Adam has to be real.

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Re: Adam has to be real.

Post by Mallz »

Sorry but before I drop the Gap Theory it is going to have to be biblically refuted and it never has been despite people rejecting it.I realize you see it as an obsession but I just believe it is true biblically and I'm tired of seeing people reject it for non-biblical reasons and even changing the meaning of words and rewriting history in some cases.
It has been and I'm tired of seeing you say otherwise and throwing it around as 'the truth'. It shows a lack of honesty on your part.
This is God's word we are talking about and I reject this idea creationism is'nt really important. If Gap Theory creationism is true biblically?It should be accepted instead of rejected for non-biblical reasons. If we don't understand God's word properly even when it comes to creation then we won't understand other parts of the bible. The word of God is like a big jigsaw puzzle and the more we put the pieces of the puzzle together the more we see. I believe this is from God and so it is important to understand.
I never said creationism isn't important, stop putting words in my mouth. The burden of proof (yes, biblical proof) shows that the theory is from man, not God. It is from your mind, not His.
It seems to me you are rejecting it for non-biblical reasons instead of honestly and truthfully looking into it to make sure.I believe alot of scientific minded people have been driven away from God's word and the gospel because this creationism was not taught and was rejected for more popular creation interpretations and theories when had this been taught we would not have so many people decieved away from God's word and the gospel.Scientific minded people think the bible is totally wrong when it comes to science and just skimming over this problem will not make it go away. I don't see how you can say this does'nt matter. It does matter that we believe the truth of God's word even when it comes to creationism,it is not a salvation issue but a biblical truth issue.
If you were honest with what you were saying here (obviously not from your words here), you would choose the stance of Theistic Evolution. It's a reality life truth issue (bible is included in that). I see you caring much more about gap theory than Jesus Christ and His coming Kingdom, that is your issue. Don't equate Gods truth with your truth. That is the epitome of arrogant hubris. I'll tell you how it matters to Him: if your making it a stumbling block for others and if you care about anything more than you do Him and what He tells us we should be doing. The amount of energy and time you put towards the gap theory, is not OK. Especially when what He wants us to be doing is so overlooked: Believing in Him, telling others about Him and His coming Kingdom and building an relationship with Him and each other in unity.
All I'm getting back is people judging me because of my creation stance and that is not a reason to reject this. I don't judge others for their creation stance eventhough I might think they are wrong according to God's word.
You're being judged for your actions and words. Your blind arrogance is only not apparent to you. I see this a stumbling block to you and you putting one up for others. But my words are obviously meaningless here, so I'm done.
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Re: Adam has to be real.

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Mallz wrote:
Sorry but before I drop the Gap Theory it is going to have to be biblically refuted and it never has been despite people rejecting it.I realize you see it as an obsession but I just believe it is true biblically and I'm tired of seeing people reject it for non-biblical reasons and even changing the meaning of words and rewriting history in some cases.
It has been and I'm tired of seeing you say otherwise and throwing it around as 'the truth'. It shows a lack of honesty on your part.
This is God's word we are talking about and I reject this idea creationism is'nt really important. If Gap Theory creationism is true biblically?It should be accepted instead of rejected for non-biblical reasons. If we don't understand God's word properly even when it comes to creation then we won't understand other parts of the bible. The word of God is like a big jigsaw puzzle and the more we put the pieces of the puzzle together the more we see. I believe this is from God and so it is important to understand.
I never said creationism isn't important, stop putting words in my mouth. The burden of proof (yes, biblical proof) shows that the theory is from man, not God. It is from your mind, not His.
It seems to me you are rejecting it for non-biblical reasons instead of honestly and truthfully looking into it to make sure.I believe alot of scientific minded people have been driven away from God's word and the gospel because this creationism was not taught and was rejected for more popular creation interpretations and theories when had this been taught we would not have so many people decieved away from God's word and the gospel.Scientific minded people think the bible is totally wrong when it comes to science and just skimming over this problem will not make it go away. I don't see how you can say this does'nt matter. It does matter that we believe the truth of God's word even when it comes to creationism,it is not a salvation issue but a biblical truth issue.
If you were honest with what you were saying here (obviously not from your words here), you would choose the stance of Theistic Evolution. It's a reality life truth issue (bible is included in that). I see you caring much more about gap theory than Jesus Christ and His coming Kingdom, that is your issue. Don't equate Gods truth with your truth. That is the epitome of arrogant hubris. I'll tell you how it matters to Him: if your making it a stumbling block for others and if you care about anything more than you do Him and what He tells us we should be doing. The amount of energy and time you put towards the gap theory, is not OK. Especially when what He wants us to be doing is so overlooked: Believing in Him, telling others about Him and His coming Kingdom and building an relationship with Him and each other in unity.
All I'm getting back is people judging me because of my creation stance and that is not a reason to reject this. I don't judge others for their creation stance eventhough I might think they are wrong according to God's word.
You're being judged for your actions and words. Your blind arrogance is only not apparent to you. I see this a stumbling block to you and you putting one up for others. But my words are obviously meaningless here, so I'm done.
You are judging me look I have a thread on here Evolution vs The Gap Theory. If you would like to discuss this in a respecful way and try to make your case why I should accept Theistic evolution? We can discuss it in that thread. You can try to make your bible case there or any other reasons.
Here is the link : The theory of evolution vs The Gap Theory ... =7&t=40234
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Adam has to be real.

