I've always seen it as the moment of our death (nde excluded).
A few days ago I found out St. Augustine/Augustine of Hippo (however you want it) claimed so, as well, while addressing to millenarists (millenarism/millenarianism - basically, people who wanted to count how many years is left until the second coming of Christ). Most notable ones (Theophilus) calculated and claimed the Christ was born in the 5550. year of the beginning of the world (6th millenium) meaning they have roughly 450 years before Christ comes again and rules for the next 1000 years (as can be seen in Revelation 20:6). Since Theophilus was writing in around the year of 180. he calculated they have roughly 270 years before the second coming of Christ. There came a question as to why bother living a good life if the Christ is coming in 200 years time since all of us would be dead by then (the question was not raised by Theophilus but people around him) and so Augustine answers what he answers.
A bit of a background history of why Augustine wrote what he wrote...
Or will it be ... The return of Jesus will be preceded by a great and powerful figure of falsehood and temptation, called the Anti-Christ/Dajjal(I've put this, as well, since most Muslims believe so). Before this event other signs that agree with each other include a general increase in immorality and fornication, murder and crime, and general lawlessness, debauchery and falling away from religion and true knowledge. The Christ will descend from the Heavens to rule out the Anti-Christ.
I'd dare to say these are the 2 main ones. Now, depending of the doctrine or opinion (duh), this may differ to a greater or lesser extent.
I am aware that nobody knows the time when the Kingdom of God comes, so there is no need for quoting Matthew. I am just interested in how you see this.