Prophecies that haven't been fulfilled yet

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Re: Prophecies that haven't been fulfilled yet

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Psalms is seen as a book of Poetry to some but there are all kinds of wonderful info in the Psalms that tie into other scripture.

Like for example Psalm 148:4 "Praise him,ye heavens of heavens,and ye waters that be above the heavens.
Genesis 1:7 "And God made the firmament,and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament,and it was so.
Job 37:10 "By the breath of God frost is given,and the breadth of the waters is straitened."
Job 37:18 "Hast thou with him spread out the sky,which is strong,and as a molten looking glass.
1st Corinthians 14:12 "For now we see through through a glass darkly:but then face to face:now I know in part;but then shall I know even as also I am known.
Revelation 4:6 "And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal:and in the midst of the throne,and round about the throne,were four beasts full of eyes before and behind."
Last edited by abelcainsbrother on Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Prophecies that haven't been fulfilled yet

Post by Storyteller »

I know.

Its just hard sometimes.

Myra Hindley found Christ before she died. I still struggle with that. She gets heaven just because she believes. I know thats the whole point and sin is sin but I have.a hard time with that. Especially when good people like Gandhi are condemned to Hell.

I know its something I have to deal with, im raging at God right now.
Its not fair, and im fully aware im throwing a tantrum.

love and tolerance, forgiveness unless you dont believe?
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Re: Prophecies that haven't been fulfilled yet

Post by RickD »

Storyteller wrote:I know.

Its just hard sometimes.

Myra Hindley found Christ before she died. I still struggle with that. She gets heaven just because she believes. I know thats the whole point and sin is sin but I have.a hard time with that. Especially when good people like Gandhi are condemned to Hell.

I know its something I have to deal with, im raging at God right now.
Its not fair, and im fully aware im throwing a tantrum.

love and tolerance, forgiveness unless you dont believe?
What makes you think Gandhi was good?

He took his non violence stance to the extreme. He believed the Jews should not have fought back against the nazis. He thought they should have submitted themselves to the nazis, to the point of death.

And btw, how do you know Gandhi is in hell? We can only hope he repented, and trusted Christ before he died.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Prophecies that haven't been fulfilled yet

Post by Storyteller »

Okay maybe not Gandhi.

But you know what I mean..
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Re: Prophecies that haven't been fulfilled yet

Post by Philip »

We read "that the righteous will not be condemned" - So, who are the RIGHTEOUS, Scripturally speaking? They are the ones CLOAKED in righteousness through faith in the Cross and Jesus. And NOT through actions! If people merely need to be good - well, what is "good?" We're speaking of WORKS - as if there are works that God will recognize as making a person worthy of Heaven/Salvation. But that goes against a ton of Scripture. Why confuse people with apologetics, why missions, why make JESUS so critical? Why believe that refusing to believe in what God has ALREADY shown people of HIMSELF is not akin to also rejecting Jesus? Because, that God they ALREADY know exists, that they reject/refuse to follow IS Jesus, they just don't know the details, the specifics, the history, the Gospel. They don't yet have this further, ESSENTIAL understanding of Who God is. But, make no mistake about it - they have ALREADY rejected the VERY same God that faith in is a requirement. So, this supposed hopeful, liberal reading into Scripture about another supposed category of people who haven't specifically rejected JESUS, is unScriptural. Funny, but when the Apostle Paul addresses this very same issue, of why people are doomed to hell, he doesn't even mention rejection of JESUS as being the reason. Why? Because they are rejecting God, of Whom Jesus also is. If one rejects God, they AUTOMATICALLY are also rejecting Jesus! This is inescapable.

IF ignorance of Jesus while doing supposed "good" works would be sufficient for God to save a person, WHY do missions with the Gospel messages, as surely many people might have a basic morality that makes them seem like pretty decent folks. Why tell them about Jesus and risk that they might reject Him, IF they could just remain pretty good people and God would accept them into eternity? Notice that Paul and the other Apostles emphasize how critical it is that people know the Gospel message? It's the mandated Great Commission. WHY would it be so critical? Why would God want us to spread something (knowledge of Jesus) that would doom people not accepting of it? None of that makes any sense. Why not just limit missions work to encouraging good moral behavior and silence about Jesus - UNLESS? And, we have absolutely NO indication in Scripture that would validate this "third group" (good but ignorant of Jesus). In fact, much the opposite. This is akin to Calvinist interpretations designed to harmonize a Christian being chosen and God's Sovereignty with the Five Point understanding. There's just too much other Scripture that refutes it.
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Re: Prophecies that haven't been fulfilled yet

Post by Philip »

I'll go further, on the above. As we can see that many people live and die without knowing the Gospel, as not only did God put them in historic time and geographic place so as they would never encounter it, but He also never sent or connected them with missionaries, or - that we know of/can see - He's not reached them in ways other than their general knowledge of Himself (Romans 1). Which is not to say He doesn't do so independent of man's efforts - as He most certainly does, but this is not His typical way of reaching people, and we cannot see it.