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Adam has to be real.

Post by melanie »

Mallz wrote:
Sorry but before I drop the Gap Theory it is going to have to be biblically refuted and it never has been despite people rejecting it.I realize you see it as an obsession but I just believe it is true biblically and I'm tired of seeing people reject it for non-biblical reasons and even changing the meaning of words and rewriting history in some cases.
It has been and I'm tired of seeing you say otherwise and throwing it around as 'the truth'. It shows a lack of honesty on your part.
This is God's word we are talking about and I reject this idea creationism is'nt really important. If Gap Theory creationism is true biblically?It should be accepted instead of rejected for non-biblical reasons. If we don't understand God's word properly even when it comes to creation then we won't understand other parts of the bible. The word of God is like a big jigsaw puzzle and the more we put the pieces of the puzzle together the more we see. I believe this is from God and so it is important to understand.
I never said creationism isn't important, stop putting words in my mouth. The burden of proof (yes, biblical proof) shows that the theory is from man, not God. It is from your mind, not His.
It seems to me you are rejecting it for non-biblical reasons instead of honestly and truthfully looking into it to make sure.I believe alot of scientific minded people have been driven away from God's word and the gospel because this creationism was not taught and was rejected for more popular creation interpretations and theories when had this been taught we would not have so many people decieved away from God's word and the gospel.Scientific minded people think the bible is totally wrong when it comes to science and just skimming over this problem will not make it go away. I don't see how you can say this does'nt matter. It does matter that we believe the truth of God's word even when it comes to creationism,it is not a salvation issue but a biblical truth issue.
If you were honest with what you were saying here (obviously not from your words here), you would choose the stance of Theistic Evolution. It's a reality life truth issue (bible is included in that). I see you caring much more about gap theory than Jesus Christ and His coming Kingdom, that is your issue. Don't equate Gods truth with your truth. That is the epitome of arrogant hubris. I'll tell you how it matters to Him: if your making it a stumbling block for others and if you care about anything more than you do Him and what He tells us we should be doing. The amount of energy and time you put towards the gap theory, is not OK. Especially when what He wants us to be doing is so overlooked: Believing in Him, telling others about Him and His coming Kingdom and building an relationship with Him and each other in unity.
All I'm getting back is people judging me because of my creation stance and that is not a reason to reject this. I don't judge others for their creation stance eventhough I might think they are wrong according to God's word.
You're being judged for your actions and words. Your blind arrogance is only not apparent to you. I see this a stumbling block to you and you putting one up for others. But my words are obviously meaningless here, so I'm done.
Mallz said
If you were honest with what you were saying here you would chose the stance of theistic evolution
Is that not the pot calling the kettle black?
Was not your beef here that Abel was equating his creation stance with an arrogant assumption of what is truth but then assume if he was being honest he would take the stance of theistic evolution.
So truth equates to.... insert whatever personal creation stance we hold too.
Maybe I have misunderstood you Mallz but it seems like you have done exactly what you have accused Abel of y:-?

I do completely agree with you that our creation stance is secondary to our relationship with Jesus and should never be a stumbling block for ourselves and others. This is why I never get involved with creation debates because at the end of the day, we don't really know with any certainty.
God said to Job "where were you when I laid the foundations of the world".
We need to remain humble.
Science is mans way of trying to understand God's workings, His perfect construction of all we know, His ability to maintain it all. We do not have this all worked out, the finite trying to grasp the infinite. Despite our best abilities our interpretations and understanding of nature and scripture are flawed. We are incapable of perfect understanding.

