Enoch interpretation (aliens)

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Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Post by Richard »

Philip wrote:And THAT, Richard, is the 21-gun salute from the forum's usual wise guy welcoming committee. We're not usually THAT cynical (well, okay, we ARE :roll: ). HOWEVER, you are talking about alien explanations for Bible passages... But don't mistake our initial response, as you are most welcome here. Gotta admit, though, that was one heck of an introductory post.
Richard wrote: Enoch explains it well which might explain why it was left out of the bible. Just have to replace star with space craft, angel with alien, abyss with quarantine, white men with Paleaidians, the animals refer to human races i.e black, white and red Indians.
So, in other words, if you change EVERYTHING to means something else, to the point that if fits someone else's wild narrative - well, you do see the problem? I'm sure we could weave in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny to better understand the text, and you could do this with many other mythical stories/characters. But that's a terrible way to discern the truth of the matter.

Again, as my link to Dr. Heiser's video, these alien scenarios given such wide popularity in books, TV, etc., have been enough for a scholar of Heiser's credentials to address it seriously. I strongly suggest you watch the linked video, visit the website.

And, Richard, I leave you with one curious question: IF our existence and history is due to alien origins - well, WHERE did the ALIENS come from???!!!
Thanks for the welcome Philip, definitely going to have a gander around.

Let me put it this way, I find aliens more feasible than angels. Add to that that the Illuminati are very into fantasy and symbolism plus the original aliens likely could live many hundreds of years so they had a completely different attitude towards time, putting together a 5000 year plan is no problem if you're used to living 500+ years, that's only 10 generations, for us it would be 100 living to 50. Also the original aliens were highly intelligent, they were fourth dimensional beings, could travel faster than the speed of light to other star systems, also genetic engineers which is why they use the serpent for symbolism as it reflects the spiral pattern of DNA. However, they were warring, blew our 5th planet up and messed around with our genetics; not exactly what I would call enlightened or wise beings which I suspect relates to their soul matrix being damaged, maybe even destroyed, in theory it may be possible to destroy a soul matrix and yet still have generations that live for 500+ years, so such a scenario could continue for many thousands of years but perhaps over time the genetic engineering stops working so well. Maybe that's why they are here, to find out how to rebuild their soul matrix not that I've any idea if such a thing is possible or if such a thing exists, I've more sort of reverse engineered it as a theory and since doing that something changed in me. As you may know, the Illuminati control mass media, make a lot of movies and series. Battlestar Galactica is the best representation of how things are imo, the ending is happy which shows to me that they do at least have hope and want things to work out positively.

The bible talks of there being nothing worse than death of the soul, also the Illuminati are quite obsessed with the human soul, their pain and anguish is quite apparent in modern movies and especially music videos. They were the ancient Egyptians too and the Nazis, and now they run the UN. They pretty much wrote our entire history from 3000 BC to now. All the ancient scripts before the bible tell a similar story to the bible, they use the same core formula, order from chaos (written on the dollar bill), chaos involves a hero figure and a perpetrator, Jesus vs Rome, Axis vs Allies, UN vs ? The basic concept is to occupy and divide the population by getting them to fight in order to avoid them revealing your secret and realising the majority population should be dealing with them instead. It's very clever, take 2 populations, 1 population is 1/3 of the total, the remaining 2/3 population are only aware of 1 population, so they have a 1/2 mindset in conflicts, this is why the Illuminati want to keep their identity a secret.

I don't want to offend anyone, these are highly controversial topics but you have to understand that the Illuminati are masters of deception and masters of the psyche, and since they've been here for so long, it's not possible to accept anything at face value. From a spiritual perspective, if there is meaning to things, this may be something we have invited upon ourselves because I believe that the universe has a way through consciousness, of bringing about certain events. If there is meaning and reason for us, then there is also meaning and reason for the aliens so we should not be too quick to anger. I feel mother Earth has had enough though, she wants what's rightly hers and to lick her wounds.

Imagine if the Paleaidians hadn't intervened, whoever they are, they are the real heros as the other group of aliens would likely have destroyed Earth. So many coincidences and so much luck, I can't believe things aren't being guided by unknown forces.