So, given such people (above), and as God most certainly WANTS these unreached peoples to accept Christ, and as He tells us there is NO OTHER WAY to salvation except through embracing Jesus through faith, what might be the reason God doesn't provide such people the knowledge of Christ? I would say it's likely because it would be "casting pearls before swine" - as it would be unprofitable to people God certainly knows 1) have ALREADY rejected God and His General Revelation about Himself, and 2) as He foreknows intimately their hearts and minds, that further revelation of the Gospel and would be only a FURTHER rejection and worthless to them, and not worth either the danger, risk or wasted efforts of missionaries.

Think about it: Certainly in many parts of America, there are churches everywhere, Bibles, printed and online, everywhere, apologetics websites abound. ANYONE here, who wants to know about Jesus has countless sources to learn about Him, many Christians to engage, etc. And just how few do so! And WHY not? It's certainly not for a lack of information or opportunities! It is because most people resist and avoid God, want nothing to do with Him. And so, as for such determined, PERMANENT resisters, what advantage is the Gospel? As they may as well have been born in some remote, dark pagan place. So, I would summit this is a likely reason such people never hear about Jesus, as God knows they would merely reject this deeper revelation about Who He is and what He has done. It's not as if the world is saturated with good, moral people who would absolutely embrace the Gospel if they had it. Our own society refutes such a fantasy.
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Re: Prophecies that haven't been fulfilled yet

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Philip wrote:I'll go further, on the above. As we can see that many people live and die without knowing the Gospel, as not only did God put them in historic time and geographic place so as they would never encounter it, but He also never sent or connected them with missionaries, or - that we know of/can see - He's not reached them in ways other than their general knowledge of Himself (Romans 1). Which is not to say He doesn't do so independent of man's efforts - as He most certainly does, but this is not His typical way of reaching people, and we cannot see it.

So, given such people (above), and as God most certainly WANTS these unreached peoples to accept Christ, and as He tells us there is NO OTHER WAY to salvation except through embracing Jesus through faith, what might be the reason God doesn't provide such people the knowledge of Christ? I would say it's likely because it would be "casting pearls before swine" - as it would be unprofitable to people God certainly knows 1) have ALREADY rejected God and His General Revelation about Himself, and 2) as He foreknows intimately their hearts and minds, that further revelation of the Gospel and would be only a FURTHER rejection and worthless to them, and not worth either the danger, risk or wasted efforts of missionaries.

Think about it: Certainly in many parts of America, there are churches everywhere, Bibles, printed and online, everywhere, apologetics websites abound. ANYONE here, who wants to know about Jesus has countless sources to learn about Him, many Christians to engage, etc. And just how few do so! And WHY not? It's certainly not for a lack of information or opportunities! It is because most people resist and avoid God, want nothing to do with Him. And so, as for such determined, PERMANENT resisters, what advantage is the Gospel? As they may as well have been born in some remote, dark pagan place. So, I would summit this is a likely reason such people never hear about Jesus, as God knows they would merely reject this deeper revelation about Who He is and what He has done. It's not as if the world is saturated with good, moral people who would absolutely embrace the Gospel if they had it. Our own society refutes such a fantasy.

Satan and his kingdom is out in full force decieving and leading people away from the truth.When there is so much deception it effects our efforts to reach the lost.You're right with so many resources and information about the bible and Christianity available you would think that people would take advantage of it and yet it seems like they are ignoring it.It doeas'nt help that creationism is in a crisis so it is not as effective as it could be.

Despite the good intentions of the church somehow we lost our way and have lost ground that we should have never lost.It is frustrating as a Christian to do every thing you can to reach the lost and yet it seems to fall on deaf ears and it has reached a point to where people don't trust ministers and it is like casting pearls before swine trying to reach them. Nothing seems to work and yet I know God is not willing that any should perish but it is frustrating when you realize that it seems like a stalled out stalemate right now.

How are we supposed to reach the lost when it seems nothing we try is working especially in western society? It is very frustrating but despite this I don't think God is finished yet reaching the lost but I feel like some changes need to be made with the church I mean not on the bible but the way we are ministering to the lost. I really believe somehow the church got off track and now it is effecting us,yet it seems nobody wants to change,they just keep wanting to do things the same ol way expecting a different result. It is like pulling teeth to get people to change their mind about what they believe too.

I believe the church needs to do some seeking and finding from God because what they are doing does'nt seem to be working. But how are we to convince the church to do some soul searching to find a better way from God? I don't know, but it is frustrating because I hate to see so many people perishing before my eyes and yet nothing seems to be working.I'm not saying nobody is coming to Christ,they are every day,but it does'nt seem to be as much as it could be.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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