A question for atheists part 2

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Re: A question for atheists part 2

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Nessa wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Who cares about being offensive if you have the truth? The truth is the only way to know the truth,if people get offended from hearing the truth? So what. I'd much,much rather believe the truth and be in the minority than be in the majority believing lies.
Bible does say to speak the truth in love
y>:D< y@};- :mrgreen:
Ephesians 4:15
True and I try to do that. However just because a person speaks boldly does'nt mean its not spoke in love.I'm not being rude to BGoodForGoodSake I was just giving my response to something he said.I actually think some of the things he says is interesting and a different perspective.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: A question for atheists part 2

Post by Kenny »

I think BGood made some excellent points. I think it gets back to that objective/subjective dead horse we’ve been known to beat on from time to time; the fact that many of the actions he mentioned require the consideration of extenuating circumstances be taken into account before they can be labeled good/bad, makes the point.

RickD wrote
"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence".
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Re: A question for atheists part 2

Post by PaulSacramento »

BGoodForGoodSake wrote:Not to throw a wrench into things but...

Love can be harmful. As everyone expresses love differently, it can lead to serious misunderstanding and misgivings.

Hate can be beneficial. It's a raw emotion which can help someone survive harrowing situations.

Selfishness can be beneficial. A mother's desire to care for her child at the cost of another can ensure that the child lives on. A Pharoh's quest for immortality, can lead to great achievements appreciated by countless others in the distant future.

Altruism can be harmful. The one who receives could be filled with pride, and this can generate ill will and hatred.

Murder, well that's just bad. But unlike the above, this isn't an emotional state. I don't think it belongs in this list.
Rape same as murder.

Truth can be harmful. If a person went around being honest all the time, I am sure that many will find this offensive.

Lies can be beneficial. A certain amount of it is necessary to keep the peace. If a friend shows you their art and is obviously proud, most people would say they love it because they love their friend. There's the truth(love of friend), and there's the truth(objectively hideous art).
I think that is an interesting VIEW of things.

IF we choose to redefine terms as has been done over the last few years in the name of "social justice", "political correctness" and all that other BS.

But lets look at consequences of what we are really saying:

Love can be harmful. As everyone expresses love differently, it can lead to serious misunderstanding and misgivings.
Selfish loves, yes, Other-centred love, TRUE love. No.
Hate can be beneficial. It's a raw emotion which can help someone survive harrowing situations.
Hate is the absence of love. There is no direct benefit of hate. Just because something good may happen IN SPITE of hate, doesn't make hate "beneficial" in any way.

Selfishness can be beneficial. A mother's desire to care for her child at the cost of another can ensure that the child lives on. A Pharoh's quest for immortality, can lead to great achievements appreciated by countless others in the distant future.
Selfishness is to put ones personal wants above others with no regard for others so even IF soemthing positive by fluke happens, it is, again, in SPITE of and not because of.
Altruism can be harmful. The one who receives could be filled with pride, and this can generate ill will and hatred.
Then it isn't altruism.
Murder, well that's just bad. But unlike the above, this isn't an emotional state. I don't think it belongs in this list.
Rape same as murder.
Not sure what you mean here...
Truth can be harmful. If a person went around being honest all the time, I am sure that many will find this offensive.
Truth is never harmful BUT how others may PERCEIVE truth can be.
Lies can be beneficial. A certain amount of it is necessary to keep the peace. If a friend shows you their art and is obviously proud, most people would say they love it because they love their friend. There's the truth(love of friend), and there's the truth(objectively hideous art).
I think that allowing ourselves to see the POSSIBLE good in doing the wrong thing is a very human thing.
It's how we justify to ourselves that doing wrong is ok.
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Re: A question for atheists part 2

Post by PaulSacramento »

It should be noted that ( and we have stated this over and over):

Objective and absolute morals states that there IS such a thing as Good and Evil or right and wrong if you prefer.
It doesn't say WHAT is right and wrong, it states that there IS a right and a wrong.
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