Getting to know each other

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Getting to know each other

Post by Silvertusk »

Just out of curiosity I was wondering if people would just answer this quick survey about where they are on different issue - just for a bit of fun and maybe to get to know each other better.

To answer each question just give an number 1 to 10. You can add other comments if you wish to justify your answer. Promise not to scream HERETIC! at anyone because of their answers.

1) How strong is your faith in Christianity (1-Atheist / 10-Fundamnentalist)
2) How much of the bible do you believe is true (irrelevant of interpretations) (1-Complete nonsense / 10 - All true)
3) How do you view God's knowledge of the future (1-Calvinistic - everything is predetermined / 10 - Open Theism)
4) Which way do you lean in your doctrine of hell (1- Conscious Eternal Torment / 10 - Annihilationism)
5) Which way do you lean with regards to the age of the earth (1 - 6000yrs / 10 - 4 billion yrs)
6) Which way do you lean with regards to the spiritual gifts (1-Still present / 10 - Cessationist)

If anyone wants to add their own questions please do.
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Re: Getting to know each other

Post by Storyteller »

Silvertusk wrote:Just out of curiosity I was wondering if people would just answer this quick survey about where they are on different issue - just for a bit of fun and maybe to get to know each other better.

To answer each question just give an number 1 to 10. You can add other comments if you wish to justify your answer. Promise not to scream HERETIC! at anyone because of their answers.

1) How strong is your faith in Christianity (1-Atheist / 10-Fundamnentalist)Off the scale :) Quick note though, will have to google fundamentalist.
2) How much of the bible do you believe is true (irrelevant of interpretations) (1-Complete nonsense / 10 - All true)Not sure on this one. 7 What I have read so far, and passages that have been explained to me, I`m happy they`re all true, mind you, what do you mean by "true"? See, I don`t know about things like Jonah and the whale. Essentially I think the Bible is truth, it`s the Word of God.
3) How do you view God's knowledge of the future (1-Calvinistic - everything is predetermined / 10 - Open Theism)Not sure if it`s all pre determined but I`m pretty sure He knows the outcome. So 6 - 8
4) Which way do you lean in your doctrine of hell (1- Conscious Eternal Torment / 10 - Annihilationism)4? Again, I`m still discovering what I think. I lean more towards it being a conscious thing. I think Hell is a total seperation from the love of God, made even more hellish by a glimpse of what may have been
5) Which way do you lean with regards to the age of the earth (1 - 6000yrs / 10 - 4 billion yrs)Not a clue really. I think I would lean towards it being older. 8
6) Which way do you lean with regards to the spiritual gifts (1-Still present / 10 - Cessationist) As in we all get them? Absolutely. It`s just hard to figure out what they are sometimes.

If anyone wants to add their own questions please do.
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Re: Getting to know each other

Post by RickD »


I'm not sure if you intended this survey only for Christians(you posted it in the Christian chit chat forum).

If you want it open to anyone, it would be better to move it out of a "Christians only" forum.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Getting to know each other

Post by Silvertusk »

You are probably right Rick but I fear the MCP!!
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Re: Getting to know each other

Post by RickD »

Silvertusk wrote:You are probably right Rick but I fear the MCP!!
Moved to General Discussion forum. No need to fear the MCP. :lol:

I remember the first time I tried to move a thread. I ended up deleting the whole thread! y#-o
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Getting to know each other

Post by Silvertusk »

Thanks man - saved me deleting the entire forum by mistake,
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Re: Getting to know each other

Post by Nicki »

Silvertusk wrote:Just out of curiosity I was wondering if people would just answer this quick survey about where they are on different issue - just for a bit of fun and maybe to get to know each other better.

To answer each question just give an number 1 to 10. You can add other comments if you wish to justify your answer. Promise not to scream HERETIC! at anyone because of their answers.

1) How strong is your faith in Christianity (1-Atheist / 10-Fundamnentalist)
2) How much of the bible do you believe is true (irrelevant of interpretations) (1-Complete nonsense / 10 - All true)
3) How do you view God's knowledge of the future (1-Calvinistic - everything is predetermined / 10 - Open Theism)
4) Which way do you lean in your doctrine of hell (1- Conscious Eternal Torment / 10 - Annihilationism)
5) Which way do you lean with regards to the age of the earth (1 - 6000yrs / 10 - 4 billion yrs)
6) Which way do you lean with regards to the spiritual gifts (1-Still present / 10 - Cessationist)

If anyone wants to add their own questions please do.
I'm such a fence-sitter I doubt this will be very interesting, but...

1. Probably a 9. I doubt sometimes but I want to believe!
2. 10 - all true in one way or another. If it's not all God's word and what he wants us to know, how much of it is? For the degree to which I believe that, however, perhaps see no. 1.
3. 3 maybe. Not that I think God has predetermined everything as such but I can't believe he doesn't know the future. We determine our actions but God knows what we're going to do.
4. 6 I think. Revelation talks about the lake of fire, the second death.
5. 6? Not that I think the earth is a particular age between those two figures but more that I'm leaning slightly towards an old earth.
6. Probably 3. Some of them are not too prevalent among most Christians these days.
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Re: Getting to know each other

Post by Jac3510 »

Hmm. I'll follow Nicki's example and offer a number and brief comment.

