Does the Supernatural Exist?

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Re: Does the Supernatural Exist?

Post by crochet1949 »

Another thought about 'ghosts' -- Scripture says that when a person dies -- if they are a born-again believer that they are immediately with Jesus. And that non-believers are in hades -- the compartment of Abraham's bosom -- waiting for judgement day. But they are Not 'ghosts' hovering or appearing in those scenes of violence. That they Are the demonic world taking the form Of dead people.
There used to be a program called 'Ghost Busters' on TV. They would go into prisons, mental institutions, etc. in an attempt to get their equipment to verify 'invisible entities'. And every so often - they'd be in a room and the temp would drop really fast to being Cold. It seemed to be a sure sign that Someone / Something was present. Some times Those teams got so spooked that They left. And That would seem to indicate that there Is something in the supernatural realm and that 'it' isn't good.
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Re: Does the Supernatural Exist?

Post by JButler »

Hortator wrote:If you guys think fruitcake is an insult, I feel bad for you, because you've never had a proper fruit cake before (often called tarts) they come in almost any flavor, and are as nutritious as they are delicious. Add some honey glaze to the top, or caramel. Take one bite and shoot your soul straight into heaven.
Doesn't bother me any. I'll eat "proper" fruit cake if you eat a big bowl of lutefisk!! :ebiggrin:
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Re: Does the Supernatural Exist?

Post by B. W. »

Nessa wrote:Do you think there is any evidence for a Supernatural Realm?
Again just returned from trip to South Dakota, Eagle Butte, McLaughlin, Mobridge, and Wakpala meeting there and yes, enough evidence of the supernatural seen there as the power of God was certainly demonstrated.

Literal broken hand healed within a few minutes and few things like that happened when we exalt Jesus Christ above ourselves as we present the gospel truthfully without us getting in the way.

In Wakpla SD, for example, a man was walking outside about 200 yards away from the church and felt a literal tug to knock on the door of the church to enter in. The door was open anyways, and he came in, fell to the ground convicted of sin, full desire to change his life, became born again and now folks living there are helping him out.

You cannot fake the supernatural power of God. We read of these things happening in the Welsh revival or Great Awakening and even in the book of Acts. Well, they still occur because the Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

It is we who get in the way. We want to control these things for our own glory. We want to feel significant, important, in control, needed, to be a somebody. All that does is get in the way of recognizing the supernatural work of God. Yet folks do give credence to the supernatural workings of demons as normal (such as evil manifesting, abuse, neglect, imposing thoughts of doom, despair, on up to full narcissism. People are taken captive to do the will of the supernatural demonic world, well, is seen as normal these days.

Or we instead race to the Greek/Latin mindset of intellectually figuring things out and applying the principles of human reason and intellectual ascendancy to squelch recognizing the supernatural aspects of Creation and the Creator at work today. This intellectualism controls our modern sophisticated churches so much that the Lord is not seen or felt or known as really real very much.

But again for example, across the river from Mobridge SD at the Sitting bull Monument, placed in the middle of nowhere 4 of us saw a lone woman walking around in no distress - just a typical tourist taking pictures. Observing her in the distance, she slowly came and walked past us. One of the group engaged her. We introduced ourselves. There was absolutely no apparent sign of any injury, no stooping, no limping at all, no distress at all. She appeared happy. We asked her if she had a slipped disc just below the shoulder blade. See said, "yes - how do you know?"

We said it was because of Jesus was how we knew. She became interested. We prayed for her and then the biggy came, we asked her if she was thinking of ending her life and that she just prayed last night for a sign that God was real and actually cared. We said, here is your sign. She wept as she admitted this was 100 percent right and then poured out her heartache and broken heart. She found Jesus real, alive, and able to set her free. We mentioned to her that the Lord wanted to tell her simply, "Your security is not threatened."

None of us knew what that meant to her personally but she sure did and became calm, stable, happy. We parted ways as she thanked us for helping her praising the Lord too as real. She lived near someone we knew in Washington State and was given a number to call that can help her after she arrives back home. She discovered that Isaiah 61:1,2,3,4 is true. So yes, the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit are alive today.

However our own issues cloud these over and causes us to doubt the supernatural power of God and doubt God could ever use a bunch of slugs like us to actually be living extension of his hands, feet, body on earth to a lost hurting dying world.

So yes, folks can pass off all this as fancy guess work. Actually no fancy guess work at all can be that 100 percent accurate and none was used. If you think this was fancy guess work of deduction - well that is an example of what I mean by human intellect getting in the way demanding God conform to our demands and not us to his.

Well nice to be back home to rest up for the next round. Nice to travel to a place where people stop trying to control God...

Better question would be:

How do folks try to control God?

in that, you will discover why so few recognize the supernatural all around.

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Re: Does the Supernatural Exist?

