My journey

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Re: My journey

Post by 1over137 »

Philippians 4:6-7 ESV

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
-- Philippians 1:6

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Re: My journey

Post by Storyteller »

Don`t know where else to put this so I`m guessing it`ll be okay here.

Marley, my pooch, got attacked Thursday evening by two dogs :(

We were walking up the road (Marley was off lead, he is better off than on and he is well trained) when I saw this English Bull Terrier running towards him, follwed 10 seconds later by a woman. I shouted Is he friendly? To which she yelled No. By this time the bull terrier had hold of Marley and was dragging him to the ground. She grabbed her dog, we tried to get it off Marley. Her other dog then piled in (a staffordshire bull terrier), her other half followed who then prised their dogs off Marley.

Marley is now lame, he can`t put any weight on his hind leg. We have seen the vet, have been given pain relief for him and he needs a few days rest.

These people knew their dogs are agressive! To be fair, they were apologetic and explained that the dogs escaped while getting in their car but even so.
I have since found out it isn`t the first time this has happened.

I popped a note through their door on Thurs eve explaining that I would take Marley to vets on Fri morning, which I did, and would they consider paying the vets bill of £80. Nothing.
Put another note through Fri eve with a copy of the receipt asking them to get in touch to reimburse us. Nothing yet.

So..... what`s my next step?

1) Do nothing
2) Report the incident to our local dog warden and/or the police. (Bearing in mind if it had been a smaller breed of dog, or they hadn`t been so quick, the outcome could have been so different.
3) Chase them for the vets bill.

I am so angry with them. Not so much for having the dogs (though I still think why?) but for not taking precautions. I mean, a muzzle or lead would have totally prevented this. And it does absolutely nothing to help the reputation of these dogs.
If you`re going to own a powerful breed like that then you owe it to everybody to ensure they are not a danger.

Also, if they get back to us and pay up, isn`t it then a bit mean to report them?
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Re: My journey

Post by RickD »


That's awful. I think about that same situation whenever I take my dog for a walk. He's 17 lbs, and has a Napoleon complex.

I don't know how the laws are there, but yes, I'd report it to whatever authorities you need to. And the owners, at the very least, need to pay ALL vet bills. Even follow ups later on. Period. And since you said it isn't the first time this has happened, there needs to be some kind of record with police and animal control, that this happened.

If that happened here, those dogs would probably be put down. There's no excuse for an unresponsible owner having dogs that attack other dogs, after they had it happen once before.

Please, do the right thing and report this to whomever you need to. And make sure they pay for ALL vet bills.
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Re: My journey

Post by melanie »

Storyteller wrote:Don`t know where else to put this so I`m guessing it`ll be okay here.

Marley, my pooch, got attacked Thursday evening by two dogs :(

We were walking up the road (Marley was off lead, he is better off than on and he is well trained) when I saw this English Bull Terrier running towards him, follwed 10 seconds later by a woman. I shouted Is he friendly? To which she yelled No. By this time the bull terrier had hold of Marley and was dragging him to the ground. She grabbed her dog, we tried to get it off Marley. Her other dog then piled in (a staffordshire bull terrier), her other half followed who then prised their dogs off Marley.

Marley is now lame, he can`t put any weight on his hind leg. We have seen the vet, have been given pain relief for him and he needs a few days rest.

These people knew their dogs are agressive! To be fair, they were apologetic and explained that the dogs escaped while getting in their car but even so.
I have since found out it isn`t the first time this has happened.

I popped a note through their door on Thurs eve explaining that I would take Marley to vets on Fri morning, which I did, and would they consider paying the vets bill of £80. Nothing.
Put another note through Fri eve with a copy of the receipt asking them to get in touch to reimburse us. Nothing yet.

So..... what`s my next step?

1) Do nothing
2) Report the incident to our local dog warden and/or the police. (Bearing in mind if it had been a smaller breed of dog, or they hadn`t been so quick, the outcome could have been so different.
3) Chase them for the vets bill.

I am so angry with them. Not so much for having the dogs (though I still think why?) but for not taking precautions. I mean, a muzzle or lead would have totally prevented this. And it does absolutely nothing to help the reputation of these dogs.
If you`re going to own a powerful breed like that then you owe it to everybody to ensure they are not a danger.

Also, if they get back to us and pay up, isn`t it then a bit mean to report them?
That's awful!
Poor Marley y>:D<
I take my girl Bella for walks all the time, and she is much better of the lead than on. So I get you having your Marley off the lead. We trust I guess that others that do the same have friendly, well trained dogs.
My greatest fear is Bella being attacked because she is a friendly, submissive dog. I have had some close encounters and aggressive dogs that have really scared and somewhat angered me.
If you have an unsociable dog, then do the right thing and gave them on a lead and muzzled.
I love dogs,
I love animals
But Annette a dog that attacks is a loose cannon.
I think you should report the dogs. Coming from a big, softy dog lover but it's about protecting the community and I'm not talking about humans but all our canine friends.
You wouldn't those dogs attacking another dog down the track.
My dog firstly wouldn't escape putting her in the car, due to her obedience and if she did it would be so she could lick, frolic and say hello to whomever she could.
Aggressiveness I guess whatever species it's coming from poses to much of a threat.

