Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

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Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

Post by Believer »

Here is a well done 39:14 .mp3 audio file on Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

I shudder to hear this, as this is an event that happened to me last year, and it is hard to listen to my past, but the audio file is worth listening to in its entirety and it does give you freedom from your burden. This is often an unaddressed issue among churches and websites. People need help if they committed this and not much help is being given when they feel they are hopeless. Please, if you will, add encouraging scripture and/or your opinions/ideas on this subject. There are people who have this problem that are watching here...

Maybe I should create a website for people that have done it, called BOTHS (Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit), so they can seek help when there isn't much available.
Last edited by Believer on Fri Oct 07, 2005 8:44 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

Post by BGoodForGoodSake »

Thinker wrote:Can anyone provide a condensed summary on this 39:14 .mp3 audio file on Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

I shudder to hear this, as this happened to me last year and this is often an unaddressed issue among churches. People need help if they committed this and not much is given on the internet. Please also add your own facts and/or opinions on this hot bothering issue for help of others.
Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit means that you have turned your heart from what is good. It is always in the present. You cannot have blasphemed unless you continue to blaspheme, it is an eternal condition.
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Re: Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

Post by Believer »

BGoodForGoodSake wrote:
Thinker wrote:Can anyone provide a condensed summary on this 39:14 .mp3 audio file on Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

I shudder to hear this, as this happened to me last year and this is often an unaddressed issue among churches. People need help if they committed this and not much is given on the internet. Please also add your own facts and/or opinions on this hot bothering issue for help of others.
Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit means that you have turned your heart from what is good. It is always in the present. You cannot have blasphemed unless you continue to blaspheme, it is an eternal condition.
BGood, or whatever your real name is (you can PM me that, I wont bite :wink:), what about a person like me and others that have a mental illness or illnesses that forces us into doing it when we don't want it forced upon us? That is whether it being thoughts and/or saying it with speech outloud? You're a scientist, so maybe you know about the brain and intrusive thinking?
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Re: Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

Post by BGoodForGoodSake »

Thinker wrote:
BGoodForGoodSake wrote:
Thinker wrote:Can anyone provide a condensed summary on this 39:14 .mp3 audio file on Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

I shudder to hear this, as this happened to me last year and this is often an unaddressed issue among churches. People need help if they committed this and not much is given on the internet. Please also add your own facts and/or opinions on this hot bothering issue for help of others.
Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit means that you have turned your heart from what is good. It is always in the present. You cannot have blasphemed unless you continue to blaspheme, it is an eternal condition.
BGood, or whatever your real name is (you can PM me that, I wont bite :wink:), what about a person like me and others that have a mental illness or illnesses that forces us into doing it when we don't want it forced upon us? That is whether it being thoughts and/or saying it with speech outloud? You're a scientist, so maybe you know about the brain and intrusive thinking?
Scientifically its a complex issue, we can discuss if you would like. But the important thing is that it is involuntary. I am thinking OCD, anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, or turrets(although this is rare so maybe not)? However I'm sure your father knows quite a bit on the matter.
Spiritually it is not your spirit which is uttering these words or having these thoughts so you are not to worry.
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Re: Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

Post by bizzt »

BGoodForGoodSake wrote:
Thinker wrote:
BGoodForGoodSake wrote:
Thinker wrote:Can anyone provide a condensed summary on this 39:14 .mp3 audio file on Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

I shudder to hear this, as this happened to me last year and this is often an unaddressed issue among churches. People need help if they committed this and not much is given on the internet. Please also add your own facts and/or opinions on this hot bothering issue for help of others.
Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit means that you have turned your heart from what is good. It is always in the present. You cannot have blasphemed unless you continue to blaspheme, it is an eternal condition.
BGood, or whatever your real name is (you can PM me that, I wont bite :wink:), what about a person like me and others that have a mental illness or illnesses that forces us into doing it when we don't want it forced upon us? That is whether it being thoughts and/or saying it with speech outloud? You're a scientist, so maybe you know about the brain and intrusive thinking?
Scientifically its a complex issue, we can discuss if you would like. But the important thing is that it is involuntary. I am thinking OCD, anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, or turrets(although this is rare so maybe not)? However I'm sure your father knows quite a bit on the matter.
Spiritually it is not your spirit which is uttering these words or having these thoughts so you are not to worry.
BGood! I have to say you have a solid Handle on this. In fact Brian BGood is correct. Blaspheming the Holy Spirit is condition of the Heart and is Eternal in Nature! You keep on going on about this! ASK GOD to Forgive you! If you have already then clearly you are not living in the Promise that God has given you.

Do you not think that God does not know who you are? He knows more about you Brian then you know about yourself. He knows about your Dark Secrets, Your Brain, Your Soul, He knows how many Hairs you have on your Head! Come on Brian you Praise him, and you know he is your God! Stop allowing Satan to have this Foothold in your Life. Satan has thrown Fear into your life for a Year now. Now throw it back at him and speak the Truth into your Life! Sanctified and Cleansed by the Blood of Lamb, You have been Forgiven and Set Free Brian, NOW Claim it!!!!

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Post by Believer »

Yes bizzt, BGood is awesome, we had some good PM's last night regarding the brain and it's mental chemical imbalances, that I have so many. Sucks... But anyways, I made this thread also for others that need help, I have been informed that there is one or more people that have contacted me about my post a while back on Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and found it helpful that they aren't the only ones with the problem, as this issue seems to go unaddressed within churches and websites.

