European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by Hortator »

abelcainsbrother wrote:Ed

You see, the more you respond to him, the more incensed he is to keep coming where he is not welcome and raise our blood pressures. Make no mistake, that's what he's here to do. It's his way of "getting back at fundie" for some perceived oppression in his life that he has never gotten over.

He doesn't need an Internet argument. He needs a counselor. Happy, well adjusted people don't pick fights with strangers. If you cared for him, you'd ignore him.
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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Hortator wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:Ed

You see, the more you respond to him, the more incensed he is to keep coming where he is not welcome and raise our blood pressures. Make no mistake, that's what he's here to do. It's his way of "getting back at fundie" for some perceived oppression in his life that he has never gotten over.

He doesn't need an Internet argument. He needs a counselor. Happy, well adjusted people don't pick fights with strangers. If you cared for him, you'd ignore him.
Yeah,you're right but ed has over and over played down the Islamic terrorist threat we face with not just me but B.W also.We have had discussions about it before so I'm just showing how naive he has been about it.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by Katabole »

In truth, I do not consider Islamic terrorism to be the biggest threat to modern society. It is Christian nominalism.

Christians sit back and do nothing as our rights are whittled away, our democracies founded on Christian laws are usurped, our Christian moral laws are changed, laughed at and mocked because all Jesus is to many modern Christians is a name in a book that they used to learn in school before the school banned the book. Christians say they have faith but how many really put that faith to work? I do not believe that Christ sent out apostles into the world to wilt like hot house lilies in the heat, at the first sign of trouble. He expected them to be salty and make a difference. To fight the good fight, regardless of persecution.

1 Cor 1:10 Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

If the Christians in this world actually united, they would be such a force, that every government in the world would be forced to deal with them and we could change the very face of the planet for the better.

In the past, the only buffer to a world overrun by Islam was Christianity. It was Islamic aggression that led to the Christian response called the Crusades. Christianity was being pushed away and the Christians of that time pushed back. And when it pushed back, society radically changed for the better and Islamics knew never to mess with us. As Christianity has weakened, Islam has grown stronger and stronger and Christians no longer push back. If they had, modern society would be much different than it is right now. Just as ancient Israel did not want God as their king and they wanted a man king, God warned them what a man king would do to them if they rejected Him. Modern society did not want Christ ruling over them. So Allah, the Arabian moon god will rule over them instead.

Frankly, I see Christianity continually deteriorating as time goes on because Christians in this world will refuse to unite. However, that is Biblical prophecy unfolding and only the return of Christ Himself is going to unite Christians. But at what cost?
There are two types of people in our world: those who believe in Christ and those who will.

If Christianity is a man-made religion, then why is its doctrine vehemently against all of man's desires?

Every one that is of the truth hears my voice. Jesus from John 18:37
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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by edwardmurphy »

abelcainsbrother wrote:Liberals like Ed are naive about Islamic terrorist attacks.But just as I've said earlier we can expect more Islamic terrorist attacks in the US because Obama and our government has ignored the FBI about how there are Islamic terrorist sleeper cells in America and they could strike out at anytime,our government ignored these warnings and are flooding our country with more Muslims and people like Ed think we who are not naive are fear-mongering about it and exxagerating the threat we face and it is no big deal.And yet just this morning in Florida we had the worst Islamic terrorist attack in America since 911 where a hundred of people were shot with 53 dead in a mass shooting in Florida in a Gay night club ( remember how liberals think they won't attack them if they are nice to Muslims?) just like in France last year. So eat your crow Ed.
I'm not naive about terrorism. I'm aware that there are people who want to kill us. However, I disagree with you on a few key points.

1. Obama isn't ignoring terrorism. He's actually been blowing them up all over the place, including inside other countries without their permission. You're spewing lies and propaganda. For the record, I don't blame you. I think you're pretty much a ventriloquist dummy.

2. The FBI isn't ignoring the possibility of terrorist attacks in the US, but that doesn't mean they'll prevent them all. That fact will become increasingly significant as the United States becomes increasingly hostile to Muslims and American Muslims become increasingly alienated. So by all means, Donald, FOX News, and conservative Christians, keep fueling those racist flames.

