The Band that played during the recent attack in France

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Re: The Band that played during the recent attack in France

Post by Philip »

Ed: Thanks, Phil. Wow, you guys are even older than us - we're 40 and 43. So was it twins? I also have twin sisters, so we were a bit concerned about that possibility. We're in a 2-bedroom condo and there's no way we can afford a bigger place in our neighborhood, so we'd have had to move. As it is things are tight, but I think we can make it work for a while longer.
No, Ed, it was only an "anomaly" on the scan - no twins. Thankfully, as my youngest is the poster child for hyperactive daredevils everywhere. He has long had his blackbelt, kid has no fear, lives on the edge - if I didn't already have graying hair, he'd have given them. But, I'm from a line of geezers having children far later than most. My dad was nearly 36 when I was born. His dad was 42 when he was born. So, my grandfather was born in 1880, if you can imagine that. y:O2
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Re: The Band that played during the recent attack in France

Post by edwardmurphy »

Yeah, 1880 is pretty mind-boggling. My oldest is also hyperactive. I'm not sure if she's a daredevil or just profoundly ignorant of how gravity can affect her. Still no stitches or broken bones, amazingly. My wife and I are constantly debating how she'll wind up in the ER the first time. We've thought of starting a betting pool, but there are so many possibilities that I don't think it's workable. For the record, I think the first one will be stitches from running afoul of some combination of furniture, the dog, and gravity while deliberately screwing with her mother.
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Re: The Band that played during the recent attack in France

Post by Storyteller »

Dont mention hospitals! We had four emergency dashes with my daughter when she was a toddler through croup, one of which, she stopped breathing for several seconds. Nothing will ever be as scary as that.
We discovered she has an innocent heart murmur too.
She knows no fear either.
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Re: The Band that played during the recent attack in France

Post by B. W. »

edwardmurphy wrote:
Philip wrote:Ed, so glad your child is healthy. We, also, were considerably older to be having kids, especially the second +one (I was 46/wife 45). Our first was premature. It's a pretty scary thing, considering the frightening possibilities. Actually, my first big scare with the 2nd one came at ultrasound. Sitting there praying this would be a healthy looking baby - which it was - and then the technician said, "ooh, and what is this OTHER shape over there? Whole time I'm thinking please don't let it be "TWINS???!!!" They run in the family and my sisters are twins. It was crazy enough to be a month from 47 and having another kid - but TWINS???!!! Mercy!
Thanks, Phil. Wow, you guys are even older than us - we're 40 and 43. So was it twins? I also have twin sisters, so we were a bit concerned about that possibility. We're in a 2-bedroom condo and there's no way we can afford a bigger place in our neighborhood, so we'd have had to move. As it is things are tight, but I think we can make it work for a while longer.
This past month has been rough on my health as I battled a severe cold that went another direction so I am getting back to responding to ED now that it finally has ended.

Let's see, where were we Ed...

...I am currently 57 years old. So are you 43 now?

That would make me 14 years older than you. So by the time you went to first grade, I would have been graduating from High School. I grew up in VA in Northern VA and in the south western environs during the summers on my grandparents farm. Northern VA during the mid 1960's throughout the 1970's was a hotbed of political activism and progressive diatribe.

Growing up in Northern VA, I experienced what true absolute racism was and really is. Was a victim of black racist in school as well too. Folks around your age did not experience this nor seen the Colored Only washrooms, waterfountains, restaurants, seating areas, or the hate both sides displayed against each other. Racism is not one sided nor colorblind neutral, all races have their share of racist, and cooks. Racism is ugly no matter the color of the racist and evil.

I recall when I was around 9 years old how one of our neighbors who was Jewish had their house spray painted with Swastika's, bad language, and their yard of 1/2 acre literally piled with trash. So my friend and I took trash bags and began picking up the trash in the yard. There was smoke in the air from the race riots going on in DC and all the building burning down. The hate could be felt in the air.

We knocked on the door of the Jewish home and no answer so we began picking up the trash in their yard. The front door cracked open and our Jewish neighbor loudly whispered for us to stop because we might be killed. Just then, a pick up full of KKK types drove by and called us Jew lovers. Well, we stayed and picked up the trash but did not have enough bags. May all racist repent and turn away from such evil before it is too late.

I say this because I lived through real times when there was real violence, hate and fear. At the time, it effected me to become an atheist. This led me to believe the lie of leftist propaganda that touts that Christianity and the Judaic/Christian world view is the cause of all hate, repression, bigotry, racism, repression, denial of human rights in the world and for this reason alone needs to be expunged.

I discovered later how wrong I was then. Christianity did not then, nor does it today condone these sorts of thing. The real cause of such actions is humanities fallen sin nature. The brand of militant atheism I later fell into back then was indeed repressive, full of bigotry and was and did everything it accused Christianity of doing. People with mental illness will bomb Plan Parenthood or kill people there and use religion or their own morality to justify the act. They are few but the left is trained to make crisis and create them to garner support for their didactic of the ends justify the means.

True born again Christian will speak out against the slaughter of the unborn and selling baby parts, exposing what is done in darkness in much the same way Martin Luther King did for the civil rights movement peacefully so things are stopped such as this and the funding of a certain political party. Christians do not blow up buildings, nor fly planes into them, nor do we storm a office meeting/party and kill 14 people either. Christian are not repressive snobs filled with hypocrisy either and just looking to take your rights away as the FFRF poses.

We instead pray for folks. Well Ed, looks like prayer helped your wife and child too. I mentioned all this to make these points ED. The left is the oppressive, repressive, bigoted power control hungry, abusers of good and creators of social conflict used to destroy a system that only exist in their mind's imagination. Back in 1966, the term that was used to define a Communist Agitator was that they were community organizers stirring up the communities for social change into Marxism.

I grew up in the era of great change and went to meetings and rallies in the mid/late 1970's where Saul Alinsky's works and others were touted. I went to Georgetown University and other places to hear the radicals of the Left. Some whom are now in congress or have served. They did toss away the tee shirts for suits and joined the system.

Not sure how the left leaners can claim they have not been radicalized but they have and simply do not think normal when it comes to politics or Christianity. Our country and the west is suffering from their onslaught to never let a good crisis go to waste. From one who was once one radical but now not and seen and turned away from such utter delusional thinking I am wonder what is the real honest cause of your atheism is - what lead you into it.

I know all the talking points very well and they are a waste of both our times. In order to actually get someplace, what drove you into atheism needs addressed. Not talking academic talking points.

As you can see, my former fall into militant atheism was caused by death of a loved one and all the life events I went through I used justify my anger by means of projecting on religious scapegoats.

So what is the real honest reason for your atheism?

Maybe folks here can help answer some questions you have...


One thing I am glad to see is your opening up and sharing about your daughter and family.

That is refreshing and thank you so much so sharing. When folks actually open open and share, we can actually have meaningful dialog instead of endless whatevers...
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