Romance blooms and lovelife blues

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Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Post by RickD »

Philip wrote:One thing I love about ACB, is that he has to be the ultimate optimist! And once he decides he's for something, he is ALL in! No second guessing for him! So, his bride must certainly know that he'll always be there for her, and will always love her. So his commitment to her and his optimism on positive outcomes will serve their marriage tremendously!
Unless he runs away and marries Trump! :mrgreen:

John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Post by Nessa »

RickD wrote:
Philip wrote:One thing I love about ACB, is that he has to be the ultimate optimist! And once he decides he's for something, he is ALL in! No second guessing for him! So, his bride must certainly know that he'll always be there for her, and will always love her. So his commitment to her and his optimism on positive outcomes will serve their marriage tremendously!
Unless he runs away and marries Trump! :mrgreen:

Hmmm, would you be attending the wedding? y:-?
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Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Post by RickD »

Nessa wrote:
RickD wrote:
Philip wrote:One thing I love about ACB, is that he has to be the ultimate optimist! And once he decides he's for something, he is ALL in! No second guessing for him! So, his bride must certainly know that he'll always be there for her, and will always love her. So his commitment to her and his optimism on positive outcomes will serve their marriage tremendously!
Unless he runs away and marries Trump! :mrgreen:

Hmmm, would you be attending the wedding? y:-?
Only if Megyn Kelly can be my date!
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

St. Richard the Sarcastic--The Patron Saint of Irony
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Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Post by Nessa »

RickD wrote:
Nessa wrote:
RickD wrote:
Philip wrote:One thing I love about ACB, is that he has to be the ultimate optimist! And once he decides he's for something, he is ALL in! No second guessing for him! So, his bride must certainly know that he'll always be there for her, and will always love her. So his commitment to her and his optimism on positive outcomes will serve their marriage tremendously!
Unless he runs away and marries Trump! :mrgreen:

Hmmm, would you be attending the wedding? y:-?
Only if Megyn Kelly can be my date!
Do you have a sick obesession with her too? y:-? ... /82010026/
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Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Post by RickD »

Nessa wrote:
RickD wrote:
Nessa wrote:
RickD wrote:
Philip wrote:One thing I love about ACB, is that he has to be the ultimate optimist! And once he decides he's for something, he is ALL in! No second guessing for him! So, his bride must certainly know that he'll always be there for her, and will always love her. So his commitment to her and his optimism on positive outcomes will serve their marriage tremendously!
Unless he runs away and marries Trump! :mrgreen:

Hmmm, would you be attending the wedding? y:-?
Only if Megyn Kelly can be my date!
Do you have a sick obesession with her too? y:-? ... /82010026/
No. It was a joke for ACB. He gets it.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

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Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Post by Jac3510 »

My wife and I have been married for working on eight years. We have kind of a funny story. I'd just gotten out of a relationship with an eighteen year old girl (I was twenty-five) and had made two firm decisions: 1) no gfs under 21, and 2) no more gfs until I finished college (about another year, maybe two, at that point).

So you know where this is going.

About two weeks after that, I was in a class on stock investment, by far the youngest person in the room. Then my future wife walks in the room. My first thought was, "Wow, cute girl." My next thought was, "Why is someone my age here?" She never once looked at me (ask me how I know that!), but I decided as soon as the meeting was over to introduce myself . . . so much for decision number two.

Problem was that as soon as the class dismissed, she beat it out the door. Ah well, maybe she'd show up next week, right? I was talking to some other class participants for a bit when a friend called me over to her. I saw the cute girl standing next to her. She said that she wanted to introduce the two of us. She literally said, "So, Gretchen, Chris. Chris, Gretchen. Bye." And walked off. We both laughed and started talking. My first question to her was why someone else my age was there--oh, and how old was she. Answer: 18! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!

But what the heck, she's too cute. Right? (So much for firm decision number 1.)

We went to lunch, spent about two hours out. I got her number and told her I'd see her next week for lunch again. We were not able to get lunch the next week, but I did call her on the way home that day, and from that day forward there has literally not been a day we haven't talked. We started officially dating about a month after we met. I asked her to marry me on our six month "anniversary." That's another funny story, but long. Short version is that she had given me a deadline to propose by (yes, that's the kind of woman she is). I was putting money away without her knowing it, so she was getting actually pretty frustrated, thinking I wouldn't have any money to get a ring by the deadline! So on our six month, she had NO CLUE I was going to do it. When I got on my knee and proposed, she burst into tears and kept saying, "What . . . but how . . . I . . . huh . . . but you . . ." Until finally a guy walked by and yelled, "SAY YES ALREADY!"

She did. :)

When we got married, right about about thirteen months from the day we met, she was a few days out from turning twenty.