Hi Furstentum, you bring up an interesting point. Of course Earth can accept races from other planets, but if they come barging in and force higher dimensional beings to lock her in chains for thousands of years, she's not going to be happy about it. As long as a being asks for acceptance and has a good heart, she will be more than welcoming.
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Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Post by abelcainsbrother »

The Illuminati is just a group of individuals using their money to unite the world into a one-world government which the bible prophecied is coming in the last days,however it won't last long,because the anti-christ takes it over and turns the one world government into the markof the beast system and there are biblical reasons to believe the anti-christ will use Islamic Jihad to bring in the markof the beast system. No need to add in all of the alien stuff to apply to the Illuminati. Fallen angels have visted this earth before too and there is reason to believe they will revisit in the last days but you will be decieved if you think they are aliens instead of fallen angels.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Post by RickD »

FL wrote:
Zyklon is the name of my planet in our language. Zyklon means «Basis» in English. Zyklon is a binary planet, made up of two bodies, 36D and 36DD. The binary system is 36 aviknufs (our unit of distance) from our sun. The Zyklon system is the fourth from our sun, hence the «D» in your language (a,b,c,d...) I am from Zyklon 36DD, and there are others who live on 36D. Do you now understand?
Not sure I understand. How can planets be binary? If they're too close, wouldn't they get caught in each other's gravity pull?

And if they were far enough apart not to get caught in each other's pull, then one planet should be D, and the other one E.

And, zyklon is a poisonous gas that was first used as a pesticide in Germany. Then the Germans found it could be used to kill humans.
http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/h ... zyklon.htm

Are zyklons antisemites?
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »

RickD wrote:Not sure I understand. How can planets be binary? If they're too close, wouldn't they get caught in each other's gravity pull?
The Earth-Moon system may be considered a binary system because the moon is a sizeable proportion of the earth's mass (I believe 11% or your planet's mass). Zyklon 36D and 36DD are nearly identical in size, similar to Venus and Earth, where 36DD is slightly bigger than 36D. A binary planetary system, such as the Earth/Moon, has both bodies rotating around its barycenter . The barycenter of the Earth/Moon system is not located at the center of the Earth but at a point about 1000 miles from the center. In the case of Zyklon 36D and 36DD, the barycenter is out in space, close to the midpoint of the distance between our two planets. Moreover, it is this barycenter that rotates around the sun, not the center of either planet. Ditto for your Earth/Moon system. (It is a complicated dance...even the sun rotates around the barycenter it shares with all the matter in its gravitational field.)
RickD wrote:And if they were far enough apart not to get caught in each other's pull, then one planet should be D, and the other one E.
If you understood my explanation, above, you should understand that planet E in Sirius' system is further out from the planets at orbital distance D.
RickD wrote:And, zyklon is a poisonous gas that was first used as a pesticide in Germany. Then the Germans found it could be used to kill humans
I am pleased that you are doing research on your own! It shows a willingness to learn. However, do not be confused: the gas zyklon and the planets Zyklon are unfortunate homonyms.

Generations of excellence to you and your family!

Last edited by Furstentum Liechtenstein on Sat Dec 12, 2015 7:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
Hold everything lightly. If you don't, it will hurt when God pries your fingers loose as He takes it from you. -Corrie Ten Boom

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If they had a social gospel in the days of the prodigal son, somebody would have given him a bed and a sandwich and he never would have gone home.

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Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Post by RickD »

Oh Great and powerful Zyklonian, thank you for the binary planet science lesson.

But seeing how your planet's name is a homonym for a poisonous gas that the nazis used to kill Jews, I'm afraid the chances that it being the same name is a mere coincidence, is extremely unlikely, I'm concerned about the truth.

Time to fess up. Are you an alien antisemite, who has come here to rid the earth of all Jewish people? If so, you have perpetrated quite a ruse. Posing as a Christian who worships as a messianic believer!