3. Our country is not being flooded with Muslims, and the ones coming in are very thoroughly vetted.

4. Liberals don't think that Muslim terrorists won't kill us if we're nice to them, we think that Muslim terrorists are a tiny fraction of the total Muslim community and that when conservative morons throw out blanket condemnations and propose draconian measures it makes things worse, not better. Liberals want you dangerous fools to shut the hell up and let the grown-ups handle things.

Basically, you and your presidential candidate favor a policy of reactionary stupidity, while I hope to see a logical, proactive approach.
Hortator wrote:You see, the more you respond to him, the more incensed he is to keep coming where he is not welcome and raise our blood pressures.

I'm not welcome? That's a shame. Also, incensed is the wrong word to use there. Maybe motivated?
Hortator wrote:Make no mistake, that's what he's here to do. It's his way of "getting back at fundie" for some perceived oppression in his life that he has never gotten over.
I'm here to challenge some of your assumptions, and yeah, from time to time that's likely to raise some peoples' blood pressure. So what? Some of you challenge my assumptions and raise my blood pressure pretty regularly, too. If you never want to be challenged about anything then feel free to bock me.
Hortator wrote:He doesn't need an Internet argument. He needs a counselor. Happy, well adjusted people don't pick fights with strangers. If you cared for him, you'd ignore him.
I could use more time at the gym, more sleep, more sex, and more time to myself, but all in all I'm actually pretty happy.

The fight you think I'm picking with B.W. has actually been going on for a couple of years now, and I maintain that he started it. Yes, I am dismissive of his hyperbolic, paranoid ranting, but that doesn't happen in a vacuum. Most of his ranting is about how people like me are doing our level best to destroy all that is wholesome and good, apparently because we're ignorant, naive, stupid, and possibly evil. Can you see how I might not care for that, or is that irrelevant because this is his house?
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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by abelcainsbrother »

edwardmurphy wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:Liberals like Ed are naive about Islamic terrorist attacks.But just as I've said earlier we can expect more Islamic terrorist attacks in the US because Obama and our government has ignored the FBI about how there are Islamic terrorist sleeper cells in America and they could strike out at anytime,our government ignored these warnings and are flooding our country with more Muslims and people like Ed think we who are not naive are fear-mongering about it and exxagerating the threat we face and it is no big deal.And yet just this morning in Florida we had the worst Islamic terrorist attack in America since 911 where a hundred of people were shot with 53 dead in a mass shooting in Florida in a Gay night club ( remember how liberals think they won't attack them if they are nice to Muslims?) just like in France last year. So eat your crow Ed.
I'm not naive about terrorism. I'm aware that there are people who want to kill us. However, I disagree with you on a few key points.

1. Obama isn't ignoring terrorism. He's actually been blowing them up all over the place, including inside other countries without their permission. You're spewing lies and propaganda. For the record, I don't blame you. I think you're pretty much a ventriloquist dummy.

2. The FBI isn't ignoring the possibility of terrorist attacks in the US, but that doesn't mean they'll prevent them all. That fact will become increasingly significant as the United States becomes increasingly hostile to Muslims and American Muslims become increasingly alienated. So by all means, Donald, FOX News, and conservative Christians, keep fueling those racist flames.

3. Our country is not being flooded with Muslims, and the ones coming in are very thoroughly vetted.

4. Liberals don't think that Muslim terrorists won't kill us if we're nice to them, we think that Muslim terrorists are a tiny fraction of the total Muslim community and that when conservative morons throw out blanket condemnations and propose draconian measures it makes things worse, not better. Liberals want you dangerous fools to shut the hell up and let the grown-ups handle things.

Basically, you and your presidential candidate favor a policy of reactionary stupidity, while I hope to see a logical, proactive approach.
Hortator wrote:You see, the more you respond to him, the more incensed he is to keep coming where he is not welcome and raise our blood pressures.

I'm not welcome? That's a shame. Also, incensed is the wrong word to use there. Maybe motivated?
Hortator wrote:Make no mistake, that's what he's here to do. It's his way of "getting back at fundie" for some perceived oppression in his life that he has never gotten over.
I'm here to challenge some of your assumptions, and yeah, from time to time that's likely to raise some peoples' blood pressure. So what? Some of you challenge my assumptions and raise my blood pressure pretty regularly, too. If you never want to be challenged about anything then feel free to bock me.
Hortator wrote:He doesn't need an Internet argument. He needs a counselor. Happy, well adjusted people don't pick fights with strangers. If you cared for him, you'd ignore him.
I could use more time at the gym, more sleep, more sex, and more time to myself, but all in all I'm actually pretty happy.