Last funny note, back to the first day we met. When I actually met her and shook hands (the "Gretchen, Chris. Chris, Gretchen," introduction, I was thinking to myself, I wonder if I'm talking to my future wife--STOP IT CHRIS WHAT ARE YOU THINKING YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THIS GIRL?!?!?!). And as far as how we met? Turns out she got out of class in a hurry because she thought I was cute and was nervous. She asked my friend in the parking lot who I was, and she said, "Oh, that's Chris. Do you want me to introduce you two?" and grabbed her and dragged her inside.

So yeah, fun times all around. :D
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Nessa wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Vergil wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Vergil wrote:I would like to hear about your romantic life cause it might either make a good story or just make people cry on how cute or sweet it is, it would also help to see how would a relationship go (since I myself haven't been in a relationship since birth) and other than that, i would like to hear all your stories on God's greatest gift he gave to us other than the Triumphant Prince of Peace Jesus Christ, and that is Love itself.

(Uhm, noble moderators, if this isn't allowed please feel free to delete this)
I don't really like giving out alot of info. But I will say that me and my wife would seem like total opposites. She has tattoos and piercings while I don't. I don't want tattoos or piercings but I like her tattoos and piercings.We love each other though and have been going through a storm for along time and yet our love remains strong. We have been walking through a storm for along time,like walking through a desert but hand in hand through everything life has threw at us.

I have kept on hoping we would finally start seeing the light and get to the other side of this storm we've been in and yet we have experienced set-backs,yet despite it all our love remains strong and I know eventually we will get through this storm we've been in. I'm starting to see the other side and I really believe we are soon to be out of this storm,and it seems like things will get better but it is still going to take time. It should start getting better by May. I won't go into alot of details but we are chasing after our kids but it seems like everything has been against us to be united with them as a family. No we have not lost custody of our kids or anything like that but we just want to get to a place where we are a family again with them and until May our kids are in another state with family.We are gonna move there and it will be a new fresh start for all of us.
Your story reminds me of His Majesty, and his struggles to get us back to his loving fold, you touch my heart Milord and I pray that you and your wife will get through whatever life throws at you, please smile all the time.

God will help you
Thanks,things will get better and our faith in God keeps us strong through it all.

Here I'll play a song for myself this time.

The Whole Darn Roof Leaks
For you acb
Thanks. That is a real good song. I like it.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Post by Philip »

OK, as long as we're relating those "never say never" type of relationship stories. For whatever reason, when I was about 28, I had a series of young girlfriends - young college girls and unbelievers I had no business dating. I finally had a girlfriend that was only two years younger - not my usual 5-7 years younger. But when THAT tanked, I had pretty much had it. I wanted to settle down, but was "fishing in the wrong ponds," so to speak. And the one thing I have vowed to myself was to NEVER again date anyone I worked with - because when those situations go bad - well, ya gotta keep seeing them anyway. Really, I was fed up with dating and girlfriends - good-looking women who didn't have my values or sense of serious things.

Next thing I know, I meet some cute girl AT WORK, went out with her, and started spending lunches with her - I was extremely attracted to her. And then one day, my future wife flew in from NY for a job interview and walked right by me. "WOW - WHO is THAT???!!!" So, next thing I know, is I'm going on some dates with the new girl (my wife), but I was keeping my options open, and never mentioned to her about my lunch friend. But my wife was one year younger, the other girl about six years younger. I realized the first girl was immature and manipulative. I finally told my wife about the first girl, right before it became apparent that other girl was a waste of time. I guess I had been keeping my options open, even though I was only casually seeing both. And I was terrified my (future) wife would have dumped me if she knew I was also spending time with (if only casually) another, because I really liked her a lot. She wouldn't have tolerated that situation very long - even if we weren't seriously dating. Fortunately, I realized my wife was a fantastic lady. Eventually, after analyzing it to death, but only 9 months after we began dating - I was terrified of making a mistake - I asked her to marry me. So, don't ever date someone you work with. But keep your options open, eh, Jac!
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Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Post by Vergil »

IceMobster wrote:
Vergil wrote:Your story reminds me of His Majesty, and his struggles to get us back to his loving fold, you touch my heart Milord and I pray that you and your wife will get through whatever life throws at you, please smile all the time.

God will help you
Vergil, do you speak like that in real life, in person, as well?
I do but I tend not to since people might find it weird, and they might laugh.
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.
- Jesus Christ

Disappointment is inevitable. But to become discouraged, there's a choice I make. God would never discourage me. He would always point me to himself to trust him. Therefore, my discouragement is from Satan. As you go through the emotions that we have, hostility is not from God, bitterness, unforgiveness, all of these are attacks from Satan.
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Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Post by Vergil »

Jac3510 wrote:My wife and I have been married for working on eight years. We have kind of a funny story. I'd just gotten out of a relationship with an eighteen year old girl (I was twenty-five) and had made two firm decisions: 1) no gfs under 21, and 2) no more gfs until I finished college (about another year, maybe two, at that point).