I'd say you definitely infiltrated the enemy's camp!
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »

RickD wrote:Oh Great and powerful Zyklonian, thank you for the binary planet science lesson.
I am not «great»...I was sent here to observe your world. I am a simple alien, an anthropologist of sorts...
RickD wrote:But seeing how your planet's name is a homonym for a poisonous gas that the nazis used to kill Jews, I'm afraid the chances that it being the same name is a mere coincidence, is extremely unlikely, I'm concerned about the truth.Time to fess up. Are you an alien antisemite, who has come here to rid the earth of all Jewish people? If so, you have perpetrated quite a ruse. Posing as a Christian who worships as a messianic believer!
Oh, my virtual Human friend! I am not dangerous! Homonyms simply exist; sometimes they are funny, sometimes they are embarrassing. Indeed, the very word homonym carries the word »homo» which even homosexuals have banished, preferring «gay»...there is no sense to this, so seek none.

As for God, is not he the same throughout the universe? Is there a different god for each planet? Are you Mormon?

The book The Message From The Designers will answer all your questions. In the meantime, may you have generations of excellence...

Hold everything lightly. If you don't, it will hurt when God pries your fingers loose as He takes it from you. -Corrie Ten Boom

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If they had a social gospel in the days of the prodigal son, somebody would have given him a bed and a sandwich and he never would have gone home.

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Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Post by Richard »

abelcainsbrother wrote:The Illuminati is just a group of individuals using their money to unite the world into a one-world government which the bible prophecied is coming in the last days,however it won't last long,because the anti-christ takes it over and turns the one world government into the markof the beast system and there are biblical reasons to believe the anti-christ will use Islamic Jihad to bring in the markof the beast system. No need to add in all of the alien stuff to apply to the Illuminati. Fallen angels have visted this earth before too and there is reason to believe they will revisit in the last days but you will be decieved if you think they are aliens instead of fallen angels.
Everything, in the entire history of modern man has been and continues to be a lie. One or New World Order relates to slavery, they are also intending to make a slave population to do God only knows what, probably continue fighting the war they were fighting over 5000 years ago, Star Wars Clone Wars comes to mind. You have to remember that they use stories to say what they're going to do, mark of the beast translates to inserting a chip and becoming mind controlled, a human cyborg slave. When they first arrived they knew how to do such things, they've known about such things and more since they arrived, the original aliens must have written about such things and I'm sure the Illuminati still has those scripts hidden some where, probably in the Vatican. They now know how to make clones, transfer memories and instruct clones via micro chips inserted in the brain.

Most of the bible can be interpreted using advanced technologies, as can all scripts from ancient civilisationg before the bible. The rapture is about individuals who have been chosen by the Illuminati to be kept safe, likely disappear into underground facilities. It's all a lie, most of what people think is real is just a story and part of the problem is that humans tend to be too quick to worship and are too gullible, prefer to let others think for them instead of think for themselves. Tectonic plates is another lie, expanding Earth theory is correct but figuring out why it's correct involves understanding how gravity works and the Illuminati don't want humans to figure gravity out. Gravity it an energy gradient, hot to cold, matter to space, the Earth migrated towards the sun which reduced the energy gradient which reduced gravity causing the pressures in the Earth to crack the crust, then it's only a matter of the Earth expanding until a new equilibrium is reached based on the current energy gradient (distance from the sun).

It's a hard pill to swallow but people need to wake up, open their eyes and stop accepting everything at face value. I've watched 2 hours of that debunking video, no mention of Enoch so far. I noticed how they double debunked the part about the mercury vortex technology, both said it was an aerodynamic vortex when it was obviously a gravity vortex, them both emphasising it is a sign to me they are false flagging it and indeed, the technology is real. Problem is, it is not beyond the Illuminati to make a debunkable documentary, then if no one debunks it, debunk it themselves. They plant false flags in things so that anyone who tries to continue providing proof is ridiculed, they own the mass media so the History channel is likely run by the Illuminati. JFK talked about unveiling secret societies, then they made a clone and killed it to set an example to anyone that tries to unveil the Illuminati. He's probably still alive, living under ground or in another country. Many celebrities have been hidden away, they are told the truth and if they can't handle it their death is staged and they are taken away. They tell them the truth so that they can become part of the effort to maintain the secret.

