I can imagine you are in a froth let me cary this on for you. WE are the great answer, everything else is grabage, We are the fountian of truth! Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer. This is garbage.tootin wrote:Over 150 years Darwin's theory has not merely survived it has flourished; not merely has it flourished, it has become one of the cornerstones of modern science. It has passed all tests and every question thrown at it with flying colours and then some.
This attitude says let us stop investigating, hypotheses from other ideas, they should be shunned, ya right and from the other conrner of your mouth you were talking about science being open to ideas, it is this kind of grabage that you are posting that indicates that science is a little baby scared of the adult arena of ideas. Whatever.
You have this idea that Creation theory will try and silence other theories to justify the close minded idea that is plainly visible that is in fact saying Let us censor every non-athiest, non-evolution idea. Creation explaines nature, so get your head out of the sand, stand on your own two feet, and enter the arena of ideas without making calims about all knowing-darwinism wihtout a shread of evidence.tootin wrote: Surely, sayeth the Wedge, this blessed time shall come upon us again when science is done as it ought to be done: filtered by the Committee for Religio-Scientific Censorship for the removal of any non-theistic sounding evil, which might be interpreted by some as indicating that there is no God. Halellujah.
This rant is laughable and simply makes calims without any substance.