So you know where this is going.

About two weeks after that, I was in a class on stock investment, by far the youngest person in the room. Then my future wife walks in the room. My first thought was, "Wow, cute girl." My next thought was, "Why is someone my age here?" She never once looked at me (ask me how I know that!), but I decided as soon as the meeting was over to introduce myself . . . so much for decision number two.

Problem was that as soon as the class dismissed, she beat it out the door. Ah well, maybe she'd show up next week, right? I was talking to some other class participants for a bit when a friend called me over to her. I saw the cute girl standing next to her. She said that she wanted to introduce the two of us. She literally said, "So, Gretchen, Chris. Chris, Gretchen. Bye." And walked off. We both laughed and started talking. My first question to her was why someone else my age was there--oh, and how old was she. Answer: 18! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!

But what the heck, she's too cute. Right? (So much for firm decision number 1.)

We went to lunch, spent about two hours out. I got her number and told her I'd see her next week for lunch again. We were not able to get lunch the next week, but I did call her on the way home that day, and from that day forward there has literally not been a day we haven't talked. We started officially dating about a month after we met. I asked her to marry me on our six month "anniversary." That's another funny story, but long. Short version is that she had given me a deadline to propose by (yes, that's the kind of woman she is). I was putting money away without her knowing it, so she was getting actually pretty frustrated, thinking I wouldn't have any money to get a ring by the deadline! So on our six month, she had NO CLUE I was going to do it. When I got on my knee and proposed, she burst into tears and kept saying, "What . . . but how . . . I . . . huh . . . but you . . ." Until finally a guy walked by and yelled, "SAY YES ALREADY!"

She did. :)

When we got married, right about about thirteen months from the day we met, she was a few days out from turning twenty.

Last funny note, back to the first day we met. When I actually met her and shook hands (the "Gretchen, Chris. Chris, Gretchen," introduction, I was thinking to myself, I wonder if I'm talking to my future wife--STOP IT CHRIS WHAT ARE YOU THINKING YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THIS GIRL?!?!?!). And as far as how we met? Turns out she got out of class in a hurry because she thought I was cute and was nervous. She asked my friend in the parking lot who I was, and she said, "Oh, that's Chris. Do you want me to introduce you two?" and grabbed her and dragged her inside.

So yeah, fun times all around. :D

Wonderful, that is wonderful and a wee bit hilarious milord, and in all strange coincedence right?

Nah, Coincedence is just God's way of staying anonymous for us.

I would like to have this caught on camera but the story we'll do and thank you for sharing this Milord.
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.
- Jesus Christ

Disappointment is inevitable. But to become discouraged, there's a choice I make. God would never discourage me. He would always point me to himself to trust him. Therefore, my discouragement is from Satan. As you go through the emotions that we have, hostility is not from God, bitterness, unforgiveness, all of these are attacks from Satan.
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Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Post by Vergil »

Philip wrote:OK, as long as we're relating those "never say never" type of relationship stories. For whatever reason, when I was about 28, I had a series of young girlfriends - young college girls and unbelievers I had no business dating. I finally had a girlfriend that was only two years younger - not my usual 5-7 years younger. But when THAT tanked, I had pretty much had it. I wanted to settle down, but was "fishing in the wrong ponds," so to speak. And the one thing I have vowed to myself was to NEVER again date anyone I worked with - because when those situations go bad - well, ya gotta keep seeing them anyway. Really, I was fed up with dating and girlfriends - good-looking women who didn't have my values or sense of serious things.

Next thing I know, I meet some cute girl AT WORK, went out with her, and started spending lunches with her - I was extremely attracted to her. And then one day, my future wife flew in from NY for a job interview and walked right by me. "WOW - WHO is THAT???!!!" So, next thing I know, is I'm going on some dates with the new girl (my wife), but I was keeping my options open, and never mentioned to her about my lunch friend. But my wife was one year younger, the other girl about six years younger. I realized the first girl was immature and manipulative. I finally told my wife about the first girl, right before it became apparent that other girl was a waste of time. I guess I had been keeping my options open, even though I was only casually seeing both. And I was terrified my (future) wife would have dumped me if she knew I was also spending time with (if only casually) another, because I really liked her a lot. She wouldn't have tolerated that situation very long - even if we weren't seriously dating. Fortunately, I realized my wife was a fantastic lady. Eventually, after analyzing it to death, but only 9 months after we began dating - I was terrified of making a mistake - I asked her to marry me. So, don't ever date someone you work with. But keep your options open, eh, Jac!
Facisnating, very fascinating and all fun, God must have some sense of humor and a taste of romance.

