for non-Muslims due to the softies. However, the hard core take over and things get worse and worse for non-Muslims. This is the historical ebb and flow of people conquered under Islam. The hard core always win out over the softies in the end. This is from the historical evidence just look at the
Armenian Genocide as a point of reference on this.
So you have two basic groups in Islam seeing the same goal of world domination. You have the:
1-The Jihadist who are the,
we have guns, fight and kill group, lets take over now group.
2-The soft approachers seek the slow but steady stages of Islamic conquest by infiltration-migration, building up a power structure in a host country to its change laws with expectation of coverting a host country fully to Islam - peacefully.
The soft approach is done before the open stages Jihad of forced submission upon a host nation population that hasn't converted, so that a totalitarian Islamic “THEOCRACY” is established worldwide. Either way, the two groups have same goals.
Let's beware of them that say, peace and safety! The soft approach Islamist insist they are peaceful and Islam is a religion of peace, love, and charity for all. However, is that fruit seen in Islamic countries? the answer is a resounding NO!!!
The Islamic idea of peace is to have opponents let their guard down so that peace will be upon only those who obey Islamic laws and pay the extortion Jizya tax, this will come back in vogue. Their idea of peace is not ours. Their religion condones lying in order to spread Islam.
As for love, well, do they kill homosexuals and treat women as 3 class property, sex slaves, the same as beast of burden like a donkey? Do they lop off limbs for petty crimes? Do they stone to death?
As for charity, they show none toward their own as the recent Migration crisis is unfolding where 72% of the refuges are young men of military age (per UN report). These men will be looking for women. So, let us look at these wonderfully peace loving poor Islamist in Sweden in this article who used the slow approach:
Sweden Opened Its Doors To Muslim Immigration, Today It’s The Rape Capital Of The West.
Islam does not in the least share the values of love or charity's compassion that we in the west do. If that were so, why aren't the Islamic countries taking in these folks?
Maybe they don't have enough women?
The fruit of Islam is bad, period. It uses the same tactics that all evil inspired movements use, no different than Saul Alsinky radicals, the anarchist, or progressive liberalism uses in their respective slow or fast approach models to fundamentally transform the world to their utopia ideas. The biggest rule evil uses is to force your opponents to live up to heir own rules/standards. Islam is doing that with their peace and love talk. Satan does the same against God own Character and nature as well too. So it is not surprising to see it manifest in our world too.
Let's look at Islam, it does demand a continued killing of Christians and Jews. Ask any Muslim friends if they love the Jews so much that they would support a Jewish state that would last forever and ever. I recall asking one so call moderate Muslim this and the look on his face was pricelessly telling - NO, NO, NO!
Now Islam is decidedly anti-Christ. Islam seeks to change laws, season, times, and religions. This describes what the Antichrist and the false prophet will attempt to do. Islamist also impose a mark or sign on folks, the Kafir, (google Kafir) in order to buy and sell place the Arabic - N - Nuhn - symbol on the houses of Christian's in Iraq. They use this to impose the Jizya tax. They by force change season, times, and religions in the areas they conquer.
This matches precisely in living empirical technicolor for all the world to see that what they teach and practice matches the anti-Christ system to a tee as well fulfilling this caveat as well: Islam is indeed a new religion unlike any has seen before and it has a dome of the rock on the temple mount built off he ruins of the Roman Temple built on top of the Jewish temple in the late 600 AD. It is a religion that literally spreads abomination (sacrilege) and desolation worldwide.
I make this point because of naivety. In the bible it explicitly warns against embracing any anti-Christ system, not love such to understand it in order to be so nobly superior, but instead resist it, don't get the Mark, etc and etc.
So Ed, take some of these men into your home and any women - you really desire to be treated as a sex slaves and trash, then by all means let them into your homes, enjoy wearing a blanket covering your entire body during the hottest of summers.
Islam is a theo-political doctrine seeking Islamic Sharia Law worldwide. People should know that Islam seeks this goal as a political and religious duty. You cannot separate the religious Islam from the political Islam nor can you separate the political from religious. There are two schools of thought in achieving Its goals: The Jihadist
now method and the
slow infiltrate method.
Does God love the Muslims?
Most likely he loves only those that he foreknows will forsake Islam and become Christian, the rest, as Proverbs 6:16-19 states, he hates. God appears to be awakening those he foreknows in marvelous ways and they warn us of the dangers of Islam - yet many will not listen. Recall that there are two kind of people: The children of God/light and the children of darkness/the evil one. We who are now Christians were all at one time God's enemies too, but he saved us by the blood of Jesus awakening us to his grace. He will do so for any people. Let's not be naive about Islam's true intent.
Article: Four Stages of Islamic Conquest