Post by JButler »

crochet1949 wrote:Another thought about 'ghosts' -- Scripture says that when a person dies -- if they are a born-again believer that they are immediately with Jesus. And that non-believers are in hades -- the compartment of Abraham's bosom -- waiting for judgement day. But they are Not 'ghosts' hovering or appearing in those scenes of violence. That they Are the demonic world taking the form Of dead people.
There used to be a program called 'Ghost Busters' on TV. They would go into prisons, mental institutions, etc. in an attempt to get their equipment to verify 'invisible entities'. And every so often - they'd be in a room and the temp would drop really fast to being Cold. It seemed to be a sure sign that Someone / Something was present. Some times Those teams got so spooked that They left. And That would seem to indicate that there Is something in the supernatural realm and that 'it' isn't good.
With one exception it appears that people with "hauntings" have no faith or very weak faith. The phrase of "I just want this gone so I can get back to normal" is so common its like they view spirits as insects the exterminator can spray and get rid of. Like they have no clue what they're dealing with and no interest in a change in their own spiritual life to put on the armor of God and call upon His protection and help. Basically they're weak and easy targets.

The one exception was a family who was mostly secular. When the kids got old enough the dad decided they needed to bring God into their lives in a sincere way. As their faith blossomed a demonic creature started to appear to the kids then adults to scare them from going further in faith.

Growing up I never heard any talk about ghosts or similar topics. But instinctively I knew to stay far away from this stuff. So when some cops were called to a house with obvious and severe demonic activity, which they witnessed, I was shocked at the reaction of some co-workers. A number of them were excited to experience this and document it! They thought it would be fun. :shakehead: Fun? That just blew me away, the naivety was incredible. I told I'd give them the equipment but I will not participate. Apparently they had second thoughts and dropped the idea which I was glad.

I had one incident towards the end of my career in CSI. We were working in a house where a particularly vicious murder had occurred. Working in CSI you deal with evil people most every day so it takes something way over the top to be labelled "particularly vicious". We'd been on scene for a couple days.

One evening I was the last one in the house. Was doing a last sweep to make sure the equipment had been removed. In the basement, where the crime occurred, I was looking around feeling normal. Suddenly I was seized by overwhelming terror to the core and immediately fled up the stairs and out of the house. Going up the stairs I remember thinking "don't look back" and I didn't. I've been in numerous dangerous situations where I felt concern for my safety and frankly I should not be alive many times over. Never never never have I experienced such a feeling of fear. I did not have contact with the suspect but the cops who did admitted they were afraid, hardened experienced cops who sensed the evil this person projected and made them feel nervous.

My feeling is the suspect likely had some level of demonic possession. When the brutal murder was committed it attracted more evil entities and at least one was present in the basement the night I was alone. That's my theory anyway. Like a door was opened with this act of evil. Kind of like how a "spirit board" opens up a door.
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Re: Does the Supernatural Exist?

Post by crochet1949 »

These last two posts -- all I can say is WOW -- totally agree .
@JB -- the family you referred to -- I've never watched Supernatural , but the TV was on that channel when I got back into the living room. That family was being featured. And Then realized what I was watching -- my husband didn't want to be watching that program so I turned it. But I'd wondered what had happened to them.
I used to watch CSI all the time -- but it hasn't been on lately -- except for Friday's all afternoon -- various seasons of it. I like the teamwork and the science involved. But a person also sees how 'sick' a person would have to be to commit some of those crimes. Sick as in Not normal. Under the Wrong circumstances, a person is capable of horrendous crime towards other people / demonic influences / drug influenced.
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Re: Does the Supernatural Exist?

Post by PaulSacramento »

It isn't so much intellectualism BW, it is also materialism and epicureanism.
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Re: Does the Supernatural Exist?

Post by crochet1949 »

Epicureanism? please define?
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Re: Does the Supernatural Exist?

Post by IceMobster »

Katabole wrote:My answer to your question is yes. My evidence is the existence of the Christian religion, which I have stated before, should have been a belief system that disappeared from history shortly after it began if it were not true because anyone who has seriously studied first century Christianity should know that Christians did everything wrong in order for Christianity to succeed.
So can be said for any other religion. I don't see how it should have disappeared shortly after it it wasn't true. Blood of martyrs is the seed of new Christians. Easy as that.
abelcainsbrother wrote:.
God's chosen people have broken the "thou shall not steal" commandment. Also, ever since the creation of Israel in 1948. the area around it has seen nothing but turmoil. Do you even know how many people (not soldiers) they slay every month (or rather daily)?
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Re: Does the Supernatural Exist?

Post by crochet1949 »

ACB's quote didn't show up.

How have God's chosen people broken the 'thou shall not steal' commandment?