How do the Illuminati know who the descendants of the aliens are? Well they might have genetic tests they can perform, but there are also physical and character traits. They have blood lines, family trees dating back to the beginning no doubt, the Royal Family in England have strong blood lines. As I said earlier, Battlestar Galactica (the series not the movie) has a happy ending, so over time I think they have changed their mind and their plan, probably since they conceived of being unable to remove the barrier. I had to ask, why do they go to such lengths to write such elaborate stories that to some extent give their game away, some of it is sadism which relates to being soulless but also, they must surely want us to know the truth to some extent because their history is human history too, it's like spending time with a brother who does not know you're a brother, cannot be easy. It's important that a race know the truth of who they are and where they've come from.

I honestly feel like a nut job writing these things, but I'm sick of tired of the insanity and madness of this world. What the Illuminati have done and are doing is not seen in nature, it only makes sense if they are aliens and there is such a thing as a soul; I've approached it entirely scientifically with logic and reason, I have no other explanation. People are not inherently evil or sad without a reason, people don't terrorise and try to make slaves out of people without a reason, there is always a reason for everything people do. Things aren't just the way they are in this world because that's the way things are in this world, that's what the Illuminati want us to think, in fact they don't want us to think at all but just as the alien blood line is strong, so is the human blood line dating back billions of years. If you consider animals as having souls that grow, then human souls must have been animal souls at some point in time. World War 3 is a battle of the mind and your consciousness affects Earth and the outcome of events so please do not walk away from what I've said, at least store it some place for a rainy day.
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Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Post by RickD »

Richard wrote:
I honestly feel like a nut job writing these things, but I'm sick of tired of the insanity and madness of this world.
Well, since you mentioned it first...

John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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-Edward R Murrow

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Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »

Richard wrote:Hi Furstentum, you bring up an interesting point. Of course Earth can accept races from other planets, but if they come barging in and force higher dimensional beings to lock her in chains for thousands of years, she's not going to be happy about it. As long as a being asks for acceptance and has a good heart, she will be more than welcoming.
Wrong on all counts. Your history has proven time and again that you are hostile beings. You are hostile among yourselves, hostile towards the animals that share your environment and hostile towards your planet as well. In all my interstellar travels, I have never seen a meaner and filthier place than this planet.

Since you cannot even live in peace among your own kind, you must be demented to think you could welcome an extraterrestrial presence! You are self-deceived, as is your whole species.

Generations of excellence to you!

Hold everything lightly. If you don't, it will hurt when God pries your fingers loose as He takes it from you. -Corrie Ten Boom

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If they had a social gospel in the days of the prodigal son, somebody would have given him a bed and a sandwich and he never would have gone home.

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Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Post by Richard »

Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
Richard wrote:Hi Furstentum, you bring up an interesting point. Of course Earth can accept races from other planets, but if they come barging in and force higher dimensional beings to lock her in chains for thousands of years, she's not going to be happy about it. As long as a being asks for acceptance and has a good heart, she will be more than welcoming.
Wrong on all counts. Your history has proven time and again that you are hostile beings. You are hostile among yourselves, hostile towards the animals that share your environment and hostile towards your planet as well. In all my interstellar travels, I have never seen a meaner and filthier place than this planet.

Since you cannot even live in peace among your own kind, you must be demented to think you could welcome an extraterrestrial presence! You are self-deceived, as is your whole species.

Generations of excellence to you!

News for you, nature and the universe are inherently violent and hostile, you delude yourself if you pretend otherwise. Do you know the energies involved in binding two hydrogen atoms together, do you think that's done with love and peace? No it's done with extreme forces and violence. Whoever put the shield up doesn't want to see us perish, they will of course make contact with us if things improve, your logic makes no sense.

