Hey, Ice. Sorry such a late response. Been real busy, then sick and works been draining. So without further ado!
IceMobster wrote:
But that makes prayer redundant. If His will is for that person to die of cancer, the person will die of it no matter what you wish for through prayer.
I thought that for a while. Then I realized it's about living in His world in this one. You don't see how He moves if He's not apart of your life, unless 'lucky' circumstances arise. Or he starts knocking really hard. Then you start paying attention. And then you see how things change when you make Him a part of your life. Then you realize that you can direct your life, and others around you positively through His will. Through your own will, or another persons fails. It's a part of letting go and realizing it's Him that directs the goodness and you can ride it. And the more you explore Him and our world with Him, the more you see you were made to be: Genesis 1:26-28
The opportunity in every situation is always there. His options are always the best (and most fun, joyful and wholesome). By being with Him, learning Him and learning how He communicates with us in this age we can exercise who and what we are meant to be. And realize this is just a glimpse of what reality is intended for. We are to exist to be His light to existence.
It is never His will to inflict harm. But He uses the world we've messed up to bring about the best good for everyone involved with what we could relate to an eternal perspective. The person may die of cancer. And maybe He will at least be a part of it. Effect the person and those the person effects to bring that person and those around into His kingdom. Into eternity.
Oh, He is real. There is no doubt in that. My desires? I desire to know how EXACTLY did He answer your prayers? Also, what prayers? Praying like what you mentioned here (as in talking with an endearing friend) or praying as in reciting Our Father, who art in Heaven?
Lastly, what do you consider for a God's response?
Oh man. What to even grasp to write? The only prayer I'll recite is the Our Father. Usually every day in the shower even when I'm feeling distant to at least give Him due diligence of acknowledgement in sincerely saying that prayer. But most my 'prayer' consists of talking. And He answers many ways. I'm not very good at talking about myself so this is hard to answer. Think of taking a friend (YHWH) along with you always who will always give you your space and is always ready to 'jump' back in (and was always listening and there, anyways). And sometimes He directs thoughts. Sometimes good ideas pop into my mind. Sometimes He does something that shouldn't happen for sake of mercy (my patients do best when I remain with Him). Sometimes He directs time and everything, each event and person in it to such an extent time doesn't exist. Sometimes He directly answers my prayers through the things I pray about happening (sometimes they're really dumb and He decides to do out of s**ts and giggles). I don't know what example to choose for a concrete response. Help me refine my focus.
Byblos wrote:Prayers work 100% of the time when they align with God's will and none of the time when they don't. It's that simple. When I pray my intention is for God to affect the change in me (or others, but never in HIM), to bring about an outcome that is closer to His will.
No offense. All I heard was a bunch of bulls#it. (I'm being serious and honest, bro. Sorry if that offended you or anyone else.)
IceMobster: I don't find it simple at all.
Anyway, here come the questions...
When you pray with the intention for God to affect you or your environment, you are changing His will, are you not? If you are not, how do you know that your prayer and changing of yourself and/or your environment is the part of His will? Lastly, what makes you think such an outcome(basically, any outcome) would be closer to His will than some other outcome?
It's the opposite. You pray for His will to be brought into our world. We are made to bring it into this world. We bring either light or darkness.
You have to learn Him to know what His will is. Part of exercising a relationship.
Mallz wrote:We do not effect what our Father will or will not do. To do so, would be to change Him; Him reacting to us, which would make Him not God. We have many, many choices in each decision (action or movement). And they are existent by Him. He gives us the choices. If I choose a choice that is in His will, I am moving into His will. And picking a choice that is better for me, and everyone, than if it were a choice not in his will. He is ready to give if it's done through the relationship. Outside of the relationship, there is no communication besides dwelling in existence. We are to interact with Existence and Its expressions. And are made to by expressing Himself to existence. We are the wife.
Lost you on the non-coloured parts. Which choice is in His will? All of them? If so, how can you say you ever moved out of His will? If not so, it would mean He isn't perfect and that isn't possible, right?
Furthermore, "And picking a choice that is better for me, and everyone, than if it were a choice not in his will." I don't understand this at all. Picking a choice that is better for me and people around me
than if it were a choice not in his will whaaaaaaaaaaat????
We, among others, are self-determining creatures. We can't create. But we can harness and effect. We can operate how we are intended to, with and through His will, or we can operate how we or others choose. Problem is, any other choice but Him is counter to Reality. Further problems arise...
Existence has been altered by us and continues to be degraded. The only way to bring life is to harness Life.
"He is ready to give if it's done through the relationship." Implies He usually doesn't give? Give what exactly? Love, compassion, what? Atheists got it too, and they don't pray. What, then?
Life and all it entails. <-very loaded statement. Things operate here and are a reflection of Him. We have laws that properly govern our realty to keep it in function as it's meant to. We, too also operate with the physical and spiritual as we are both. We are capable of many things, including love and compassion and when we exercise those we go closer to His Reality. Just because someone doesn't believe in Him, doesn't mean they aren't capable of exercising much love and compassion among other traits.
off hand comment from whats been going on:
Do I really need to go find a Satanist book which quotes the same thing, in nice poetry, stating how you should do rituals to disrupt your enemies in primarily spiritual sense?

How do you know this?!