The fight you think I'm picking with B.W. has actually been going on for a couple of years now, and I maintain that he started it. Yes, I am dismissive of his hyperbolic, paranoid ranting, but that doesn't happen in a vacuum. Most of his ranting is about how people like me are doing our level best to destroy all that is wholesome and good, apparently because we're ignorant, naive, stupid, and possibly evil. Can you see how I might not care for that, or is that irrelevant because this is his house?

You're blind and naive,still,willing to tolerate Islamic terrorism in America.You're trying to paint us a racists because we will not tolerate Islamic terrorism in America and are going to do everything we can to keep America safe from it.Stick your political correctness where the sun don't shine.The left is setting us up for future Islamic terrorism and already you are trying to imply by doing something about it,we are racists.This is exactly why the left is doing this.

You let a school shooting happen and the left uses it as a political tool to take away our guns,yet when these Islamic terrorist attacks happen everywhere in the world Muslims live and we point it out,we are silenced about it.But it is going to stop and you watch ed Trump's poll numbers will go up while Hillary's goes down.

I' m not posting this for you ed because I know evidence is not important to you,which is why you are an atheist but I'm posting it for other people.

Obama administration allowing 100 Syrian refugees into America daily,after the FBI warned that we should expect Islamic terrorist attacks. ... s-per-day/

Afghanistan migration surging in US,99% support Sharia Law ... haria-law/
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by melanie »

edwardmurphy wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:Liberals like Ed are naive about Islamic terrorist attacks.But just as I've said earlier we can expect more Islamic terrorist attacks in the US because Obama and our government has ignored the FBI about how there are Islamic terrorist sleeper cells in America and they could strike out at anytime,our government ignored these warnings and are flooding our country with more Muslims and people like Ed think we who are not naive are fear-mongering about it and exxagerating the threat we face and it is no big deal.And yet just this morning in Florida we had the worst Islamic terrorist attack in America since 911 where a hundred of people were shot with 53 dead in a mass shooting in Florida in a Gay night club ( remember how liberals think they won't attack them if they are nice to Muslims?) just like in France last year. So eat your crow Ed.
I'm not naive about terrorism. I'm aware that there are people who want to kill us. However, I disagree with you on a few key points.

1. Obama isn't ignoring terrorism. He's actually been blowing them up all over the place, including inside other countries without their permission. You're spewing lies and propaganda. For the record, I don't blame you. I think you're pretty much a ventriloquist dummy.

2. The FBI isn't ignoring the possibility of terrorist attacks in the US, but that doesn't mean they'll prevent them all. That fact will become increasingly significant as the United States becomes increasingly hostile to Muslims and American Muslims become increasingly alienated. So by all means, Donald, FOX News, and conservative Christians, keep fueling those racist flames.

3. Our country is not being flooded with Muslims, and the ones coming in are very thoroughly vetted.

4. Liberals don't think that Muslim terrorists won't kill us if we're nice to them, we think that Muslim terrorists are a tiny fraction of the total Muslim community and that when conservative morons throw out blanket condemnations and propose draconian measures it makes things worse, not better. Liberals want you dangerous fools to shut the hell up and let the grown-ups handle things.

Basically, you and your presidential candidate favor a policy of reactionary stupidity, while I hope to see a logical, proactive approach.
Hortator wrote:You see, the more you respond to him, the more incensed he is to keep coming where he is not welcome and raise our blood pressures.

I'm not welcome? That's a shame. Also, incensed is the wrong word to use there. Maybe motivated?
Hortator wrote:Make no mistake, that's what he's here to do. It's his way of "getting back at fundie" for some perceived oppression in his life that he has never gotten over.
I'm here to challenge some of your assumptions, and yeah, from time to time that's likely to raise some peoples' blood pressure. So what? Some of you challenge my assumptions and raise my blood pressure pretty regularly, too. If you never want to be challenged about anything then feel free to bock me.
Hortator wrote:He doesn't need an Internet argument. He needs a counselor. Happy, well adjusted people don't pick fights with strangers. If you cared for him, you'd ignore him.
I could use more time at the gym, more sleep, more sex, and more time to myself, but all in all I'm actually pretty happy.