1. 10 - Ignoring the term "fundamentalist," I have absolutely zero doubts that Christianity is true in every sense of the word.
2. 10 - The Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God, completely infallible in all it teaches and accurate down to the very words. This, however, only applies to the autographs (the original writings) and with respect to translations only to the extent that they properly capture the idea of the author.
3. 1 - but I don't like the term "predetermined." Carries too much baggage.
4. 1 - 'nuff said
5. 2-3 - To the extent that we can derive a numerical age for the earth from the biblical account, the claim would be that the earth is relatively young from a modern point of view (though I don't think the 6,000 number is accurate. At that point, though, we're picking nits).
6. 2 - All are still present except except for the "gift" of apostles. With that said, I am in no way a Pentecostal, and I think the vast majority of what passes as an exercise of the gifts today is a bunch of hooey.
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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Re: Getting to know each other

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Silvertusk wrote:Just out of curiosity I was wondering if people would just answer this quick survey about where they are on different issue - just for a bit of fun and maybe to get to know each other better.

To answer each question just give an number 1 to 10. You can add other comments if you wish to justify your answer. Promise not to scream HERETIC! at anyone because of their answers.

1) How strong is your faith in Christianity (1-Atheist / 10-Fundamnentalist)
2) How much of the bible do you believe is true (irrelevant of interpretations) (1-Complete nonsense / 10 - All true)
3) How do you view God's knowledge of the future (1-Calvinistic - everything is predetermined / 10 - Open Theism)
4) Which way do you lean in your doctrine of hell (1- Conscious Eternal Torment / 10 - Annihilationism)
5) Which way do you lean with regards to the age of the earth (1 - 6000yrs / 10 - 4 billion yrs)
6) Which way do you lean with regards to the spiritual gifts (1-Still present / 10 - Cessationist)

If anyone wants to add their own questions please do.
1. 10 I know Christianity is true and as much evidence as there is that I'm aware of the greatest evidence to me is still the day I got saved and how it changed me and my outlook and perspective. I truly became a new creature in Christ Jesus the day I got saved.
2.10 The bible is true even if we don't always have the correct interpretation.We do the best we can with our faith,prayer,bible study and research and that is all we can do.
3.1 God knows the future and has laid it out in his word for us to dig out.
4.1 Conscious eternal torment.
5. 8 The bible teaches us the earth is old but does not tell us how old it is. It is by interpretation of God's word and interpretation of science/nature that we determine the age of the earth.
6.1 Still present however often abused and not used properly which is a problem for when they are used properly.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Getting to know each other

Post by IceMobster »

Silvertusk wrote:1) How strong is your faith in Christianity (1-Atheist / 10-Fundamnentalist)
2) How much of the bible do you believe is true (irrelevant of interpretations) (1-Complete nonsense / 10 - All true)
3) How do you view God's knowledge of the future (1-Calvinistic - everything is predetermined / 10 - Open Theism)
4) Which way do you lean in your doctrine of hell (1- Conscious Eternal Torment / 10 - Annihilationism)
5) Which way do you lean with regards to the age of the earth (1 - 6000yrs / 10 - 4 billion yrs)
6) Which way do you lean with regards to the spiritual gifts (1-Still present / 10 - Cessationist)
1) Idk what to put here.
IceMobster wrote:Well, the fact that I can't accept (at least not at this point in time) Christ as incarnation of God doesn't mean I don't believe in God. It also doesn't mean I am not interested in the Scripture, philosophy and, in the end, theology.
Therefore, 5?

2) If this asks how much of the Bible is inspired by God, I guess I'd say all of it, even though we need to take care and realize man's influence on it. As someone on this forum said, God used imperfect tool to describe something Perfect.
10, but not as in being fundamentalist. You see, I would put a 5-7 if you didn't put this "irrelevant of interpretations".

3) I'm unsure of this. I'd put 10, but Him not knowing the future would make Him imperfect, right? So, yeah... Idk.

4) 3. I see hell as eternal darkness away from Love, not that I imply that the individual will be there for an eternity. Maybe hell is different for each individual?

5) 10. Science says 4.5billion. Now here comes the funny part, I don't believe ToE to be correct. Lol.
The safest thing to say is that I do not know how universe came to be, but I am pretty certain it didn't come through randomness, coincidence, mutation, natural selection and all of the things connected with ToE...

6) 3? Matthew 28:20 , even though, indeed, many things pass as spiritual gifts nowadays. :shelp:
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me.

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Re: Getting to know each other

Post by HappyFlappyTheist »

1) How strong is your faith in Christianity (1-Atheist / 10-Roman Catholic)
Definitely a 10.

2) How much of the bible do you believe is true (irrelevant of interpretations) (1-Complete nonsense / 10 - All true)

3) How do you view God's knowledge of the future (1-Calvinistic - everything is predetermined / 10 - Open Theism)
I don't think foreknowledge and predetermination are intertwined so I can't really answer this.

4) Which way do you lean in your doctrine of hell (1- Conscious Eternal Torment / 10 - Annihilationism)

5) Which way do you lean with regards to the age of the earth (1 - 6000yrs / 10 - 4 billion yrs)
1.001- I believe the earth is 6001 years old.

6) Which way do you lean with regards to the spiritual gifts (1-Still present / 10 - Cessationist)
8- Emotionalism that has infested every Church probably makes them seem far more prevalent than they actually are.
pulvis sum
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