And so the debate goes around and around. YEC's are accused of totally ignoring obvious truths within nature whilst accusing others of forsaking scripture. TE's are accused of twisting scripture and believing man over God whilst accusing others of being scientifically dishonest and Gap Theorists are accused of being dishonest on both counts whilst accusing others of the same.

I do think Abel is passionate about the Gap theory not because he is putting the theory before God but because he feels it's a stance that gets overlooked and he is passionate in showing people that there is a way to reconcile scripture with what science tells us about the age of the earth and it doesn't have to be evolution. There is another option.
A very valid option.
The crux of his sometimes dogmatic approach I think is not because he is trying to get everyone to believe like him but because he believes that the Gap Theory may help those struggling with tying in scripture and science like the OP.
He doesn't want people to turn away from God because they are struggling to reconcile a YEC or TE or whatever approach. So he is always jumping up and down shouting 'hey, over here, there's another option'.

Sorry if I have put words in your mouth Abel or misconstrued your intentions.
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Re: Adam has to be real.

Post by Mallz »

why I should accept Theistic evolution?
I don't believe in Theistic Evolution.
Mel: Was not your beef here that Abel was equating his creation stance with an arrogant assumption of what is truth
Nope, Wasn't the point at all. I could care less that he believes gap theory. I care that he fixates on it in an unhealthy fashion to the point when he talks Jesus is a side topic.
He doesn't want people to turn away from God because they are struggling to reconcile a YEC or TE or whatever approach. So he is always jumping up and down shouting 'hey, over here, there's another option'.
That might be his intention, but isn't how he is coming off.

Regardless, it's obvious what I'm trying to say yet again I can't express. So sorry ACB for causing bad vibes to you.
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Re: Adam has to be real.

Post by Storyteller »

I think the point is that it appears to beall ACB talks about.
As I posted earlier, it seems to be about changing our minds to accept a certain theory rather than focusing on Christ.
I like a lot of ACB's posts but they all seem to be about the Gap theory, if he put that passion into Christ, I think he would be (even more) awesome.

Personally, and it is my problem, not his, he posts too much about it. To the point where I switch off, its overload.
I admire his tenacity and strength of belief but I tire of reading about it all the time.

And none of that is an attack on you acb xx
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Re: Adam has to be real.

Post by abelcainsbrother »

I think of alot of people who have forsaken Christianity and the bible over science.It seems the church has no answer and is wrong when it comes to science. I know it does'nt effect those who have kept their faith intact but it has effected alot of people and yet I have a heart for these kind of people and yet it seems like these people are overlooked.

This has alot to do with why I accept Gap Theory creationism. Now personally I never lost my faith or even came close to it but others have and it seems because the bible is wrong when it comes to science to them and yet Jesus loves them so I am offering another option that they never even knew about because of more popular creation theories and interpretations that has had no effect to them when trying to reconcile science and the bible. They know about the popular ones but don't know about the best kept secret in the church Gap Theory creationism.

To be truthful it is probably past the point of return to the point that people are aligned with their particular creation interpretation and they are just not going to change their mind after all of this time that science has been blended into their creation stance but there is another option that people need to know about.

I realize alot of you disagree with Gap Theory creationism but I believe that we would not be in the situation we are in if Gap Theory creationism was the majority view and had it been taught instead however I realize that alot of you doubt this,you probably think it would be something else,but I can tell you it would not be evolution driving people away from God and the bible. Science would have had to come up with some other theory instead of evolution.

You may disagree with me but you don't truly know and understand Gap Theory creationism because of all of the misinformation out there about it. This is just another option to consider before somebody else loses their faith in God and the bible over science.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Adam has to be real.

Post by RickD »

