Kenny, a couple of questions if you don't mind answering.
Can you please explain to me what science says about the singularity to our universe, that is, what it is and what came prior? Secondly why are the physical laws of our universe as they are?
Without answers to these questions, your science and empirical methods are hung upon nothing.
That a universe like ours with its physical laws, life and the like could come into existence is nothing short of a miracle.
Scientifically, we can not explain how or why our universe and even ourselves exist. And, upon that unexplained miracle do we based our science.
Science works within a universe with a stable set of laws where someone can observe or experience.
We've all grown to appreciate the predictability of our own universe, such that we can see causal patterns, processes and certain laws and rules at work it seems just running on their own. When something in the universe happens according to such regularity, we call such a happening
natural. Yet, such
natural order arose from something prior to itself; a science of some other kind before science if you will.
Interestingly, today most scientists do not believe our universe is closed with no external influences. Whether they believe in God and a Creator as such bringing our universe into existence... or as some others prefer, invoking another something like another universe causing our own universe as in some multiverse scenario. Many multiversers talk of all physical laws breaking down, such that time itself breaks down which leads to a possibility of an
infinite number of universes. Our own universe therefore is just one of an infinite number of universes, and so we shouldn't be surprised that ours just happens to have physical laws right for life, or that life unfolded. This creates a push back on teleological fine-tuning arguments for God's existence you see. So it must be right since we can't just accept God created!
Based upon previous discussions we've had, you've stated:
Kenny wrote:Multiverse is just a concept; there is no proof it exists in reality. If I were going to go around making those kind of assumptions; might as well assume God right??? The Universe on the other hand; does exist in reality.
You are right, evidently our Universe does seem to exist. Yet, you can't say either way how it got there or why it exists as it does. Without answering such questions, then you cannot rule out that the same things which caused our Universe giving it the unique and stable set of physical laws on which we base scientific enquiry, will not continue having some effect.
Indeed that our Universe with it's physical set of laws came into existence is the biggest miracle. To answer this, one must break with what science says is/isn't natural, because we're talking of a period existing before the physical laws we depend upon for scientific enquiry.
So then, yes, there are certain stable laws in our universe which
naturally results in childbirth.
When physical life dies, physical bodies do not
naturally rise after death.
And when our universe formed with all its physical laws, such indeed is a miracle beyond science itself.
Science can only deal with
natural claims within its scope.
Therefore there is no clash between science and these Christian miraculous claims when we understand the respective boundaries of each.
The Christian claim of the virgin birth isn't that Jesus was
naturally conceived, but that God Himself chose to get off His throne and come to us in human form. Science has no claim on this, anymore than it does at explaining where our universe came from (which according to you we cannot know).