And you speak as though you're speaking to only one race, you're not, I'm speaking about events that invovle at least 3 races, possible 4 or 5, so your hostility towards your bias of wanting to see only 1 race is only a reflection of conflicts within yourself or maybe you don't like what I'm saying and want to target your hostility towards my singular person, who knows maybe the alien DNA is strong in you.
Last edited by Richard on Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »

Richard wrote:News for you, nature and the universe are inherently violent and hostile, you delude yourself if you pretend otherwise. Do you know the energies involved in binding two hydrogen atoms together, do you think that's done with love and peace?
You are confusing hostility and force. Two hydrogen atoms becoming one helium atom has nothing to do with evil. Nor does it have anything to do with love or peace. :pound:
Richard wrote: Whoever put the shield up doesn't want to see us perish, they will of course make contact with us if things improve, your logic makes no sense.
The only shield is in your imagination.
Richard wrote:And you speak as though you're speaking to only one race, you're not, I'm speaking about events that invovle at least 3 races, possible 4 or 5, so your hostility towards your bias of wanting to see only one race is only a reflection of conflicts within yourself. If you want to convey you are from a more advanced alien race, please at least say something intelligent.
The «races» of which you speak all live in your imagination. You should consider writing science-fiction stories...

Generations of excellence to you!

Hold everything lightly. If you don't, it will hurt when God pries your fingers loose as He takes it from you. -Corrie Ten Boom

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If they had a social gospel in the days of the prodigal son, somebody would have given him a bed and a sandwich and he never would have gone home.

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Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Post by Richard »

Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
Richard wrote:News for you, nature and the universe are inherently violent and hostile, you delude yourself if you pretend otherwise. Do you know the energies involved in binding two hydrogen atoms together, do you think that's done with love and peace?
You are confusing hostility and force. Two hydrogen atoms becoming one helium atom has nothing to do with evil. Nor does it have anything to do with love or peace. :pound:
You used the word hostile and I explained that hostility is a part of nature. Now you're using the term evil which many use to interpret the hostile nature of things. I see your point though, what is the opposite of hostility as seen in nature, well the opposite is order and structure not based on I must destroy and consume everything until I am the only ordered structure left, but instead based on I must construct and learn as much as I can while being myself among many.

Another intelligent approach is to accept that I do not know everything. The eye can only see so far and it only takes a moment for the eye to look towards new horizons. Fearing that all life will end and basing your actions on that is not an intelligent approach unless you claim to know everything there is to know about life and the universe, if you know your claim is true and indeed life is merely a matter of surviving for as long as possible, go for it, wipe out as many races out as you can that you consider a threat, even those you don't consider a threat. If you cannot make such a claim and base your actions on that claim being true regardless, then you are foolish, unwise and heartless and who knows, maybe the truth is that such actions do have consequences, so you are playing a game that is not worth playing in the first place.

I do not deny the darkness, I do not deny the nature of things. I only claim that I do not know the entire nature of things and so I do not base my actions on how potentially I might fear nature to be. That does not mean I incapacitate myself, it only enables me to see the difference between what is true and what remains unknown, it takes strength to accept what I do not know and I save myself time in the process as it's all too easy to fabricate things that aren't true and waste time doing things based on those fabrications. I do it because it is the most intelligent and efficient way to be, I'd rather be cast to oblivion than live a lie based on fabrications forged from the fear of the unknown, that state of mind is a reality but that state of mind will always stagnate and trip over itself, it is not efficient or smart to be that way.
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Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Richard wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:The Illuminati is just a group of individuals using their money to unite the world into a one-world government which the bible prophecied is coming in the last days,however it won't last long,because the anti-christ takes it over and turns the one world government into the markof the beast system and there are biblical reasons to believe the anti-christ will use Islamic Jihad to bring in the markof the beast system. No need to add in all of the alien stuff to apply to the Illuminati. Fallen angels have visted this earth before too and there is reason to believe they will revisit in the last days but you will be decieved if you think they are aliens instead of fallen angels.
Everything, in the entire history of modern man has been and continues to be a lie. One or New World Order relates to slavery, they are also intending to make a slave population to do God only knows what, probably continue fighting the war they were fighting over 5000 years ago, Star Wars Clone Wars comes to mind. You have to remember that they use stories to say what they're going to do, mark of the beast translates to inserting a chip and becoming mind controlled, a human cyborg slave. When they first arrived they knew how to do such things, they've known about such things and more since they arrived, the original aliens must have written about such things and I'm sure the Illuminati still has those scripts hidden some where, probably in the Vatican. They now know how to make clones, transfer memories and instruct clones via micro chips inserted in the brain.