The fight you think I'm picking with B.W. has actually been going on for a couple of years now, and I maintain that he started it. Yes, I am dismissive of his hyperbolic, paranoid ranting, but that doesn't happen in a vacuum. Most of his ranting is about how people like me are doing our level best to destroy all that is wholesome and good, apparently because we're ignorant, naive, stupid, and possibly evil. Can you see how I might not care for that, or is that irrelevant because this is his house?
For what it's worth your welcome here Ed, on my behalf anyways :wave:
I find you entertaining, witty, and pretty on point with most of what you say. That might be because I don't see you as a militant athiest hell bent on discrediting Christianty :ewink: but perhaps my judgment is a little off there :mrgreen:
I agree that Muslim extremist pose a very real threat but a very real threat also exists in the as you said blanket and draconian measures that many conservatives have. When you think that EVERY Muslim is a snake and that asylum seekers are nothing more than infiltrators trying to take over the west in a secret Muslim plan to take over the world and that this accusation befalls all Muslims then it becomes pretty pointless trying to have a rational discussion. Trust me I've tried.
The general attitude amongst many Christians towards Muslims is pretty crappy but I also know as this article points out that the Christians out there helping the asylum seekers is obviously having a very positive impact on them. So much so that their love, generosity and good will has been instrumental in their conversion to Christianity.
So there are some Christians that would see this article as nothing more than another ploy by Muslims to take over and falsely convert to Christianity. Rationality would ordinarily make most realise that there may be a percentage of Muslims converting for personal gain by way of using it to further there chances for asylum but within these instances there would also be many who are genuine.
It's pretty amazing how showing love and compassion to some of the most desperate of people can have such an impact on them. That is pretty much what Jesus taught.
I think it's awesome the work that Christians are doing across Europe to aid and help the asylum seekers. I take my hat off of them. It also makes me realise that I'm not alone as a Christian in my compassion towards the asylum seekers in particular those fleeing Syria.
Don't even get me started as to the dogs breakfast that US foreign policy has helped create in Syria. It's bloody horrendous.
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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by abelcainsbrother »

melanie wrote:
edwardmurphy wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:Liberals like Ed are naive about Islamic terrorist attacks.But just as I've said earlier we can expect more Islamic terrorist attacks in the US because Obama and our government has ignored the FBI about how there are Islamic terrorist sleeper cells in America and they could strike out at anytime,our government ignored these warnings and are flooding our country with more Muslims and people like Ed think we who are not naive are fear-mongering about it and exxagerating the threat we face and it is no big deal.And yet just this morning in Florida we had the worst Islamic terrorist attack in America since 911 where a hundred of people were shot with 53 dead in a mass shooting in Florida in a Gay night club ( remember how liberals think they won't attack them if they are nice to Muslims?) just like in France last year. So eat your crow Ed.
I'm not naive about terrorism. I'm aware that there are people who want to kill us. However, I disagree with you on a few key points.

1. Obama isn't ignoring terrorism. He's actually been blowing them up all over the place, including inside other countries without their permission. You're spewing lies and propaganda. For the record, I don't blame you. I think you're pretty much a ventriloquist dummy.

2. The FBI isn't ignoring the possibility of terrorist attacks in the US, but that doesn't mean they'll prevent them all. That fact will become increasingly significant as the United States becomes increasingly hostile to Muslims and American Muslims become increasingly alienated. So by all means, Donald, FOX News, and conservative Christians, keep fueling those racist flames.

3. Our country is not being flooded with Muslims, and the ones coming in are very thoroughly vetted.

4. Liberals don't think that Muslim terrorists won't kill us if we're nice to them, we think that Muslim terrorists are a tiny fraction of the total Muslim community and that when conservative morons throw out blanket condemnations and propose draconian measures it makes things worse, not better. Liberals want you dangerous fools to shut the hell up and let the grown-ups handle things.

Basically, you and your presidential candidate favor a policy of reactionary stupidity, while I hope to see a logical, proactive approach.
Hortator wrote:You see, the more you respond to him, the more incensed he is to keep coming where he is not welcome and raise our blood pressures.

