Here are the protocols violated by the 1978 c14 labs
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone will declare: “The analysis of carbon-14 seems to have been a mistake, particularly because of prejudices, of which it is useless to speak, because the verdict was decided even before performing the analyses”143.
In the statement of the scientific committee of the International Symposium, held in Paris in 1989, it is written that there are strong reserves on the statistical analysis of the results, especially on the value of chi-squared (χ2) 6.4 for samples of Shroud, which have provided not homogeneous radiocarbon dates. Therefore, the Scientific Committee requested the release of all raw data obtained by the three laboratories and of the commentary written by professor Bray of the “Colonnetti”144. During the International Symposium, held in Rome in 1993, statistician Philippe Bourcier de Carbon listed fifteen points of failure in the radiocarbon history of the Shroud145:
1. absence of a formal report of the sampling;
2. absence of a video archive on the final steps of the samples packaging;
3. in the official reports, contradictions about the cutting and the weight of the samples by
people in charge of sampling;
4. breaches of the protocols initially planned for the operation of dating;
5. rejection of the usual procedure of double-blind test;
6. refusal of the interdisciplinary documentation, which is usual in the procedures for
radiocarbon dating;
7. exclusion of acknowledged specialists in the Shroud, particularly American scientists who
participated in previous works of STURP;
8. communication to the laboratories, most unusual, of the dates of the control samples prior
to testing;
9. intercommunication of results among the three laboratories during the job;
10. disclosure to the media of the first results before the delivering of the findings;
11. refusal to publish raw results of the measurements (requested also with insistence in its
official statement by the Scientific Committee which prepared the Symposium in Paris in
12. non-explanation of the unique isolation of the confidence interval of the measures
performed by the Oxford laboratory compared to those made by other laboratories;
13. unacceptable value of 6.4 published in the journal Nature for the chi-squared statistical
test on the results of the radiocarbon dosage on the Shroud;
14. rejection of any cross-debate on the statistical measures performed;
15. rejection, absolutely uncommon, of the publication of the statistical expertise of this
operation, officially entrusted to professor Bray of “G. Colonnetti” Institute of Turin (requested also with insistence in its official statement by the Scientific Committee which prepared the Symposium in Paris in 1989).
Bourcier de Carbon concludes: “Such a remark of deficiencies remains completely unusual in the context of a truly scientific debate, and one can only deplore this exception to the usual ethics”146.