How do you view heaven?

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Re: How do you view heaven?

Post by Nessa »

RickD wrote:
EssentialSacrifice wrote:When I was very young there was a Disney movie Peter Pan with this song that always, as a child, made me feel like it was close to heaven, closer than us ... and touches me still :sunny: I know, silly ... ;)
Um...That song was from 1973. You weren't "very young" in 1973.

I feel so young weeeeeeeeeeee
:horseman: :twodancing:
Was two years before the world became a better place :P haha
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Re: How do you view heaven?

Post by RickD »

Nessa wrote:
RickD wrote:
EssentialSacrifice wrote:When I was very young there was a Disney movie Peter Pan with this song that always, as a child, made me feel like it was close to heaven, closer than us ... and touches me still :sunny: I know, silly ... ;)
Um...That song was from 1973. You weren't "very young" in 1973.

I feel so young weeeeeeeeeeee
:horseman: :twodancing:
Was two years before the world became a better place :P haha
Yes you're correct. The Vietnam war ended April 30, 1975.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: How do you view heaven?

Post by Nessa »

RickD wrote:
Nessa wrote:
RickD wrote:
EssentialSacrifice wrote:When I was very young there was a Disney movie Peter Pan with this song that always, as a child, made me feel like it was close to heaven, closer than us ... and touches me still :sunny: I know, silly ... ;)
Um...That song was from 1973. You weren't "very young" in 1973.

I feel so young weeeeeeeeeeee
:horseman: :twodancing:
Was two years before the world became a better place :P haha
Yes you're correct. The Vietnam war ended April 30, 1975.
Was refering to what happened four days earlier :poke:

But even I'll admit its pretty tough to compete with the ending of a war ;)
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Re: How do you view heaven?

Post by RickD »

You were born, then the war ended. You are amazing!!!!!
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

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Re: How do you view heaven?

Post by Nessa »

RickD wrote:You were born, then the war ended. You are amazing!!!!!
I know! :mrgreen:
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Re: How do you view heaven?

Post by RickD »

Nessa wrote:
RickD wrote:You were born, then the war ended. You are amazing!!!!!
I know! :mrgreen:
Humble too! :shock:
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

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Re: How do you view heaven?

Post by Nessa »

RickD wrote:
Nessa wrote:
RickD wrote:You were born, then the war ended. You are amazing!!!!!
I know! :mrgreen:
Humble too! :shock:
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Re: How do you view heaven?

Post by DBowling »

PaulSacramento wrote:There is life after death in Heaven.
There is life AFTER life after death, the resurrection and it is on a New Earth.
N.T. Wright? :)

Here is an interesting YouTube video by N.T. Wright on the topic at hand.
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Re: How do you view heaven?

Post by PaulSacramento »

DBowling wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:There is life after death in Heaven.
There is life AFTER life after death, the resurrection and it is on a New Earth.
N.T. Wright? :)

Here is an interesting YouTube video by N.T. Wright on the topic at hand.
Wright is one of my favorite theologians.
I think that sometimes we forget that this HERE, Our Planet Earth, is where God has always wanted us to be.
Yes, when we die our spirit returns to God BUT come the resurrection, we will live here on a New Earth and we will be able to travel between that New Earth and that New heaven, a heaven made for us and for those sons of God that have remained loyal to Him.
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Re: How do you view heaven?

Post by DBowling »

PaulSacramento wrote: Wright is one of my favorite theologians.
I think that sometimes we forget that this HERE, Our Planet Earth, is where God has always wanted us to be.
Yes, when we die our spirit returns to God BUT come the resurrection, we will live here on a New Earth and we will be able to travel between that New Earth and that New heaven, a heaven made for us and for those sons of God that have remained loyal to Him.
I am a big fan of Wright as well! :)
In fact at the moment he would have to be the single most influential living theologian on me personally.

An interesting premise that Wright brings to the table is that in the New Heaven/New Earth eternal state (Rev 21-22), Heaven and Earth are not separate.
God's redemption of his creation involves the coming together of his creation (Earth) and his domain (Heaven) so that God and man are dwelling together in the redeemed and now perfect New Heaven/New Earth.

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Re: How do you view heaven?

Post by PaulSacramento »

DBowling wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote: Wright is one of my favorite theologians.
I think that sometimes we forget that this HERE, Our Planet Earth, is where God has always wanted us to be.
Yes, when we die our spirit returns to God BUT come the resurrection, we will live here on a New Earth and we will be able to travel between that New Earth and that New heaven, a heaven made for us and for those sons of God that have remained loyal to Him.
I am a big fan of Wright as well! :)
In fact at the moment he would have to be the single most influential living theologian on me personally.

An interesting premise that Wright brings to the table is that in the New Heaven/New Earth eternal state (Rev 21-22), Heaven and Earth are not separate.
God's redemption of his creation involves the coming together of his creation (Earth) and his domain (Heaven) so that God and man are dwelling together in the redeemed and now perfect New Heaven/New Earth.

In Christ
Yes and I agree with Wright ( Hesler states this as well by the way).
That was the original purpose for Eden.
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Re: How do you view heaven?

