European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by edwardmurphy »

abelcainsbrother wrote:The NRA is wrong and is being politically correct it is a fact that had bullets had been fired back at this terrorist not as many people would have died in this attack,especially if he didn't know they were packing,he knew they were not packing and they were easy targets.
You're silly. Think it through...

We have no idea when and where a lunatic will show up with an AR-15 looking to kill a bunch of innocent people. Therefore, in order to be safe, we must all be carrying guns at all times. That includes when we go to the bar or club, even if we're planning to knock a few back. Now be honest - what effect is that likely to have on gun deaths throughout the nation? Will they go up or down when drunks are packin' at every bar, just in case?

Anyone who thinks that bringing a gun out drinking is a good idea is a moron, and that simple fact invalidates the equally moronic claim that if the folks at that club had been packin' heat blah, blah, blah...

Guys, this is common sense. Where there are more guns there are more shootings. Period. We'd trade 49 in Orlando for 10,000 across the nation.
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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by Philip »

We're debating the potential for terrorism due to ridiculously easy access to America, and Ed wants to talk lone lunes and assault rifle bans. And the entire issue breaks down when you realize that all someone needs is multiple clips of most higher-end handguns - so what are we to do about all of that potential firepower? With this issue, we need to do the best we can to keep legal guns out of the wrong hands - which there ARE some things we could do, but this is an issue separate from terrorism inspired by foreign influence, and potential funding and facilitation. Funny how the focus of liberals is always more gun control instead of realizing we've got to do all we can to stop so-called "SANE" terrorists, or begin eliminating the easy access they have been given in locating or visiting here. Just because multiple tragedies haven't yet come from people coming in under the guise of immigration policies, do people truly believe that there aren't multiple terrorism organization groups currently plotting and planning how to take advantage of our current laxness? So, are we to WAIT until this danger begins manifesting itself and after countless sleeper cells of bad guys are amongst us? How dumb is THAT???!!!
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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by RickD »

They're not terrorist sleeper cells. They will be called lone crazy people. And their ties to terrorist groups will be downplayed or dismissed altogether.

How can we fight the enemy, if we can't admit who the enemy is?
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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by abelcainsbrother »

edwardmurphy wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:The NRA is wrong and is being politically correct it is a fact that had bullets had been fired back at this terrorist not as many people would have died in this attack,especially if he didn't know they were packing,he knew they were not packing and they were easy targets.
You're silly. Think it through...

We have no idea when and where a lunatic will show up with an AR-15 looking to kill a bunch of innocent people. Therefore, in order to be safe, we must all be carrying guns at all times. That includes when we go to the bar or club, even if we're planning to knock a few back. Now be honest - what effect is that likely to have on gun deaths throughout the nation? Will they go up or down when drunks are packin' at every bar, just in case?

Anyone who thinks that bringing a gun out drinking is a good idea is a moron, and that simple fact invalidates the equally moronic claim that if the folks at that club had been packin' heat blah, blah, blah...

Guys, this is common sense. Where there are more guns there are more shootings. Period. We'd trade 49 in Orlando for 10,000 across the nation.
You don't know that for sure.You are just used to gun-free zones that make them easy targets for attacks like this.I'm not saying it is a good idea to have people in a club with guns drinking,but it is a fact that if there were people with guns in this club,not as many people would have died.Could you imagine 20 people in this club firing back at this terrorist from different directions?
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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by edwardmurphy »

Phil - The Orlando attack is a good reason to think about both terrorism and gun control, which I am. I'm doing my best look at the whole picture, which is made more difficult by all the BS being spewed all over everything. It's not easy always being at the bottom of the pig pile.

Rick - Have you found some sort of evidence that the guys in Orlando and San Berdanidno were connected to terrorist groups, rather than vaguely inspired by them? If not then as far as we know they were lone crazy people.

ACB - Yes, I can imagine 20 panicked, drunk civilians in a dark, crowded room blazing away from 20 different directions at the shooter. I'm picturing Orlando, only worse, if that's possible. Beyond that, I'm imagining guys with guns in bars all over the nation and picturing lots of run -of-the-mill bar fights becoming deadly shootings. I'm not seeing how that's in any way better than how things are now.
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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by abelcainsbrother »

edwardmurphy wrote:Phil - The Orlando attack is a good reason to think about both terrorism and gun control, which I am. I'm doing my best look at the whole picture, which is made more difficult by all the BS being spewed all over everything. It's not easy always being at the bottom of the pig pile.

Rick - Have you found some sort of evidence that the guys in Orlando and San Berdanidno were connected to terrorist groups, rather than vaguely inspired by them? If not then as far as we know they were lone crazy people.

ACB - Yes, I can imagine 20 panicked, drunk civilians in a dark, crowded room blazing away from 20 different directions at the shooter. I'm picturing Orlando, only worse, if that's possible. Beyond that, I'm imagining guys with guns in bars all over the nation and picturing lots of run -of-the-mill bar fights becoming deadly shootings. I'm not seeing how that's in any way better than how things are now.

Well that is one way to look at it. But I'm not so sure things would be worse with more guns.Most people are law abiding citizens,it is the crazy loons that are the problem.But the majority do not act like these minority wacko's that want to do so much harm. We are just used to gun-free zones and so that is what we are use to.I'm not convinced gun-free zones is the best way to keep us safe though and I know this goes against the conventional wisdom. I don't believe more guns would equal more killings and violence.I think it would decrease crime and violence because criminals would not know who's packing too.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by edwardmurphy »

ACB, statistics don't lie. Where there are more guns there are more gun deaths. Suicide rates are much higher, and so are homicide and accidental death rates. Homicide rates also rose in states that enacted Stand Your Ground laws. Guns are designed to kill stuff and where there are a lot of them stuff gets killed.
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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Post by LostTribesNotLost »

"A ruddy classic"?
What's wrong, aren't those muzzies "ruddy" enough for you???

What a bunch of racist hypocrites!!!

See I can play the same game too.
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