Most of the bible can be interpreted using advanced technologies, as can all scripts from ancient civilisationg before the bible. The rapture is about individuals who have been chosen by the Illuminati to be kept safe, likely disappear into underground facilities. It's all a lie, most of what people think is real is just a story and part of the problem is that humans tend to be too quick to worship and are too gullible, prefer to let others think for them instead of think for themselves. Tectonic plates is another lie, expanding Earth theory is correct but figuring out why it's correct involves understanding how gravity works and the Illuminati don't want humans to figure gravity out. Gravity it an energy gradient, hot to cold, matter to space, the Earth migrated towards the sun which reduced the energy gradient which reduced gravity causing the pressures in the Earth to crack the crust, then it's only a matter of the Earth expanding until a new equilibrium is reached based on the current energy gradient (distance from the sun).

It's a hard pill to swallow but people need to wake up, open their eyes and stop accepting everything at face value. I've watched 2 hours of that debunking video, no mention of Enoch so far. I noticed how they double debunked the part about the mercury vortex technology, both said it was an aerodynamic vortex when it was obviously a gravity vortex, them both emphasising it is a sign to me they are false flagging it and indeed, the technology is real. Problem is, it is not beyond the Illuminati to make a debunkable documentary, then if no one debunks it, debunk it themselves. They plant false flags in things so that anyone who tries to continue providing proof is ridiculed, they own the mass media so the History channel is likely run by the Illuminati. JFK talked about unveiling secret societies, then they made a clone and killed it to set an example to anyone that tries to unveil the Illuminati. He's probably still alive, living under ground or in another country. Many celebrities have been hidden away, they are told the truth and if they can't handle it their death is staged and they are taken away. They tell them the truth so that they can become part of the effort to maintain the secret.

How do the Illuminati know who the descendants of the aliens are? Well they might have genetic tests they can perform, but there are also physical and character traits. They have blood lines, family trees dating back to the beginning no doubt, the Royal Family in England have strong blood lines. As I said earlier, Battlestar Galactica (the series not the movie) has a happy ending, so over time I think they have changed their mind and their plan, probably since they conceived of being unable to remove the barrier. I had to ask, why do they go to such lengths to write such elaborate stories that to some extent give their game away, some of it is sadism which relates to being soulless but also, they must surely want us to know the truth to some extent because their history is human history too, it's like spending time with a brother who does not know you're a brother, cannot be easy. It's important that a race know the truth of who they are and where they've come from.

I honestly feel like a nut job writing these things, but I'm sick of tired of the insanity and madness of this world. What the Illuminati have done and are doing is not seen in nature, it only makes sense if they are aliens and there is such a thing as a soul; I've approached it entirely scientifically with logic and reason, I have no other explanation. People are not inherently evil or sad without a reason, people don't terrorise and try to make slaves out of people without a reason, there is always a reason for everything people do. Things aren't just the way they are in this world because that's the way things are in this world, that's what the Illuminati want us to think, in fact they don't want us to think at all but just as the alien blood line is strong, so is the human blood line dating back billions of years. If you consider animals as having souls that grow, then human souls must have been animal souls at some point in time. World War 3 is a battle of the mind and your consciousness affects Earth and the outcome of events so please do not walk away from what I've said, at least store it some place for a rainy day.
I see you are really into this alien stuff.It seems like you have really invested alot of time and effort into researching this kind of stuff and I know it is hard to change somebodies mind when they've invested so much into something however biblically we only have either fallen angels or demons to work with and Satan's kingdom is all about lies and deception in our world. I'm not trying to offend you about what you are into however I really believe not only these alien illuminati people,but also the NWO groups out there,they really give real true bible prophecy a bad name because they take their conspiracy theory and try to make it fit into bible prophecy and some of what they say might be right,but most everything they believe and teach really gives bible prophecy a bad name.