By the way, the audio link on the first post of this thread is actually well done, and yes, ALL people who commit this can be forgiven if they ask for it, however, be advised that this only becomes unforgiven if you die in this sin without asking for forgiveness.
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Post by bizzt »

Thinker wrote:Yes bizzt, BGood is awesome, we had some good PM's last night regarding the brain and it's mental chemical imbalances, that I have so many. Sucks... But anyways, I made this thread also for others that need help, I have been informed that there is one or more people that have contacted me about my post a while back on Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and found it helpful that they aren't the only ones with the problem, as this issue seems to go unaddressed within churches and websites.

By the way, the audio link on the first post of this thread is actually well done, and yes, ALL people who commit this can be forgiven if they ask for it, however, be advised that this only becomes unforgiven if you die in this sin without asking for forgiveness.
I would guess it goes unaddressed because it probably does not happen that often! Seriously you know when you have gone against God. Look at Sapphira and Ananias
Act 5:1 But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession,
Act 5:2 And kept back [part] of the price, his wife also being privy [to it], and brought a certain part, and laid [it] at the apostles' feet.
Act 5:3 But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back [part] of the price of the land?
Act 5:4 Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God.
Rom 5:9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
Eph 1:7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;
Col 1:14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, [even] the forgiveness of sins:

Any case I hope that helps

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Post by SUGAAAAA »

so what does this mean exactly? is it completely rejecting the Holy Spirit?
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Post by Believer »

SUGAAAAA wrote:so what does this mean exactly? is it completely rejecting the Holy Spirit?
It means you have to reject Jesus Christ for as long as you live and not accept the testimony of the Holy Spirit that prompts you to receive Christ and believe in Him, that is unforgivable. Once you accept Christ as your savior, this is no longer deemed unforgivable, you are saved.
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Post by bizzt »

Thinker wrote:
SUGAAAAA wrote:so what does this mean exactly? is it completely rejecting the Holy Spirit?
It means you have to reject Jesus Christ for as long as you live and not accept the testimony of the Holy Spirit that prompts you to receive Christ and believe in Him, that is unforgivable. Once you accept Christ as your savior, this is no longer deemed unforgivable, you are saved.
Excellent Brian... Awesome Response
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Answers to your questions about B.O.T.H.S.

Post by Schaeffenator »

Before reading the section in in Mark ch3. verse 28 through 29 stop and think about the character of God. Then think about his wisdom. Jesus's mission was to SAVE not to condemn. It doesn't make sense that he would concoct such an easy to break rule worthy of eternal damnation. Who hasn't thought or said a derogatory statement about God? On a side note, don't you think Paul in his post Christian days thought or mentioned to his friends that Jesus was possessed by Satan. Peter also rejected Christ 3 times. However, it is interesting that there is only one sin that can separate us from Jesus; which is rejecting God.

The Holy Spirit is God, just the same as Jesus is God, and the Father is God. The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin; which is the role of the Holy Spirit. If you are in constant opposition to the Holy Spirit (like the pharisees) God knows the point at which you will no longer accept him. This isn't totally an unscriptual stance. Pharaoh of Egypt hardened his heart again and again and then finally God hardened his heart.

It's interesting in Mark that it says before Jesus's verdict "'Truly I say to you, all sins shall be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter." There aren't any exceptions! Isn't that good news? When God starts on "But" I think He is warning the pharisees rather then saying they're allready doomed. Why would God say that all blasphemies will be forgiven, and then say there is one that won't. Fortunately we have a lifeline on verse 30 reading "because they were saying, 'He has an unclean spirit." This indicates that the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit should not be interpereted without the situation or context in mind. For my purposes of context we will use Mathew verse 30 and 33 because Mark is very limited. A good rule before interpereting anything is to look at context. Before Jesus talks about the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit in Mathew He says (vs.30) "He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me scatters." Most tend to gloss over this but it could very well be a pivotal verse for understanding the B.O.T.H.S. Then directly afterward Jesus says "Therefore." Therefore can mean "as a result of"; signifying the importance of the latter verse. Technically, the scribes Blasphemed the Holy Spirit; but this does not appear to be the brunt of why Jesus is angry with them in lieu of (vs.31) "-any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven people." The reason God is angry is because they won't gather to him (ie. they are unrepentant). Paul was repentant, and so was Peter, but these pharisees don't seem to be. I would paraphrase vs. 30-31 as "Because you refuse to gather with me, I cannot forgive your sins." Some theologians may shoot me on this but I trully think that's what He is saying.

I believe there is only one sin worthy of damnation, and that is rejecting Jesus. But I don't think the person who rejects God is given an entire lifetime of chances to accept Jesus. It isn't continual rejection onto death but continual rejection to a certain point, where God understands that you will never be swayed and therefore seals your fate. I also believe that God gives us many chances to turn to him.

I am not a theologian or have any legitimate authority over scripture so remember to take this with a grain of salt. So if none of this has helped, rest in the fact that Jesus Himself said, "Therefore I say to you, any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven people."(vs31) His payment was not insufficient.

-This was done by a college freshman, 18yrs old
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Internet stuff on the B.O.T.H.S.

Post by Schaeffenator »

BTW Tom Piper, whom I got a lot of my ideas from wrote a great explanation of the B.O.T.H.S.

He says "The unforgivable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is an act of resistance which belittles the Holy Spirit so grievously that He withdraws for ever with his convicting power so that we are never able to repent and be forgiven."

Check out his article on ... 40184.html

It's sick!!!!!!
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