acb wrote:
I think of alot of people who have forsaken Christianity and the bible over science.It seems the church has no answer and is wrong when it comes to science.
They know about the popular ones but don't know about the best kept secret in the church Gap Theory creationism.
I think it would be best, if the Gap theory were kept secret. ;)
I realize alot of you disagree with Gap Theory creationism but I believe that we would not be in the situation we are in if Gap Theory creationism was the majority view and had it been taught instead however I realize that alot of you doubt this,you probably think it would be something else,but I can tell you it would not be evolution driving people away from God and the bible. Science would have had to come up with some other theory instead of evolution.
If the gap theory were the majority view of Christians, we'd be looked at as if we were crazy. Just like the church is looked at as crazy because of yec. I hate to break it to you ACB, I know you don't like to hear this, the Gap Theory will not defeat evolution. The only think that will "defeat" evolution, is science. If evolution is false, then science will show that in the future. If evolution is true, then science will show that in the future. But first, you need to stop redefining evolution. Evolution simply means "change over time". In evolution's simplest meaning, that's all it means. And no rational person thinks "change over time" is false.
You may disagree with me but you don't truly know and understand Gap Theory creationism because of all of the misinformation out there about it. This is just another option to consider before somebody else loses their faith in God and the bible over science.
So...anyone who disagrees with the Gap theory, disagrees because they don't understand it?
Disagreement has nothing to do with the theory having no basis whatsoever, in scripture, and science? y:-?
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Re: Adam has to be real.

Post by abelcainsbrother »

RickD wrote:
acb wrote:
I think of alot of people who have forsaken Christianity and the bible over science.It seems the church has no answer and is wrong when it comes to science.
They know about the popular ones but don't know about the best kept secret in the church Gap Theory creationism.
I think it would be best, if the Gap theory were kept secret. ;)
I realize alot of you disagree with Gap Theory creationism but I believe that we would not be in the situation we are in if Gap Theory creationism was the majority view and had it been taught instead however I realize that alot of you doubt this,you probably think it would be something else,but I can tell you it would not be evolution driving people away from God and the bible. Science would have had to come up with some other theory instead of evolution.
If the gap theory were the majority view of Christians, we'd be looked at as if we were crazy. Just like the church is looked at as crazy because of yec. I hate to break it to you ACB, I know you don't like to hear this, the Gap Theory will not defeat evolution. The only think that will "defeat" evolution, is science. If evolution is false, then science will show that in the future. If evolution is true, then science will show that in the future. But first, you need to stop redefining evolution. Evolution simply means "change over time". In evolution's simplest meaning, that's all it means. And no rational person thinks "change over time" is false.
You may disagree with me but you don't truly know and understand Gap Theory creationism because of all of the misinformation out there about it. This is just another option to consider before somebody else loses their faith in God and the bible over science.
So...anyone who disagrees with the Gap theory, disagrees because they don't understand it?
Disagreement has nothing to do with the theory having no basis whatsoever, in scripture, and science? y:-?

OK then not many people would believe evolution then.I guess you're right science could've held on to evolution but not many people would believe it like they do today.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Adam has to be real.

Post by melanie »

Storyteller wrote:I think the point is that it appears to beall ACB talks about.
As I posted earlier, it seems to be about changing our minds to accept a certain theory rather than focusing on Christ.
I like a lot of ACB's posts but they all seem to be about the Gap theory, if he put that passion into Christ, I think he would be (even more) awesome.

Personally, and it is my problem, not his, he posts too much about it. To the point where I switch off, its overload.
I admire his tenacity and strength of belief but I tire of reading about it all the time.

And none of that is an attack on you acb xx
Yes he does talk about it a lot. I understand if some find that slightly or more so annoying.
So I completely get the notion of "boy brother you bang on an awful lot about the Gap Theory"
But I don't agree with the notion that he is doing so out of arrogance and a fervour to try and 'make' people believe like he does. I honestly think that Abel believes that Gap Theory is key in getting more people to Christ. He believes it could be the thing that makes people who have become resistant to the gospel because of scientific findings and let's face it, there are many come back to Christ.
I'm not saying he's right. But I believe it's his motivating factor much more so than a personal arrogant, persistent tactic so others believe like him and conform to his beliefs.
It is done for the right reasons but maybe the way about it could use some tweaking.
I dunno.
I also think this idea that if he put this much effort, time and energy into Jesus as the Gap theory then what a difference he could make, well I think that could be said of the lot of us. We all have our distractions and wasted energies that would be better served if placed with Jesus.
Peace and Love y>:D<
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Re: Adam has to be real.