Thank you for sharing this Milord, it's really funny yet sweet as well, tell me if you would allow, how's the married life?
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.
- Jesus Christ

Disappointment is inevitable. But to become discouraged, there's a choice I make. God would never discourage me. He would always point me to himself to trust him. Therefore, my discouragement is from Satan. As you go through the emotions that we have, hostility is not from God, bitterness, unforgiveness, all of these are attacks from Satan.
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Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Post by ICOYAR »

I am 25 years old. Every girl I liked has been online, since every girl in person I tried to ask out on a date rejected me (and I asked out maybe 20 or more girls in my life). But that didn't stop me from strictly online dating, but it turned out to be a disaster.

Just recently, I thought my girlfriend for 6 years, or at least thought was my girlfriend (she always thanked me when I told her I loved her, she always praised God that I was hers, and she always missed me when I last spoke to her, and we would share photos, and things along the line of that), who wanted me to visit her (and I would have if I had just a few more years), but I had absolutely no money or time to do so, had a picture of her and some other guy getting married on her Facebook account, and this is after more than 2 months of desperately trying to contact her, after last speaking with her in January (and I absolutely refuse to use Facebook myself). Others, prior to her, were not much better. So I give up on online dating entirely.

I believe that I am an absolute failure at grabbing the attention of women.
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Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Post by Vergil »

ICOYAR wrote:I am 25 years old. Every girl I liked has been online, since every girl in person I tried to ask out on a date rejected me (and I asked out maybe 20 or more girls in my life). But that didn't stop me from strictly online dating, but it turned out to be a disaster.

Just recently, I thought my girlfriend for 6 years, or at least thought was my girlfriend (she always thanked me when I told her I loved her, she always praised God that I was hers, and she always missed me when I last spoke to her, and we would share photos, and things along the line of that), who wanted me to visit her (and I would have if I had just a few more years), but I had absolutely no money or time to do so, had a picture of her and some other guy getting married on her Facebook account, and this is after more than 2 months of desperately trying to contact her, after last speaking with her in January (and I absolutely refuse to use Facebook myself). Others, prior to her, were not much better. So I give up on online dating entirely.

I believe that I am an absolute failure at grabbing the attention of women.
Don't fret dear Brother, you might say that now but you will laugh at it soon, think of it as a trial, a challenge that will prepare you, don't give up on hope (never do) and pray to the Lord always and you will one day see his miracles and remember

18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

You will not be alone.

From failure we learn our success, rise up when struck down and do it again when struck down again, never back down.
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.
- Jesus Christ

Disappointment is inevitable. But to become discouraged, there's a choice I make. God would never discourage me. He would always point me to himself to trust him. Therefore, my discouragement is from Satan. As you go through the emotions that we have, hostility is not from God, bitterness, unforgiveness, all of these are attacks from Satan.
- Charles Stanley
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Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Post by Philip »

Vergil: Thank you for sharing this Milord, it's really funny yet sweet as well, tell me if you would allow, how's the married life?
Twenty seven years on, we have been through so much together, the challenges of two very strong-willed persons, having kids much later than most, etc. - but we are a good team, still enjoy spending time together, lovingly so. The main thing is we have always viewed our marriage as our mutual commitment to God first, and each other second, and that we would never even contemplate not working through any challenges that might arise. How determined are people to remain together if they even consider divorce as an option? I believe that at least one person in a marriage, where divorce is being considered, refuses to do their part of what is necessary to keep or heal a marriage in crisis. But when both are determined to 1) depend upon God to guard their marriage, and 2) to do whatever necessary themselves to solve issues, they have a far better chance at being happy together. We hold each other accountable before both God and to each other.
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Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Post by Vergil »

Philip wrote:
Vergil: Thank you for sharing this Milord, it's really funny yet sweet as well, tell me if you would allow, how's the married life?
Twenty seven years on, we have been through so much together, the challenges of two very strong-willed persons, having kids much later than most, etc. - but we are a good team, still enjoy spending time together, lovingly so. The main thing is we have always viewed our marriage as our mutual commitment to God first, and each other second, and that we would never even contemplate not working through any challenges that might arise. How determined are people to remain together if they even consider divorce as an option? I believe that at least one person in a marriage, where divorce is being considered, refuses to do their part of what is necessary to keep or heal a marriage in crisis. But when both are determined to 1) depend upon God to guard their marriage, and 2) to do whatever necessary themselves to solve issues, they have a far better chance at being happy together. We hold each other accountable before both God and to each other.
I envy you Milord and praise you for such happiness with your wife, and may The Lord Almighty bless you and your wife, your marriage and give you the privilege to die of Old yet happy age while surrounded by family.
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.
- Jesus Christ

Disappointment is inevitable. But to become discouraged, there's a choice I make. God would never discourage me. He would always point me to himself to trust him. Therefore, my discouragement is from Satan. As you go through the emotions that we have, hostility is not from God, bitterness, unforgiveness, all of these are attacks from Satan.
- Charles Stanley
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