I hope Marleys hinds legs are ok.
Keep us informed y>:D<
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Re: My journey

Post by Storyteller »

I have informed the police who say an attack on another dog, unless it`s a fatality, is dealt with by the local dog warden. I have contacted the out of hours service and will call them again first thing Monday morning.
We`ve decided as well, that we are going to get the postal address of the dog owners (she pointed out where she lived) and send them a letter via recorded delivery stating that we expect them to reimburse us with the vet costs and they have 7 days to contact us to arrange reimbursement otherwise we will seek to get the money via a small claims court, which we would win and they would then incur all the legal costs. Will go down to Citizens Advice to see where we stand legally too (which I`m pretty sure the law would be on our side, especially with the dogs having a history)

While I appreciate that accidents happen I am so mad at them for not being extra vigilant. They knew their dogs are dog aggressive. Why, oh why, would you take the chance, especially when they`ve attacked before.

I`ll calm down soon, I`m sure but right now, I am reallyy, really angry.

I was so mad at them, I swore! I was f`ing and blinding! And, trust me, I very, very rarely swear.

Will keep you all informed. Will see how Marley is Mon/Tues. We`re taking Cosmo in for spaying on Tues so if Marley hasn`t improved by then, we`ll get him looked at again. My worry is that he will need an op for his leg, If he does, he is 11 years old, and overweight, hardly good position for an op.
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Re: My journey

Post by Storyteller »

P.S. As far as I know the dog warden has the power to impound the dogs. I know they have the power to visit the home and check the situation.

There is a huge part of me that dreads it, it may mean the dogs are destroyed. That will break my heart but I have to.
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Re: My journey

Post by melanie »

Damned if you do,
Damned if you don't type or scenario.
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Re: My journey

Post by Kurieuo »

Sorry to hear about your dog Marley. :(
That could have easily been a baby or kid.
I'd think your obligated to report them Annette.
Those dogs need putting down, sorry. Owners fault really.
If the authorities didn't do it, I'd throw them a slab of meat with rat poison.
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Re: My journey

Post by Storyteller »

The owners called today. They are on benefits but once they have checked with the vet that Mareys leg was caused by the attack, they will reimburse us.

Will still report it, with a heavy heart.
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Re: My journey

Post by RickD »

Storyteller wrote:The owners called today. They are on benefits but once they have checked with the vet that Mareys leg was caused by the attack, they will reimburse us.

Will still report it, with a heavy heart.
Caused by the attack?
What do they think, you made up a dog injury?

What's the British equivalent of buffoon?
John 5:24
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Re: My journey

Post by Storyteller »


I know, some people y:O2
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Re: My journey

Post by Storyteller »


Have spoken to the dog warden (and police) who have advised that there is nothing they can do as there was no human injury or dog fatality. The warden said in cases like this it just becomes a "he said, she said" type thing.
The owners did contact us and say that they will pay the vets bills which is a good thing. When we arrange to meet to get reimbursed, mt hubby is going to impress on them the sense of keeping their dogs muzzled, or at least on a lead, when out of the house.

Cosmo, our kitten has just come out of surgery. She is very sleepy apparently, need to call in a couple of hours to see when we can bring her home.

Marley managed a five minute walk, well I say walk....... more of a hobble really, poor sod. He has now figured out that he has to lift his bad leg to pee as he can`t bear weight on the other but he looks a lot brighter today. We didn`t give him his anti infammatory pain killer and he actually seems happier without it.
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Re: My journey

Post by RickD »

Great news A-net.

Glad to hear the mutt is healing.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: My journey

Post by Storyteller »

Change is afoot :shock:

Amazon have been a nightmare. In a nutshell, they are reserving my funds for 90 days (long story) which means the shop has to go soooo next few weeks will be spent cherry picking books, taking shelves home, getting rid of the books I can't fit at home.

Will try and sell on ebay too, from home.

Wish me luck!
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Re: My journey

Post by Nicki »

Storyteller wrote:Change is afoot :shock:

Amazon have been a nightmare. In a nutshell, they are reserving my funds for 90 days (long story) which means the shop has to go soooo next few weeks will be spent cherry picking books, taking shelves home, getting rid of the books I can't fit at home.

Will try and sell on ebay too, from home.

Wish me luck!
That's a pity - are you going to keep on selling from home?

Our little dog we used to have got attacked badly by a German shepherd years ago - it was a nightmare :( That dog got away when it was getting in or out of the car as well - it saw me and our dog across the road and took off towards us. The owner paid the vet's bill without any trouble though. Poor Amber (our miniature fox terrier) had lots of stitches but she made a full recovery.
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