Post by melanie »

RickD wrote:
acb wrote:
I think of alot of people who have forsaken Christianity and the bible over science.It seems the church has no answer and is wrong when it comes to science.
They know about the popular ones but don't know about the best kept secret in the church Gap Theory creationism.
I think it would be best, if the Gap theory were kept secret. ;)
I realize alot of you disagree with Gap Theory creationism but I believe that we would not be in the situation we are in if Gap Theory creationism was the majority view and had it been taught instead however I realize that alot of you doubt this,you probably think it would be something else,but I can tell you it would not be evolution driving people away from God and the bible. Science would have had to come up with some other theory instead of evolution.
If the gap theory were the majority view of Christians, we'd be looked at as if we were crazy. Just like the church is looked at as crazy because of yec. I hate to break it to you ACB, I know you don't like to hear this, the Gap Theory will not defeat evolution. The only think that will "defeat" evolution, is science. If evolution is false, then science will show that in the future. If evolution is true, then science will show that in the future. But first, you need to stop redefining evolution. Evolution simply means "change over time". In evolution's simplest meaning, that's all it means. And no rational person thinks "change over time" is false.
You may disagree with me but you don't truly know and understand Gap Theory creationism because of all of the misinformation out there about it. This is just another option to consider before somebody else loses their faith in God and the bible over science.
So...anyone who disagrees with the Gap theory, disagrees because they don't understand it?
Disagreement has nothing to do with the theory having no basis whatsoever, in scripture, and science? y:-?
And this is the exact reason Abel keeps going on about it because he feels like he needs to defend it, is it any wonder?......
You are using Rick the dictionaries secondary definition of evolution. We all know what it means for Petes sake. As clearly defined by dictionary and culture.
I'm not going to get into a debate about this so I'm bowing out, by the Gap Theory is totally reconcilable with science and scripture. That is how I interpreted scripture personally long before I even knew it was a theory, so it must be right :mrgreen: :ewink:
I was told from the get go, ohh it's wrong, nobody believes that anymore......
Perhaps if there was more respect across the board for people's creation stances we wouldn't look like arguing, spoilt, school yard children to observers.

Edit: That sounded harsher than I intended.
What I said about respecting people's creation stances was not directed at you Rick but an overall statement. There have been posters on here that have felt this who are YEC.
Can't we just disagree without making it personal, questioning people's intelligence, integrity, scriptural understanding ect.
We all just trying to do the best we can with the info we have. Non Christians included.
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Re: Adam has to be real.

Post by Nessa »

The thing is if someone is talking about a subject you dont like then dont....
:blah: instead do this :censored:

And if it really becomes a problem, try this...
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Re: Adam has to be real.

Post by abelcainsbrother »

What good would the theory of evolution be if not many people believed it like they do today? More and more people are accepting evolution but had Gap Theory creationism been taught this would not be the case because the Gap Theory is more believable once all of the evidence is laid out.

Not many people would believe evolution is real,true science today but this did not happen,instead other creation theories were taught and so evolution is believable to people today.When we have the correct biblical interpretation? Nature God created will line up with it and the Gap Theory does if you don't look at the evidence from an evolution view point,yet most everybody does today and more and more people are accepting evolution too because they think the bible is wrong when it comes to science.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Adam has to be real.

Post by RickD »

mel wrote:
And this is the exact reason Abel keeps going on about it because he feels like he needs to defend it, is it any wonder?......
You are using Rick the dictionaries secondary definition of evolution. We all know what it means for Petes sake. As clearly defined by dictionary and culture.
My point is that ACB does not understand evolution. He's making an argument against something he doesn't understand.
I'm not going to get into a debate about this so I'm bowing out, by the Gap Theory is totally reconcilable with science and scripture. That is how I interpreted scripture personally long before I even knew it was a theory, so it must be right :mrgreen: :ewink:
I was told from the get go, ohh it's wrong, nobody believes that anymore
So, you're going to assert that the gap theory is totally reconcilable with scripture and science. And then to back your assertion, you are going to bow out?

Well, you know what they say about things asserted without evidence, being dismissed without evidence...
Perhaps if there was more respect across the board for people's creation stances we wouldn't look like arguing, spoilt, school yard children to observers.
Really? So now, disagreeing with a creation stance, showing why we disagree with it, is wrong?
What I said about respecting people's creation stances was not directed at you Rick but an overall statement. There have been posters on here that have felt this who are YEC.
Can't we just disagree without making it personal, questioning people's intelligence, integrity, scriptural understanding ect.
We all just trying to do the best we can with the info we have. Non Christians included.
Sure. That's how I look at it. I don't question someone's intelligence, or honesty, or even scriptural understanding, until I think there's a reason to question one of them. And just because I disagree with someone's scriptural understanding, and show reasons why I disagree, that doesn't necessarily mean I question their integrity. It's about having a discussion. I think X is correct think y is correct because...

Then we hopefully take it all into consideration when we decide what we want to believe.
John 5:24
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Re: Adam has to be real.

