So, I take it that it is an insult to Christians for me to want to see info on medical mattersRickD wrote:Yep. Audie is definitely back. Insulting Christians, and all.Audie wrote:Morny wrote:Which clinical "brain dead" tests did these patients pass?Philip wrote: But as for OUR understanding of such a reported experience, a cessation of brain activity and heart function mean that any suggestion that a non-functioning brain created - much less later accessed and retained such an incredible experience, or that during this lifeless/brain-dead state that a person could reveal events going on that would have been impossible for the person to know - well, that these experiences have occurred without a functioning brain rule out the usual physical/psychological/dream explanations.
Effects, such as drugs and very low blood pressure, have fooled more than one well-meaning doctor into believing their patient was brain dead.
And even assuming some kind of very short span of "brain deadness", what evidence could possibly show that their mental revelations did not come from brain activity just before or just after their supposed brain dead period?
And after all that, as I've shown in previous posts, the evidence of extraordinary knowledge during NDE, e.g., from OBE, is of embarrassingly low quality.
You do realize Hank and the "Christian Research Institute", in spite of such an impressive sounding name, have less in common with science, than I have with Beyonce, right?Philip wrote: Hank Hanegraaff's organization, Christian Research Institute, has some fascinating things to say about near death experiences and research related to them:
[Hank's apologetic links omitted]
For example, for some incomprehensible reason, Hank Hanegraaff needed years of "research" before finally coming out in the last few years with a book supporting the monumental conclusion the Earth is old, i.e., not 6000 years old.
How can a prrson with any sense be fascinated by material coming from as institute that
features such as a distinguished professor holding forth on how many animals noah took on his ark?
How many years of research for that?
Show me an article in Lancet, or the AMA Journal for info on medical issues, not "The Watchtower".
from the most reputable sources, rather than something generated from certain segments
within the faith.
All Christians, "insulting" rather than making a reasonabke commentary on the beliefs of a subset of Christians, as distinct from those more inclined to / capable of
Circle the wagons! Thars 97 lbs of Heathen on the ridge!