The creation of Israel in 1948 -- meaning that Israel had no business forming Israel where it is? The Gaza strip? Goes back to the controversy -- Ishmael vs. Isaac. Isaac being the son of God's Promise compared to Ishmael being Abraham's first -born but through Hagar the woman who Sarah gave to Abraham to have children with because Sarah had not been able to conceive -- she got impatient for God to fulfill His promise to her. So she took matters into her own hands -- as the cultural custom said was okay. Wasn't that land , the land that God promised to His people?
Is 'this' what you're referring to?
Isn't that area also rich in oil?
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Re: Does the Supernatural Exist?

Post by RickD »

Don't we all know by now, that Israel is the big bully in the region? They're well known for being the least democratic nation in the area. They only allow Jews to live in the country. They're always threatening to destroy all Arab nations just because they exist. Israel doesn't even recognize Arab nations as existing. Israel, being the largest nation in the area, just intimidates the others, only because they believe differently.

Frankly, I'm getting tired of Israel being a big bully, and randomly lobbing missles into neighboring countries. And what's more, those Israelis hide in churches and schools while lobbing those missles. Bunch of cowards, those Israelis.
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Re: Does the Supernatural Exist?

Post by crochet1949 »


Are you being serious or sarcastic. The Jews Are God's chosen people and that land was set aside For them.
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Re: Does the Supernatural Exist?

Post by RickD »

crochet1949 wrote:RickD.

Are you being serious or sarcastic. The Jews Are God's chosen people and that land was set aside For them.
Lookie at my siggy:
St. Richard the Sarcastic--The Patron Saint of Irony
I really thought my sarcasm was obvious. Sometimes I try to hide it a little. But you really thought I was serious?

Everything I said, in reality is the complete opposite.

Please don't question my sarcastic, artistic ability. :pound:
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Does the Supernatural Exist?

Post by Nessa »

RickD wrote:
crochet1949 wrote:RickD.

Are you being serious or sarcastic. The Jews Are God's chosen people and that land was set aside For them.
Lookie at my siggy:
St. Richard the Sarcastic--The Patron Saint of Irony
I really thought my sarcasm was obvious. Sometimes I try to hide it a little. But you really thought I was serious?

Everything I said, in reality is the complete opposite.

Please don't question my sarcastic, artistic ability. :pound:
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Re: Does the Supernatural Exist?

Post by crochet1949 »


It's good to know that Was sarcasm. Because you Did sound serious. Okay -- your 'siggy' took a minute to figure out what you were talking about. Okay -- understood :)
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Re: Does the Supernatural Exist?

Post by IceMobster »

crochet1949 wrote:ACB's quote didn't show up.

How have God's chosen people broken the 'thou shall not steal' commandment?

The creation of Israel in 1948 -- meaning that Israel had no business forming Israel where it is? The Gaza strip? Goes back to the controversy -- Ishmael vs. Isaac. Isaac being the son of God's Promise compared to Ishmael being Abraham's first -born but through Hagar the woman who Sarah gave to Abraham to have children with because Sarah had not been able to conceive -- she got impatient for God to fulfill His promise to her. So she took matters into her own hands -- as the cultural custom said was okay. Wasn't that land , the land that God promised to His people?
Is 'this' what you're referring to?
Isn't that area also rich in oil?
Uhhh, isn't it obvious? They stole the land which is not theirs.
Oh, come on. The Bible says they will get their land back so such atrocities against Muslims are justified? Don't you see how stupid this is? Someone could consider some other book holy and kill people around saying his book allowed him/her to.
Exactly. The area is rich with oil. Which shows one of the reasons for their migration there. Religion was used as a tool to justify stealing of Palestinian land.
I find your logic magnificent.
Since I am from the Balkan area, I will provide an example.
Imagine if one day, out of the blue came Illyrians and occupied a part of my country (as the Jews did in Palestine in 1948.). They would say that their god (whichever, doesn't really matter) told them they are to settle here. That territory is a god given gift!!
Would my people revolt? Yes. Would it be straight out dumb for other countries to accept such a state? Yes! Why? Well, because my people have been on that territory for the past 14 centuries!
In case of Palestine, even longer.

What do Ishamel and Isaac have to do with the events of today? What does the Israel of 2000 and more years ago have to do with the invaders of today? Are you aware of how many people, mostly Muslims, since Israel has better weapons, die?

One of the reasons I can't simply say that the whole book is inspired by God is because it is too easy to manipulate people with and different people get different interpretation of certain texts. I am no expert in exegesis and hermeneutics and I usually step back and leave it to the Biblical scholars but damn, at least use your brain in this one. Would you allow a state within a state only because it is written in a book? I get it, you consider the book a holy book, but following that logic somebody could say that their book is also holy and would use it to gain something. Of course, in that case, that people would be seen as lunatics. -.-*
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