Post by abelcainsbrother »

RickD wrote:
mel wrote:
And this is the exact reason Abel keeps going on about it because he feels like he needs to defend it, is it any wonder?......
You are using Rick the dictionaries secondary definition of evolution. We all know what it means for Petes sake. As clearly defined by dictionary and culture.
My point is that ACB does not understand evolution. He's making an argument against something he doesn't understand.
I'm not going to get into a debate about this so I'm bowing out, by the Gap Theory is totally reconcilable with science and scripture. That is how I interpreted scripture personally long before I even knew it was a theory, so it must be right :mrgreen: :ewink:
I was told from the get go, ohh it's wrong, nobody believes that anymore
So, you're going to assert that the gap theory is totally reconcilable with scripture and science. And then to back your assertion, you are going to bow out?

Well, you know what they say about things asserted without evidence, being dismissed without evidence...
Perhaps if there was more respect across the board for people's creation stances we wouldn't look like arguing, spoilt, school yard children to observers.
Really? So now, disagreeing with a creation stance, showing why we disagree with it, is wrong?
What I said about respecting people's creation stances was not directed at you Rick but an overall statement. There have been posters on here that have felt this who are YEC.
Can't we just disagree without making it personal, questioning people's intelligence, integrity, scriptural understanding ect.
We all just trying to do the best we can with the info we have. Non Christians included.
Sure. That's how I look at it. I don't question someone's intelligence, or honesty, or even scriptural understanding, until I think there's a reason to question one of them. And just because I disagree with someone's scriptural understanding, and show reasons why I disagree, that doesn't necessarily mean I question their integrity. It's about having a discussion. I think X is correct think y is correct because...

Then we hopefully take it all into consideration when we decide what we want to believe.
I know enough about evolution to know it is a myth. The only change we observe and that their own evidence shows is normal variation in reproduction or kinds producing after their kind. I mean we can look at their evidence from finches,viruses,bacteria,rats,dogs,plants,salamanders,etc and yet we see normal variation in reproduction that was known about thousands of years before Charles Darwin and yet today 150 years later they still have only showed and demonstrated normal variation in reproduction or we can even say kinds producing after their kind and even after the life has adapted also. Like e-coli bacteria that adapted to eat nylon,yet it still shows normal variation in reproduction or kinds producing after their kind,no evolution,no natural selection,etc. Science has never even came close to demonstrating environmental pressures causes life to evolve. It is all based on assumption based on normal variation in reproduction or adaptation. We did not need scientists to demonstrate in a lab there is normal variation in reproduction or that life can adapt,instead we needed them to demonstrate life evolves. These things were already known and is not and cannot be used for evidence life evolves,yet it is. Even if you go by their own definitions you still only see normal variation in reproduction or adaptation being demonstrated. It is so much assumption based on stating the obvious and assuming life evolves based on it. And this is just one of the most glaring problems,there is more.

But also if Gap Theory creationism is right? There is no way any of the life in the former world evolved into the life in this world because there was a gap of time in between both worlds.This is why no fossils show any transition. ... gws_rd=ssl

As far as the Gap Theory I have clearly showed and explained biblically why I believe and accept this biblical interpretation and yet nobody has refuted it biblically despite denying it. Instead I've been told to believe what man says is true or the majority of bible scholars, told it is silly,etc. These are not biblical reasons for me to reject it. It is just more opinion than anything to me. I cannot make people change their mind,I can only show them why I believe it and it is up to them to look into it with prayer and an earnest desire to ignore man and understand honestly it to see if it is right. That is all I can do which I have tried to do.There are more popular creation theories they can accept.

There are people who don't want to discuss these issues because of the strife it can produce,but I do like to discuss differences and the reasaons for the differences.I just try to show why I believe what I do. I think it livens things up on here,and as long as people can be respectful?No harm is done.

All I've ever did is try to show why I believe it is the right one. I don't get disrespectful over it and I am nice about it. Sure I try to defend it well and make my arguments but underneath it is a brother or sister in Christ respect. I'm used to the Gap theory being rejected for more popular creation theories so I can handle it. It seems sometimes it is others that can't handle somebody disagreeing with their creation stance.

I also know it is just not important to certian people and they would rather discuss other things but we are not all the same and this is just another kind of discussion.We all don't agree on other things we discuss on here too and this is just another kind of discussion where we don't all agree. We could discuss the rapture,bible prophecy,the trinity,politics,etc and there would be differences so this is just another topic to discuss.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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