I'm not welcome? That's a shame. Also, incensed is the wrong word to use there. Maybe motivated?
Hortator wrote:Make no mistake, that's what he's here to do. It's his way of "getting back at fundie" for some perceived oppression in his life that he has never gotten over.
I'm here to challenge some of your assumptions, and yeah, from time to time that's likely to raise some peoples' blood pressure. So what? Some of you challenge my assumptions and raise my blood pressure pretty regularly, too. If you never want to be challenged about anything then feel free to bock me.
Hortator wrote:He doesn't need an Internet argument. He needs a counselor. Happy, well adjusted people don't pick fights with strangers. If you cared for him, you'd ignore him.
I could use more time at the gym, more sleep, more sex, and more time to myself, but all in all I'm actually pretty happy.

The fight you think I'm picking with B.W. has actually been going on for a couple of years now, and I maintain that he started it. Yes, I am dismissive of his hyperbolic, paranoid ranting, but that doesn't happen in a vacuum. Most of his ranting is about how people like me are doing our level best to destroy all that is wholesome and good, apparently because we're ignorant, naive, stupid, and possibly evil. Can you see how I might not care for that, or is that irrelevant because this is his house?
For what it's worth your welcome here Ed, on my behalf anyways :wave:
I find you entertaining, witty, and pretty on point with most of what you say. That might be because I don't see you as a militant athiest hell bent on discrediting Christianty :ewink: but perhaps my judgment is a little off there :mrgreen:
I agree that Muslim extremist pose a very real threat but a very real threat also exists in the as you said blanket and draconian measures that many conservatives have. When you think that EVERY Muslim is a snake and that asylum seekers are nothing more than infiltrators trying to take over the west in a secret Muslim plan to take over the world and that this accusation befalls all Muslims then it becomes pretty pointless trying to have a rational discussion. Trust me I've tried.
The general attitude amongst many Christians towards Muslims is pretty crappy but I also know as this article points out that the Christians out there helping the asylum seekers is obviously having a very positive impact on them. So much so that their love, generosity and good will has been instrumental in their conversion to Christianity.
So there are some Christians that would see this article as nothing more than another ploy by Muslims to take over and falsely convert to Christianity. Rationality would ordinarily make most realise that there may be a percentage of Muslims converting for personal gain by way of using it to further there chances for asylum but within these instances there would also be many who are genuine.
It's pretty amazing how showing love and compassion to some of the most desperate of people can have such an impact on them. That is pretty much what Jesus taught.
I think it's awesome the work that Christians are doing across Europe to aid and help the asylum seekers. I take my hat off of them. It also makes me realise that I'm not alone as a Christian in my compassion towards the asylum seekers in particular those fleeing Syria.
Don't even get me started as to the dogs breakfast that US foreign policy has helped create in Syria. It's bloody horrendous.
I'm not against Ed,it is just that he is wrong about this issue when it comes to Islamic terrorism and the threat we face.I cannot say how other countries feel about it,but in America we are not going to even take the chance to trust Muslims.Like I have said before,we see Islamic terrorist attacks almost on a daily basis everywhere Muslims live in the world.It is not exxageration or just making it up and we only see this when it comes to Islam,we don't see it with any other religion.I am in Noway implying Islamic terrorism is the biggest threat we face,nor do I believe it is.It is just looking at the facts and acknowledging it.Other Islamic countries will not take these refugees because of the terrorist threat,yet there are those who think the west should.I disagree,we are not obligated to allow Muslims or any people to come into our country especially when the risks out weigh the gains.America cannot and I say is not going to make the same mistakes Europe made.

And if the politically correct left can flood our country with unvetted Muslims,flooding our country increasing the risk of terrorist attacks,then we can take action to reverse what they have done and clean up the mess and it is not our fault.It is the Obama administration hell-bent on hurting America and all because they think they can flood these Muslims into our country them register them to vote and they'll vote for Democrats,while ignoring the risks and dangers Muslims pose to every country they live in.I mean sure there is crime in any country but no other religion attacks infidels like what we see with Muslims. There is nothing at all wrong with deporting Muslims and having a temporary ban until we can find out why we see Islamic terrorist attacks everywhere Muslims live in the world and can put a system in place where they can be properly vetted before they are allowed to come to America.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by melanie »

