RickD wrote:
And again, I point you to what Jac said about "how".
He wrote:
There's nothing, then, especially mysterious here. The will is a judgment.
A "what" is not a "how."
But that judgment is not predetermined to any particular good/end but is naturally fitted to many goods/ends.
Completely irrelevant because it fails to address the "how."
Therefore, the determination to this rather than that end just is what we call "free will."
This "therefore" is no more relevant than, 2 + 7 = 9, therefore pigs oink.
To ask "how" is to misunderstand what it is.
And this dodging the issue because one doesn't like, or can't answer the question is simply sad. The "what" is not the issue no matter how much Jac needs it to be.
"How" is answered by knowing what it is:
Like knowing what a computer is answers the question, "How does it work?"
the person makes a judgment and then wills in light of that judgment. Willing, like knowledge, is a natural power or capacity of the human, and that in virtue of his nature.
Nice, but the "how" still remains unanswered. This utter disconnect---insisting there is no "how," only "what"---is probably the worst I've ever seen.