Post by DBowling »

PaulSacramento wrote: That was the original purpose for Eden.
As I've been deep diving Genesis 1-3 recently, one of the significant topics that inevitably comes up is "what was the purpose of "The Garden of Eden?"

And I am convinced that The Garden of Eden "Paradise" was a localized preview in Mesopotamia of God's New Heaven/New Earth that we see completed in Rev 21-22.
Revelation 21-22 has always been God's plan to perfect his creation by bringing his domain (Heaven) together with his creation.
In Genesis 2 God created an earthly Paradise where God's domain, Heaven, intersected with Earth in the Garden of Eden. God placed Adam and Eve in this Paradise so they could have perfect communion with God in the perfect New Heaven/New Earth environment.

Even though they were placed in Paradise, instead of perfect communion with God, man chose rebellion against God and was cast out of the Garden. This demonstrated mankind's need for redemption before he would be able to dwell with God in the New Heaven/New Earth.

Some thoughts...
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Re: How do you view heaven?

Post by PaulSacramento »

I suggest you pick up this one, its a really great read.

The Unseens realm by Michael S Heiser.
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Re: How do you view heaven?

Post by Philip »

Paul, Heiser is truly a great resource. He is exceptionally thorough in his analysis, theologically/Scripturally and otherwise. His Naked Bible website is really good - tries to cast a conservative, evangelical scholar's eyes that filters out tradition and denominational bias. His thing always is: What does the text actually SAY. AND what does it NOT say. Have you ever read his book, "The Fascade?"
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Re: How do you view heaven?

Post by melanie »

Disciplical wrote:People's interpretation of heaven tend to vary greatly. As far as I am aware, there is no solid consensus on what heaven could be like. The Bible doesn't seem to be all that forthcoming with information regarding our next life. What do you picture when you think of heaven?

Personally, I would want a world similar to this one, without sin and pain. Imagine experiencing all the joys of life without any negatives. I'd like to a place to gain infinite knowledge and wisdom and understanding. I've always thought I'd love to learn all the earth's many languages - shame I'd need many lifetimes to do it! A place where family and friends exist together free from pain and the inevitability of death and suffering, and a place where one can explore and continue learning and experiencing. I imagine this sounds whimsical but this would be an ideal existence.

What knowledge do we have of heaven and how do you interpret it?
I guess I have always had a somewhat whimsical view of what heaven may be like.
A combination of my own imagination and scripture.
To live in the reality as we know it and imagine a place without sorrow, completely devoid of tears and suffering is a reality, beautiful as it is, that escapes I think our greatest imagination.
Whether heaven is in the spriitual realm or in the future Kingdom here on earth it almost surpasses our ability to comprehend an existence so perfect and harmonious.
I long for it, but I can't really begin to explain what the spiritual coming home would really be like.
I have many words I could use to explain what I may think it could be like but I don't think it would come close.
The best idea I have is a dream I had about a year and a half ago.
It came at a time when I was emotionally struggling. I had custody of my niece and nephew since they were very little, 18 months and I was really in turmoil how my role, as their mother for their upbringing conflicted with the role of my sister, their birth mother.
I knew no other way but to throw myself into the role and love them unconditionally as any mum would.
After a couple years this was an effortless role on my part, they quickly became like my very own.
But the emotional mind field was difficult when my sister, in many ways quite understandably took away from my role and told the children "that's not your mum, I am".
I have never held anything back from the kids, mums and loving dads don't have to biological to play such an important role.
But I was all over the place, thrust into the situation not be my own mistakes but by a sister that could not look after her twins. The emotional landslide this caused was extremely difficult.
Not only for me, but my two children and my husband.

One night I prayed, well just broke down before God and said 'I'm struggling, what am I to these children? What about my sister?. I didn't ask those exact words but the gist was there in between the heartache.

Before my sis got sick she was beautiful. Artistic, athletic, and gorgeous. In our early years of high school she was the envy of everyone. Myself included but years of mental illness, copious medication and lifestyle she turned into the laughing stock.
obese, mentally unstable, scattered and physically quite obviously not all there.

So this night I prayed and cried for me, for her, for the kids. I was confused, angry and emotional.

Then I saw the twins laughing in my dream. They were much older near adolescence. They were in a field and so carefree. I instantly recognised them in my dream. Even though they were so much older it was their voices that instantly made me realise it was them. There was a woman sitting on a tree stump with them laughing and interacting with them. They all looked so happy.
It seemed instantaneously that the thought arised 'who is that woman' that I moved much closer onto the scene.
I knew the answer as soon as I asked the question.
It was my sister.
She was unrecognisable as I know her now but it was her, as she should have been if life didn't rob her of her chance to be what she could of and should have been.
I watched in my dream, mesmerised by her beauty, her peace, her laughter, her joy and her children.

That for me was a glimpse of heaven.
When everything that this world corrupts is made right.

I know people may say, well you dreamt what you wanted to see.
But I didn't.
I wanted to see myself with my children.
My indignation was 'I am their mother'

But God showed me something different.
I am in no way taking away from my role in their lives, and I will love and care for them as if they were my very own.
As the most precious, little beings that they are but one day when everything is as it should be, my sister will have her children.
That is heaven for me.....
When everything is just as it should be.
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