Abel you know I have loads of respect and love for you but it's no secret I disagree with you and others regarding this issue.
All asylum seekers are already vetted before asylum is granted. There are strict guidelines set out by the UN as to what constitutes an asylum seeker. Every country then employs its own guidelines as to who is allowed in.
It's not a free for all nor should it be. Europes open borders have presented a unique set of issues which is not surprising when the Syrian refugee crisis is the biggest in this century. We are talking about millions of people displaced by war. Add to that the current disgrace of journalism in this Internet age that distorts truth, outright perverts fact and has distorted the hive mentality by way of dubious coverage of the issue.
We are living in an age that has access to more information than ever but unfortunately information no longer seems to have any basis in factual events. Fearmongering and scare tactics saturate the issue. On all fronts. There is no balance which is indicitive on both sides of the issue.
It's either this stance that all Muslims are the enemy and everyone person regardless of genuine asylum status should be banned from entering the West or that Islam isn't the issue in any way and that it's nothing more than a few rouge extremists. Both are wrong.
An extremist element exists, I have written previously about my feelings on what is driving extremism by way of Wahhabism and its influence on the West.
But like everything there is a huge middle ground.
That exists in millions of Muslims who are not extreme, who despise violence as much as the rest of us, who are fleeing countries like Syria to protect their families.
The danger that exists in suggesting that ALL Muslims are extremists, that every Muslim has an evil agenda is that it demonizes an entire body of people.
When emotions like suspicion, hate and intolerance are allowed to breed and celebrated then the result is a fraying and disintegrating of their worth and dignity.
We see Muslims as less than.
A result that has no bearing on individual analysis, personal experience, innocent till proven to guilty. We blanket Muslims with a negative connotation of evil. So much so that even the idea is put forward to ban all Muslims entry into a country.
That's a dangerous ideology that is rooted in prejudice, without care or compassion for the individual.
It is so entirely anti Christian the fact that this kind of thinking is backed by majority of Christians baffles and saddens me.
Clearly the parable of the good Samaritan and the vast body of Jesus' teachings have been twisted or entirely ignored.
Every single person is entitled to human compassion, dignity and worth. The fact that some knowingly twist and distort our good intentions does not give way too placing all outside of the basic principles we as Christians should hold our faith too.
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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by RickD »

Apparently the current vetting process doesn't work. At least here in the US. ... t-they-did
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by melanie »

RickD wrote:Apparently the current vetting process doesn't work. At least here in the US. ... t-they-did
Rick this isn't an article with any verifiable truth.
This entirely proves my point. This is not a newsworthy source written by a impartial investigative journalist. You have cited a right wing crackpot devoid of any actual factual info.
Anybody can post a link to whatever persuasion. Unfortunately the onus now lies with us to know our sources as trustworthy, impartial sources.
The links brought me to the Young Conservatives web page.
This is not verifiable news sources!!!
May I say again, this is entirely my point.
When we are taking our 'knowledge' from such sources then how can our 'cred' not be in question!!!!!!
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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by melanie »

The issue lies here within in dubious, dishonest journalism that has its roots in sensationalism.
We live in the era of [nonsense].
More so than we have ever experienced because of the nature of Internet.
But people hold onto it like its factual.
They base extremely important views based on crap and dishonesty.
But yet when you worm through the rabbit hole truth exist. It exist in research. Every story, every source must be exhausted. Never believe anything unless you have verified its authenticity.
To the enth degree.
Knowledge is power.
In the words of one of my most favourite bands Rage Agsinst the Machine *take the power back*
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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by abelcainsbrother »

