Kurieuo wrote:Audie wrote:crochet1949 wrote:Audie -- And, yes, on Google a person can find any information they want to find to support much anything they Want to support. People are easy to 'scam" ? Should probably let that comment go.
Same with the bible, it supports anything anyone wants. Black slavery?
That was a cinch for those deep south bible thumpers. Slavery bad? Easy for the northern
Perhaps you're reading the online skeptics annotated bible? Interesting, such ignoramus insinuations or the like.
Do you not know who helped drive a stake into slavery in England?
Audie wrote:There is really no substitute for being able to think.
Anyone with a brain can think.
Critical thinking and the ability to research and perform your own analysis however, rather than a blanket acceptance of whatever it taught or said, that is something else entirely.
I've never seen said bible and wouldnt read it if I did.
If, as appears to be the case, you are unaware of the ways that American slave holders used the bible to justify what they are doing,
instead of snarkulating me about it you could go clickety click with google
and see it for yourself.
And, maybe just maybe? Instead of going OT trying to find some fault in me, you could address the topic, which was that people read what they wish to find into the bible?
As for who was against slavery, well, you had Christians enslaving people, and Christians trying to free them. The arc of history curved against slavery.
Regarding blanket acceptance of what is in* the book you may want to address that to some of your thumpers here.
I was raised with "distrust authority". (Even if that didnt include Mom!
*rather, what they think they can inerrently interpret from the bible.