I am open to the idea that fallen angels came to this earth and produced a hybrid half-breed of off-spring in Genesis 6 and I'm also open to the idea that we will be revisted by fallen angels again in these last days too but these are fallen angels or demonic sprits and are not some other race of beings from some other planets. They are fallen angels and they are out to decieve the world and lead them away from the truth. So that if we are ever visited? and I believe there is enough evidence to make a case that we have been visted enough to think of them as aliens instead of fallen angels,but biblically to call them aliens instead of angels or demons is just not biblical. Trying to make the idea they are aliens instead of fallen angels when it comes to the bible and bible prophecy won't work.

You are not far from understanding the truth of bible prophecy - the mark of the beast,etc however I really think you need to reconsider the idea of aliens and start thinking of them as fallen angels instead. There is no need to make aliens apply to the illuminati,instead think fallen angels and demon spirits instead. Let me try to point you in the right direction when it comes to bible prophecy if you go to the book of Revelation you'll find four horses and their colors are red,black,white and green horses and realize Israel and the jews are central to bible prophecy especially in the last days and what effects them first eventually effects the whole world also and yet look at the colors on these flags.
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Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Post by Richard »

abelcainsbrother, you are asking me to change how I think but providing no logic or reason to do so other than just think angels are real which is like asking me to accept that Darth Vadar is real. There is a difference between true faith and wanting to believe in something. I just described in my previous post what real faith is, real faith is not something you can conjure up out of nothing, out of imagination, real faith is the observation of the unknown and accepting it for what it is. In basic terms, no single person on the planet knows if God really exists, some people forcefully think with the mind, that they know one way or the other, the only people who are truly interested in getting an answer accept that they do not know but are willing to learn and dedicate themselves to finding out. If God is a programmer, that is how he would program a sentient being to be, any sentient that chooses to be any other way will never get an answer. If a being chooses to have no interest, well that's like a fish that has no interest in swimming. Choosing yes or no to God is irrelevant and a flaw, you are not in a position to choose yes or no so don't even bother trying to make that choice, the only choice you can make is whether or not you have an interest in finding out if God exists and what God is.

For example, I said previously that the soul is connected to a planetary body. That now has me asking, does that mean my soul is bound to Earth? What happens if the Earth is detroyed, is my soul destroyed too, is that the end of me for all eternity? Where in the bible can I find an answer to that? I don't know the answers, that doesn't stop me thinking such things and asking such questions, I can only put those questions aside and have faith, what else can I do? I don't mean faith as in some day an angel will appear and explain everything to me, I mean faith as in I'll have the strength to keep those questions in heart and mind and the patience to find the answers myself. Real faith is faith in ones self.
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Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Post by Richard »

If you choose to hate even the concept of God and have no interest in God whatsoever, into glorifying the hostile nature of things, well that's a forced construct that has no meaning or purpose. You might have the idea of being under God or being a slave to God, these are forced constructs of the mind also. Don't think of it in terms of God if the word doesn't sit comfortably with you. Think of it in terms of real science, science of the body and substance, of the soul, of other places and dimensions, of the mind and of that which is not known. Imagine if doing that is a journey to God but you have zero concept of God, never even heard that word before, would you sign up?

And would you risk jepordising such an opportunity by insisting you know already when you know you don't. For example, let's say I know how to live 1000 years, know how to download and upload my mind into a clone of myself, know how to travel across space, have had a lot of experiences that have given me a great intellect. Do I now claim there is nothing else? Am I completely 100% satisfied with my existence? Well I might settle for that actually so long as I get to keep my soul, but due to the nature of things, nothing stays the same, or perhaps because that existence always stays the same I choose to forget it all so that I can rediscover it all again, maybe I've done it several times already. I'm depressing myself now, feeling trapped by such a concept, can I choose between these endless cycles and oblivion, can I take an interest in the science of oblivion or should I fear it for all eternity? Again I come back to not knowing the answer to any of these questions so I should not be depressed about these things I imagine when I know I don't yet know what is real, I am a mere student of life and science, or at least that is all I want to be.
Last edited by Richard on Sat Dec 12, 2015 7:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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