melanie wrote:Abel you know I have loads of respect and love for you but it's no secret I disagree with you and others regarding this issue.
All asylum seekers are already vetted before asylum is granted. There are strict guidelines set out by the UN as to what constitutes an asylum seeker. Every country then employs its own guidelines as to who is allowed in.
It's not a free for all nor should it be. Europes open borders have presented a unique set of issues which is not surprising when the Syrian refugee crisis is the biggest in this century. We are talking about millions of people displaced by war. Add to that the current disgrace of journalism in this Internet age that distorts truth, outright perverts fact and has distorted the hive mentality by way of dubious coverage of the issue.
We are living in an age that has access to more information than ever but unfortunately information no longer seems to have any basis in factual events. Fearmongering and scare tactics saturate the issue. On all fronts. There is no balance which is indicitive on both sides of the issue.
It's either this stance that all Muslims are the enemy and everyone person regardless of genuine asylum status should be banned from entering the West or that Islam isn't the issue in any way and that it's nothing more than a few rouge extremists. Both are wrong.
An extremist element exists, I have written previously about my feelings on what is driving extremism by way of Wahhabism and its influence on the West.
But like everything there is a huge middle ground.
That exists in millions of Muslims who are not extreme, who despise violence as much as the rest of us, who are fleeing countries like Syria to protect their families.
The danger that exists in suggesting that ALL Muslims are extremists, that every Muslim has an evil agenda is that it demonizes an entire body of people.
When emotions like suspicion, hate and intolerance are allowed to breed and celebrated then the result is a fraying and disintegrating of their worth and dignity.
We see Muslims as less than.
A result that has no bearing on individual analysis, personal experience, innocent till proven to guilty. We blanket Muslims with a negative connotation of evil. So much so that even the idea is put forward to ban all Muslims entry into a country.
That's a dangerous ideology that is rooted in prejudice, without care or compassion for the individual.
It is so entirely anti Christian the fact that this kind of thinking is backed by majority of Christians baffles and saddens me.
Clearly the parable of the good Samaritan and the vast body of Jesus' teachings have been twisted or entirely ignored.
Every single person is entitled to human compassion, dignity and worth. The fact that some knowingly twist and distort our good intentions does not give way too placing all outside of the basic principles we as Christians should hold our faith too.
I understand but we are still not going to take the chance.I think that you areignoring or do not realize how many Islamic terrorist attacks there have been and in every country where Muslims live.It is not about love,it is about the fact that everywhere in the world Muslims live we see terrorist attacks and it is more than you seem to realize.Christians are not suicidal and we are just making sure our country is safe and if it means banning Muslims then that is what it will have to be. I don't want to take the risk like you seem willing to do and be wrong because we underestimated the threat.This is not fear either,it is courage to face up to this problem in order to keep America safe.I hope you understand and we may just have to agree to disagree. These refugees are not being vetted properly either and the FBI is already investigating thousands of Muslims and cannot investigate or stop all threats.This is why it was dumb to allow the refugees to come here. By the way I only feel this way about Islam,not any other religion in the world.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by RickD »

melanie wrote:
RickD wrote:Apparently the current vetting process doesn't work. At least here in the US. ... t-they-did
Rick this isn't an article with any verifiable truth.
This entirely proves my point. This is not a newsworthy source written by a impartial investigative journalist. You have cited a right wing crackpot devoid of any actual factual info.
Anybody can post a link to whatever persuasion. Unfortunately the onus now lies with us to know our sources as trustworthy, impartial sources.
The links brought me to the Young Conservatives web page.
This is not verifiable news sources!!!
May I say again, this is entirely my point.
When we are taking our 'knowledge' from such sources then how can our 'cred' not be in question!!!!!!

I'm guessing you wouldn't make such a strong statement as, "a right wing crackpot" if you didn't have evidence to back that up. Since I'm not familiar with Michelle Jesse, the author, please tell me why she's a right wing crackpot. Any links that show that would be helpful.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by melanie »

Abel it is clear to me you only feel this way towards Islam and not any other religion. That is my point.
I am very aware. My position is based upon such.
We can disagree but don't mistake my position in lacking in intellectual investigation. I have spent thorough and honest research into this issue. Ignorance is not my mojo.
I reject petty and superficial analyses of this issue.
I take extreme objection to your views and that it encapsulates the 'christian' way of thinking.
It is anything but.
I do though appreciate your honesty and your willingness to discuss such with me. As always you are a gentlemen but entirely wrong :ebiggrin:
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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by abelcainsbrother »

melanie wrote:Abel it is clear to me you only feel this way towards Islam and not any other religion. That is my point.
I am very aware. My position is based upon such.
We can disagree but don't mistake my position in lacking in intellectual investigation. I have spent thorough and honest research into this issue. Ignorance is not my mojo.
I reject petty and superficial analyses of this issue.
I take extreme objection to your views and that it encapsulates the 'christian' way of thinking.
It is anything but.
I do though appreciate your honesty and your willingness to discuss such with me. As always you are a gentlemen but entirely wrong :ebiggrin:
I was not implying you are ignorant about it,but I just understand how many Islamic terrorist attacks we have seen,and you have to be either downplaying them or something. Did you read about how Germany allowed all of these Syrian Muslim refugees into their countries and after 100's of German women were raped New Years Eve night,and by the way the rapes are still happening in Germany.But they set up training centers for these refugees and the women who worked at these training centers were sexually harassed by these refugees,the refugees did not respect these women and they were doing as you seem to want to do,help them out of love and yet it was a nightmare and they feared for their life and then the refugees dissapeared.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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