Drug users likely hellbound?

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Post by LinkJ86 »

I do not mean to offend you PHIL121, but I categorize you as one of the millions of christians who have no idea what salvation is and what it entails. I do not mean to pick on you specifically because I know so many christians out there have the same problem. They think that salvation lies within works and thus focus on more of what I need to do to save myself. Well the bible clearly teaches belief is the only requirement, and that does not mean that I believe and then I go out and do bad things, of course not. But since when is drinking a little alcohol or smoking a herb categorized as bad? isnt "bad" things in the bible things such as not loving you neighbor or not loving your God? as you can see these two rules have to deal with the SOUL which is the most important thing that God cares about since it is the only thing that is considered immortal in this world. Even CS Lewis said that the things of the soul is far more important than things of the flesh. Too many christians today have strayed away from what God really cares about, the soul. They worry about the people who do drugs or drink or swear, but they dont care about the gossipers, which is far worse in my opinion because it deals with making people worse (not loving you neighbor). I am not saying addiction is OK, i never said that, I said everything in moderation and love only GOD, therefore you cannot be addicted to anyhting else.
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Post by PHIL121 »

Rather than responding to obfuscating diatribe, LinkJ86, why don't we just refer to the original article I posted, and answer a few ethical questions it poses?

Was it proper forthe Bishop to accept money he knew was coming from the sale of cocaine?

Did accepting the money "make it pure" as the Bishop suggested?

And on a more general aspect, LORD knows the American legal system runs on money obtained from the so-called 'war on drugs'; should the Church do the same?
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Post by LinkJ86 »

please do not digress, the discussion has turned into this matter so please address my previous statement instead of trying to go into another matter, if you cannot retort then simply do not answer or reply and we will leave the matter as settled, thank you
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Post by Chris »

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Post by Kurieuo »

I have a headache. Anyone got an asprin or panadol? ;)

"Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Romans 10:13)
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